Straits Echo, 19 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1623 1 MI NDENSEP Milkmaid swisscondbS® jml FOR sale. 0ne ,2-3) ««ter ‘Scrlpps Booth motor Car i.>-> i917 t r 900 mil*. ofD K for b App’y to <jhi undermentioned garage. I IF YOU WANT! i COMFORT < BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia ana China. Nederland80he Handel MaatschappiJ. (Incorporated la England
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    • 12 1 MILK nRIHrMTSCMM* "yscaantusr i* Lo*> V *"tec use ONS Ml s es
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  • 1379 2 Erary morning punctually at nine while tbe parti of Wasomgton are itill Le«b with dew and tuuilsts ara lingering over ooffea ac tbair hotel», a little old man walk* briskly up the loog flight of iteps from Fennaylvama avenue aud sits bim down in tbe roiundar of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 167 2 X Whiteaway's, for QUALITY, SERVICE o KEEN CASH PRICES. 0 0 <. 2ATQ& SnocTbW. > r *r < PERflMf RAND ’A ijf' v- d c Mi 1MPERAJ BRAND 0 IMPEATOR BODTS. PRICE 2100 PER PA?R j IMPERATOR SHOES, W&IM7£0 PER PAIR, ftlt IMPERATOR BRAND THE o n n u 0
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    • 277 2 the tiny laxatives are recommended for tK treatment cf torpid lh». 8 biliousness, oonatipat S and sick headaches, for th. complexion and whenev.! a gentle laxative' required. 11 Beiog perfectly «afe und ge „ju action they can be given to t mo«t delicate persons and chi]^ Of all chemists 80
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  • 1677 3 GREAT DEVELOPMENT POSSIBLE. Sikoapobi Exploit»!? Stkdicatu FoKMUD Considerable intereat i> being taken in reoent discoveries of coal andiron in the Dutoh East ladies. Recently, eaji the I Timet, we received the following I extracts from a report oa the Lematung I Coalfields by Mr. H Trooop, of
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  • 276 3 CFrom Our Own 1 Singapore July 19. j Four Chinese clerks ut Fort Canning were aharged with cheating and abetment j of oheatiog in respect of recruitment of labour for Mesopotamia. Tha inquiry was adjmrned for week bail being allowed in $5OO to $lOOO. Stamford House Bras Basah
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  • 134 3 In the Kuala Lumpur Police Court on Tuesday moraine, before Mr. A. W. Ju*t f Magistrate, the Manager of the local branch of Messrs. Guthrie and Company, Ltd waa aummoned at the inatanoe of the Regiatrar of Oompaniea, that he, on behalf of hia firm aa
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  • 141 3 In a paper laid on the Council Table on Monday, the actual revenue of the Colony for 1917 is put down at 819,672,104. Nearly 812 millions b»ve to be dedusted on various accounts ($9 millions for opium revenue). Then additions made—profits on telephones, opium revenue <fcj make up
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 306 3 r r p* r lr f I* .fljflffffHfflWff «WHTOffffMW WW!*. V??$j TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT THE EMPIRE ♦voeeee* THEATRE »♦»»11» i m —u THE PREMIER THEATRE ot the COLONY 3 l 3 a* a* i r a* a* i r >* IT 4* r a* aaT 9.45 PM. bHARP. EPISODES 13 and
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    • 323 3 As a going concern An Aerated Water Business complete in every re»pect with crown cork filling and eorking machines, bottles, cases etc The plant is electrically driven and is capable of turning out about 400 doa, per day Everything in first class order being under European supervision. Inspection invited, 49».
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    • 475 3 Required Immediately. TTIXPERIENCED CLERK to take i Xlicharge of Rubber Factory. Good salary to suitable man. Apply to ManAobb Estatb, Teluk Anson, for sale. /“\NE good second hand Robson Crude Oil Engine, 30 to 3» hp. in good running order. Complete with cooling tanks* Trial can be arranged. Apply
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  • 101 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays end public hollduyi,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang Prioe t Dally Loo&l $BO per annum, n Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Poet Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 886. Printing Department 943, N.
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  • 55 4 Wale**—Fbauwlut.—O i the 11th Jaly, at St. Barnabas Church, Elang, by the Rev. A- B. Chsmpi n, Herbert Hopson Walker, elder son of tbe late Hopson Puckn y Walker, of Tuorak, Melbourne, ard Mrs H. p Walker, of Elang, to Elsie Maud, only daughter of tbe late Mr and
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  • 1289 4 At the pace we live in modern days events of a year past are dim, of three or four years past are almost forgotten, yet there shoald be a sufficient memory of the great battle of tbe Marne in September 1914 to arouse a desire
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  • 898 4 Mr. L. Ham, third magistrate, Singapore, is indisposed, and Mr, C, Oodrington ie officiating in hie place. Mr. Lee Thean Siew, the well-known Kampar miner, ii on a visit to Koala Lumper with bis family. fits Mr. J. T. Donald, manager, Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd,, Koala Lempor,
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  • 914 4 Strange Promotions. Young men in Malaya who are nr. to make their choice of Front n pir B seriously considering the .dvantS India, will bo interested to re,) of .1.mp1,. of tho kind p onJO a Indian Army, so wa attach the f b from the Gazette of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 Q ft no* a aji j> f. Q <? Pritchard 2 Co.. LIMITED. (IlTCOKFOBATBD StBAIN SlTTLIIIin) OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. Flannel Pyjama Suit V U) *VJamM. Gent’o Ceylon Flannel Pyjama Suits- Stripped, In 3 qualities. S.M. size $6 00 $8 00 $8.50 M. size $6.50 $8.50 $9 00 O.S.M.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 2049 5 SE C OND BATTLE OF THE MARNE. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] HEA VY ENEMY LOSSSV the advance checked. Fierce French Defence bum flu* UnmovtdLondon, July 17, 11 a ro, „,bl, to their geoer.1 »tt.ek "A broke. J.eterd.7 b.t the, Itl. ,rde» to ..Urge looel »uc IT Fighting perticuUrly .tubboro tb. It true
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  • 668 5 A Study in ContrastsLondon, July 15. In riew of the triumph of the militarists in Germany as evidenced by the fall of Kiiblmann it is interesting to note what their leading newspaper the /Treats teiiung has to say about war aims. After remarking that only
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  • 1889 5 YEAR’S PROGRESS. M% Q. A- Hall in tba coarse of hie ftDQasl repo t says: The revenue for tie jtar amounted to $4,584,180 on an estimate of $3,101,580, shown g an increase of $1,807 448 over tbe preceding year. Th» xpenditure wag $3,240,120 on an estimate of
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  • 411 6 MAUNuquiv Pabadb at Binoa*obb. The exifr-ncies of *p»ce fo-bsdw moe than the briefest notion in Mor,d*y’s issue, ssys lb* Strait» Time», to wbst wm an attractive and Lriiliant part of the Fd a—the mannequin parade organised by Mr*. Darbiabire- Toe Victoria Theatre wan literally paoked, and by (he
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  • 74 6 (.From Our Own Correspondent) Singapore, July 19. par pound ct*. ots. Bibbed smoked sheet 48 „52 Good ribbed 36 47$ Crepe fine pale thin 49 Crepe Good pale thin 41 „48 Pale blanket 45 „47 Brown blanket 33$ 85 Fine brown 88 „45 Good 25 „39 Good
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  • 29 6 (From Our Oun% Correspondent^ Loudon, Juiy 16. The prioes in the London Rubber Market to day were: Pale Crepe 3/2 i Diamond Smoked Sheet 2, lj
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  • 6 6 Taiping 13,000 lb.
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  • 90 6 A mekican Battleships Ready. B-'Si-A imixii Cie»Y r *ays i Tbe Uai(#l 8 atea baa a largo Lumber ot fir-t class bat tltsbips preparing to take their place alongside the Brit ah ships for a high seaa engagement with the German fleet. Word reaobed the B'itish navy
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  • 51 6 The following programme ot muaio will be pi yed at the planade thia evening at C pm:1 Oveitnre The Iclipsa Williama 2 D»nce D-e Sv ph.s S.bathil 8 b-lection The New B.rmaid C'ook 4 W«li a Bwe»-i Ro*i O’Grady Bjb tger 6 March Lj Pere Li Victoire
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  • 464 6 There was an increase of 64 mile* in the lin*»* op»n for trsffic, namely t Alor Star to Bukit Ketri, 80tales and Tembeling to Kuala Lip s, 24 mile*. The total train mileag*' in relation to traffic was 3 491,741, an increase of 65 BC9 The
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  • 202 6 Tbe Malay Mail in the attached paragraph appears to come very near the truth. It senna more than doubtful whether any such legislation is legal though it seems equally likely those concerned would be liable to consoription from Home. Io any caae no one to raise
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  • 205 6 The following ia the diiector’a report and accounts for presentation at the sixteenth ordinary general meeting of the above Company to beheld at the effoaof the Eastern Snipping Co, Ltd.. No, 43, BgOfa Btr*>*t, on July 26 3 30 p. m. Tour Directors beg to submit a
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  • 102 6 To-night's change of programme at tbe Electric Polyscope inoludea two farther Episodes of “Toe Negl-oted Wife”— Episode 13 Revolting Piide and Episode 14 “Desperation”—in which the predominating question will be shall the other woman givd in to a married man Those who have seen the previous episodes should
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  • 632 6 Raw Matbbials Pkoblbm. It la now abundantly dear that tbe Wes* tern offensive was a signal, on the one hand, for the revival of indemnity demands, and, on tbe other hand, for intensified oommeroial preparation for peace.” A* was shown in our Haeue Correspor dent's telegram in
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  • 339 6 A Novil teap Schume. la the Badminton Maganno, W. H. A. in:stead wri es about the ways erd manners of some of tbe «mailer animal». R-firring to rats which frequented an oidinary round corn bin, be sayst “The oats were removed from the bin and it was
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  • 672 6  -  By Putnam Whale. The greatest credit is due to Commander Yaralda and the staff of tka Iuliao Legation Onard in Peking for the manner in which a re y large body of Irredentists, long held in Bessian prisoner-camp», bare been oared for and completely re i
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  • 222 6 TIOHTINO UK f KT LIKK. L)ndon, M y 29 ‘Tne Alpini opened Italy’s fourth year of the war with a neat victory on mountain* 10,000 feet high with j prto picn i,cd .p.a oovored with melting snow and ioe—the moat difficult part of the formidable Italian mourtam hoe,
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  • 72 6 From Ziusnoaa to Aktwurf, Amsterdam, M«y B.—Tee Teltgraaf’t F uabing correspondent reporta that the Ge naan steamer Majdalene Fitcher, wHob bad oarritd gravel from Antwerp to Z*,ebmgge, parsed Flashing ibis morning coming from Zaebrugge and proceeding to Antwerp. The veasefa arrival, adds the correspondent, oaused
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  • 1069 6 Mbthod or Procidubu At the first meeting ot the (Jonsoription Tribunal ten owes were dealt with, says the Hongkong Daily Press of July f There are approximately 480 men of military age in the Colony. Results of the medical examination ao far hare ahown that 50 par
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  • 477 6 Here is a remedy for the bigbe.t Polf living advanced by the Japan LW? which may appeal to the p ecpUi T* United S ates since the Ueittd 0 *tr h a eminent is trying a new experiment J ooi trol of pnods. The nsa lQ
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  • 272 6 Ex Soldiers’ t kttlikeet. Lieutenant F. L. Johnson, 1 ale of the staff of the Times of Malaya writes as follcwi from Nsirobi, British East Africa "I am at present eonvalesciog in the highlands of B. E. A. after a spell in hospital die to
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  • 211 6 A Lusaox From Thu Enimt. Mr, Hodge, M. r., Minister ot Pension* gave a leoture at the Kmgsway H»li to students and pupils of Metropolitan cbl on "Apprentice-hip and Technical Kdw* Mod,” Mr Cyril Cobb, o:airman of t ße London County Council Education Committee, presided. Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1166 7 A Bfalm in thi Facifio A correspondent writes to the Time Kin* George übou It, »f Tonga, whose death is announced, was the last of the independent Kings in the I'acific, Phjsi callj he certainly filled the position, for he was over 6ft in height, and
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  • 837 7 Thi Man Powia Quibtion Again. The chief significance, says the Timet of Ceylon, of the practical adoption of cocaonption in India with regard to the European inhabitants and of the Conscription Bill which hat been introduced in the Straits lies in the change of attitide which they indicate
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 388 7 XZDnCDnCDC 0 c^? c DCZK The Food Question nunallv ftriAfR fr DC) A Indigestion usually arises from eating unsuitable diet, and Thus instead of being f on( i without sufficient mastication. The iprtal into health-giving blood, it becomes a fermenting mass S i h pison. the Whole system. Headaches, depression
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    • 49 7 Accidents Will Hippe»It may be impossible to prerent an accident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared (or it Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is net be* yond anyene’s parse, and with a battle of this liniment yon are prepared far almost anythin*. For tale by all dispensaries »*d dealtn,
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    • 766 7 Pain in the Region of the Hips. Have job pains in the region of rbe bipa Manj people coffer from psininth’ region of tbe btps. Tney may come from a tcsob of Sciatica, or Rheumatism, or from a strain of the muscles. Tuey may hare ofb r causes, but all
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1561 8 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’. MAIL BERVICEB EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. PiiHDgen for Europe are booked via Bombay opportunity offer, and aa far a* accommodation i. availableThe
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