Straits Echo, 15 July 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1616 1 Milkmaid «rit HJmSSCONDWB^ pOR SALE, Booth One (2-3) seater ‘bcripps jyiotoi* Caff 2» oJ, .f SCO »il.. owner for m 3 Apply to The nititrmentioned garage I IF YOU WANT! COMFORT j BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated In England by Royal Charter 1,200,00 £2 ,000,000 1,200,000
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    • 4 1 mn a r-s 1«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 173 2 THE SAVER OF INFANT LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY STARCH-FREE if mothers who cannot nourish their own babies would give them the Mellin Diet from birth we should hear less of infant mortality. Mellin's Food with eow’s milk will do more to bring your baby safely through infantile health-dangers than any food
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  • 856 3 'wHAT IT WOULD DOOF B T Si Law 8 oirrv od of reconstruction that will In ‘h o P® r one of the most pressing folio* the "JLoblems which will demand an d i®P° rU t f at f reform of legal pro attention d ministration
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  • 928 3 A Tkkiatinkd Rue in Uebi Next we meet upon tre Thames.” wrote J hn Bowack, a writing master in Westminster School and the author of "The Antiquities of Middlesex,” "the pleasant village of Chiswick The sweet air and situation of this place drew not only a great many
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 82 3 ’*»*l*, Uiu’s Co*-h Kernel j. When r *au.d» f/!? 1 Vi B C 0 y Ol U Pro ll i ,rf R’*» rel’pf, hut ef P,u?* P Ut C ,l ">r*i '•uii BdtKi« Ikt »ur l dy *h*t con 9®*tli EtuinW 8, ChuuhcrUiti'e on B 8,1 u ,Be i 'qairen*Dts.
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    • 307 3 oc 3CZX X3HCDUCDC Have you had Malaria? DCDC ere are certain disorder*, such as malaria, that especially debilitate and make the body an easy prey to m<*re dangerous diseases. Ask those who have had it recently and they will tell you that they still have profuse persperation. The persistent weakness
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    • 13 3 F«r CftiHren’i Haoki** Co«ph at W*kf. WtiJ'i Clrw.l P*»*»-*-» *t Qvre Id €x
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    • 270 3 ♦♦♦♦♦ttnnnnnnnntrnnnntTtiatran***** “BIRD BRAND” i a INNER TUBES FOR BICYCLES a 0 n n n o 0 n CHEAPEST AND BEST Obtainable from all general and cycle dealers throughout 5.3. and F.M.3. SOLE AGENTS: K. LEE SAN CO., PENANG. n 0 n 0 n n 0 4 4 4 4 444i-4nnnnnonnn
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  • 219 4 Prbpabiuo ro» Furouw Campaion, Calcutta, July 4 i Mr. T. E. W®lby, who ba« tfßoe a» Secretary of the European Association from the lit July, ht» an appeal for increase of t»amb*r»Vi\p of that hody. Th® appeal "»ys H lt mij b® that th® ®eb®m® of r®forms ih'al
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  • 196 4 July 2. The rioe market was much firmer to-day, the quotations being t July Bs. 231*6 0 August Bs. 237-8 0; and three months. R 9. 242 80- One outside steamer starts loading for Madras to-morrow, and another is expected in a few days, besides two of
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  • 158 4 82J Pbe ***** on Obdinaky The Directors of the Burmah Oil Company, Ltd., recommend a dividend of 6 per cent, on the Preference shares, subject to inoome-tax and a final dividend of Is. 6d. per share on the Ordinary with a bonus of Bs. 6d. per
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  • 115 4 Govt, Application Opposed. Bombay, July 1. An interesting oase before the Bombay Exemption Tribunal to-day was the application in behalf of Mr. J. fl. C Jukes, 1c s„ Under-Seoretsry to Gove nment. The President said that exemption in the case of a Government application of this kind
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  • 128 4 U. P. Activities, Allahabad, Jane 29. The United ProTincea Government has established a Publicity Committee, whose function it will be to act as a coordinating centre for propagandist activities of the Pro* vince- It will be a sub committee of the War Board Among the gentlemen on the
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  • 538 4 First Gbnbbal Mbbtinq. The first annual general mee ing of the Habrakol Syndicate Limited, was held at No. 9, Beach Street, at noon on Saturday. Col A B Adams presided and the others present were Messrs. F N Ch. Durege, OV Tho ras, PW. Richards D O.W
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  • 302 4 Becond Annual Meeting The Beooud annual general meeting of Connemara, Ltd. v was held in Kuala Lumpur, the Hon, *r. B, 0. M. Kindersley presiding, la proposing the adoption of the report and accounts the Chairman ia d :—The acreage figures given in the report were inadvertently taken
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 Accidents Will Hippci. It may be impossible to prevent an accident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared (or it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is net be* yond anyone’s parse, and with a battle of this liniment yea are prepared far almost i anything. For sale by all dispensaries
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    • 317 4 I t,' i£3f fft Ej W pP iK 7* WM M Pl 9 f S II Em sf?6 It I The Worlds Greatest Dust Gatherer. vi Tv JTHEO-CPDAPMOP O-Cedar Mop Cleans as it Polishes O-Ccdar Mop Mide with a strong enamelled ateel centre. Indestructible, cleans and polishes at the same
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    • 17 4 WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED MACHINE M•< N. 0J ood B*l ar j. ±PPIJ L. a o/o Btraita Eaho.”
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    • 530 4 Pain in the Region of the H&ve you pains in the iegion of th* kMany people suffer from p»i a in th- r >*' of the hips. Tuey may com» from 10 of Sciatica, or Eheumatism, or from a of the muscles. Tney may have oauae., but all subside or
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  • 560 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, July 13. i Sir Douglas Haig reports t Wo repulsed an attempted raid south cf Bucqnov. f Hostile artillery was active south of Arras. i No air fighting took place on the 12th owing I to rainstorms and clouds Our night-fliers dropped four tens of
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  • 122 5 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening at 6 pm: 1 Overture Nell Gwynu German 2 Two Step A Rhcd* Island Clam B.ka Jolly 3 Selection Crown Diamonds Auber 4 Waltz The Eternal Fall 5 March Las Soldats qui Passent Costa
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  • 745 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] An Advantage to the Allies Paris, July 10. Le Tempt recalls Admiral von Hintse’s behaviour when German representative at Peking and his protestations to the Chinese government. His attitude then was oontrary to the most elementary international rules, (Havas). London, July 12. f The appointment of
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  • 284 5 [T© Thu EDixon or Thu Straite Echo] Dear Bir, I shall be most grateful if I may trouble you again to acknowledge through your paper further funds and comforts received for Major Jensen’s men in Mesopotamia. The following ladies have contributed $1 each Mesdames t John Mitohell,
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  • 236 5 The first of the series of charity matches was played on Friday on the Padang, when the Selangor Club met the United Banks in the presence of a large crowd. Chairs were placed round the field of play and four large Bed CrussBB were prominently displayed.
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  • 666 5 The Assiaes opened this morning before Mr. Justice L- M, Woodward in the first 9 Dixiaional Court, with six oases on the oalen l dar. Fobobbt The first case oalled was that against Mydm Madarsab, who was oharg«4 with abetment of forgery of a receipt for $2,000
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 434 5 f TO-NIGHT to-night i r r f V r r r r i r v r DO* THE EHPi ><>♦♦♦♦♦ THEATRE »»♦♦♦»»»> 5K t hS PREMIER THEATRE ot the COLONY iHI3 WEEK WE ARE cCKSENING the great metro 5 aot wonderful play of MILLIONS— MIRTH- AND MARVEL entitled HIS FATHER’S
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    • 66 5 For Children's Hacking Caagh at Night. Wcode’a Great Feppermiat Care la, 6d« To-night! To-night!! V AT 9 P.Ji. T I 'T'HE PARSI EMPIRIT a B THEATRICAL Co., OF BOMBAY k I i I 1 li~W* «MW> <M«ee^ Present at the Drury Lane Theatre Hall, SAITHI HA WAS. 16th July 17th
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  • 99 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang Price s Dally Local #BO per annum. Outatatlon Pontage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) #lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 086. Printing Department 343. N.B.—A 11 bueineee
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  • 34 6 YijrcswT—Oo Hip 12th in‘. to M\ A Mr#. Starlbt J. Yinosht, at 57, Tanjoug K.tocg, S 800. 0.1 Ju'v 12 H at 3tru*n.” Lioiriu Hill, to Mb A Mbs T Eblebs, a daughter
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  • 1317 6 The Government of the Federated Malay States baa throughout the war diaplayed s msoh greater freedom of thought in financial matters than baa the Government of the Strait# Settlement#, and we note that in this respect it continues to show a pro* gresaive spirit. It is understood that two
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  • 868 6 The Hon, Mr. E P. returned to Ipob on Saturday frsm Penang. Mr L- Heints). of Penang, spank two daya in Ipob and left for Singapore on Friday. The Datoh Panglima Kmta left Ipob for Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, He returns to-day. Mr. H. W. B«per. of the Great
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  • 957 6 s. r. Named at last. Wa understand that n. oomot nomenclature of tin aio*. Dlr 8 n«u ii “Siberian Flu.” 80 that’s settled* Ck A Chance for Lumut. Tbe Ipob paper advertises the sale of t. disused lighthouses and asks if an 0 wants one, for his buckgarden
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 137 6 7Thtt rtfTi r«r j rrrdirrri Pritchard 8 Co., LIMITED.(Ikcoipobatbd ik is» Stbait* Eittliumt») OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. Flannel Pyjama J uit Cbnt’a Ceylcn Flannel Fyjama Suits- Stripped, in 3 qualities. S.M. size $6 00 $8 00 $8.50 M. size $6.50 $8.50 $9 00 O.3.M. size $7 00 $9.00 $9.50
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 28 6 THE WEATHER. 14m July. a.m. Tempera! are 73° Bimf ill 24, boars 6 m.m, 15th July. Temperature 73* Btiofall 24 hours... '7mm. 82° .28 inch, .82’ 27 iaob.
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  • 700 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] LE US cottekeib Further French Progress London 11.10 45 pa*. n ,„>»1 Hfcig rfi P ort,M We took P n (be night north-east ol Ypree. tr»!i»n Bto-d»y 8 to-d»y entered the German The uidgbbourbood of Merris and llDf ''"ted to considerable depth taking (Ver
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  • 659 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A YEAR’S DESTRUCTION. Allies Great Superiority. London, Jnly 11, Bir Douglas Haig in bis aviation report states s On the 10th July we destroyed 1 seven enemy maohines and drove down six out of oontrol, Four British maohines are I missing. showers interrupted obserk Ta
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  • 660 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] CUTFLANKINO THE BULGARS Paris, July 11, 7.50 p.m. The Frenoh and Italians began some days t ago in Albania between Lake Okbrida and I tfce sea, over a front of nearly 125 kilometres, a series of operations that is developing > favourably. The Austrian forces
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  • 660 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] MUBMAN COAST OCCUPIED Allied Forces Cooperate i London, July 11. A Peking message atates that the Czechoslovaks have overthrown the Bolsheviks in the whole region from Tobolsk to Semipahtinsk and Krssnovarsk to Chiliabiosk. A correspondent ooufirms that the Bolsheviks are also overthrown at Irkutsk.
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  • 692 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] PBOGBiiSSIVE COLONIAL OFFICE London, Jaly 12, I*s s.m. The Lord Mayor gave a barqnet at tbe Mansion House to the Dominions' Premiers and repres* ntstivee. The distinguished company included Mr. Balfour, Sir John Jellioo»*, Lord Milner and General Smuts Mr, Walter Long, toasting
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  • 691 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] German Banks. London, July 12, In the Hoase of Commons Sir George C*va moving the s.eond reeding of the British Nationality end Status of Aliens Bill said that all the self-governing Dominions and India» fxoeplingAu:trails, approved the draft, but Australia indicated its assent. The main
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  • 1529 8 Excerpt from tbs Minutes of a Meeting of the Comtnittei of the Penang Chamber of Commerce held at the Chamber on Tuesday, ttb July, at 2 30 o’clock p m. Present :—Mr. H. A. Low, (Chairman), Messrs. J. C. Benson, G. K Craig, W. 8 Goldie
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  • 362 8 The July cumber of the Gardens' Bulletin, Straits Settlements, is quite a multum iu parvo, and anyone who is making an effort to start a vegetable garden in Singapore will obtain from it some valuable suggestions embodied in an article by Mr. O. F. Baker entitled
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  • 351 8 It is rather a pity, says the Singapore Free Frees when the Government undoubtedly has at its back the bulk of publio opinion as regards the utilisation of all the Class A men remaining in the Colony, that it should endanger that support by its methods cf
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  • 198 8 The text is published in a supplement to the F.M.S■ Gazette issued yesterday, of "The Military Service Enactment,” to be introduced in the Federal Council. -The “objects and reasons” attached to tho Bill states i—- This Bill is a transcript of a Bill which was introduced in
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  • 223 8 Singapore, July 12. The weekly Rubber Auction opened yesterday with an appearance of a good demand at about last week’s prioes. Owing, however, to the early withdrawal of oertaiD buyers, demand fell away and prioes tendec to sag. Ribbed Smoked Snoot fetched in the opening stage cf
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  • 159 8 The following letter was sent to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, bv the French Ambassador in London i D'aptei lee informations envojeas a Monsieur P<ohon par le Consul de France a Singapour, de nombrgux residents anglais ont, lots du sauvatage de V Andre Lebsn, appoite
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  • 363 8 The cricket match betw-en Mr. Sharpe’s XI and Mr. H-nderson’s XI which was played on Saturday afterroan proved quite interesting although the total scares were not very big Everyone who took part in the game showed great keenness and some of the novices at the game showed great
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  • 466 8 Tho exceeding dry humour, always perpetrated with solemn immovable face, of Mr. Justice Darling occupies, as by tight, a prominent p’ace. Some men develop humour when they reach the pleasaot security of the bench, but with Mr, Justice Darling it has been a lifelong companion and adornment. As
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  • 295 8 First Day’s WeightsRack 1. (6 furlongs Bant Glen 9. 0 FallowDnd 8, 2 Master Jack 9. 0 Toe Earl 7.13 Ampaug 8. 7 Britisher 7.11 Aringa 7. 8 Race 2. (6 furlongs). Manhattan 9. 7 Sol Dhu 8. 9 Merthyr Boy 9. 0 Gena 8. 7 Dandy
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  • 125 8 Defeatist Organ Fur Soldiers. The Bonnet Rouge effair has revealed eo:aa significant facts regarding the circulation of defeatist organs iu the trenches. Tba Tranchee Republicaine, whose controllers w re associated with the Bonnet Rouge, was d hvered to soldiers in the battle line, who rt-oeived it gratis.
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  • 95 8 A Bill to promote the cultivation of food(■tuffs in the F. M. 8. is about to be introduced in the Fedeial Council. The.draft of the measure occupies nine pages of a supplement to the F. M. 8, Government Gaaette It deals with the cultivation of rice, the
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  • 91 8 The second race in the Gibbons Cup Competition vis.—loo yards handicap was held at the Swimming Club on Sunday, the 14th inst, with the following result i Net Time. Ist S. A. Yell Scratch 75 ssos, 2nd D Randle 10 secs 86j 3rd J.H.B. Smith 15 96
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  • 52 8 The output of the Bandon Property of the Siamase Tin Syndicate Limited, for the Month of Jane was Piculs 303. Mr Ehaw Joo Tok informs ns that the output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co, N L., ia twenty-eight tona from 7th to 13th instant being
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  • 102 8 R furring to the departure of Mr. F. J. Hallifax f'om the Presidentship of the 8 ngopore Municipality, tha Straits Time» says It might be added that considerable improvements have been effeoted in the ci’y’s amenities daring his regime. He Daves at a time when a new
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  • 799 8 Rubber Development. The report for the y**ar 1917 on th 8 ate of Biuoei, by tna B.itnh Mr. G. E. Cater has just b.en 3 From the iffi tal point of view this report no doubt all it should be, for it is a r|, and
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  • 48 8 Mondai, Jolt 15. Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Aeaixes open. St, Switbin, WIDHMDAI, JOLY 1 1. Town Band, Esplanade, Thursday, Jolt 18. Fast of Ab (Jewish Holiday.) F*idat, Jolt 19. Town Bt-d, Esplanade. Satoaoat, Jolt 20, at. Margaret. Cticker, Esplanade. Sonoat, Jolt 21. Eighth after Trinity,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 535 9 oirpady annciinoed, says the s /notion has been «ranted vdil d f a farther war lottery or rt bebuld |D kvderatei Malay States, ottarie* 10 tb be e D definitely decided, bat a to expect that the price ieb»* fu Idivisibla into two) will be fivo of
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  • 160 9 lo the Koala L >a 4 Police Court on Frida; before Mr. A. W. Just. Magistrate, Inspector 8. Worton, of the Central Police Bittion, charged Lee Seong, a Cantonese, upon three separate charges of oriminal breach of trust in respeot of five stolen bicycle*. The accused in question
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  • 341 9 Effect or the War. The German newspaper! continue to nflect the extraordinary increase in crime h»tdly i day paBses without news of one or mere murders. Several of the most recent murders have been committed by children, Herr von Ewald, the Hessian Minister of Justice, >»id in the
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  • 898 9 “APPALLINGLY LOW WAGFS”. i Buormta»t of Statu’s Spukoh. London, June 20 At a meeting of the Booiety of Arte, a P»P<* by Sir Dinhaw Wacha on thu Indian i, ootton industry was read. Sir D. E. Wacha said that the progress of the industry during thu past half
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 315 9 READING-STANDARD I MOTOR CYCLES 0 12 H.P. 3-sp«'d Twin Cylinder complete with Clectrieal Equipment. 0 Finest a':d Most Powerful Motor Cyc e BUILT IN AMERICA V VST r y q Write for Particulars ani Price to V J CYCLE AND CARRIAGE CO., LTD. i /V (Incorporated in the Federated Malay
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    • 84 9 It is bat a ihort step from a child condition of the body to Pneumonia, and unless the chill be driven off that seoond aerion condition is reached, sometimes in leaa than 24 hours. Apply this warning to yourself when you fool out of sorts with a cold. Take a
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    • 441 9 COUCHS THAT HURT Speedily Cured by VENO’S LIQMTNINQ COUQH CURE That kind of oough matt be stopped and at onoe; it is dangerous. The severe strain it causes may have serious consequences You can stop it—and cure it—with the world-famous British remedy, Veno’s Light* ning Cough Cure, There is nothing
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  • 522 10 THI AGA KHAN’S SCHEME. A Gbuat Bovth Asiatic Fbdbaatiow London, Jane 20: Tbs Aga Khan’s wotk, India in Transition, which is to be published on 24!h June, is a remarkably comprehensive surrey of existing conditions, external and internal. It embodies a scheme of Federal Reform embracing the Principal'
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  • 374 10 A Valuablu Foodstuvv. Bombay, June 23 > The result of an extended investigation of the Indian groundnut industry oarried out under orders of the Bombay Government, with special reference to the value of groundnut cakes as a relatively cheap article of food, is published in a Press Note.
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  • 872 10 METHODS IN MOROCCO The Herman campaign of revolt murder in Morocco waa in exi«tan« lß I efore the war broke out. 04 n J There were two principal aourcea 0 f a man propaganda in pre war dayi_„, T' he German Legation, and a Kr oa
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 For Children'll Hacking Oeagh at Night. Woeda'a Great keppermnt Care la, 6d.
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    • 295 10 vrayrna Began Since the Governments The Bought Over p V. w 9 w > v fd\ ROYAL i To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,--the machine that makes big organizations complete, STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE
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    • 46 10 Why It iteila. Chamberlain’* Coagh Kerned? 1 largest selling coagh medicine in tb o ffo to-day became it does exactly what 00 remedy it nappobed to do. I* •hi 1 oangh by caring the cold, and d*#« ally and rfeotaaiiy, For ky 1 pc.**r>»« aa<l al*ra
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  • 1220 11 PEACE AND ITB COST. (Timet Bpuoial Cobb as pond int latuly in Rumania When I left Jassy with the Allied military and Bed Cross missions, Romania bad partially reached, owing to the development of events, one of the dearest ideals of the extreme Socialist, For
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  • 641 11 Emflotibs ajc d Employs d i The industrial importance of dresamak- ing in Franco is emphasised by the present situation. Bome 100,000 Paris workingi women are likely to become unemployed unless something is done to meet their needs. As a rule, the dressmakers and magasin» d* jfuveaut
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 182 11 kmm rsmoTAo brewwt M m px 41 4 t'i v. G .AO When ordering your Drinks don’t forget -to ask -For the above because It is the best It gives you complete satisfaction It promotes a good appetite D a You can enjoy a good taste, a relishing drink and
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    • 515 11 Government of Kedah. AUCTION SALE OF TOWN LOTS AT SUNGEI PATANI. rpWENTY TOWN LOTS for firstclass shop-house* will be pat for Auction Sale at Sungei Pat&ni commencing at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, 20th, Jaly, 1918 at aa upset price of $750 par lot. It will be ona of the conditions
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1621 12 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE, (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PASSENGER BERVIOEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL BERVICES EABT OF BOMBAT are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are hooked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aeooMsaodation is
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