Straits Echo, 22 July 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1583 1 IDENSED'M Milkmaid 0 rA l; IB ftSSCONDE s*m«rl*nd« f *A fOH SALE. Booth Ooc *'2-3) neater ‘bcripp* Car TxtMt 1917 model «elf surtrr and n. DiID o L'glitiog mjio Heel SdilloD on 7 run 900 «>*• cwt ei lM»«k far hl Applj to Ths undermentioned garage. iff YOU WANT! COMFORT
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    • 11 1 Ifi’S MILK KHuvahts CW*& W»c«B tat to»« Mu OM w V. <♦
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 168 2 THE SAVER OF INFANT LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY STARCH-FREE if mothers who cannot nourish their own babies would give them the Mellin Diet from birth we should hear less of infant mortality. Mellin’s Food with cow’s milk will do more to bring your baby safely through infantile health-dangers than any food
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  • 475 3 SIB REGINALD CBADDOCK’B I oCHEME FOB MANDALaY. Absocialkd P&uss Rangoon, Jalv 1. Tbe Lieutenant-GcTrroor, who bai been in Mandalay smca Thursday, to day received tbe Municipal Committee’s address. Replying, Sir Reginald Craddock expressed bis pleas* ore at bis first visit to Mandalay and made an important
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  • 330 3 The following was the report of the Directors presented at tbe annual meeting of the Company on May 31. The D rectors herewith submit to the shareholders tbe accounts of the Company for the year ending 31st December 19-7, duly audited, together with tbe report of the general
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 231 3 ,;T WORD TO THE WISE IS ENOUGH" TRADE You don't buy an experiment, if you go in for Bate s Tyree, That are sold at prices that shriek ECONOMY. THE HIGHEST PRODUCT OF BRITISH MANUFACTURE. SEIZE THIS > S' ■m 7 J* Si. < yf ■J -3 rA2S z Bicyclr
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    • 49 3 Accidents Will Hsppen It may be impossible to prevent an aoc:dent, but it is not impossible to be prepared lor it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is net be. yond anyene’s parse, and with a Ksttla of this liniment yon are prepared fer almeat anything. For sale by all dispensaries dealers.
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    • 871 3 A Deadly Enemy. It is tbe continual dropping that wears away a stone. In tbe same way tbe oon tinned twinges of Rheumatism, oauaing acate soifetibg with each appearance will wear away tbe strongest human system. Tbe first shooting pains seem trivial, but as they continue they grow worse and
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  • 1472 4 The Anjou” Explosion. Mabine Cocet En<4UIEt 1 In the Marine Court, 8ag*po'e, b a fore Mr. P. P. Dav.d (presidnt) C mir, B, ACator, n il Mr, P, G Ritchie *nJ Mr. L P t'rtyna as assessors, an erqniry w-3 con* ducted by M'. A. V. Brown, D.F.r., in o
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  • 312 4 The mortality returns for Singapore for the werk ended July 18, laat Saturday, sh w 395 (againtt 416 and 822 in previous weeks) a ratio per mile of 55,71. Pee chief causes of death are malarial fevor C 9, phthisis 62. pneumonia 49, beriberi 33, f-.T*r not spec'fied
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  • 194 4 Questions in Parliament, London, May 30.—Admiral Lord Bereeford has given notice of bis intention to aik a series of questions in the House of Lords respecting the manufacture of the Madsen machine-gun, a Danish invention which, it is claimed, is superior in point of weight to the Lewis,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 95 4 (T oc XIDCDCDC )QCZ>CDO( LJCIDCDCDC O n Reserve Yo >r Pnrcbases. X)C^ hitea way, Laidlaw 00., LIMITED. V, c v. f 0 a 0 A :>■; i r n Commences Monday, July 29th, 0 WRITE FOR BOOK OF BARGAINS. V„. t rim Prampi Despatched. 0 0 cJ Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co.,
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    • 71 4 Digestive troubles. What a world of misery those worlds represent, and yet the disorder can quickly be corrected bv a course of WOODS GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. a medicine that is particularly efficacious in rases of indication flitulence acidity oi the '•tomach If you are affected in this way, bottle of
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    • 588 4 YWTIIh aa-consum«d food A not eliminaUd f rom s it as nature intended, feneraU. S which became ab.orWd F > causing headaches, bilious, and sluggishness. U| »&cs This state of intsstinal ini is dangerous, and can onl T 1' Dtos, <«L dispelling the fermenting f O ,J k, system. K
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  • 558 5 The following is the report by the Direc1 tors to tbu fiat ordinary annual general muetirg of shareholders to be held on i Saturday, 27th July, at 12 o’clock noon, at tbe regis.e ed office of the Company in MalsCCa. The C mp*ny was registered on 18.h
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  • 195 5 Anxual Giiuil Memtino. The annnal general meeting ef the members of the Penang Catholic Banevolent Association was held at the Parish Hall yesterday. There were present Messrs. F. Aeria (in the chair) H. 8. B»lbetcbet, B. Lestlar, C. A de Cruz, A. A. Jeremiah, D O
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  • 139 5 The following new books hare been received at the Library The City of Fear, by Gilbert Frankau. Money Changing, by Hartley Withers. Oar Money and the State, by Hartley Withers, Observations of an Orderly, by Ward Muir. The Battles of the Bidges, by Frank Fox. Beyond, by John
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  • 375 5 j P. C. C. re. Mu. Williams’ XI. I Tbe cricket match between the P.C.C. and an eleven captained by Mr. Williams which I was played on the proved quite an intereeting fixture but owing to wane of I time the game ended in a draw. The P. C.
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  • 350 5 Tbe third meeting of tbe Hongkong ConI scription Tribunal was held at Hongkong on July 8 when eleven oases were considered and, as a result, seven men are to be freed for military service During the prooeediogs, tbe Hon. Mr. E. H. Sharp, E. C (chairman), pointed
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  • 131 5 Still FLoraißHijra iir F.M.S. Secret societies we still have with us. The Gbfef Secretary’s report for 1917 notes that a large Triad initiation oeremony was broken up at Euala Eaogaar and 13 persons were subsequently banished in connection with it. In Selangor bands of bad characters gave trouble,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 314 5 to-night to-night g THE m WK i a a t- r r* EHP1KE THEATRE H H H I* r the premier theatre of the colony gigantic race week attractions. SPECIAL BLUE-BiRD PHOTO-PLAY. MUTINY Vs V-v :S E <® WITH Myrtle Gonzalez Vftl Panl and Geo. Hernandez. A Story of the
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    • 495 5 THEATRICAL Co, OF BOMBAY at the Drury Lane theatre Hall, Chatra Bakavali. At our cornpany will goon leave this place ire are staging all our olags far the last time. There will be no repetition. iVe have received several letters from well known persons here asking us to reduce our
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  • 100 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Snodays and pohlle holiday».) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price t Dally Local <BO per annum. Outatatlon Poatare Extra. Mall Edition tPoat Free) <lB per annum. Cable Address ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Non. (Coho) 88«. Printing Department 943, S.B.— All businsss
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  • 66 6 Bobinsom. —On July 18tfa, at the Moten it? Hoepitsl, 8 ngspere, to Mr. and U'i. F. H. Bubineoo, a eon. Mile*.—Oa July 8 at Melbourne, the wife of Arthur H Mile* of a daughter. MARRIAGE. Haslam Tate. -At B obmond Surrey England, oo the 29th July. 1918. John Haslam
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  • 742 6 Tbo beat indication of the i ffectiveness of Foch’s oounfer-strcke is to be found in the abort intimation rectived from both Allied and enemy souroea that the Germans hare retired to the north of the Marne. Sach a retirement was bound to be the first test of
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  • 455 6 Saturday saw the opening of the second Straits W-.r L»n. It is roc.a matter about which a great deal can be said now for the Empire, and our own Colony, is perfectly familiar with the urgent need for supplying as much money as possible for the war
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  • 973 6 M-. L Him reaumtd dutiai »-t Singapore, after bii indisposition, as third magistrate on Friday, e Mr. L C. Pares a, son of Mr. F, G. Porera of Kuala Lumpur, is now on aotive service in Mesopotamia. Mr. F. M. Baddeley, Posimaeter-General, reported bis return from leave
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  • 1007 6 Invest Your Winnings. T»e Lun haa b.63 dji k.i public. It way bi suggested to 1°^* b| persona who intpod to imb Kre u i money at the races by not folio*;,,, 01 tip, ws that they will •auethiS from much d stppo-.ntment tbs and third day
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 r ritchard LlMlTED(lncobpobatbd in tbi Stbaits Ssttlbkbb tb) Penang and Ipoh OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods, v U Flannel Pyjama Suit Gsiit’a Ceylcn Flannel Fyjama Suits. Stripped, in 3 qualities. S.M size $o 00 ?S 00 $8.50 M. size $6.50 $8.50 $9 00 O.S.M. site $7.00 $9 00 $9.50 F\NCY
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 3293 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMAN RETREAT FROM MARNE. TWENTY thousand prisoners. «esch despatches. «.HPE STEADILY PURSUED. i.j. »f«r bratkiog l .<» .im 0» “>» ,r 0““ ui MonUgM de Bh.toe on C S i*. 0 d 17 the French in oonjMC-‘-OOP. on Julj 18 2^«-- ,ro 01 Ii p t
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  • 588 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Met eren Retaken l I Many Prisoners Captured. Lot-d r f JlU 20.2 p.m, Field-Marshal Haig sajg that as a result cf {operations on July 19 enr lire in the j Mfteren sector was ad vine, d cm a front cf about four thousand yards
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  • 68 7 Tbe following artioie* will be found on jar outside Pages i 8 —Looal Salt-Government in Barms, 4. —Toe M A>j>u" Explosion. Singapore lii-Htaltb, 5. —Colinsbargh Babb-r E <tatp. Oicket. 8, Telegrams. F. M. 8 M>ilion D •‘r Lottery. S', P-trick a Day 19:8. 9. —Cuttings Frrmtbe Germ n Pre»r,
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  • 680 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMANY HEAVLY BOMBED. Ztpptlina Destroyed. London, July 21. Our aeroplane! on July 19 dropped seventeen tons of bombs on hostile dumps, railway stations and aerodromes. Our aviators on one occasion dropped bombs on an aerodrome from a height of 100 to 600 feet. Oae pilot
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  • 655 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] |BIQ SHIPS LOST. But all Lives Saved. London, July 19. The thirteen thousand ton Cuntrder Carpathia outward bound was torpedoed and suck in the Atlantic on July 17. Survivors are being brought in. The Carpathia was torpedoed three times. All were saved exoept five
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  • 606 8 [Rmrrnu's Tm.nomans.] London, July 20. A wireless Russian official says the Central Executive Committee has issued a message made public from the Ural Regional Council concerning the shooting of l the ex-Tsar. Ekaterinburg being seriously threatened by the approach of the Cs?ohoSlovaks simultaneously a counter-revolu- tionary conspiracy to
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  • 226 8 A Big Scheme Sanctioned It is only a natural sequel to tbe gatherirg volumd of iooal opinion in favour of a monster lottery in the FM 8. in aid of war funds, that we now learn authoritatively, says the Timet of Mjilaya, that a iottsiy b-s
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  • 90 8 It is notified in tbe Government Gazette that His Majesty tbe King bss been pieastd ro approve of tbe grant of tbe Imperial Service Medal to tbe following rffioers. —Mr. W. A. Clough, surveyor, Puh io Works D partment, length of service, 27 yearn. Mr H.
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  • 613 8 From Char Chon Correspondent London, July 18. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pals Crepe 2/2 J Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/1* Despatches state that Cologne, Berlin and other Teuton papers admit that the German holding and irfluence in the United States are being eradicated
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  • 24 8 The following letter* have been received by Mr, H S. Ruestlf in connection with the St. Patrick Day War CharitLs,
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  • 71 8 (Foe Ikish Sailors and Soldiers who HAVE LOST THEIR LIMBS IN '1 HE War) Dear Sir, I have to-day waived yours of the 9th April with first of exchange for .£5O aa a subscription to the Hospital. I desire on behalf of my committee to
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  • 71 8 Dear Sir, You*letter of April 9th has reached as safely, enclosing drait value £5O towaids oar Tobicco Fund, for which we send oar cordial thinks to yoaraelf and coctnbators We shall have pifaaure in despatching puoela of "smokes” to oar splendid I Lb Regiments, and we hope many
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  • 146 8 (From Owr Own On respondent.} Oa the 20:h inst. Inspector Ltmerton charged one Labu with cruelty by working a bullock having a small u'oer on the neck. A fine of $5 was imposed. For having absconded from Ayer Running Estate Dm and Man were fined 17, or in
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  • 48 8 The following programme of music will ba pUyed at the Esplanade this evening at 6 pm:— 1 Overture Tuanita Williams 2 Two Btep Little ***** Girl Walter 3 B*l otion Nabuoo Verdi 4 W*lta The French Maid Kief art 5 March The Old Ship Elliot
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  • 12 8 S.P Tapioca $7 35 sales MP. $740 Nutmegs 110 $45.00
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  • 407 8 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $169.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (re-fi-ied) at $l7O, business done (200 tons sold). Mr Kbaw Joo Tok advises us that the outputs from the following two companies for the first half of Ju y were;—Bangnon Valley, No Liability, 290
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  • 506 8 The followiog 4re fv>( fortt.» dt«»in(..n.1h 4t d I* 1 Of n. the PdonDK Cnck*t Club C k k P‘C|^ h Sxnolks i— c H r.^»"y a OR A Go*tly 15) bys.?ft) bp 15) 9i H G 8a*nnon (—is A —164) El Deh! r .V S ’S
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  • 63 8 BATUEDAY, JULY 20. 8t Margaret. Cricks", Esplanade. Sunday, July 21. Eighth after'Trinity, P. V. R C Shoot. Monday, July 22. I own Bund, Esplanade. Tubsday, July 23. Penang Raoes. Singapore Assizes Open. Wednesday, July 21 Full Moon. War Anniversary Meeting Chamber i Commerce 4-15 p m. Town
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 79 8 For Children’s Hacking Cough »1 N# i Woodj'l Grrrat Cara la. M* FOURTH ANNIWI® OF THE WAR. A MEETINGof the public will be held at the Chamber of Commerce at 4 15 p.m., on Wednesday 24th July, for the purpose of drawing up a programme for the observance of the
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  • 455 9 inevitable the Germane have pnbA' wB 7. nf conventional nonsense about ,bed pieD hr morale of the Allied troop*, t^ d C 'VLm the observations and *pp>a- o'p'»" d d r BC, /iithi. P* (tof lbe nQru)al Q r foi* f l,ion Policy; that is
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  • 190 9 The fall story of the Loch Doon flying icbool and aerodrome fiasco is told for the first time in the new report of the Belect Com* nuttee os National Expenditure, For fifteen months an a-mv of workmen were employed is this job, using up enormous quantities
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  • 274 9 Dati EiroBMD Fixbo. lbs representative Committee appointed l tbep*blio nabbting held reoently in the H»il, Ipob, in regard to an Agricultural wow id the Uinta Distriot has began its mi! TI 1 l ie ‘Uet« are now being disthe State in regard to It 1' luted that
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  • 690 9 TO-MORROW’S PROGRAMME, TUESDAY, 23rd JULY, 1918. 1 The George Town Plate. Value $4OO and $5O to the Sooond Horse A Handicap f<r all Ponies that have not won a raoe other than a Pony Race ainoe the let January, 1917. Entrance Fee $2O. Distanoe six furlongs. Mr.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 345 9 x_ Sleeplessness JODOdOC DCZX DC 4r(1Afl a h a 80m of disease or undue excitement m it. The t. U8e l a c °ffee, tobacco, or any narcotic, may bring it on. 80 co e from dyspepsia, a general run-down condition of the r0m 18 8 nutrition excitement, etc. In
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    • 13 9 Far Okil4rea’« Hacking Co«*h at lllftV. Will's Om* P»optra it Oira 14 S',
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    • 542 9 I 9 9 9 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN RONDS. Q Bearing interest from the date of purchvse at per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly en the aeth January and the aoth July REPAYABLE AT PAR on THE 20th JULY, ***** 9 9 9 PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER CENT >» 9
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  • 375 10 PAKOHAUD— BtbATTOM A quiet wedding took place in the Church of St John the Divine, Ipoh, on Friday morning, says the T.O M, the con trading parties being Mr edl Augustus P&nchaud, of the Idris Hydraulic Mine, Kano par. and only aon of the late Mr J
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  • 269 10 (Jo'rcm Our Gum Correspondent^ On Friday the 12th instant, Inspector Gowland of Teluk Anson, prosecuted Mr. J H. McKeon a Britisher and a private land owner, before Mr J A Black for having on the Ist idem assaulted Dr Orme, a public servant and ealtb Officer for
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  • 300 10 The following cases were brought bj Inspector Lamerton before Mr Forrer Magistrate. Senawi bin Asahat, for haring committed theft in a dwelling on the night of the 14th inst. of one Chat on the Krian road of carrying away a tin box of elothes valued at 9to. was
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  • 863 10 Beitain’b Lead "German air prestige due, not was the opinion attribute bv l *t" correspondent to a French (A nl 19th>, and whilst one h*. against conclusion from x 10 eipenence, reports from othsr 1 1 indicate that the Alliss at l# 1 claim a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 224 10 Began Governments Allied The q Over K* 9 1 4V EWR TERS ROYAL To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: AND COMPANY. rs-toi'*'■*'*> A
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    • 86 10 Chafc.iKiiJUii 8 t aunli t When j zu L<»ve a bail cold yoo i remedy that will not only jeiwe relief, feet a prompt and permanent care, r that ii pleasant to take, a remedy taina nothing iojurioee. Cbani b r Cough Remedy meets all thaae reqair* 1 It acta
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  • 1964 11 THE PACTJ. .Why Her 1 ffort is Dilated. (Fly Edward, Price Bell) Mr. Edwaid Price Bell, who has ren dered so many services to the Allies before aod since America came iato the war, and is one of the authorities best fitted to speak on
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 162 11 71 ESTATE SUPPLIES. I I IN STOCK Aoetio Aoid 99 per oent. Barbed Wire. Gary’s Box Strapping inch. English Sodium Bisulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. Latex Pans. Momi Gases. Mosaic Tiles. Par-Boiled Bice. Peninsular Acetate. Th B co^i..» Tapping Knives. Veneer Chests WITH CANVAS FITTINGS. White Porcelain Gups. White Zinc
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    • 407 11 ESTABLISHED 1874. the oriental Government Security Assurance Company, Ltd. luorpontfd it Itiii, BRANCH OFFICE, KUALA. LUMPUR. A. C. Lawton, Secretary Penang, Kedah, F M.8, Finds eiceed 188.300,000 Claims Paid $28 600,000 LOW RATES LIBERAL CONDITIONS ipply tor i*r v- pectus etc. to L. Y. SWEE Coy. 64 66, Beach Street
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1477 12 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(TJndei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY art at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bom be > as opportunity offers and as fares sosrwodstinn
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