Straits Echo, 9 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1554 1 Condensed MJJ Milkmaid &swisscondM| FOR SALE, j n M (2-3) senter 'Scrlpps Booth Motor Ca*» 25itt™ .»'j >»" 900 l owner Iravmg {or b Appty to Jht «Ti dermtntioned garage. IF YOU WANT! COMFORT GO TO TBE 1 Undermentioned Garage J Fur Brand New Csra for hire DAY and night
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    • 19 1 US’S K I Mil *®wi«tw«3t U' LOW '*ec otC TIONB POI 35? rv; A 3s :rss 0 •s, a
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  • 1206 2  -  A GALLANT DEED. (Et Li*ut F. J. Slbath No matter bow jealously guarded the secret ot a particular type of aeroplane may be while the machine is building, sooner or later, once the plane has passed into servic», the enemy will bring one down and find out
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 345 2 TEA DINNER SERVICE. Crockery Is getting scarcer and dearer. Get your requirements while the price is right. THE “STRATFORD" COMBINATION DINNER'TEA AND BREAKFAST SET. English Made Brown Rockingham Tea Pots. The oldest and «till the test Site 8. 4, 6, 9 and''12 caps Prices 75 cts., 95 cts., $1 15,
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    • 199 2 YOU AND EVERYBODY WHO SUFFER FROM RHEUMATISM rTEURMiGIA, Gout. Soreness, Stiff 11 ness, i umbago Pleurisy, Headache. Toothache, and all bodily aches and pains, should use LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM Mr J Vince of No. 20, Nelson Square, Burnley says:-Haring suffered from Eheun atism in my knees for two years and
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    • 223 2 Public Holiday. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Wednes* day, the 10th July, 1918, which has been proclaimed a Public Holiday. TRONOH MINES LIMITED (Incorporated in England.) DIYIDFNDS NOS 50, AND 51. A Final Dividend of l/-per «bare alio Interim Dividend of 2/* per share both p»y. b!e io
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  • 758 3 I The annual sports of tbe Anderson School, 4 Ipob, cn Saturday last were most sucoebtful. -a Mr. A. E. Coops ae.ed as starter, and Mr. G. Simpson and Mr. N. A. Worley assisted as juoges. The masters of the school 3 rendered vaiuabld assistance. Shortly after
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  • 124 3 Three of the Chinese servants at one of tbe largest local establishments were taken suddenly ill, with fever, it is said, on Sunday and yesterday and were prostrate at the Hylam Kongsi near the Chinese Temple in tho cro*i road c meeting Lsith Street with
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  • 89 3 June 4By Balanoe 8428.62 30 lot for J year at 2% 413 July 3 Teoh Cn*ow Cheang monthly 200 J 8434 75 July 3By Balance 8434 75 amount previously acknowledged 32,429 23 832,863 98 Th*fc Dublin small boy who reported SacfeviHe street as alive with corpses, has
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  • 381 3 C JPitim Our (han O/rrtspcndatUy Teluk Anson, July 6. On tbe prosecution of Inspeotor Gowleod the following cases were brought before Mr. Black last week i Subrayen, a Tamil of the Cecily Estate, w.a sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for one month for having voluntarily caused bnrt to
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  • 288 3 A correspondent gives a vivid account of difficulties which the Germans have to contend with, 'Tn the western suburb of Lille,” he writes, “the children were playing ball, but on tbe extreme edge of the town we came on ruined houses, and then tbe wildest
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  • 226 3 Three years ago a Twickenham resident, Mrs. Maunders, received official news from the War Offio3 that her husband one of the old Contemptiblee,” had been killed in action. Thrown on her own resources, snd having a small family to keep, she struggled on, and a very
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 376 3 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT jj v m THEATRE. THEATRE in the COLONY ft* if TfIORWOUJ ATTRACTION FOR MON., TILL WED Madame n ft* v t* ft* ,-s MME PETROVA. in"tHE SOUL Of A MAG RALE PetroYa IN The Soul of a Magdalen A METRO— Which Stirs you to the very Heart. THe
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    • 210 3 COLISEUM. EVENING SHOW 5 to 7 p.m, 11 To-night To-night!! t muc mnn riming t f I I 'T'HE PARSIEMPIR1? l THEATRICAL Co, m OP BOMBAY Present at the Drury Lane Theatre Hall, HASIN-KATIL. TO-M JFROW Salamat Hari Jiaya to oar numerous Mohammedan Patrons. TvOo Special Performances At 3 p.m.
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  • 97 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 39, Beach. Street, Penang Price Dally Local $BO per annum. Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343, N.B. —All business
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  • 1120 4 Wbilst it would be advisable not to base any great hopes of useful armed intervention in the present struggle by the resurgent forces of feasible Russia, it would be equally as foolish absolutely to ignore the favourable changes which are undoubtedly taking place ia that country, A
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  • 156 4 To morrow beu g tbe ffioial Hari Rsya holiday the Bitk* aid Government offices will be clourd. A mail for Europe will close at 19 a.m. Und one for Australia at 11 a.m, The General Post Offioe will be olosed at noon, the savings bank and money order
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  • 133 4 Work at the oourae ie of a much briaker character now as the main part of Billet’s I strieg has oome up, the folluwit g new b rscs being now on ths list Black Watch, Queen Imal, Tim, Charles K Floradora, Pretty Boy, Lsaddssr Tarancm. Haul
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  • 39 4 Paris Municipal Council has decided to aend a few oases of good French wine to the srtilerymen who efficaciously counterfought Fat Bertha," tte iong«range gun which waa shelling the Paris region.— Exchange.
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  • 305 4 M>a Peter Gilohrist, of Helensburgh, died on Apt il 25, aged 108. Mr. M. Sheriff, Under-Secretary to the Kedah Government, is here on a visit. Mr, W. J, Thorne, of the Eastern Smelting Company, left for home to-day on long leave. owe Dr. A. L. Hoops, State
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  • 163 4 [Te Thu Editor of thu Straits EoAo.] Sir, Having received much recompense by writing through your valuable piper I again send you this with the hope that you will be kind enough to give it publicity.' Several of the chauffeurs, especially tboeu engaged in motor-oars plying for hire,
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  • 54 4 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list t Yesterday. To-day. Mining. I ft 1 d* =3 CQ cq m m Kampong Kamunting 51/- 52/0 51/d 53/. Katoo Deebook 14/6 15/- 13/- 14/TaipingTin 1.35 1.40 1.25 1.35 General, Malayan Collieries
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  • 120 4 Zurioh. The Leipriger Volksaeiiung says i In spite of the big suooeas of the eighth War Loan the disparity between the Reichstag credits of 174 milliards and the aggregate loans amounting to 87 milliards, ia constantly increasing. *lt is true adds the writer i hat
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  • 37 4 Mrs. Bprouie acknowledges with thanks funds and CDmforts reoeived for M.jor Jensen's mar, Mesopotamia. Messrs. Huttunbsoh Bros. 250 lbs. soap. Telegraph Moss, Gramophone records Golf Club, Playing cards Mrs, Maurice Heoty HO. Mrs, Sproule 10
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  • 77 4 Los Angeles. It is announced that Mary Pickford, the oinema aotress, will appear in one more plcturo and then permanently retire. Her sister says she is on the point of a nervous oollapse. A post-osrd addressed to Monmouth and I bearing the Chepstow and Tidenham official
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  • 732 4 What is it T We present the paragraph below to oib read8 h opportunity 0 guessing to what it li a preliminary that to say what ia the subjeot it introdioei discwssion. To make It easier we may once Amerioan. The paragraph s as follows i 1 There
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  • 53 4 The following programme of musio will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow evening at 6 p m 1 Selection Sambo’s Holiday Tohoakcff 2 Bong Whisper and I Shall Hear Piocolonsinl 3 Selection The Mill In The Valley Bauer 4 Walts An Artist’s Life Straiss 5 March Souvenir
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  • 39 4 Members are asked to note the next Olsb Shoot will be on Wednesday morniag the 10th July (to-morrow) at 7 a.m. instead of on 1 bursday ai previously advertised. Deliberate at 200, 800 and 500.
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  • 60 4 Luteal Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day »t 1161, business in Singapore (refiosd) at 1161,50, business done (260 tons sold). Mr. Kbaw Joo Tok advises us that ths output of The Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Coy, N. L. for June was lons. The Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging outpit
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 135 4 1 Pritchard 8 Co., LIMITED (TWCOIPOP ATBD IN TUB StBAITB SbtTI.BMBBTB) OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods* Flannel Pyjama tuit Gant ’3 Ceylon Flannel Fyjama Suits* Stripped in 3 qualities. Pyjama». S.M. size $6 00 $8 00 8.50 M. size $6.50 $8.50 $9 00 O.S.M. size $7.00 $9.00 $9.50 F >
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  • 629 5 B uru'i TtlKMlMl aKNEBAL HBJOimNO. London, Jaly 6, 4 p.m u,j.,tie<’ 8il«' W<ddio« «I ole- "mil. but ««Dtlollj- Th o' 1 1 P were Hp'oi.l th.ut.giT.nj «bare tba m.ootms -in* at Saint r I.pen.l Ooof-raooa ware .men* in( j the presentation at the Tbe R„.l P--La of
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  • 658 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] PRE83 VIEWS Greatest Experiment in History. London, July 5. Tne Indian report recommends in all the major provinces except Burma the executive government should oonsist of a Governor and Jan executive council and two members one of whom will be IadLn to have oharge of
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  • 617 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] POWERFUL ALLIED WEAPONPari», July 9. At the International Conference on Commeroe in London a motion was passed for the purpose of making the economioal weapon one of the decisive factors of war and peace; The president of the Fiench group, Deputy Cnaumet, said the fact
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  • 716 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] BREST TREATY REJECTED. German Minister Murdered, London, Ju'y 6. At Paris at a meeting of the Socialist group of the Chamber M Karen tky read a resolution adepted at a secret mee iog on the 18th May 1918 of the council comprising representatives of all parties
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  • 822 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FURTHER ITALIAN PROGRESS. Anglo French Raids. L ndon, July 6, 1 35 p.m, I London, July 6. 1 An Italian offioal memge states After I five days of a bitter and uninterrupted struggle the enemy on the afternoon of the 6tb July was oomph tely
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  • 335 5 Fbwtiiccbd to Onb Year. A. Bnnatamby, financial clerk in the Ldboui Department, appeared this morning ia the District CL-urt b foroMr. B. D. Acton I charged with criminal breach of trnst in tha otpscity of a public servant in respect cf $456 50. Accused pleaded guilty. I
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  • 316 5 The Hon. Mr. W. C. Michell, Resident Councillor, to-day in the Governor’s R”om presented tbe long and faithful service medal to Mr, Tang Ch ang Pow, formerly bail ff in tbe Distiiot Court. There was a Urge attendance of the beads of tbe different departments and also
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  • 70 5 There were 8,090 fewer street aocidenta caused by vehicles in England and Wales last year A Whit 6 gives the number as 40.373, as against 48,483 in 1916. Fatal accidents, numbering 2 047. were 346 l? 88, and included 374 by borse-drawn and 1,542 by motor vehicles.
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  • 47 5 The following artioles will bq foind on our outside piges 2. —The Nation’s Bfcorets, 3. —Teluk Aneon Notes. Anderson School Spot ta, 6 —Life in Russia. Rebirth of Babel. A German Tub-Thumper, Seven War Correspondents Decorated Exchange of Prisoners. Noted Frenob Playwright Dead. Turkey and Bulgaria,
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  • 428 6 The question if ofien tsked, says the Weatminiter Oazatte wbat is going ou in what if the file of the numerous well»to-do people who must be bankrupted by the pre*ent and what sort of life are thsy living f I have seen some recent letters which throw
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  • 234 6 The Duke of Bedford, Lord-Liauteoant of Middlesex, presented twenty-four medals of the Order of the British Empire awarded by the King to various residents in the oounty, mainly munition workers for conspicuous acts of oourage and devotion to duty, and remarked that the recipients were
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  • 305 6 Some, Tbfl Metsaggero, in concluding an article reeently on the heroic exploits of the B'itisn troops, says i Truly this is the noblest and proudest hour for Britain. Her sons, b >rn and eduoated to worship peace, have rushed of their own free will to defend their
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  • 410 6 Pros and Cons Examined. London, May 24 Ti e Daily Exprett states "D spite tbe Franco G <iD»n agreement Xtr the exchange of 350,000 prisoners, tbe Biitißh authorities diubt the advisabtd y of exchanging men wuo are capable of further military ■«'IViCP, as this practice, they believp,
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  • 305 6 That tiade reports can be made interestii g as well as informing is aptly illustratrd by a Foibign T ade R cord from tbe N tiooal City Bank of Njw York on the subject of—castir oil 1 Aeroplanes and hying machines have made hurry calls upon castor oil,
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  • 189 6 Loiti Rhondda, in his letter to the annual dinner of the N w tptp r Press Fuid recently acknowledged handsomely the work done by tha bewt-p-per press during the war. That w >ik, whntever its value, has been viven ander the mist s a ri
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  • 83 6 To-night will ao> another grand change of programme at the E'eotria Polyscope B sides a Luke C >mc-dy and anotb r p iwerful thne ac». drama eutitLd "The Safe” by J. H. Bo'-ny there will be Pathe’s groat* st p od notion, a Gold Booster, entitled B ind
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  • 223 6 In recognition of the important idle that has been performed by tbe correspondents in the preemt war in promoting amongst he Allies a greater understand ng and «ppneiation of each other's contribution to he common cau'P, the French Government, at the r< quest of G naral Plain,
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  • 279 6 If tbe S tin Feiners ara th* instigators (f the present Irish boycott of Treasury Notes they are showing >ll their old proclivity for reviving obsolete ideas. It was Dean Swift, of course, who led the famous attack on Wood’s halfpence which resulted in much the same
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  • 205 6 There ia every reason for satisfaction with the minner in which the problem of Egypt’s fuel suppiv has been handled under war conditions. In a note written by the Acting Financial Adviser, which is appended to the Egyptian Budget, it is stated that the situation has mainly
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  • 95 6 Paris. The Matin saya that M, Radoslaviff, the Bulgarian Premier, is said to have agreed to negotiate with Turkey ou the basis of the German proposal*, which comprise the cession to thB Turks of the city and railway station of Earagacb, near Adrianople, aa well as the
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  • 130 6 Aaoiher woman baa b?en appointed as a minister, the B v. Margaret Crook, B A., of Oxford, having accept d a unanimous invitation from the congregation cf Norwich Unitarian Church to beoome the pastor, A motor-ear proprietor, summoned for using petrol for a pu pose not authorised
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  • 279 6 New Confusion of Tongues in Mesopotamia. Edmund C*ndler, special correspondent with the Expeditionaiy Force in Mesopotamia, write* Toe arid tia ts where our own troops end General Adenby’s are fighting, aid the desert between, span tbe whole land of Holy Writ, from Jerusalem to Babyloe. Babel, if
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  • 200 6 The sudden death occurred in Paris on May fi, in hie seveity first jiar, of M Georges Ohnet. Tha son of a Parisian architect, be was educated for the law, but after tha war of 1870 he became a political j inrnaliat, and edited the Payt
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  • 148 6 Mr. Stanton H. Kmg has a unique Government position. He baa ben appointed official obanty man for the American merchant marine. The Londm correspondent of the Liverpool Daily Pott bean that Mr. Kiog wul revive coanty sing ng among sailors who will j ia the new cargo ships
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  • 118 6 There is a curious phrase in the letter in whioh the Kaiser announces to his son that a new bridge over the Rhine is being named after him. The bridge, according to the Kaiser, is being built ae a valuable means of defence to the Fatherland.
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  • 58 6 Mr. J. H Thatcher, of Oldham, a widow, er, died intestate, leaving net personalty sworn at 701. Letters of administra* on have been granted to his son, one of the next-of-kin. The will of Miss Jane E sabeth Hilton, of Manchester, left £58,565 in net personalty, from
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  • 64 6 Rio dp Janeiro. The G vAinment is arranging to extend the const* uotitn of wo den ships in order to relieve the congestion of traffic on the tailways. Sp eial facilities are to be given to private firms building sailing vessels of large tonnage intended for
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  • 862 6  -  By Lieut. k n. Colvile. That the German lacks all sense of humour is a truism so oft repeated tbit it tqaires considerable moral courage to write it Even spologisiog for it is a or 'somely hackneyed proceeding, But true it always was, and true it still
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  • 162 6 It was stated at Scotland Tard recently that exhaustive inquiries are b»*ing na«de into the loss of j-w-ls valued at £29,000 which were seDt from London tj India, bat which wrr* missii g from tho sealed registered mail p*ck*go when it wag opened at B mbay.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 Accident* Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an acoident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared for it Chamberlain's Pain Balm is not b*f« nd anyone's parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared for almost anything. For sale by all dispensaries a d
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    • 625 6 Instant Relief for Morning Headache and Poor Appetite. That dull aching th*t nausea and din. ete for food with which so many beei„ the day, soon goes when you take L C..sell. In.taut Relief. The root of trouble is disordered liver. perhaps con.ti pation, and Dr. Cassell’s Instant Relief so
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  • 2298 7 e 1 J Dividend. VS Nam be pf 09 fc> d it i\ h Capital. Sb»r< inn ucd no 4> L> last finanfor torrent Nans. i e s m m r* as (0 cial year. year. n =2 0Q tDBBLR—DOLLAR SHARKS. cts 8 cts 1W ISO, «0-1 50'), «0«
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 388 7 xHE EVER POPULAR HOUSEHOLD REMEDY Which has now borne the Stamp of Public Approval for A* OVER FORTY YEARS. ENO S ‘FRUIT SALT’ Pleasant to Toko» Refreshing and Invigorating. IT IS YERY BENEFICIAL IN ALL CASES OF Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Errors in Diet-Eatlng-or Drinking, Thirst, Giddiness, Rheumatic or Gouty
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1429 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAB LINK. (Companies incorporated in Ingland MAIL AND PASBENQER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hii Majeaty’a Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present impended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offers and as fare* modation is
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