Straits Echo, 12 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1600 1 MI hdensed j Milkmaid BUf m SWISS CONDI SwtUwUail! for sale. (2-3) 5cripps 0 1 Motor Car Edition oi»iJ »Q'J 900 ,lei 0 wner loafing for b App'y to Tht undermentioned garage. ||F YOU WANT} COMFORT GO TO THE Undermentioned Garage For Brand Now Cars for hire day and night
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    • 14 1 m s milk okii®; •\5TO8HTMIKJTtS* jotc 1 rn* 01® >uixe p.oi 5*^ t Mb
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  • 1580 2  -  ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS IN POLAND. (By a Russian) The question of Eastern Europe is now comiDg more and more to the front We see clearly to day what the German plan in regard to E stern Europe is It is easy, moreover, to sea that in
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  • 559 2 Minutes of a Special Meeting 0 f Municipal Commissioners held on Tn j June 25, 1918. e,d »h Present W. Pml, Esq, President O. E. Craig Esq Yroh Guam 6>ok Esq Chrs Wot Lok, Esq. Absent i F. Duxbuby, Esq. Quah brno Krk Eeq. A. M. Goodman Esq
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 216 2 NEW CONSIGNMENT OF BRITISH MADE LAMP AND LAMPWARE JUST UNPACKED-AT WHITEAWAY’S. Lamp y\Of Sherwood’s Brass Heading Ths Empire As illustration, fitted with BO c.p. sun burner li inch opal shade and chimney PRICE $11.50. Sherwood’s Brass Hanging bra*8 harp fitted with brass oil container roil d burne-’ crystal chimney
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    • 18 2 All thae» flguraa art takan from a book bj B. Yaaiatrnaki, Population Juira dan» la Reyaama da Palofna.”
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    • 147 2 All the six million Jews of Central and Eastern Europe speak Yiddish (t.e, JadceoGerman, a dialect of German) as their mother tongne. Accident* Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an accid'nt, but it is not impossible to be prepared for ft. Chamberlain’s Pam Balm is not be* yond
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  • 705 3 ST1.TUTOBT MuUTIlfd. £j [Messrs. B.ustead A Co. the Secretaries to* the above Company, forward the follow- !>og (or publication t] I j The statutory meeting for the Bassett BuhLe. Oj. Ltd was held at the registered I office of the Company, No. 1 Weld Quay,
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  • 240 3 [To Thu Editor or ths Strait s Echo Dear Bir, Not knowing then when the next mail would leave, I posted a letter to a town in China at the end of last week in order to make sure it would catch it, A mail left
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  • 30 3 The Singapore Maoager advia*s having ;eceived the f Mowing telegram from Head Office i—Iitorim divider d £2.91- subject to I tec me Lx Dividend payable 12th August.”
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  • 280 3 Yasp bin Abdullah, a peon in the Municipality, was yesterday afternoon charged hefoie Mr. 8 H. Langston with cheatiag the Municipality of George Town by falsely pretending to one Mohamed Osman, the shroff, that be had paid the sum of $1 60 as postage on two parcels
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  • 269 3 (FVom Char (hm Cbi respondent.) Teluk Anson, July 10. j Mr. Blaok, the magistrate, disposed of the f following cases on Monday last i Mnnusamy and Tbyan were ohargvd with theft of 11 cooonuts of Bagan Pasir Estates, valued at 44 oents. The Ist accused was oonvicted
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  • 31 3 C From Our Oum Correspondent^ Singapore, July 12. The Auotions are unfinished. The tone is slightly fi mer. Standard grades have advanced half a cent with fair demand.
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  • 379 3 San Diego, Cal, Maj 4. Mr Francis Barton Harrison, wife of the Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, obtained to-day an interloontory decree of divorce in the Superior Coart here on a charge of desertion. The ooart awarded to Mrs. Harrison two notes in the total earn
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 311 3 T TO-NIGHT to-night PIRp THEATRE. B i Tli *PREMIER THEATRE ot the COLONY 9b t 9b tt a* i I* The Managing* are pleased to announce that Episodes 11 and 12 will be screened THURSDAY TO MONDAY. OF THE BED ACE EPISODES 11 AND 12 MAFIE WALCAMP-LARRY PEYTON More a-xazing
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    • 1160 3 miffed the lely the in the ice, 80 ted itn “8 8« lat ke oh YOU AND EVERYBODY WHO SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM NTEUR4LGIA, Gout Soreness, Stiff. -L1 ness, Lumbago Pleurisy, Headache. Toothache, and all bodily aches and pains, should use LITTLE’8 ORIENTAL BALM Mr J. Vince of No. 20, Nelson
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  • 100 4 I PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnbllc holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local 180 per annum. Outatatlon Poetagre Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: 'ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Coho) 8 06. Printing Department SA3. I N.B.
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  • 1257 4 Looked at primarily from the point of view of Parliamentary proesdura we should take the Hou. Mr. C. W. Darbisbire’s motion regarding publioation of enemy communiques which he ia to move at Monday’s meeting of Legislative Counoil, as being in the nature of what would be in the
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  • 28 4 At a meeting of the Director» held thii morning it waa decided to pay an interim dividend on the 17th inatant of ton per oent.
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  • 497 4 Among 19 newly appointed members cf i the New Zealand Legislative Counoil are two Maoris, 9 9 9 9 Matilda Hennessy at the Petty Sessions at Esk was appointed the first woman Justioe of the Peaoe in Queensland. 9 9 9 Sir Robert Newman (U was on
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  • 51 4 The following are the latent quotation» in Mesar». A, A. Anthony and Company’» •bare lilt i Yesterday. To-day. Mining. J f! ml ml Bangnon Valley 4/6 3/6 3/6 2/6 Trong 18/9 19/6 18/6 19/3 Menglembn 1.05 1.10 1.00 1.07* General, I astern Smelting P *2/- 23/- tl/6
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  • 105 4 Lord Leverhulme. addressing a reconstruction meeting at Oardiff on a six hours working day, said that for years after the war we should have production of goods at 50 per oent above pre-war rates, and be faced with the competition of countries i whioh had profited
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  • 108 4 The Bev. W, E. 8. Holland has been appointed Direotor of Becruiting for the Service of the Church at Home and Abroad. Mr. Holland was an exhibitor of Mag. dalen College, Oxford, where he graduated [in 1895, having taken a second both in Moderations and in Lit.
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  • 54 4 The following programme of mnaic will be played at the Esplanade thia evening at 6pm 1 Overture The Death Of Nelion Braham 2 Polka Tho Eohoea Of Moot 0r.... Blano Jullien 8 Selection Strolling Bound The Town Godfrey d Walt» The Chocolate Soldier Strauaa I 4 March
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  • 1093 4 A Chance for Reform. Tne Mllitaiy authorities are seekiu Malay drivers for employment in the p motor van unit for thu Mesopotamian* ri fronts. It would be a good idea if ul drivers who are in charge of the a» vehioles whioh ply for hire on the main[
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 121 4 i OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. Flannel Pyjama vuit diat’3 Ceylon Flannel Pyjama Cults- Stripped, in 3 qualities. S.M. size M. size O.S.M. sine $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $8.00 $8.50 $9.00 $8.50 $9 00 $9.50 fancy cotton zephyr pyjama SUITS IN 3 SIZES $775. 7 > I Pyjama*. ritchard 8 Co.,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 578 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ‘bthib ALLIED successes. m L radon, July 10,10-65 p.m. 1 Huiff in his aviation report •t* 1 toilbe front. Ttn of thoir. «a *1™» <*<>« i w. dropped fourteen ton. of oe« the line »d ‘.o ton. Lrlle I Three Brrtieb nre mUring. £1«*—
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  • 15 5 Bt Steamnn At >«Lrr 8 ,,ra,,) k V° x% Ipoh 3-80 p.m.
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  • 230 5 REUTER’S TELEGRAMS.] LAKE OOHEIDA TO THE SEA London, July 10, 5 p.m An Italian official message states: Having reached to west of the lower atd middle Bemeni and extended east to :he occupation of the heights at tbe bead of Tomorica, our troops are advancing and repulsing
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  • 544 5 Before Mr. Bagars in tbe first magistrate’s oourt at Singapore Mr. C E Harston was eharged with orimioal trespass at Mr 8, L Thompson’s bouse, No 87 Grange rd, with tbe intention of causing annoyano*, at 2 a. m, on Jaly 1. Mr. Bmith Marriott Appeared
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  • 110 5 Mr. G. H. Roberts, M. P., Minister of Labour, addreceing London Teachers at King'way Hall, said that we must disoard the old rule of thumb methods, because conditions would be ohanged after this war and competition would be intensified. The workmen would have
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  • 557 5 [REUTER’S TELEGRAMS.] KUEHLMANN’S RESIGNATION. Sodftllits' Objections London, July 10, 8-46 p.m. A Copenhagen telegram says that the resignation of Baron Kuehlmann is the ■ensation of the Reichstag where it was annouDoed on Baron Kueblmann’s return from Head quarters. The Centre P-rty leader Groeber proposed the postponement of the
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  • 64 5 Tbo following artioles will be found on our outside Pages i 8. —A Dishonest Peon. The Bassett Bubber Go. Ltd 2 —The Jews and Eastern Europe, 6. —The Military Situation. With the Australians. Flies. War Service of Life Boats. German Bubetitute for Jute. German Propaganda. The Wcndor-Story of a
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  • 876 5 [REUTER’S TELEGRAMS.] HUGHES ON POST-WAR TRADE. Get Bendy NewLordon, July 10, 1.20 p.m. Addressing s larg? and representative meeting of the British Produc3rs organise- lion ia London, tbe Australian Premie*, Hr. Hugh's, again dwelt at great length on the absolute necessity of the B itish Empire seriously organising
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  • 829 5 [BtCapt. HB C. roLLA.Br, Author of *'The Btory o! Ypret.,” etc The patent to whioh paper has entered into the natiocal Ufa of Germany during tie war is one of the most remarkable testimonies to tin efficacy of the B iu‘h blockade. Germany began the
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  • 431 5 Th* Oath ow Paaqob, 1 FW accounts of the National Aesemb I at Prague on April 13 (of which a bri I icoount from German sourors appeared The Timet on April 16) are given in tl 1 Czech newspapers which have reaobed th country. Among those present
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  • 284 5 Mt. Gh P. Owen writes to the Singatori FVse Press Dasr Sir,—Very little has been published with regard to Singapore’s oontribetiens towards the B'ue Cross Fund (for War Horses and Dogs) in comparison with the rarious other oharities so liberally sapported by the Singapore pnblio. It may,
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  • 211 5 Policumajt’s 8teuool« Iw a Woo». A straggle between a polio? constable and three escaped German priaonera took place in a lonely wooded part of Burgbfisld, new Beading, The movements of three men aroaaed the aaapioiona of Polioe-eonstable Jordan, who, knowing that German priaonera who could not apeak
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  • 453 6 A Foreign Office cable io Bangkok dated Jane 27th states Operation! being of enemy initiative, the extent of the Italian victory can beat be aaeaaared by the Austrian f »iiu r e. And thia ia olearly aeen when it ia teoalled that captured document* have proved that
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  • 552 6 Orrioea’s PiriNa to tmb Germans. (From Mr. C. E. W. Baan.) One morning into an Australian position well ahead of the Germans two German officers were brought from a position in rear of the Australians They oarried a document intimating to the commander of the British troops
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  • 462 6 (To THU Editor or tm Timet). Sir, —Id the article on the bouse-flv, Mutca domettioa, whioh appears in The Timet, your Correspondent makee one or two statements on whioh, being somewhat familiar with tbe subjeot, I may, perhaps, be allowed to offer aome remarks* Ia suitable conditions of temperature,
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  • 312 6 Mb. Asqum’s Teibvts. At tbe annual meeting of the Royal National L'feboat Institution held at the Oaxton Hall, Westminster, Mr. Asquith presiding, it was announced by Lord Walds-g’-avs, chairman of the Committee of Management, that the Prinoe of Wales had consented, when released from active serI
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  • 158 6 Included In to-night’s ohange at the Eleotrio Polysoope is another London Films’ Corporation picture entitled Jelfs,” e cowboy drama of intense interest, featuring the well-known London stars, Henry Aioley Gerald Am-s, Charles Rock and Mary Dbley. It shows bow Jrlf, after spending twenty yeare in the wild West
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  • 951 6 How IT is Woukuo, Now that the importance of the work of p-opaganda has been recognised by tbe Government it is to be hoped that some drastio change both in tbe extent and in the methods of this work will shortly ensue. Whether, however, it is realised that
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  • 1025 6 Tux Wood Polf Fibrh Cbllulox Tbe following article is qaottd from the i Board of Trade Journal i Tnere has been much discussion in the i German Press during reoent weeks con* oerning a wood pulp fibre named Celi lulon," for whiob large claims are made
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  • 638 6 The tragic death of M-s. L j na Gailbert Ford, the Amerioan writer who was killed in a reoent air raid on London, baa brougtt to light several interesting facta about K ep the Home-Fires burning" the famous sorg of woioh ahe was
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  • 370 6 It is an interesting coincidence that Sir 0 I Auckland Geddesand Herr Eublmannshould both have considered it necessary, in their g respective Parliaments, and on the same day, > to warn their hearers that the war may conceivably drag on right through the year 3 1919, We
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  • 665 6 Tbe semi-official organa of the u Government have for noma tune p^t^h** 8 rtprteenung German po.icj toward, r mama as bent volt-no and Indulges T thb Cologne b-amttle rtcontly article oalltd Rumania's War Ga o 10 concluded as follows i 1 w^iC^ Aitnough by btr
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  • 219 6 Result of Appeal in The Timet' Iu N ivembor, 1917, an appeal appeared in 7. he Time» from Sir Francis Fox, for old 1 plane, drawings, and cloth tracings, from which to manufacture brown holiand, linen, calico, muslins and (from tbe cloth tracings) nainsook for hospitals.
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  • 38 6 Fridat, Jolt 12. B« oc Entries Close, 5 p‘mTown B*' *1» EspUnade. fcjATUKDAT, Jolt 13. Bun da r. Jolt 14, Seventh after Trinity. Mondat, Jult 15, Town Burnt, E-pianade. W ednbsdat, Jult IfTown Band, Esplanade
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  • 1143 7 Thu Fbcon» Hard Bookstalls. You o*o tell the age of a town pretty nearly by its second-hand bookshop** and bookstalls. Io no bnck-and-tile bivouac of factoryhands, for example, will you find anything; to oompare with the noble secondhand bookshops of P*ris and the magnificent rubbish of her Quail.
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  • 868 7 Gsmu awt Suikikq A Casus Bulli. Holland may be faoed in the oourse of the next few weeks, writes Leonard Spray in the Daily Telegrpah recently, with the most serious perils she has encountered sinoe the outbreak of the war. Though there have been many dangerous moments,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 567 7 nCDuv ?l JLJQ Sleeplessness |]»B alw»ys gomething of disease or undue excitement in it. The jre use of tea, coffee, tobacco, or any narcotic, may bring it on. X Ce aso come from dyspepsia, a general run-down condition of the I f a J f rom disease, insufficient nutrition, excitement,
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    • 12 7 For Children’* Sacking Oengh at Night. Wood*** Great Pafpraint Once 1«, 6d.
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    • 595 7 (f'lrip- -«i-h «w* -wogo^ To-night! To-night I! AT 9 Fit. T HE PARSIEMPIR THEATRICAL Co, OP BOMBAY E Present at the Drury Lane Theatre Hall, INDRA SABHA DOORS OPEN 8 PM. CURTAIN RISES 9 PM. Carriages 1 a.nv PRICES OF ADMISSION Box «eat of 4 Orchestra First clan $16-00 First
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1659 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINK. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR ANtToRIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hi» Majeaty’a Government.) The Company’» MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preaent auapended Panonfera for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offer» and ai far an aaoommodation is
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