Straits Echo, 5 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1494 1 NDENSEDj MILKMAiO *&SWISSCONDE!> •*s fOR SALE, j Booth i One (2-3) sealer ‘Scripps Motor Car t .»a.t 1917 model elf *t*rtt*r *cd S Dvo.xo Lz m tier Lent f condition ooij mo 900 milt 9 onotr ltov*C|< t^ r h' me. ApprT to I Jht undermentioned garage. jIF YOU WANT!
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    • 21 1 J> 6’S MI Uv ?ooißins •f'tfuwa B m» U* tSI* C TION« U*C Ul 5» *-]T* J »Wu S 3 p*g«
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  • 610 2 Gubhaut Realizes that Shu Has Bush Fools». The naval raid on Zeebrugge oomes at an unfortunate moment for the German Admiralty. The German people are just beginning to wake up to tbe fact that tney have been fooled over the 17 boat offensive tney are beginning to
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  • 227 2 COMING CHANGES IN COLOUR. Wai Issue Suqokstid. I* is cot known lceal’y, says tbs Timet ot Malaya, tu»t in the next printing of tbe dcraits and FM-S. war stamps tbera will be several ohanges in oolsnr. It has been left to tbe well known stamp journal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 344 2 TEA DINNER SERVICE. Crockery Is getting scarcer and dearer. Get your requirements while the price is right. English Made Brown Rockingham Tea Pots. The oldest and still tbe Leit Sise 3. 4, 6, 9 and 12 oups Priees 75 cts., 95 cts*, $115, 1.35 and $1.55. THE STRATFORD COMBINATION DINNER'TEA
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    • 91 2 Cfcaa torUU’t Cnngk Remedy When 70« bare a bad Oold joa want a remedj that will not only gire relief, bat ef feot a prompt and permanent care, a remedj that i« pleasant to take, a remedy that contain! nothing injariona. Chamberlain’» Coagh Remedy meeta all tbsae reqairementa, It acta
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    • 191 2 XKW SEASON’S GOODS. Suitable for Harl Raya" Wear. Children's Frocks, in Pink. gw. White, beautiful Price $2.25 and 1.75 80/'s 8»ilor Suits, iwortod C ol Bnr $3.25. WoDlleu sad Silk Bonnet. 90 cents and $1.50, Children’s Cashmere Sock. 40 cents. Yardley’s perfimeiy $2.50. Ed Pinaud’s Porte-Veine Bonq Uet large six
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  • 485 3 Japan Puovitino at Expbkbu O w Guuait. Although gas aud electricity are now more general as ftluminants throughout the Far East -than they were a quarter of a century ago, the ate of oil lamps is likely to go on for many years to come, especially in
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  • 195 3 Amount of Indemnity not Y«t Known 1 Amsterdam, April. Speaking cn the first reading of the new taxation proposals in the Reichstag the Secretary of State for Finauce, Count von Roedero, said that eleven milliard marks of the 14} milliards subscribed to tbe eighth War Loan had been
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  • 90 3 Pun ano Wins t*u Tmibd Pmizu. It is stated that the third prise in the Hongkong lottery was wen by Mr. Ooi Phee Chun, of Penang, who is the holder of Ticket No. *****. The value of the prias is $35,250 Hongkong currency, which is just a little
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  • 65 3 The military critic of tka Neue Freie Pretse Vienna, wrote in April, according to a Vienna telegram to the Amsterdam Pree* t From the strategical point of view it is Dponsary for Auatria-Hungary to take the off-naive, now that Italian troops have been sent to strengthen
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  • 1028 3 The sixth ordinary general meeting of the Tingkil Tin Mines, Limited was held in the company’s registered offices,Gresham House Singapore, on Tuesday. Mr J M Sime was fn tbe chair and those present were Messrs J W Van de Stadt, A E Baddeley, H Pric? and W
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 531 3 jgffw* ffmfwnwmwnwwnffwwwnwfii TO-NIGHT to-night 3 E a* r l THEATRE. 'Yffg PREMIER THEATRE in the COLONY 3 *1? sh* \Jr e<s~ flr- sft- >• I r th The management are glad to announce that for the first time they are able to show two epis des of the RED ACE
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    • 463 3 r ]The Electric Polyscope^ ARGYLE ROAD, PENANG THE HOME OF PHOTO PLAYS. TO-NIGHT British Productions for British British Colonies LONDON FILMS TO-NIGHT! People in Are guaranteed to please and entertain and this guarantee is REAL because THEY ARE British Home and Pictures For Those Far From HOME —LONDON FILM PRESENTS—m
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  • 99 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penan g. Price: Dally Local ISO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG. 1 Telephone Noe. (Coho) 586. Printing Department 343. A.S. —all
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  • 1254 4 We begin to think that the Austrian defeat baa produced a far greater state of demoralisation than our friends the enemy have bean willing to allow. The extraordinary statements whioh 'characterised the failure of the attack as being in faot an Austrian viotory, deoeived no one. not
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  • 77 4 According to telegraphic information rro*-i»ed late on April 18 io Shanghai from Wuhu by the officials of the Standard Oil Co Mr. J. W. Laid law, thfir installation manager at that plaoe met his death on the morning of tbe 17th as tbe result
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  • 792 4 Mr. and Mrs. O F, Stonor have returned from Japan. Mr. P. T. Allen, Proteotor of Chinese, Singapore, arrived here to*day on a visit. Mr, A. Lewie, of the Bangkok Dock Co. Ltd., ii going to Mesopotamia on military service. Mr. T. J. Cbeah who ba9 just
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  • 84 4 Workmen while excavating for the construction of a Dew building at the south end of the Shanghai native city found an earthen pot containing gold ornament* weighing neatly 50 ounces. The plot of land was formerly a garden belonging to a notable by the name
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  • 821 4 Law—And War. At the Bromley Tribunal reoenfcu a solicitor, aged 40, single. aod c!a„ S? applied for exemption, the National lepresentative agreed that there had 11°® an arrangement between the Arm» 0n..‘1 and tbe Law Sooiety that no more iolmb were to be taken for Apparer ty, the
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  • 25 4 (thm Our Own Oorrwponden!.) London. July Tho prices in the London Kubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/2$ Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/1$
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  • 22 4 Latest Quotations Tin (euretired) is quoted here to-day at $169 business done, in Singapore, ( ’ed) at $169, no business dons
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 121 4 Pritchard S CoTl LIMITED (IITCOKPOEATSD IX TAB StEAITS SITTLXMIXTI) Penang and Ipoh OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. Flannd Pyjama Suit Gent's Ceylon Flannel Pyjama Suits- Stripped, In 3 qualities. Pyjama». S.M. size $O.OO $B.OO $8.50 M. size $6.50 $8.50 $9.00 O.S.M. size $7.00 $9.00 §9.50 FANCY COTTON ZEPHR PYJAMA SUITS
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 686 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] nE W HEAVY GUN8. Sa«.afttl American Attack». London, Jsly 2,4 6 p.m. g-...,'. corre.pondeot et BritUb Heed 2nd J-lj) h he H lh>C oont.n.e. on tbo front. I* b.. been conbe i. .waiting the arriT.1 of of. UP« intermedi.te between tha teth. ."d S
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  • 655 5 Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMAN GENERAL TAKES COMMAND. Further Italian SuccessesL nd d, July 3, A telegram from Zarlcb says there are 5 important changes in tte Austrian command. According to Munich newspapers Field-Marshal Conrad and Generals Arte and Waldisteettin have been replaced by Field- Marshal Kcewess, Generals KraußS and
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  • 693 5 [REUTER’S TELEGRAMS.] GERMAN TOWNB SUFFER. London July 3, Independent Air-force official i On tbe night of Jaly 1, we successfully attaoked an aerodrome at Boulay. Bursts were observed on the aerodrome and hutments. We bombed with good effect Oppan works of the I Soda-fabrik and also
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  • 703 5 [REUTER’S TELEGRAMS.] WORLD’S ECONOMIC POSITION. London, July 3, 1-20 a.m. i The Parliamentary Conference unanii mously passed a resolution urging the Entente governments to carry out as soon as t possible adequate measures to defeat the i German oonspiraoy to dominate the trade i of the world
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  • 1149 5 Niohtmabs by Tom Wright. 80 loud the uproar was, that even the ories of the damned sounded as whispers to the newcomer. The murk was shot with sporadic spears of red light, veiled by 1 dreadful wisps and strata of dense vapour. 1 The stiidulous symphony of
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  • 238 5 Final List. Amount previously acknowledged $*,927.02 Madame and Mademoiselles Chasteriau 25 Mrs. Baugbmann jq Lim Boon Haw 100 h Tan Sin Cheng JQO <• Kboo Ewe Yong go Qaah Bang Kea 25 Caeah Choo Yew 20 Lim Seng Hooi 15 Wee Gim Poay 20
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  • 88 5 C From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, July 5. At the wrekly auction the following prices were realised: per pound ots. ots. Fine ribbed smoked sheet 60 to 66 Good ribbed 35 f| 49| Ucsmoked fine ribbed 41£ Good ribb d 32 Crepe fine pale thin 50£ 64
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  • 54 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages 2 —The U- Boat Myth. F. M S. Stamps. 3.—Malaya’s Lampware Trade. Tingkil Tin Mines. 6—Comedy of a Mine; The British Front Week by Week. A Fair That Hips. Illness in Singapore, A Grim Fairy Tale, 7. —The Romanoe
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  • 233 5 Fon By Stbajcuu At To-morrow (Saturday). Port Swettenham and Singapore Ipoh 3-80 p.m. Frequent successful experiments hare been made by the Government of the Philippine Islands, in the matter of silk production in the Islands, say a the Hongkong Teleqraph. Experts in silk culture belitvoa that it
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  • 762 6 THE GREAT REARGUARD BATTLI (BY A.A.M.) April 8, 1918It will be a long time before the story of tbe great rear-guard battle, fought yard by yard from St. Quentin to Albert, is told to the publto in fuil, Every individual soldier who fought in
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  • 173 6 DIRECTORS’ HALF-YEARLY REPORT. Wouxura Costs Hiohur. The interim report (or the half-year ended November 80 shows that tha yardage treated (282,845) was less than for any previous six months. The reasons were that the dredge was operating at the top end of the lease in a shallow and
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  • 431 6 The German is vary good at fairy tales aa all the world knows, The latest fairy tale comes from Berlin via Lucerne, where it appeared in the Vaterland, a pro-German i 8*i<* paper. The fairy heroine is La Qrando Berth* as she is called by the
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  • 272 6 A correspondent writes :—The paragraph which appeared in your daily issue of the Ist instant under the heading of Transport of Rea is one of wh:ch the Public fully appreciate and approve in every respect aud they earnestly trust that tbe Government will take the matter into consideration
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  • 123 6 Applications for prospeoting or mining rights in the following areas in Perak will not be coaside r ed i Kinta the basin of the G iperg river above Gopeng town Bating Padang, the basin of the Bnngkai and of Batang Padang river above Tapsh town Kuala Krngsar
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  • 106 6 Aver Kunirg (F M S 46.558, Brad wall (F M 8.) 80.622, Chersonese (F.M 8 51,081, Daumstowo (Kr an F M.B-) 43 410, Highlands and Lowlands Pa a 101,195, Klabang 17.531, Krian 16 200. Sungei Krian 45 238. Bunpei Way (8 langor) 33 061, K. M. 8
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  • 635 6 Wavi or Sickness Atfkctiho Business. 1 la the memory of the oldest resident of Singapore, says the Strait» Tims#, there has never been such an extensive epidemic of i ii fluen/a and dengue fever as there iant i present in the town. Work in Government I iffices
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  • 224 6 A correspondent sends the Btraitt Timet the following i —A painful incident occurred at Malacca on June 27, at about 8 p.m ,at the house of Mr. P. W. Tambyab, a teacher of the Government High School. The house being old, the gangway wbioh oonneoted the
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  • 36 6 We have good reason, says the Malay Mail, to suppose that a Military Servic* Bill similar to that just intreduoed in the Legislative Council is to be introduced in tne Federal Council shortly.
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  • 350 6 Bom Farm a* Ofbns it With a Tis--0 raw a a. An amusing story of the adventures of a mine, which was found by a Boer farmer < and his son on the shore near Bland’s Bay, 1 South Africa, and wbioh was opened with a
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  • 134 6 A baronetcy with a curious history is possessed by one of the new barristers of the Middle Temple, Sir Courtenay Cecil Mansel. His father assumed the title upon the death of a kinsman in 1883, and held it until his death in 1892. when S.r Courtenay, then
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  • 111 6 Amiens the objective coveted by the Germans, is a oity of great historic interest. The Peace of Amiens, dated Match 27 1802, was a treaty between Joseph Bonaparte, the Marquess of Cornwells, Astra, and Schemmelpennick to settle disputed points betweeen France, England, Sptin and Holland. The treaty was
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  • 136 6 Twelve month* ago on May 15 General Petain waa appointed CLmmander-in-Chief "of the French Armies in the North and North-East,” and was succeeded by General Foch as Ohief of Staff The year his seen the Chief of S'aff sttp over the French Generalissimo, though without dimming
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  • 205 6 If the provisions of the new Military Sarvicu Bill are rigidly enforced the radiance of many a theatrical star will be dimmed for a time, many West Red actors coming within the scope of the measure. Gerald Du Manner is forty-five, Asohe forty-sii, Seymour Hicks
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  • 808 6 The British Industries Fair, which has just been held for the fourth time, is a product of the war. It concerns primarily and practically the members of certain specified trades. Admission is confioed to buyers in those trades. But it means so much to the prosperity
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  • 185 6 The special attractions in to-night’s change at the above establishment are the final chapter of that interesting serial "The Goddess,” ia whioh Tommy Barclay wins the girl, who has been made to believe that she had oome from heaven bur io reality is the victim of a
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  • 91 6 Feidat, Jult 5 Town Band, Esplanade. Sato»da t, Jolt 6, Sumatra Coconut», Ltd n Liquid,*» v General Meeting, 9 Uoion 8t?4l D Habrakol Syndicate, Ltd., annual L meeting, 9 Beach Street, noon. g ri1 Sowdat, Jolt 7, Sixth after Trinity. Penang Catbolio Benevolent Asinni.u General Meeting, Parish
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 12 6 For Children’s H» Congh at Night. Woods’* Great Frpj ermiet.Oare 1», 61,
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    • 58 6 A mtcbine weakened in one part aeon breaki down altogether. That ia the case with asff >rera from indigestion, r disheartening complaint. If yonare tronbled, tarn immediately to. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CORE A ooerae of thia medicine will place tha body machine in perfeot rmning order. Sold at Diapenaariea and
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    • 13 6 F#r Children's Hdiikin, Ooigi, t f,igk ti w»*)’. 9nM hnniM Cm la. id
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    • 514 6 N the tropics, constipation i t u cause of most ills and require promptly dealing with. Harsh p ur ,j. tives are useless because they upset th stomach, irritate the delicate i Deo branes of the bowels and leave th constipation worse thau ever. What is wanted is a gentle
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  • 905 7 It ia an open aacret, and one in which all the world may abare, new that the trouble baa been triampbantij overcome—that at the outbreak of war only one British firm waa actually manufacturing magnetos with an output of same under a hundred a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 455 7 IU M sy\ A. P.egd mj ;-f Ji&j 'pHULA Bouquet of India’s Choicest Flowers. An entrancingly fragrant and powerful scent, yet not cloying, Phul Nana blends all the choicest scents of an Indian Garden into an unique perfume. Try it an d enjoy this luxury in sweet smells. “Phul-Nana” can
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    • 41 7 Accidents Will HappeiIt may be impossible to prevent an accident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared (or it. Chamberlain’s Pam Balm is net beyond anyene’s parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared for aim# t
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    • 1055 7 Eastern Smelting Co.. Ltd., (Incorporated in England.) Notice is hereby given that an Interim Dividend of 1/- per share lets Income T.x baa been declared upon the Preferred Shares of tbia Company on account of the year ending 31st August 1918 payable on the 8 b of July 1918 Tbe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1632 8 P. O.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at preeont suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as Mooa
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