Straits Echo, 17 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1636 1 Mi CONDENSED J3RA? 1 Milkmaid •rts m INOUAIi» SWISS CONDI i-c-HR SvtU«ri«fld FOR sale. ‘bcripps Booth One 1 24) «»<« Idotoi 1 Car i ir 6ci sUrter and excellent ;n 1?17 JST- -yf 9C0 IcurK for b nan. to OWHtf Afpi) Jht undorMentioned garage. IF YOU WANTi COMFORT BANKS Chartered
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    • 10 1 MILK touwnsaHJM* ft» Jl® »i*? CT 'Of« axT j* S
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  • 1551 2 the principle explained. I Maintbwabob ow Dbmocbact. In the first article the causes, b Ah general *nd particular, of the opposition of the Protestants of Ulster to Home Rule were considered. In tne second their reasons hate been stated for rejecting Dominion Status,” even when
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  • 477 2 Dm. Foestth Ob A Nbw Fhasb. At the assembly of the Congregational Union, held in the Memorial Hall, Du, P. T. Forsyth delivered an address on Congregationalism and the Present Movemint towards Christian Union” Ha made many frank admissions eonoerning Congregationalism, and, while urging the necesity of Christian
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 298 2 GET IT AT WHITEAWAY’S The World» Greatest Dust Gatherer. i THEO-CFDAR MOP O-Cedar Mop Cleans as it Polishes O-Cedar Mop Made with a strong fnamelled steel entre. Indestructible, cleans find polishes at the same time, putting a high lustre on all varn si d surfaces. There is nothing to equal
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    • 634 2 Pain in the Region of the flips Hare you pains in the ,e,<i on o{ Many people suffer from p. la j n th 9 Ll P«. of the bips. Tney may come f r 1m of Soiaiioa, or Rheunutism, or t, 0m Mlb< of the muscles. Tuey may 8
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  • 672 3 Mi Pml’s Nuw Posv. Tbe Straitt Tim*» ia a leader says —The fact that Mr. Halifax has been chosen to succeed Mr. Oimpbell at Jobore, and that Mr. Peel has been chosen to succeed Mr. Hallifax at Singapore appears to be sub•tsntially confirmed. We wish all go id
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  • 322 3 Seldom has a more successful Fete been held in Singapore than that organised on Saturday in the Victoria Memorial Hal), in aid of the French R’d Cross Funds. The various parts of the Hall were simply crowded, tea room, baasar, ioe cream stalls, foyer, and every
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  • 312 3 A Sue Amu The hearing of the oase against Ong Chun and Tion Tan, who were obarged with attempted murder and robbery while at sea off Pulau Angsa, waa adjourned until Saturday morning owing to two witnesses, one from Singapore and the other from Kuala Salangor, not turning
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  • 311 3 Bunion or Moron Rioulations. Mohamed Hashim, a Malay, was this morning summoned before Mr. S. H. Lmgston at the instance of Inspector H Benge charged with (1) driving his motor oar otherwise than on the left side of the road (2) failing to stretoh out his arm
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  • 129 3 The mortality returns for Singapore for tha week ended July 6 reflect in the number cf deaths tbe effect of tbe outbreak cf influucia. The number of deaths was 41$ and the ratio per mille of population 58-66. For June 29 the ratio was 45 40 For
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  • 111 3 Ikactivitt I» t*i Balkak* Londm, M *y 29. Repo ts from Ziricb state that me German newspapers are violently attacking the mi itary inactivity cfTo-k-y »nd Bulgaria. Tb-yatate that German military circles are seriously coccernsd that the latest inactivity bidea deaigna against the Central Powers, hence the negotiations
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 419 3 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT" n Wft iOi ft ft ft* Ift* ft* ft* EMPIRE »>♦♦♦»♦• THEATRE 1HI3 WEEK WE ARE SCREENING ffiK PREMIER 7 HE AT RE of the COLONY the great metro 5 aot wonderful play of I* MILLIONS— Ml KTH AND MARVEL entitled <ir* t* WITH LIONEL B\RRYMORE IRENE HOWLEY.
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    • 238 3 THE PENANG HARBOUR BOARD. WANTED. is hereby ?i»«n tbst the new i.1 scale of oh» gps r s publish 'd in Government Gsa-tta N 69 <>f 12tb July, 1918, Notification Ni. 854 will operate fiom the|l->t August, 1918. By Order J. TRTNEB, Acting Secretary. CLERK DREISER. An experienced Clerk with
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  • 100 4 PUBLISHED:; DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local (30 per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) #18 per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Talaphone Nos. (Coho) 586. Printing Dapartmant 343, N.B. —All
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  • 26 4 Huavmu —To Mr a d Mr». C. B. Heanme, of wi»p, at the Eu r opean Hospital, Kb 1» Lumpur, on July 13 s, daughter,
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  • 1274 4 The summarised telegraphic reporta wbiob were received here jeiterday of the d- bat r on the Military B o rvioe Bill are suffi i 3 ntly full to shew Tfry cl’arly that the Gcverxmrnt in ddnlir-g with this question of the local A cl:as men in
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  • 68 4 My ideal huband,” said tbe girl who had been reading cheap novels, must be a atrorg, silent man, full of grit, and able to bear tbe brat and burden of the day without flinching—one who will rot bear a word said aboat me, and who will not
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  • 768 4 Mr. AHster Danc.n arrived in Ipoh on Sunday from Penang, Mr R. W. Manro has left for a shirt holiday on Taping Hills.—if. if. Mr. A. J. Diliman has ben appointed to aot as Assistant Warden of Mines, TJie Pahang. Mr. S, W. Jones baß been appointed
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  • 106 4 We are informed th»t arrangfmeats are being naide to bold a Motor R*ce Meeting in Bargkok on the 22nd instant Theie mil be r«cei for d fferent kinds of oars as well as for motor cyoles and ordinary bicyolee. The t ack will be the road around
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  • 518 4 Jack Sprat. Those members of P.naog mesioa! who regret the temporary abandlL the musical peiformance they Weri wt cf m».y read this note about Qml. B Sullivan with Interest bert ‘Acother celebrity who i. dll upon to supply interest ag the late Sir W. S. Gilbert v place
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  • 336 4 The following are the results of tba drawing and handicaps of the P.CO. Tennis Tournament Championship R E Prongs bye; AS Hall bye; R A Hunt bje; Y G Savi m i A W de W Harries; M D Ratley 0 Cunradi; 0 W F
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  • 39 4 Alor Pongsu 18,400, Brieh 12.489, Merbaa 10,504, North Perak 6,765, Ays'. Kuoirg 5.800, Temrrloh 7,734 lb, estimated. The Singapore Para Rubber Estate* h»t* declared an interim dividend of a penny P* ■bare, payable on Augsat 1.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 143 4 )CD D >< UCZH >(. _)q X x—> ~>( it—\Cir Mr: ir n> a LIMITED. t ncofpofatid in'thb Etbait» Fbtilkmbstb) Penan g and I poll OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT, New Season’s Goods, /TV P.W s\s pyjama*. Flannel Pyjama uit Oirt’3 Ceylea Flaauel Fyjama fuits- Stripped, !n 3 qualities. S.M. size 6 00
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
  • 20 4 DEATH. Atris, —At Stub, P hang, on July 14, suddenly, cf cerebral malaria, Je?sie, t*e beloved wife of Fred Ayris.
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  • 576 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] thkke already in BEING. More to Follow Wa«b» c B toD 7 I®* ti o o «d«b».lhre. ..mj .orp. t f f 50 lb h b T9 bM TJ m ,hB AmeriM d fiol^ y in Fr*noe. Tbe shipments of diWi L«di»S «M.18..1/ at tbe
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  • 630 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GOOD NEWd FOR PLANTERS. A Bureau of Myoology London, July li, Toe Imperial Conference has resolved in f*v ur of the establishment of an Imperial Bureau of Myco'ogj to investigate fungoid disrates to which the Governments in the Empire should contribute. The Conference agreed that
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  • 43 5 There will be “Moon-Light Fite*’ in tbe Olub premises on Friday, the 19th inst. at 8 pm. and the P H O L’s Orchestra will be ln attendanoe. All members and friends are eordially invited to attend.
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  • 433 5 FRENCH EXPERT ON SCIENCE FOR WAR Mr. Schneider, in his pesidential address at the annual meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute at the Institution of Civil Engineers, Westminster, in May said that our industrial destiny after the war depended on cooperation between scientists and industrialists. We
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  • 408 5 A Waaaion IK Makt Lauds. Signor Amiloare Cipriani, wboae death ii 1 announced from Paria, wu one of the laat 1 of the Revolutionary veterans of Italy. Born in October, 1844, be joined the Piedmonteae Army aa a volunteer in 1849. 1 and fonght at
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  • 699 5 NO NEW BEDAN POSSIBLE. The German mili'ary authorities b*gan ln M*y a regular oampa’gn of public disillusionment about the prospects of a speedy ”victory’’ in the Witt The most remarkable example is an article oal'ed The Duration of the Battle,” by the military correspondent of the Hamburger
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  • 157 5 A Twnsir-rr Fouu Hotjus’ Ruhbaksxl London, May 80.—The War Office and tbe Ministry of Labour have conducted a 24-hour rehearsal of a dispersal scheme, whereby troops are to be brought not to their regimental depots, but to a dispersal station nearest their future home, for the resumption of
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  • 814 5 MILITARY AND MORAL EFFECTS Thu Wiiiiin Front. SimU, Jane 29, A military onlooker, after samming up the events of the paat few weeks cn the Italian front, says i The present position appears to be that the Austrians hare lost the whole of the ground gained by them
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  • 701 5 PREPARATIONS TO FORESTALL THE ALLIES. Thh Us* or Nkutbals. The Hague, Apr 1 SO. The German oonoentration of effort for the e-es'ablisbment and organization of foreign trade after the war proceeds rapidly, If seems that the Eunq cha Handelsgmllschaft, with central offices at B emsn,
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  • 49 5 The following articles will be found oa mr outside Pages i 2 —Ulster and a Federal Settltm n*. Chris'ian Union. 3,—Matteri Municipal. Penang Ass a.s. Police Court Cates, 6—Tue Fishermen as Mine-Sweepers. Prosperity on the Euphrates, Stimulus to Sugar Produotior, Filipinos for American Navy. 7.—Be gland's Forests Saorrfioed.
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  • 2419 6 Oil August 2, 1914, the Government issued orders mobi ising the Riyal Naval Reserve, a body of man usually described as being drawn from tbe merchant seivice and whioh includes men wno during the greater pait of the year in peace times are engaged in trawling
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  • 290 6 RIOBUITINO I* Til PniLIFPXUIi The United 8 ates Navy has launched a comprehensive advertising campaign for Filipino young men to join the servioe. A recruiting office has been opened at Manila. Only 1,000 will be enlisted now. One of tbe major qualifications for entrance into the
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  • 299 6 Stagnation in Barnes Guiana, Sir Walter Eger ton, Governor of British Guiana, 1912 17. read a paper recently before the Chloniil S ction of the Royal Sioiety of Arts on "British Guiana and the Problem of its Development." Discussing the reasons why, in a oolony as large
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  • 42 6 Wednesday, Jni 17. Town Band, EepHnade, Tnwbsdat, July 18. Faat of Ab (Jewiah Holiday.) Fbidat, Jolt 19, Town Band, Esplanade* Satueday, Jolt 20. St. Margaret. Criokot, Esplanade. Bun»at, Jm 21. Eighth after Trinity. Monday, Jvlt 22, Town Band, Esplanade,
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  • 1279 6 “RECORD" HARVEST EXPECTED. i i A Gebat Y sab's Woes:. Mr. Edmund Candler, the representative of the British Pre<s with the Exp ditionary Force in Mesopotamia, writes the following despatch t Tne peaceful of the Euphrates from Fcluja to HiiLh began in April last year, a
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  • 798 6 A Lasso* from Germany. Segar from Several Points of View was the subject of a paper by Mr. George Martineau, which was read by Mr. Edw*rd R. Davson, president of the Associated,West Indian Chambers of Commeroe, before the Royal Society of Arts recently. The world’s production
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  • 249 6 Pbbauo, Jult 17. 1918, I Buur— S» fteaks 80 Stew or Curry Meat 80 Rump Steak *1 Ox Tail 80 Tongue Feet *4 Heart small... e h Fillet of Beef 2 Poux- Lean only ...per catty m and fat 1st quality 2nd Pig's Head Feet }J 80 Tongue
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  • 215 6 Punave, Ju&t 17. 8. P. Tapioca $7.15 idles. M. P. Tapioca 7.35 sellers. Gold leaf 72 sellers Pepper (W.Coast 8 lb. I oi).sl6} buyers. Black Pepper 25.00 buysn White Pepper 40 nossiml Trang Pepper no stock Mace $BO com. Mace Pickings 5S sellers Cloves season orer Nutmegs 110 s
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 Accidents Will Happen. It may bo impossible to prevent an aocid n\ hut it is not impossible to be prepared for it Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is net be» yord anyene’p purse, and with a bettla of this Muimeet you are prepared fer almest anything. For sale by all dispensaries aid
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  • 1220 7 Naturi Wbars A noth* r Aspbot Although the Germans have not set foot in England and the horrors of invision have been spared the country. nevertheless its natural aspect is undergoing a great change doe to the war The beautiful woodlands foreats, woods and groves th tt
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2045 7 pENANfi AUCTION MART. By Order of th* R*ce»vers appointed by the Supreme Ccurt of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG IN bUIT 1913 No. 389. BETWEEN nr ATI KNG HEOH and KHOO SIT CHEANG Plaintiffs AND TEIK TO BE SOLD BY Defendants PUBLIC AUCTION On Thursday, 25th July, 1918, AT
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    • 359 7 Required Immediately. Experienced clerk to take charge of Rubber Factory. Good salary to suitable man. Apply to MANAGES. SaBBANG EsTATB, Teluk Anson, WA3NTTED. A COMPETE NT BOOK-KEEPER REQUIRED Oae capable of conducting without supervision the books of a wholesale and retail dispensary. Only such ae possess a thorough knowledge of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1535 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Ingland MAIL AND PABBENGER BERVIOEB. „4 PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS- 1} (Undei Contract with His Majesty’» Government.) The Company 1 MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at proaent suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offer» and
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