Straits Echo, 2 July 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1481 1 densedJJ Milkmaid V'. SS-^ISSCONDI for sale. I Booth O.e (2-3) s« ler Scripps Motor u ,Tcl 900 mild Droftiuo Lgbtiog condition only too own«r ihtf »»g for h> Apply to fh* undermentioned garage. iIF YOU WANT COMFORT 00 TO THE Undermentioned Garage For Brand Now Cart for hir# day and
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  • 1400 2 Another German Memor andum. FuRTHR* RITSLATIOUS o» Qbrmam i OLICT. During the Raiobstag Committee deb*'• un March 16 concerning the Lichnowsky memorandum, the Vice-Chancellor, Harr yob Parer, referred aleo to a memorandum oucuiated by a oertaio Dr. Mublon, who at the time of the outbreak of war was one of
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  • 526 2 A correspondent writes to The New Statetman t Bir.—la the very interesting artiolc ntitled “Cawing of R oks,” appearing in your issue of to-day, the writer raised some points in connection with wbioh the following incidents may be of Interest. A few years ago a gamekeeper in Warwickshire, one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 318 2 WHITEAWAY’S FOR HARDWARE Absolutely Unbreakable Hal ow ware. Moat successfully competing with cast I cn Pota Wrought steal seamless pan Enamelled Black out and white inside with bright cover. Sixes 2, 4, 6, 8 10 and 12 Pts. Price» |2.96, 3.96, 4.96, 6.96,6.95 and $7.96. Jndge “Brand” No. I Saucepans
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    • 88 2 Chamberlain* Coagk Remedy. When yoa have a bad oold job want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ii pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injarioas. Chamberlain’s Coogh Remedy meets all these reqairements. It acts on natare’s
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    • 465 2 WANTED Newspaper com positors. Only experienced men need apply, Appljr FOREMAN, c/o Straits Eoho.” EXPERIENCED TYPIST. IS PREPARED to uudertako the typing of dooaments of anj description. Clean and ao. curate typing guaranteed, at moderate rates. (Cooliea will be (applied on a short notion.) Apply to The STRAITS AUCTION ROOM,
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  • 632 3 (.From Owr Own Correspondent^ Telok Anson, July 1. The following cases were before Mr. Black on Friday having been brought by Inspector Gowland. Mesa Cangar and MekaUma (a female) were finad each $10 for having absconded from Sebrang EstatP, the alternative being 14 day s'jiii. If the
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  • 284 3 An occasional correspondent from the Dmdings writes: The Bruas River is full of crocodiles which may be seen by the hundreds at times, It is great sport to go out shooting these reptiles. Several have already bean bagged snd they vsry greatly in site. Green pigeon simply
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  • 214 3 Sbtbvtw List, Amoui t previously acknowledged $2,888.49, Mrs R Brown $10, Mrs M G Adams 25, Mrs Hamilton 10, Mrs Low 50, Mrs LangIston 5, Mis Gordon 5, Miss Lee 5, Mrs I Pestana 5, Mrs Dodds 5, sundry amounts collected by Mrs Dodds
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  • 232 3 Ahothub Landmabk. I The fine new buildings whioh hare been 1 completed at 22 to 25 Beach Street hare I been fully occupied, the ground floor by I Messrs. Si me Darby A Go and Messrs Islay I Kerr A Co and the top floor by Messrs.
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  • 108 3 A meeting of the Justices of the Peace was held at the Governor’s Office at noon to-day. Mr. B. D. Aoton, Diatriot Judge, presided, and the others present included Messrs. G. H, Pritohard, A. S. Anthony, C. G. May, Yeoh Psik Tatt and A. Dennys. Mr, Acton
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  • 62 3 The following are the results of the ties that have been played i Single Handicap:—P M Lsngan —4O) beat F E Dias 70) by 250—229; B C Dorsl —4O) walk over from C V O Aeris (-60). Double Handicap t—G Fletoher snd O A de Crus (+4
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  • 83 3 The first rsoe in the Gibbous Cup Competitions 50 yards handicap was held at the Swimming Club on Sunday, with the following result, Ist. B. A. Hunt Scratch wins 5 points 2nd. S. A. Yell do do 8 do 3rd. S. Weihen 3 secs, do 1 do
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  • 50 3 Fob Bt Snimi At To-morrow (Wednesday). P. Brandan and Langsa Stephan 9 a.m. Port Swetteobam and Singapore lOSOfLm. 4th instant (Thursday)* United Kingdom Mail A 8 30 a.m. Paro Is 8 a.m. Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon) 1-30 a.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Krian 1 p.m.
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  • 26 3 (From Our Own Correspondent London. Jane t8. The prioes in tha London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Orepe 2/2} Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/1}
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  • 19 3 Straits 170.000, Penang 156.000, Tali Ayer 65,000, Rubana 42,000, B»g»n Serai 26,000, Batak Babit 85/KW lb,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 275 3 4»4?£4?4?£4i 4»4?£4>st <L4?4>sbCt THEATRE. the premier theatre of the colony. H H «vvv H JH H TREMENDOUS ATTRACTIONS AGAIN this WEEK h ■Tf Stating Accommodation 2000 INCLUDINGa 3H I. A GREAT WAR DRAMA (A. BLUE BIRD.) “RED ACE” 1 VFI EPISODE (The Lair of tlie lhast (i M HARRY CAREY
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    • 720 3 o 9 0 0 mnnr MANUFACTURED BY The Malkin Tile Works Co., Ltd., BURSLEM, ENGLAND. C 0 0 c e c o 9 WHITE GLAZED TILES. iachaa by 6 inches by 3/8 inches FOR ALL PUR OSES Extensively used throughout the Straits and F.M.S. O o O e GROOVED WHITE
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  • 99 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, SO, Beach Street, PenangPrice s Dally Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: 11 ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Coho) see. Printing Department 543, N.B. —AII
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  • 760 4 Both on the Flandare and Soissons fronts there haa been a remarkable activity on the part of oar armies of late and looal taotioal operations bare intuited in oonaidereble and timely successes. They have been mainly designed to assist the defence against a possible German attack and
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  • 432 4 The main provisions of the Straits Military (Overseas) Barvioe bill, together with the Attornej-Gener&rs remarks on the first reading do not constitute sufficient information to found mush effective oomment upon. Wa observe however that there is one very significant phrase in the bill and that is that
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  • 171 4 The first through train to Bangkok is a 'l«ge<l to have left Penang at 7 15 yester- day morning, bat the first travellers to »iam s capital by rail must remain inoogrito. No tickets are issned at Penang or n j 0I L s tationa on the
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  • 403 4 Wide Scop# for Exemption (.From Out Own Correspondent*') Singapore, July 1. In Legislative Council, replying t j the Hon. Mr. C. W. Dirbishire, the Colonial Secretary said an Eurasian want home to join up and his passage was paid. He was medioally fit but did not enlist
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  • 364 4 It has been pointed out to us that the second part of a letter signed Wot Opes i which appeared in the issue of this paper of fist may be taken as a rr flection on Mr. Greet, the proprietor of the Grand Hotel,
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  • 929 4 A Sure Attraction. Singapore is onoa more bemoaning the f ot tte SCC iavn tennis tournament has bad its u*n*l effect (f bringing on frequent rain. This has become a stock j»ke in the south but it is cot a very palatable one beoause it is unhappily very
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  • 35 4 Lateat Quotations. I Tin (unrefined) *s quoted here to-day at $157, business done, in Singapore, (refined) at $157, business done (175 tons sold) and in London at £331 spot and st £331 tbrse month,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 Pritchard Co., Ltd. (IVCOBPOBATBD Ilf THR STRAITS EiTTLIMIIM) The goods in Pritchards outfitting Dept, cannot be equalled for quality anywhere in the Colony. GOOD GOOD VALUE QUtLIIT. Townends white “Straits” Topees. Similar to illu&tation. Good Quality and Value. Price 9.50. Pith Planter's Solar Topees, covered Khnki Drill. Very Light and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 2187 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] fruitful raiding. a,rmM Offensive HamperedLondon, Jane 29, 4 35 p.m. I French communique states t The Gertwice attempted to dr,re ua from the “iition. we captured yesterday. A counter[ttack by several battalions between Fob- en ba. and Birin de Outry was repul.ed Bd
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  • 799 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] RUIHLE3B ALLIED ATTACKS. London, June 29, II 10 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig in bis avialion report I states There waa muoh air fighting cn tbe 129th June. Enemy machines showed oonIsiderable aotivity. We shot down seventeen I and drove down six out of control. Three
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  • 685 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] VAL BELLA CAPTURED. t Austrian Stories of the RetreatLondon, Jane 30. Italian ifficUJ: Supported bj our Allies jwa captured Monte val Bella on June 29 1 after a bitter struggle. Large masses of the enemy c.unter-attacked by day and night but W9re repulsed by our
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  • 517 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FLEET GOES TO GERMANY. Moscow, June 29, The Foreign Commissary, informing the press that part of the Black I Sea fleet had returned to 8ctastopol land the other part had blowa itself jap, aaya it waa agreed to ruturn the fleet expressly on condition that Germany
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  • 125 5 Tha following articles will ba found on ourjoutside pages 2 Another German Memorandum Books. 3,—Taluk Anson Notes. Penang to Bangkok. Queen Mary's Bilvsr Wedding Gift Fund* Licensing Justices Meet 6, Bad Charaofers Bounded Up. Correspondence. Fleet Called Bima* Circus. Telegrams, 7. —Other Times, 4 It would appear from recent
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  • 698 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] New Labour Executive. No Split with Government' London, Jane 29, 7*lo ».naThe new Labour executive elected yesterday, under a new and widened con6titution, oonsists of twenty-four compared with sixteen members previously. The great trade unions are still strongly represented, but additional membere are mainly socialists, thus
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  • 627 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] The Hague, June 30. Sir George Cave interviewed, atated he did not anticipate much difficulty in coming to an arrangement regardiog the treatment cf prisoners of war. The question of exchange was more difficult but he still hoped to arrive at reasonable terms. Amsterdam, June
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  • 123 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, June 30. At Washington the Senate has unanimously passed the 2,408 million dollars fortifications bill providing for an enormous increase in the manufacture of ordnancu and supplies. It also passed the army appropriations till providing for the expenditure of 2.089 millions dollars. Both measures
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  • 265 6 Ships Paimthw Up Lisa Animals. Washington, The great suooess of the American navy in guarding the Amerioan troops being sent to France is due to the unusual skill which the camouflage section of the seirioe has dis( layed, according to a naval officer who recently returned
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  • 128 6 We toiled and stumbled with tha burden, swore Etch at the other, bated even more The mud than tbe blind Fury’s whine and roar; Strained eyes across the howling solitude To see by flashes where our landmark ■food— The ridge, the spectral branches of High Wood.
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  • 175 6 j Tuusdat, July 2. i Residency ‘At Home.’’ i Wudnusdat, July 8 Town Band, Eepbaade, Fbidat, Jody 5 Town Band, Esplanade. Satuadat, July 6 Sumatra Oooonut®, Ltd fin L quidation General Meeting, 9 Udibn Btreet, noon Habrakol Syrd cafe, Ltd., annual general meeting, 9 Beach Street, noon.
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  • 351 6 Smart Poliou Work. In the Diatriot Court before Mr. R. D* Acton this morning three Chinese named Lee Koon Keat,Goh Bang Keog and Lim Chuaa and a Malay named Mobamed Rouse were charged with dishonestly retaining stolen propeity. to wit, olothing to the value of 9100,
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  • 267 6 FOOD PRICES. (To thm Editor or tii Straita Echo). Sir, Roadirg the reoent order, issued bv the Penang Food Dictators, and printed iE ycur journal, I fancy they meat be congratulated on their edict. They have, at laat, succeeded in regulating food prices here. The job is done 1
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  • 276 6 The telephone service In Siam is owned and operated by the Government, and Bangkok, the capital, is the only city in the Kingdom having a telephone exohange. Considerable progress has lately been made in the use of the telephones, the average number of connections in 24 hours
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  • 309 6 Thu Mabvui. or tbs Chutuut. Ten years ago on May 6, 1908, D- Brace Salley, a Norfolk. V*,, newspaper reporter, entered the office of the United States Weather Bureau at Manteo, N, C. t and wrote a brief despatch which he handed to A. W. Drinkwater, the
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  • 250 6 Quiuw Turjtks Ambbioa, London, May 10.—The Associated Press correspondent, back from Jassy, sayuTbe initialling of the Rumanian peaoe treaty will be a bitter experience to the Queen of Rumania, who persisted for months past in hoping sgainat hope that it would be possible to avert the conclusion off
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  • 224 6 CoLomr’s Warn* StrepLT own or tuu Finest in thu Would. The addition to Hongkong’s waterworks system, known as the Tytam Tuk reservoir, and whieh had been under oonstruotion dur* ing the past five years, was opened to public use this year, The reservoir is the culmination of
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  • 117 6 A. certain young couple who were married some months ego never bad a cloud to mar their happiness until recently. One morning the wife came to breakfast in an extremely sullen and unhappy mood. To all her husbands inquiries she returned snappish answers. She was in no better
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  • 558 6 Exj-sbimsnts lajcm to QaaNOM Qn. Flash. I A gun betrays its position to the et both by the report and flash of its s ID i f Military experts, therefore, have been for years to discover how to make agu n V shall not merely be
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  • 391 6 9 1 Particulars are to hand from America i 1 1 an improved ruat*proofing process. TJu I operation consists in taking iron or stoa I I tdoroughly cleaning and immersing it m i B bath ot a 1 per oeat. solution of acid mil» j phosphate ot
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 Accidents Will Happes It may be Impossible to prevent an a®®| dent, but it is not impossible to be preps'* 0 for Jt. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is n#t T on d anyene'g pnrse, and with a bettla this liniment yon are prepared far si»»* 1 jnythmg. For sale by all
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  • 1172 7 Mrs. Garstin, with fonr children to be taken to Broadstairs, and much to arfaege that their father abonid be able to tend for bimaelf daring the week of holiday, made the bouse at Lewiaham resound. There was no escaping from her voice. It invaded every room. Her husband,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 194 7 Nobels Explosives MAGAZINES AT PENANG AND IPOH. STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND OF gelignite. SEXTUPLE DETONATORS. SAFETY FUSE. Sandilands gultery Co. Hole Agent* for fi'enang Perak, AYLESBURY NUTTER, LTD., gents, Perak. BOM RAY BUTTER *1 M X m 2« m w II IN Sole Agents: L. V. SWEE COY. 44 M*
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    • 544 7 I or Aches and Pains. For aches and p ina in young and old there ia nothing that will "so quickly bring permanent relief and CURE aa that sovereign, time-taated and proven remedy— LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM For the aches and paina of childhood and youth it ia unexcelled. For the
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    • 237 7 FOR UST NO ORDER IS TOO LARGE; NO OfDER TOO SMALL. Acetic Acid 99 per cent guaranteed (different patterns) Axes (American) Paints and Oil ■Disinfectants and all sorts of Estate Supplies and Requisites QUOTATIONS PROMPTLY SUBMITTED ON REQUEST. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OOTBTATI 'N ORDERS I w man TONG CO
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1550 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PABBENQER SERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Tjndtt Contrast with His Majesty’» Government.) Ths Company’» MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present suspended. Pimsfen for Europe are booked via Bombaj as opportunity offer» and a» far»» aeeesamodation
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