Straits Echo, 4 July 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. 9 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. LTD
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  • 978 3 tfutumn Tfteeting, 1918. RACE DAYS: first day Tuesday. 23rd July, 1918. SECOND DAY Thursday, 26th July, 1918, THInD DAY Saturday, 27th July. 1918 FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 23rd JULY, 1918. 7 The George Town Plate and 1 Purse. v .„„$400 and $50 to each Second Horse, a SSicsV
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  • 2116 3 (From Cur (him Corrwpondcr£) Will thb Gebma* Flbbt Fioht f London, Maj 8 Talking to a naval officer the other day on the ever recurring topio of Will the German Fleet come out and fi.htastand up fi*ht? he aaid, "I do not think ao The derma
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 262 3 at 5 p.m. on July, 1918. In all Divided Races” the Committee reserve the right if they consider the Entries do not justify two Races, to instmot the Handicapper to handicap for one Race only, the other conditions remaining the same. Provided the number of Entries justify their so doing
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    • 284 3 YOUNGER’S S T O U j&SEHa. <, o HP ms* iHe A L E r^ANDi THE ABB sr,:;FH^BURGit BOTTLED AND IN BULK. SOLE AGENTS: Sandilands, Battery Co Singapore. v t FOR ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. fOt wiMHJBS ATO PRICES APPLY To= HAW BENG A Co. f Ist. BEACH STREET, 1
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  • 1070 4 T*K BuSINBdS 3d an as Fpt. At the oatbre k of the war England and the Br tish Dominion*, the Unite i Sta ea ja d manj other conntriea All ed and neutral, realised the extent to which Ger- many ha carried that subsidised penetrat on"
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 335 4 WHITEAWAY’S FOR HARDWARE Absolutely Unbreakable Hal ow ware. Most successful yjconapeting with cast I r niTots Wrought steel seamless pan Enamelled Black oat and white inside with bright cover. Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 Pis. PrioM 12 96, 3.95, 4.95, 6.95,6.95 and $7.95. Judge “Brand" No. I
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    • 268 4 W-AJVTBU N EWSPAPER COM POSITORS. Only experienced men need applj. Applj FOREMAN, c/o Straits Echo." E2PERI2NC3D TYPISTIS PREPARED to undertake thetvping of documents of any description, Clem and accurate typing guaranteed, at moderate rates. (Coolies will be supplied on a short notice.) Apply to The STRAITS AUCTION ROOM, 32, Beaeh
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    • 305 4 3NTOTICE NOTICE i■ hereby given that the bail ne«i of the Tai Seng Motor R ep lr ring Ctmpanr hss been eold m t o Llm K* 0 ae (tom the lot of July, 1918. All dob'i dae to or due by the Tai Motor R-“pairing Company contractad prior
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  • 859 5 Preliminary Enquiry. The preliminary ecquiry into the cast I against Btngoo. Fowja Singh, Jagat Singh, I Sur jan Singh, Abdullah and Dalip Singh, who are cbarged with the murder of l Mohamed Abdul Babman was taken up l yesterday afternoon before Mr. 8- H. Langston. Court Inspeotor
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  • 368 5 [T# T*b Editor of thb Straita Echo p United Malaya Council. I Sir, As you are aware, a joint meeting of the leading Commercial, Professional, Mining and f Agricultural interests was held on May 29 to consider the conditions of Government Service in British Malaya. Before terminat I ing,
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  • 124 5 (To thu Editor ot tuu Straits Echo). St, Dunstans’ Home for Blind Soldiers and Sailors. Sir, Owing to my recent illness and my not being able to go round and collect subscrip* tionsforthe above fund, the Committee of St. George have decided to keep tbe subscription
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  • 115 5 Psnano Woman Wobkuuu. Amount previously acknowledged $7,583 22 No. 36 2.50 Lad Us’ Bridge Book Golf Club (May) 14 60 Mrs Speers 6 00 "ADbt” I*oo Mrs. Bartels $.OO Mrs. Peel 4 40 Mrs. Jamieson soo 10.00 Mrs. Saye 6 00 Mrs. Winfield 8 00 The
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  • 125 5 Nuw Commissions Notitiud. The Regimental Orders for July, issued bv M«jor J.P. Swettenham, Commanding M S.V.R state i His Excellency the High Commissioner has baen pleased to grant the following Commissions in the Malay States Volunteer Rifles To be Temporary Second Lieutenants— Temporary Second Lieutenant Humphrey Charles Butler (late
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 340 5 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT /< 3 P■ THEATRE. fffK~PREMIER THEATRE in the COLONY The management are glad to announce that for the first time they are able to show two episcdes of the bed ace Episodes 9 lO two OF THE MOST THRILLING—SOUL-STIRRING AMAZING EPISODES f a* i BOOil EARLY THERIS WILL
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    • 459 5 The Menglembu Lode Syndicate Limited. (INCORPORATED IN THB STRAIT* SBTTLIMBNTS Federated Malay States Railways. WANTED. THREE UNDER FOREMEN for the Elpctr c*l Branch cf the Locomotive Department. One for Son?* Trai lighting ork and two for General Electrical work. Salary $lOO/- per month on a year’s probation and further prospects
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  • 99 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sindtys and pnblle holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local $BO par annum. Outatatlon Pont nr® Extra. Mall Edition (Pont Free) $lB per annum. Cabin Addreas: 11 ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Noe. (Coho) 886. Printing Department 143, N.B. —HI
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  • 47 6 Pash —Oa July l, at tbe Nursing Homs Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Pash, a •on. MARRIAGE. Wuitb—Stuwart.— Oq June 12, st St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, Mr. Robert C lin White, of Bukit Kejang Estate, to Miss Mary Jean Stiwart, of the Nursing Home, Singapore,
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  • 970 6 It is perhaps neenssary to spolcgise for again referring to the Military Servioe Bill bat the arrival of the aoteal draft—which wj reproduce tleewhere and a fall report of the Attornej-Geceral’s speech ia introducing it, helps tn make ite soope and intentions dearer. As we said before, the
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  • 360 6 Spidemle of Iaflunsa. The Municipal and Government Health Departments here may look forward to a besy, and poasibly en anxious, time. It is apparent that Singapore ie in the grip of a very severe visitation of that siokness which has broken out up the China ooast and takes
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  • 1999 6 MILITARY SERVICE BILL. A Duty to EmpibuThe Attorner-Ganeral moved the first reading of the Military Servioe Bill. Tbe object of this Bill, he said, is to give power to the Governor to send every available olass A man under 41 years of age in the Colony to Earope
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  • 190 6 rr-ilniog is now proceeding here for tbs forthcoming meetiog and as it is only tbres weeks hence the work will soon beoome Int. resting. The following horses are at present in work here i Prince it Pat, Grand Gordon, La George, HigKqate, Golden Rock, Lxnmeta Royal
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 Pritchard CoJ LIMITED.(IJTCOIPOB ATID IX THB St*AIM SITTLEMHITS) OUTFITTING DEPARTMENT. New Season’s Goods. Flannel Pyjama Suit Gsnt’3 Ceylon Flannel Fyjama Suits* Stripped, in 3 qualities. S.M. size M. size O.S.M. sise $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $BOO $8.50 $9.00 $8.50 $9 00 «9.50 FANCY COTTON ZEPHR PYJAMA SUITS IN 8 SIZES $7.75.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 1121 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] OCB POSITIONS IMPROVED. London, July 8. Tbe bridge stormed by the French on B, (n rday between Mo.ley end Passy on Hl i. near the south-east corner of Tl ,lrr. Gotten I* forest. Tbe immediate n!io of this gai* »nd Friday's is that
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  • 72 7 Missus- Allun Dunuts A Co Acotiow. Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 s6oto 67 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 50 59 do Unamoked Sheet No. 1 53 60 do Unsmoked Sheet No, 2 43 45 do Crepe Good brown... 65 do Fine ~i 36 40 do Dark
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  • 6 7 Consolidated 50,253 lb.
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  • 39 7 Kara pone Kamuntio? Tin Drrdving, Limited—Hours run 1,239, Cnbio Yards treated 165.800, Total Piculs 971.46, Realised on sale (84,289 00. Meoulembn Lode 8vodioate, LimitedMill 128 Piculs value $10,930 00. Tributora 180 Pioula value te Oompany $2,348.00.
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  • 93 7 Latest Quotation»* Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $159 50, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $l6O, bnainess done (150 tons aold). Tbe M M. Co.’s fine liner wbiob has been in dook at Eeppel Ha? bsur for several weeks in oonstquenoe of damage sustained during her grounding
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  • 696 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] COL DEL R03S0 CAP1URED. i 2,000 Prisoner! Taken. I London, Jnly 1, Italian Official We attaoked on 8nnday I and captnred Col del Rosso and also after la bitter all day straggle we captnred Ool I del Cbele. The enemy’s two attacks against I Monte val
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  • 752 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] WHY IT WA3 HELD UP. Locdor, June 80. A cable from The Hsgue says that the r Foreign Ministry, in a statement regarding r the deciticn to Eend a Dutch to the 1 Dutch Indies says that Hollaed at the end t of April
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  • 1562 7 [Reuter’ Telegrams.] KUEHLMANN’8 THEORY IN >1 FRAC1ICE. Savage Sinking of a Hospital Ship. London, July 1, 8-55 p.m, The Press Bureau announces that I German}’a awful debt to the world oouI tinues to grow. Aaothor hospital ship has I been torpedoed, this time 170 miles from
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  • 678 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] MORE IMPORTANT TH\N IHE HARVEST. Crucial Autumn Months London, Ja'y 2. In the H u«e of Commons, Mr. Walter Koch, M P. for Pembrokeshire, moved the adjournment in erder to draw attention to tbe serious effect of combing out agricultural labourers during the
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  • 411 8 Mr. and Mrs. C ilia Toane left Ipoh for SorembaD on Tuesday afternoon M r F. A. 8 Me Lolland, Assistant Treasurer, F.M.3, arriv din Ipoh on Monday. Mr Mihail formerly assistant Warden fn Mines, Pahang has been transferred to Kedah. c Tbe French newspapers announce that
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  • 46 8 (From Out Own Correspondent.') Singapore, July 3, Qjpen Mary’s Silver Wedding Gift Fund has bean closed at $7321. Epidemic of Sickntss. An pxtraotuinary amount ot n flares* and dengue prevails in Singapore, Mist office s'tffs are considerably d-pleted especially Chinese.
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  • 343 8 Ninth List. Amount previously acknowledged $8,568 52 Mrs J H Smith 10 00 Children of the Convent Ill 50 Miss Sinclair 500 Mrs Leong Fee 25 00 Collected by Mrs John Mitohell 5 00 Miss Ddla E)ss M( 10.00 Mrs Yaoh Paik Tatt 20 Oo Mrs
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  • 2042 8 Tbe following ia the text of the Bill aa read a first time on Monday, A Bill intituled An O dinance to make provision with reapeot to Military Service in connection with tbe present W*r. 1. Ths O dioaDca may be cited aa the Military Service
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  • 752 8 Tho ionatl general uioeung of tbs Hotel van W.jk Co, Ltd. was held at the registered offic Gaartsred Bank Bu loiug, Singapore on Saturday. Mr J. W, Tan de Stadt was in the obair and there were also present Messrs. J. C. K opman, W.
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  • 248 8 e The following programme of music will be pltyed at the Esplanade to-morrow evening 1 1 at o p m: 1 B 1 M*rch Aux Flambeaux Becker o r, oi Amoureusea Gliddon 4 w D h*" U £j bert L Diable Meyerbeer I 4 Walt* ThemseLieder Gung’l
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  • 284 8 Woux of DasTßccmoif on tu« Bo MU b ATT LB FUOMT Keep tue Hues oie.r, >*vj io« big gunsthen destroy everything.” These were tho orders issued to a Canadian Overseas Ballway Construction unit when the Germans attaoked on the Somme, says Mr, BjUnd Hill, who has
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  • 192 8 Collision in Nna&i Sumbilan. A somewnat serious motor misn«p oooerred on Friday afternoon last, on toe KantauL’.nsum Beads, a few miles out of Seremban. Djotor Howard, of Saremban, who had been out visiting a number of rubber estates was returning home when, about 5.30 in the afternoon
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  • 159 8 Thu Fkess Dissatisfied. The Datcn Press is f»r from satisfied with tbe oondit ons of Holland’s naval and military defences, writie the correspondent cf a Home pepsr. The Dutch are fine seamen, and they have excellent torpedo boats aud guobo t-', but none of their warships mount anything
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  • 66 8 Tomorrow's Ti*a. Men’a Double* Handioap A Final— I J£*««r* and 8*yera owe 15 v Rutley and Wbitlook owe 3. Men’s Singles Handioap A Final—R E Prentia owe 3 t A 8 Hall sor. Til* FOR f A.TFBDAT. Mixed Doublta Handicap Final-Mid Gold and S*ye owe 1 Mra
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  • 54 8 The following is the health statement of the f Total D.atb. f H u (.Female 20 J 36.14 per mills per anaaic f t 21 the -«k -<i 31.93 U, th. oom.pondiiig mk la.t Nationality. M. F. Total. European 1 j Eorasian j j SdSsr sasr '1 Unknown
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  • 70 8 wb,ch h t** 0 honoured wJtb an flht.l O d.r all to it. If. if one of nf W W re J,J tiTe Witfa «I th 1,18 of Wight being regarded aa ita original bom?, and it la lit tie known and seldom f '7 the ODtin
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 2363 9 a 1 Dividend. V2 Nnmb# e? >■ A. J2 •spitsl. Sharn to lut fllU•ial year. Man* S m ca 2 25 issued. s 3 TJ *3 for current year. a OQ <? KUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 8 cts. f ets 190H 1 1:0, om 500,900 120.00» 1 1 60 Alor Gajah
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 182 9 8 Motor Cars Motor Cycles. 8 (1917 MODELS) For Immediate Dolivory 1M0TOK CARS:Oaklwid, Maxwell, Brigooe, Pullman and Chevrolet. Equipped with High-tension Magneto, Eleotrie lights, Electrio Horne, and Self Starters. five or Two beater. MOTOR CYCLES:— “Harley Davidson” —that beat the World’s Record.—Twin or single Cylinder, Tree Engine Side Car with
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  • 750 10 Male*, horses and doga, have all done, are atill doing, great work. The work of the war-borae ia well enoagh known. Tbat of the war-male and the war-dog ia rather neglected bj the public. The male in partioalar ia not only neglected but maligned, be
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  • 99 10 Tmubsdat, July 4 Meeting of Churoh Workers* Association, St. George’s Girla’ Home, 10 a m. Fkidat, July 5 Town Baud, Esplanade. Batuauay, July 6 Sumatra Coconuts, Ltd (in Liquidation) General Meeting, 9 Union Street, neon Habrakol Syndicate, Ltd., annual general meeting, 9 Beach Street, noon, Sunday, July
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  • 983 10 j It while going round my oom*.. trenches that I first saw her. She itood the entrsnoe to a dug-out, in one 0 f t h'! little old Frenoh oountrj lanes cat lib deep furrow along the hillside. At th* 1 of this dug-out I
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 50 10 Accidents Will Happen. It may be Impossible to prevent an accident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is net be* yond anyone's parse and with a bottle of this liniment yoa are prepared for almost anythin?. For sale by all dispensaries pad dealers.
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    • 190 10 Began Since Governments JLllied The Over Bought 9 i a TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS AND COMPANY THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE.
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    • 87 10 Chamberlain's Cragk Braledy When yon have a bad cold yon went remedy that will not only give relief, bat ef* foot a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy tbit con* raina nothing Injnriona, Chamberlain'* Coegh Remedy meeta all tbaae reqairementi, It aeta on
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  • 1710 11 Tbe following appear* in tha Tim— 19 Ceylon from ita own apeoial correspondent “Z. Z, f a leading member of the Ceylon Bar:— Northern Italy, April 17. They ware going to have a competition laet Saturday on the rifle-range oloae by the Hat —ao I took
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 282 11 I Export r Bnwwr B V Of fc. *3» f*. \:fl BEER. When ordering your Drinks don’t forgot to ask for the above because It Is the best It gives you complete satis/action It promotes a good appetite D D I rfc Oil K Brewery Calfl IT* '3INGTAO Brewery You
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    • 546 11 FOR SALE. 1 Robber Returns Books. r We are now prepared to offer for sale books for tin purpose of recording the purchase and sale of robber in 4 accordance with Ordinance XVII of 1910. Moat i invaluable to rabber defies, CRITERION PRESS, Lin,, Printers A Stationers $l5 per Makes
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1642 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PABSENQER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND~ORIENTAL SAILINCS(Undai Contract with Hia Majeaty’s Government The Company’. MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent .impended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay a. opportunity offer, and aa far an atoommodation is available.
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