Straits Echo, 8 July 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1469 1 CONDENSED 1 bkaM Milkmaid SWISS CONDE» Swtt#erU«d and FOR sale. Booth i Ooe (2-3) seater ‘Scr.ipps motor Car T.M1917 ujouel ielf starter ard metro L ♦>"& n pxcrllent ®.d.Hcn 0.17 >uo 900 cm. owner ItaTitg for b< me. Apply to Jhi undermentioned garage. IF YOU WANTj COMFORT CO TO THE
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    • 11 1 Ĕ’S MILK •«mbtmbi» f l o»e •eai ss B=a ft? ess
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 28 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire 9 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 984 3 $u(umn Tfteeting, 1918. RACE DAYS: first day Tuesday, 23rd July, 1918. SECOND DAY Thursday, 25th July, 1918, THIRD DAY Saturday, 27th July. 1918 FIRST DAY. Tl'ESD*Y. 23rd JULY, 1918. ,-7 The George Town Plate and Purse. TT «i00 and $50 to etch Second Horse 'uJjifap for ill
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  • 877 3 War for the moment ii retirding the organization of aeroplane postal services in *11 parts of the world, bat there is every sign and portent that it will not be long after the advent of peace before this obvious and important development begins to link ap all
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  • 148 3 One of our escaped prisoners has been telling me how he managed to secure an unmolested passage out of Germany. After long wanderings, he at last ran into a suspicious non-commissioned offioer, who stopped and questioned him. To run was useless; tbs only thing to be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 253 3 In all*! Divided Race»” the Committee reserve the right If they consider the Entries not justify two Races, to instruct the Handicapper to handicap for one Race only, the other conditions remaining the same. Provided the number of Entries justify their so doing the Committee reserve the right to divide
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    • 457 3 FOR SALE. »e OUBBER FACTORY and PLANT n XV at Nob. 27/28 8tation Road, J Bukit Mertajim. g Apply for fall particulars to A. B. C., k c/o Straitt Echo e 6 FOR SALE. e ONE PRIVATE RICKSHAW, nswlj fitted shaft and good tjres. CobbD plete with lamps Etci British
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    • 171 3 0 o o 0 0 0 8 INTERESTING INVESTMENT. A rubber estate of about a hundred aores fully planted, with trees six to eight years old. FULL PARTICULARS FROM R. P. BRADFORD. 1 F, Penang Street, Penang, wmrxamr wKEEP O'iOL WITH A NON-ELECTRIC FAN. it is a remarkable invention. It
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  • 582 4 The Admiralty records of submarine activities provide ample justification, if it were needed, for the decision of the Allied mercantile marine to ostracise Germany and the Germans for a peried of years *fter peace The following experiences of B itish crews are oompiled from official investigation:—
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  • 227 4 BURMA EXAMPLE FOLLOWED. Cuirsve In Calcutta.. Calcutta, 21st June: It is understood that some details of the requirements of the Government of ladia in regard to the utilisation of European man-power in ladia have reached Calcutta this week and have been considered at private meetings by the oommittees
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 357 4 TEA DINNER SERVICE. Crockery Is getting scarcer and dearer. Get your requirements while the price is right. THE STRATFORD" COMBINATION DINNEITTEA AND BREAKFAST SET. English Made Brow* Rockingham Tea jPots. The oldest and «till the best Sise 8. 4,6, 9 and 12 cups Prices 75 cts., 95 cts., II 15,
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    • 79 4 TRANSLATION THE UNDERSIGNED nndertakes to translate any document fro* English into Chinese and rice versa. Also Chineie accounts into English. Fees according to the following soale (1) For translation for insertion in tbe Straits Echo or the Pinanf Sin Pot or to be printed bj the Jobbing Department of the
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    • 148 4 YOUR DELIVERY PROBLEMS ARE BEST SOLVED BY Brockway Motor Trucks Let as thoroughly demonstrate the potato of saperioritj that mark the Brock way as being the highest grade Track on the market The name of Brockway has been associated with vehicles of the highest qnality for 61 years. To daj
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  • 1773 5 I Mr, and Mrs. Leong Eng Khean returned to Ipoh on Tnursday from Penang, Mr. H. H Stevens is appointed Assistant dupeiintendeat of Immigrants from June 20 9 9 9 9 Tbe King’s exequatur, empowering Mr, A. E Baddeley to act as Consul General for I Siam
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 332 5 ft wr? wmmwT wm w wiww w Tiig TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT 3 fr* IH tr t tt* theatre: PREMIER THEATRE in the COLONY TmORMOUS ATTRACTION FOR MON., TILL WED. Madame Petrova IN v 4* iIH if tE MME PETROVA. IN "the 50UL OF A MAGPALEh The Soul of a Magdalen A
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    • 427 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. AH ORDINARY MEETING of the Municipal Comars-ijEe.s will be held et the Municipal Office at 4 p,tn, oo Tuesday 9th instant. (By Order) L. A. COURTIIR BIGGS, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. yHE DRAWING of Mon. thon Puket Lottery has been postponed to 21st August next. MUNICIPAL NOTICE.
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. A?. .-—All buainaaa communications
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  • 58 6 Fraser Lisliu.— April 80, at St. Columbus. Font-*». W. Djcaid G. A. Fraser, i f Nord*t»*l, J fc-j Mnl'y. e’des»' d»nphi«r if M a n d M s William Lisliu, Torquay, and jars of C-i'cutt-i. DEATH. Shine. —At Guy’s Hj-piial, Londar, on April 14th., Edwar.i M. Smine, aged 46
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  • 1340 6 The news which is cabled to day regarding tbe steps which are to be taken towards Indian aelf-gcvercment is not sufficiency detailed to base much criticism upon. It would appear that Mr, Montagu has been convinced that there is a real demand by influential edacated Indian opinion for
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  • 1089 6 Dispensable Millionaires. There are a fuw people here who are in some little doubt as to whether their employee’s services are indispensable when considered vis a vis war needs As a slight assistance j in making up their minds the following paragraph from a Canadian newspaper may be
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  • 621 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, Jaly 5, 2 At New York Mr. Daniels in tn to tbe Tammany sooioty declared thj? national lannohinga to-day compriied m tonnage than America bad loit in the wh war. More than 400,000 tona were into the water to-day, while the total'of American tonnage deatroyad
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  • 138 6 j The following are the latest jiotstioni in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Compssy’i share list i—- Saturday. T#-4ay, i Rubber. j I |i 1 Alor Gajah 175 S.OO 250 2-W I Ayer Hitam 13.00 15.00 1000 12-00 Balgownie 4.5) 5.00 4.25 47» Batang Benar 11.00 13.00
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 Pritchard 8 Co., LIMITED(I If CO V FOR AT BO IB THB STRAITS SbTTLBM BRTS) OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. PyjA^M. Flannel Pyjama Suit’s Ceylon Flannel Fyjama Suits- Stripped in 3 qualities. S.M. size $6 00 18 00 48.50 M. sizo $6.50 $8.60 $9 00 O.8.M. size $7.00 $9.00
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 649 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] AMERICANS AND ANZACS Hors Prlsonsr* Taken. London, July 4,10-45 p.m a r DcuglM Haig reports The operation mirir sooth of the Somme was com‘b!" 00 e„fel and was carried out by the •Hand .oppo.tedbj tank.. 0.r B of the woods of Vaire atd i ',„d
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  • 686 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. London and Paris Btjoiou. London, July 4, 7.50 p.m. As the day wore on an even better idea could have been gathered of how thoroughly London bad entered into the epirit of J Independence Day. This was outwsrdly f symbolised by the Union
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  • 678 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] GERMAN TOWNS TERBOBIZED. Coblenz Gets Ho Sett. London, July 5, 10.50 p.m. r It has been a week Of intense air fighting, j the outstanding features whereof were th e abnormally high percentage of German maohines destroyed by tho British, and the increasingly menaoing portent
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  • 650 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ALLIED COUNCIL’S CONOR A1 ULATION. LondtD, Julj 5, 11 55 p.m. An Italian official message state? t On I the Lower Piste, hating repulsed a ticlent counter-attack and destroyed new oentrea of i the enemy’s reeistico?, we considerably 11 extended cur occupation south-east of Cbie ea
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  • 698 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SOME DETAIL! OP THE SCHEME. Self-Government to Come London, July 5, Momentous proposal* for the establish, ment if responsible Government in India are now published. The document w&f signed at Simla on 22nd April last by Mr. j Montagu, Secretary cf State for India, and Lord
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  • 248 7 Thu Singapore H oasis. I The following informatit n that we bare I obtained specially from Singapore will be of interest to those concerned in the forthcoming j meeting here. I Work has been going on briskly on the I Race course, the horses in training
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  • 223 7 J Program acu rou August Miring. I The general meeting of the Selangor Turf Club was held ia the Selangor Club on Monday, July i. Mr. W. H. Maokray took the ohair and about twenty other members attended* The aocounta for the period ended Mu'oh 31, 1918,
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  • 388 7 The Committee of the Singapore Sporting C ub have made the following donations from ihe Club’s Funds towards the following charities j The Red Cross Fund $20,000 The St. Dunstan’s Home Fund” 2,500 At the Bame time they have deoided to reserve the sum of $lO,OOO to meet
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  • 46 7 The following artiolea will be foind on our outside pages 3.—Aeroplane Postal Bars iocs. 4 —Horrors of Sea Kultur. 5. M A. P. 8— Scudai, Ltd. Bankruptcy Court. Eurasian Volunteers. $5,000,000 9.—Jutland Battle. 10— Conorete Ship. 11.—Sir J. M. Bsrr’e’s Humour flow the Allies Stand-
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  • 545 8 Compact’* Puospaors Enoouraoino Th» MQjuil tp° fAI ofduulai, j *.td ffu held c tQ Hral tha lompany 61, 65 aoi 66 Ma kai 8 SingsN>re on Friday. Mr. J. M Sima was in the chair and here*were also preaent M s*rs. Tan Kne*in Hoek, J. A- Eliaa. 8
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  • 171 8 There i« more than meets tfce eye in the announcement that Mr Btnduipb Hearst has purchased the Chicago Herald, which ■lnoe 1914, has been by Mr. James Keeley. Mr. Hearst, who was formerly one of the most prominent opponents of the Allied cause, has, since the United
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  • 294 8 BaMDMAn's bUIT D BMIBBSD At the Calcutta Hign 0 >urt on Ju e 4 before Justice Ohoudburi. the suit instituted by Maurioe E. B»ndmau against Ms> Tommy Sturdee, a theatrical artiste, to 4 restrain her from leaving Sandman’s Company and taking up servioe elsewhere Calcutta paper states
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  • 1109 8 Mu Shakto ''tsvins’s Public Examination Toe pub ic fx.imaitioa of Mr. Sbafto 3. 8'evens, in bank uptcy, waa b gun before Mr, Juatice Ebdtn at Singapore on Friday afternoon. Tdb Assistant official Assignee, Mr. G. C Valpy, conduct d the examination, Mr. V.D. EoowDa watched the proceedings in
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  • 461 8 At 5 p.m ea Thursday the emdidatee for the Eurasian Corps, Singapore, were lined up by C«pt. W«oe at the R*ffl-*s Rec'amation Grounds, and after roll call H, E. the General Officer C immanding, accompanied »->V Staff Officer, Jf jir Moulton, Lt. Col. Dirrick, v d Mr, E.
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  • 178 8 Such philosophical circles as the war has *uff red to remain ia London are keenly >nre r est?d in th* stitenaent that the famous French philosopher, Dr. Henri Bergson, has ff ired his services as a member of the Faou:ty of the Jewish University which is io
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  • 119 8 The Hon Sec of the above writes to as as follows Tba garm n nt* made as a special gift for Qmen Maiy’a N edlrwork Guild by the ladies of Penang to commemorate Her M*j'sty’s Silver Wt dding, amount d to 112. This it j m
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  • 82 8 There has been a slight increase this year iu the number of undergraduates in residence at Cambridge. In tbe Easter Term last year, according to the Cam bridge Review, they totalled 408, and last teim the figure was the same, whereas the nnab r has now
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  • 61 8 Sir Wil'iam Coddington, of Wycollar, Blsckbnrn, acd Carlton Club, Conservative M. P. for Biackbu n 1889 1906; senior partner in W D. Coddington and Sons, ootton manufacturers, Blackburn left £193 097, with net personality .£210,634. Mr. Rjbert Woo. house, of Wrt’Ua, Essex, for msoy years a director of
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  • 34 8 Amsterdam. A B «rlin telegram «fates that the Imperial Chancellor's nephew, Freiherr von Hirtliog, a lieutenant to the Bivanan lafantry &«gi> ment baa died of wounds received on the Weat *ronl—Router-
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  • 205 8 COBBUFTION ON RAILWAY. Wholesale corruption on iba PekingMukden Riilway was aco dentally discovered ncent y by M. Liang Taiyuog, Jasiiae of the High Procurate of Mukden, when be travelled from Peking to the Fdngtien capital, according to Chinese reports. Liang noticed that a large number of passengers was
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  • 149 8 The fallowing Independence Day Greetings of President Wilson to American oitizma abroad have been cabled by the Seen tary of tftate t 1 O i the snoiversary wbioh the people are oelebratiog throughout the United S ates to-day, I extend to American ouizens beyond the
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  • 107 8 W •en Lord French was in command of the Old Cjutemptibles be wrote hit own reports, and this led one of the American correspondents to describe him as a great reporter and a great general too a curious inversion, which may or may not have been intentional. The
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  • 53 8 The following telegram has been received in Penang in response to the message of congratulation sent to Her by the women and soboil girls of Perang. •‘The Qa pc warmly thanka the women and children for their congratulations and gratefully accepts th«ir v ry Grenerons gift.”
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  • 121 8 Sumatra C-raohdated 48 455, Bukit Mertvjam 46 737, Taping 44,555. Buogei S put 16 024, Sungai Reyla (F M. 8.) 11,508 Alma 32.000, Bukit Tnh Alang 10,128, Shanghai Klebang 14 650, Kota Bahroĕ 38,591 Bu~gd Duri 23,012, Cbemor Uaited 18 245, Shanghai Maiav 25.804, Aver Tawah 28
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  • 26 8 (From Our Oun Correspondent,) London. Julv 4 The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/?| Diamond Bmoked Sheet 2/1}
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  • 97 8 Tbe total output of tbe Tronoh Mines from all sources for the month of June wss piculs 1942 The output of tin ore from the Ngow property of the Sismese Tin Syndicate limited for the month of June was 1 OCO pools. Messrs. Lean A Co. are
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  • 56 8 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $l6l. business dune, in Singapore (rtfiurd) at $l6l, buyers no sellers, Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were tbe quotations for Rubber on spot in London on tbe 5 h inat received to-day. Plantation Ist
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  • 482 8 Writing on tha Military Service Bill the Singapore Free Press says: A preliminary to a good understanding between oouscribers aud coosorlpcs is undoubtedly a clear exposition of tbe principles upon watch tbe Tubunaie will bi expected to work, for it cannot possibly be imagined that tbe Government la
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  • 252 8 Sfani mm Marquess Arrested Paris, April 27bh. Toe arr at on an espionage charge of the Ma quest de Atqutvuly, a Spsmsh aabj ot wuich took piaoe on Monday has resulted in the development in the Parisian press of many details of his remarkable career. Tins morning’s
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  • 231 8 Last Vestioi ow Manchv Bulb A M okden correspondent writes to the N. C Daily News The last vestige of M«schu rule has now been almost taken away by the forcible cutting off of the queues of those who faithfu ly retained thtm. Those who did
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  • 134 8 The Library will be dosed on Wednesday tbe l(hh July, this being a Pablio Holiday, The following new books have been reoeived at tbe L'brary Serbia, by L. F. Warrng. Further Memories, by Lord Bedeadale. My Remiciscenoas, by Sir Rabiadraaath Tagore. Memories of Sixty Tsars, by the
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  • 161 8 Saturday's Hbsults. Men’s Singles Htndioap A Final—A B Hall sor. b-iat R E Preutis owe 8 6—3, 3—6 6—4. Mixed Doubles Handicap Final—Mrs Hogan and C C Rovers owe 4 beat Miss Gold aDd owe 1 3—6, 6—4 6—3. M-n’s Open 8 ogles Final—R A Hunt
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  • 147 8 One of the chief topios of discussion in mibiog circles -in Kirts during tbe last fortnight, says the Times of Malaya, has been the Hitam Tin, Led formed locally. This Compary, the shares in which were oversubscribed within a few days of ihe opening of tbe subscription lists,
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  • 86 8 Business for Meeting on the 9;h instants—* 1* Minutes of last meeting to ba read and confirmed. 2 Any special business the President may bring forward* 3. Qjestions, 4. borne bills to be passed. 5 The following documents for sealing and signature Contract with Yong Hong Thoy
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  • 128 8 T*l C, O AID THB DbBAULTBB A perfectly p'ioolpsa army story is related ia the Springfield War Hsspital Gazette. A v V 7 youa B subaltern, acting as C 0-, bad a defaulter before him charged with over* staying bis leave, Ths subaltern awarded the defaulter "ten days' C.
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  • 112 8 The following programme of musio will be P *yed at the Esplanade this evening at o p m 1 Overture Fancredi Rossini o a Japanese Patrol Terre d ejection The Bohemian Girl Baife 4 Walt* Modern Eve Gilbert s_Maroh The Heroes Of Eogland Bidgood The Eotrar ce
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  • 1121 9 Jut land Battle. TEE GERMAN LOSSES. Tbttth E*t*aled. Through tbe kindness of an old Koenigsberg friend, a Swedish lady who has received letters from a relative serving in the German Fleet, I am able to publish writes the B?rne correspondent of the Weekly Dispatch some hitherto unrevealed facts about the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 400 9 cr TannudanonnrmnnnHiromumwtt3*0 Ruanymede Hotel, Penan* 1 0 t B n K 0 n B 0 in a H 2d (SEASIDE) IS 0 S f>ery Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections S 0 n ssmHsuum]n:rr tma a» w u u e n 0 JS 0 0 a a a a 0 0
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    • 514 9 OLD-AGE COUCHS, WHEEZING. and Difficult Breathing Cured by VINO S LIGHTNING COUGH CUBS There is real relief for the bronchial troables of old folks in Veno’s tning Cough Cure. Quickly it frees the choked up tubes and air passages, loosens the to ugh phlegm and soothes the trying cough Old
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    • 194 9 r NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED FROM JAPAN, WHITE PAINT (FIRST QUALITY.) A Good substitute in War Times, Air ady proved as good as other Brands. Have a Trial Order and be Convinced Yourself, ACETIC ACID (99 GLACIAL) We sell at th 3 lowest possible price you can get elsewhere. Other
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  • 896 10 A Nnw Industry in te* M -.kino When a few short years ago, says the Wes'mineter Qaftte, the Selandia was berthed in a Thames dock she at once be came the object of great curiosity, and the critical interest manifested in th vessel left no doubt that among
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  • 85 10 poor ones of auapected hotulirm are l reported from Faat Ham. Ia two of them meala were taken id the City. The manager of a famoua catering| bnaineaa t»H« the London cemapocd* ut off the Sheffield Daily Telegraph that the way to avoid botulirm ia ntvt-rtorat
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 727 10 Since the War Began y The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ■SN TYPE To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS AND COMPANY. ■Jr Illness
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  • 422 11 I Muoh of the soccess of the fonrth Bed Cross sale is due to the energy and wit of Sir J, M. Barrie, who acted as ohsirman of the Books and Manuscripts Sob Committee. He himself gave the M. 8.8. of his '‘Little M nister,” and
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  • 337 11 Patiala Bulk's Cablb. Simla, 20th Jane H- H the M&bar&ja of Patia'a bas sent the following telegram describing his impressions of the war in England, to the Foreign Secretary at Pati ala, Before haring India I knew there were many rumours with regard to the general
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 539 11 tmm jrfportj’it-rl rsmer/»o Srtwtr.? TSINGYAO BEER. When ordering your Drinks forget ±0 ask ‘for the above because It Is the best It gives you complete satis/action It promotes a good appetite "'{ssSSHsEEt' You can enjoy a good taste, a relishing drink and perfect freedom from all impurities by paying practically
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1179 12 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Xnaland MAIL AND PA88ENGER SERVICE8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undai Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present suspended. Paasenfere for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offers and as far u aeeoaamodatioo
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