Straits Echo, 18 July 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1598 1 ■JB Mi NDENSED BRA Milkmaid SWISS CONDB^d i"- 1 Sw<u«rUnd fOR SALE. < BANKS 0 t «2-3) «•>" sc,ip i’ S jyiotor Car 1017 model so f staitĕr »cd r .tlins in excellent *Vr»B)0 k condition owner ID j rrn 900 (or h' me. miles Apply to Jh* undermentioned garage.
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    • 24 1 MILK fOR/WAhrs »I*°!. WHICH (J BLSI IHE AT is LOft' "CCTIQMg POD U* C g A—..tJ .j ►sS«»- W.l.r XfigS &S&5B esr =5 !i3
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 s* t rv*' w AM !fi 3$ 33 P V ss m X i>a K OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodi am Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. r< < c < X rs* ■i
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  • 903 3 Yaws aid Damson Blossom. A« I went down to Winstar, Fall fifty years ago, The vale was filled with blossom, Wild cherry and the sloe Bat the grace of all its graces And the obarm of all its charms Was the snowy damson blossom About the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 705 3 CONSTIPATION. The Cause of much Suffering. I When the Bowels are clogged lie waste matter decays and ferments and enters the blood, and is carried to all parts of the body, producing Headaches, Biliousness, Sleeplessness, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Neuralgia, Rheumatism and various other ailments diiturbing the Heart and
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    • 56 3 Penang Club Red Cross Lottery 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that no claims for prises will be considered after August Sist 1918, All prizes unclaimed on that date will be cancelled and the amour, ts will be credited to the Our Day Fund, LIM EOW THOON, H. OXENHA.M, Joint Hon.
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    • 333 3 Children like? Meiiins and thrive on it Mellin’s Food always satisfies. It contains in correct proportion nutritive elements which, when the food is mixed with fresh cow’s milk, provide a complete and satisfactory diet for children of all ages from birth. Mcllin’s food A Sample Bottle of Mellin's Food, together
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  • 339 4 Attached to every infantry battalion in France ia an RAM C. doctor—the Regimental Medical Officer, or M.O When the battalion ia down the line the M O, ia the hope of the wangler and the refuge of the lead-swinger.” lovanabty, however, the M.O. ia a atudent o« psychology
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  • 272 4 Starting on his second lap of a 25,000 mile journey to enlist in the aviation forces of the United States army, Mr. George Birk of Johannesburg, South Africa, left Sbao trhai on June 28 on the MishiiTia Mam lot Chicago via Beattie. He
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  • 209 4 A certain air of mystery seems to attach to a black pearl, as much from its rarity as from any other reason. There is at present iu Bii>b ♦u» 1 wnt a a cor-e poudent from that Queensland city, a very fine specimen of black pearl,
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  • 131 4 It is related how Sir Edwin Landseer < nee perpetrated a joke on Turner which came out far otherwise than was expeoted. It was varnishing day at the Royal veademy, and Turner, who waa preparing to varnish his pioture, The Terrace at Mortlake,” bad gone to lunch.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 175 4 r oc DCZXTDCDC Whiteaway’s, for QUAUTY, SERVICE KEEN CASH PRICES. 'I PERATOKW*: ShoeT&b. nta IMPERATOf TRAND L r* w aw i -41 'iMWRflOlf BRAND IMPEATOR B03TS. PRICE $2100 PER PA R IMPERATOR SHOES, PRICEy/7. JO PER PAIR. mi IMPtRATOR 5RAND TT1E m. ■m *s YJr- The Imperator Brand In Black
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    • 441 4 Dr. CasseU*s Tablets Make You Strong and Healthy; They Cure all the Troubles of We When you are weak and have lost the fine manly vigour you once had, Dr. Cassell’s Tablets arc the remedy you need. They put new life into weak men, cure all your stomach and kidney
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  • 478 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 16 A French eastern communique says that continuing oar pursuit ia Albania we passed the Gramsi and reached the outskirts of Oekeni and Cruja where we are in oontact with the Austrian fortified position. Oar left hts established touch with the Italians
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  • 159 5 New Cultivation In Britain, London, May 29.—1 t is officiary estimated that since 1916, 2,500.000 acres have been added to the area of tilled land in Ecg'aod and Wales, 300 000 acres in Scotland and 1,500.000 acres in Ireland. The wheat acreage shows an increase of 39
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  • 362 5 (iron» Our Own Correspondent.') The following cases came before Mr Blsck, the magistrate, on Thursday and Friday last, Inspector Gowland proseouting, Karuppen and Munusamy were charged with having absconded from Alexandra Estate last month. Accused No. 1 was discharged with a caution, having forfeited his wages and
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  • 300 5 Destroying a Document. The hearing of the oass against Manikam, who is charged with destroying a document, to wit, a promissory note,which was a valuable seourity, with intent to cause injury to one Erasamy, was commenced this morning before Mr. Justice L- M. Woodward and a special jury.
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  • 212 5 [To The Editor of the Strait» Echo Dear Sir, Kindly allow me a little spao3 in your columns to criticise a letter signed by a ''Disappointed Gambler which appealed in vour issue of the 16th instant. Your Correspondent shewed very bad taste indeed in adopting his Nom-de.plume In
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  • 167 5 Io bit report on tha State nf Johore for the year ]fl7, dated April 25 Ust, the lat« Hon. Mr, D. G- Campbell, General Advieer, wrote: The feature of the year baa been the continuance of the exceptional prosperity experienced dating 1916—a prosperity which tai‘d the resources
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  • 97 5 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list i Yesterday. To-day. Rubber. I i I a a ra go cq go AyerKuning 1.00 1.10 0-95 1.05 Jerm Kuan tan 1.10 1.20 1.20 130 Parit (Perak) 1-90 2.10 185 200 Teluk
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  • 28 5 In the Field Operations, 20th July, the Penang Volunteers lees Veteran* Company and Signalling 8 ction will fall ia at Rio Coarse Buildings at 9 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 325 5 wfffwwwwwwww-ffwwwr TO-NIGHT to-night THE DP-—! f r ms* empire THEATRE m 1 HE H 8 S THE PREMIER THEATRE ot the COLONY i HS a t 9.46 PM, SHARP. r r jj.. i r- I* r* tr 9* w er* IP IH ft" s* ir lh IH r j t*
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    • 326 5 WAJNTTED. a coupe ns Nr book-keeper REQUIRED Oja capable of conducting without supervision the bocks of. a whole* salo and retail dispensary. Oily such as possess a thorough knowledge of bookkeeping should apply. Apply Box No, 100, 480 c/o Strait» Echo, W-AJKTTiiD. A CAPABLE AND INTELLIGENT SALESMAN is required for
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    • 482 5 Required Immediately. 'I -EXPERIENCED CLERK to take j -Eicharge of Rubber Factory. Good r salary to suitable man. 1 Apply to ManAo be. Estate, i Ttluk Anson. for sale. \NE good second hand Robson Crude Oil Engine, SO to So h.p. in good running order. Complete with eOOlillg tanks*
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and pnbllc holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $BO pep annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Pont Free) $lB pep annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586, Printing Department§343, N.B. —111 buainwi communication*
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  • 1421 6 All the news tc-iay confirms the view that the Germars have successfully scored a great —failure. The attsck has been made roughly on about a fifty mile front d vided oi each of Rheiras. *nd we >-h<~ald quarrel with the term that Rheims is tbe pivot of
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  • 853 6 Mis. Walter Grenier, who has undergOLe an operation in Singapore, is, we understand, doing well.— MM- Mr. G. Simpson, A.O.P., Ipoh, left on Tuesday for Singapore, en r'lte to Mesopotamia on active service. Mr Lcke Chow Kit, who hne been on a protracted visit to Penang for
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  • 45 6 foll win 8 are tb results of ths ties that have been played (ff i B i* B> H Teg jsn i —7O) beat B 0 Doral (—4O) by 250 187 Q Hollowav (—10) beat P. M, Langan 40) by (250—248).
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  • 1017 6 I A Warning from the Past. The leopard does not ch, nt r« k nor does the Boehe his otaracfc,. *Wi A diligent student of history Pp r£ 1 one of those casual browsers inu P Mihi I and public libraries who wbii c Mu,e hou.s in indiscriminate!
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 128 6 ritchard&Co., LIMITED. (fNCOBPOFAIBD I!*'?» EtkAITB EITTLfMBST») OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. i Pyjama*. Flannel Pyjama f uit Ctent’a Ceylcn Flannel Fyjama Suits- Stripped, In 3 qualities. S.M. size M. size O.S.M. size $6.00 $6.50 $7 00 $8 00 $8.50 $9.00 £8.50 $9 00 $9.50 COTTON ZEPHYB FYJAMA SUITS IN 3
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 2946 7 Attempt to Encircle Rheims Allied Lines Hold Firm VICTORY FOR THE AMERICANS. French Official Despatches. London, July 16, 4-5 p m, A French c /mtnun qu<s says i After <* rioiftot artillery preparation tin German attacked in tin morning from Gh«t‘ a Taiair/to Main da Massiges Oar
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  • 78 7 Mbss&s. Allbk Dbnwts Co's Aootioh. Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 s6oto 9 67 per pi u) Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 52 53 do Plain Smoked Steet 39 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1 58 do Unamoked Sheet No, 2 42 44 do Crepe Fine Pale Thin 65 do
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  • 46 7 (Front Our Own Correspondent o Singapore, Jnly 18. The robber aaotiona are unfinished. The market tore is weaker and prioes are olw r. per poind ota. ota. Bibbed amoked sheet 52| Fine pale orepe 52 Prioea later dropped a cent in eaoh oaae,
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  • 74 7 CFrom Our Own Correspondent.') Singapore, Ju’y 18 H.E the Governor to-day conferred th insignia of Samad of Baj-sahib on L*l» Is war Das and, in doing so, said he bid discharged bio duties for many year a at interpreter with seal, tact and efficiency. Hi icfluesoe
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  • 630 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] i-nndon, July 15. Fieldmarsbal Haig g.ays we sgai I advanced our line this morning h (the neighbourhood tf Vtllers Bretonneu: I and drove iff an eavmy put] I vhioh attacked one of our posts. Thi ro»al taken prisoner in the operation lat Ridge wo>d cn
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  • 4732 8 ORDINARY MEETING, MONDAY, JULY 15. Present. H E the Governor (9ir A Young, o o m o III) H E tbe General Officer Ccmmaading tbe troops (Major Gen. Ridout, The °Hon. the Col Sas, (Mr P 8 James o, m. a,) The Hon. the Resident Councillor, Penang, (W
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  • 302 8 Kalutara HA3 A Turn. The residents of Ktlutara, like those of Mo »tuw*, says the Timta of Ceylon, have bad something out of the orjinary as a topic of cooTersttion, And Htva you seen fhe mine was a common form of greeting on 3*turday afternoon. In this resp
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  • 554 8 Yesterday’s Training, There was qu.te good .t-enuan-a t training to-d*y tbe wither u ,0r «D a.d as the gulag w«s good som s v!r» P ,M wo.k w.s dona tnough nothin* Uri 7 »l shown in the way of gallop* tnose wno o„uid surprise us b
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  • 285 8 The discusssion raised by Mr, Darbisbirs in tbe Legislative Council, says tbe Straili Timet, has done, we hope,'some good, Wit) a very full knowledge of the {aCl* about w»r newd we have no hesitation in saying tU tbe official replies he received were futile. The service of
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  • 57 8 Thursday, July 18. Fast of Ab (Jewish Holiday.) Friday, July 18. Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, Jult 20, St. Margaret. Cricket, Esplanade, Sunday. July 21* Eighth after Trinity. P. V R 0. 8hoot. Monday, July 22. Town Band, Esplanade. Tuesday, July 23, Penang Rices. Singapore Asai/ea Open. Wednesday,
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  • 1125 9 THE QUESTION IN INDIA, Indispensable Paorussioue. Simla, June 26. —Tbe Government of India, Army Dipartmeut, has issuei the following circular, dated the 1st June, to the Proyincial Governments I am directed te stats for your 'information that as a result of the recent Ddlbi Conference, the Government of
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  • 282 9 Astouxdixo Evidence. London, May 24 —The Pall Mall Qaiette claims that it has tbe best authority for stating that astounding evidence exists ooDcerning the pro-German plot of the Sinn Feiners, fully justifying the arrests that have been made, buc the publication of the evi. cenoe, it is
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  • 151 9 Georgetown, April 30, Mr. H.P.C. Melville, Commissioner of the Rupununi district, has ju?t returned to Georgetown after spending six months in the hinterland, cutting a cattle track to make tbe Savannah lands on the Brasilian frontier accessible from British Guiana. A track, which is rapidly
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  • 83 9 Women Wore i as. Amount previously acknowledged 18,087.17 July 9 Alor Star Mrs, Dewar 5.00 Mrs, Butterfield 5.0 > Mrs. Hall 5.00 Sungei Patani Mrs. Mackay 10.00 Mrs. Chautter m 12 00 No. 36 2 50 Reverend K. Gamier 1.00 $8,127.67 Hospital garments for soldiers
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  • 105 9 Tbe following programme of musio will be pUyed at the Golf Club this evening at 6-45 pm:— 1 Selection Tbe Bilver Slipper Myddleton 2 Midsummer Night Barn Danoe Williams 3 Selection Mantaaux Noirs Buoalossi 4 Walta Love’s Labour Won Volstedt 5 Old French Dance Fontainbleau Vandervell 6
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 552 9 «fc-/vr TO YOU FROM ENGLAND—utnrn Mail Thousands of otfier useful you can obtain in the same way. K iSnein England and in th. British Army and N;,v y U wear,,, protected W/?/ST watoh 5/ »5 duke.: iHMi OATALOQU* r<w u -»r *44 TO-DAY That.’* all wi ask you to tend
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    • 623 9 uanaaananMMWMUMp /mw to w o o 9 9 9 9 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN BONDS. Bearing Interest from the date of purchase at 5i per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on the aoth January and the soth July REPAYABLE at PAR on THE 20th JULY, 1928 PRICE OF ISSUE—IOO PER
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  • 650 10 [To THi Editor or thu Bir, In Fronde’* History of England Vol XI., 76. a letter by Queen Elizabeth is given which is bo appropriate to the die pen-ation under which we are living that it will probably amuae those of your readers who
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  • 153 10 Sydney, April 29, A private telegram announces the death of the King of the Tonga Islands. The King of the Tonga Islands, who died of heart failure, ha* beeu succeeded by Princes* Salote, wife of the Governor of Haabai, who has been proclaimed Queen. [George ll*,
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  • 132 10 Cantor, June 20 —The ceremony of ooLftrring acad’inio drgrrrs on Chinese graduates of an American college occurn d here for the first time in Canton, to-dav, when the Canton Christian College held it closing and commi ncemmt exercises. Vce President Cbung Wng-kwang of the College,
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  • 20 10 Advertisement seen outside a provision shop:— No margarineNo lard. No cheese. No bacon Please do not queue.
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  • 1022 10 Thb English Middlr Clam a ntorical Studj. By R, r,' q. (Pell, 8« 6d net.) etto > The two most difficult things to em! Ito a foreigner about England it hai said, are Nonconform it y and the me.?® 0 of the word “gentleman,” eay« t 7;
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 147 10 Since the War The Allied Governments Have Bought GVer j u>* Ti TY ®1 RITERS V To Equip their New Armies Compare the work" and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS H
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  • 1207 11 A German Zone” in Morocco. SubmjlKim Nuts aicd firms. Tangier, April 17. At Laraiche, on the Atlantio ooaat of Morocco, there is a large number of aotive German agents. The leader of this group is a certain Jose Maury, said to be of South American origin, bet olaiming German nationality.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 183 11 r<’po r t j oc?r o Pm Si UK X#] •CTBsiaal Wf a v f-* 6T c <«u a T»0«i l.ppon Brewery CfclM Tsingtaq Brewer* V BEER. When ordering your Drinks don’t forget -to ask -For the above because It is the best it gives you complete satis/action It promotes
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    • 402 11 Pain in the Region of the Hips. Hare you pains ia the region ef the hips Many people sailer from pain in the region of the hips, They may come from a touoh of Soiatioa, or Rheumatism, or from a strain of the musoles. Tbey may have other oauses, but
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    • 474 11 notice The CHINEBE COMMUNITY i. hereby informed that D*. E. E. K. L*u h»« been pleased to give free Vaooination at the undermentioned Hospital on every Sstardav between the hours of 2p m. and 4 p.m. 7 Lam Wah Ei Hospital, Muntri Street, Penang. NOTICE. TNTENDINO PILGRIMS should fot® not.ce
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1653 12 P. 6.— BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated In England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. k. p. m KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ, (ROYAL PACKET S.N. COMPANY.) (Ihcobforatip lit Holland.) Poe Imts.vdsd to Sato Steamer Langsa, Calotc SaaEiwa, SagU. Sabang, Oieblau Sibolga, Padang, Benkoelen and Batavia. state Tba P. A O. Company
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