Straits Echo, 29 June 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1598 1 PDENSED AID Bl swjsscoiraia FOR SALE. T One (2>3) seater ‘Scripps Motor C; 1 Lateit 1917 «elf starter tT:d I Dvn»nno L u'ting in excellent condition only run 900 min* lownei lexvtJg for h> me. Apply to The undermentioned garage. [IF YOU WANT! COMFORT GO TO THE Undermentioned Garage For
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    • 11 1 E’S KiR INTUITS <MM* »vm«aa aui tMeubS me 33 s?fea ssa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 22 2 mmw iT, 9 Obtainable from all Leading Stores Throughout the Straits and Federated Malay States KATZ BROTHERS (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) 9
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  • 1687 3 P A.XLIAMKNT y There are a few idlera oetaide the gateways to Palace Yard- The polioemen on daty eye them with studied indifference bat when an enfranchised taxi sweeps past them, a hand goes up to the salete. More friqaently it is a foot passenger that gets the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 176 3 ONE NIGHT ONLY T. DANIEL FRAWLEY, PRESENTS: THE FRAWLEY COMEDY CO, TONIGHT TO-NIGHT KICK IN 0 PRICES S3 and S2. P/aa now open at Robinson Piano Co.. Ltd. COMMENCING AT 9.15 P.M 0 0 «t**©©©?* -cfoiw» hif To-night! To-night! AT 9 k PARSIEMPIR THEATRICAL Co, OF BOMBAY l resent
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    • 179 3 Thera is Nothing to Joke about n a backache. It may be serious, particalarly with women. In all event* it it *are I to handioap yoar activities at work or at play. There i* no need to softer, I Speedy relief ia foand in LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM The sovereign care
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    • 271 3 Grossmith’s “Golden Still” Cau de Cologne Wonderful freshnecs, invigorating quality and delightful odour, ci.t;tinguish this really high-clas3 Eau de Cologne, which is undoubtedly the finest production of its kind. It is manufactured from the purest ingredients and blended with the knowledge derived frem nearly one hundred years’ daily practice. There
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  • 795 4 SCIEMTIFIJ SUGGESTIONS. Thbobt of Klbotkioaij Pbofulsio* Whatever theory we may hold of the new gun, the public would do wrongly to preaume that an electric gun, or rather an electrically propelled projectile, ii an impoaaibility Bachelet'a name hai been uaed in connection with the idea of propulaire
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  • 839 4 Pkovinou or Bakakul. The Palestine provinoe of Samaria ia bounded on the north bj the province of Galilee; while Judaea, already conquered by the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, liea to the south of it. It ia about forty miles from north to south and from the river
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 NOTICE OF SALE BT ORDER OF THE MOBTQAGIE TO BB «OLD BT PUBLIC AUCTION Ob Tuesday, the 2nd of July, 4918 AT 2 P M, On t he epot at Weld Quay, Penang. Thepropeity of Chin Ten Kooi of China Btreet. Feaaog, (tba defaulting mortgagor,) A.ll that Motor Launch oallad
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    • 236 4 Whiteaway s THE STRiITEORIJ 99 Dinner, Tea and Breakfast Set made of white eemi-porcelain ware, decorated with apple green leaf design, St. Regent shaped as illustration. Very strong and serviceable. Breakages can be replaced at any time* Strong and Durable Real Good Value FOR CHINA AND CLASS WARE. v I
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    • 70 4 Public Auction Sale of a 2 «eater. 4 cylinder, 10/12 H. P., 1913 aiidel PILOT MOTOR CAR. The underaigned are instructed to «ell the above On Wednesday, 3rd July, 1918, at 11 a.m Sharp. IN LOGAN’S COURTYARD, European owned and driven, crank ■tarter with Bosch Magneto. Toola and «pares complete
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    • 435 4 Manager for small Rubber Estate. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED Chinese, Indian or Eurasian Manager who osn introduce l.bour. Write fall particulars giving qualifications, age, stlary «3. and enclose copies of testimonials to Box. XXX, o/o Straits lobe, Penang, POLICE NOTICE. OWNERS OF ARMS are hereby reminded that their lioenses to possess
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  • 586 5 (.From Char Orm Correspondad^ Tbe skin of a very large bat old crocodile that measured 8 ft. 8 inches was sent to tbe police station on the 24th lost, by tbe Manager of tbe Sungei Tima Estate. Tbe usual calculation showed 93 12 to be doe and
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  • 177 5 Thb Luipzio Fair. London, May 12.*—The Amsterdam I correspondent of the Daily Ckroniela telegraphs The annual fair at Leipzig was a decided sucoass. There were 3,500 <-xbibitors, and many Bulgarian, Swedish, Norwegian and Danish buyers were present, together with a faw Swiss. No luxury articles' or leather or
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  • 141 5 H E the Governor of Hongkong has made tbe following oonsoription tribunal appointments under tbe General Military Sierrice Ordinance, 1918, Ordinance No. 9 of 1918: —The Proper Authority—The Hon the Oaptain Superintendent of Police. General Military Service Tribunal —The Hon Mr Erneat Hamilton Sharp, KC, OB E (chairman),
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  • 370 5 Lua m A Coe Wuixlt Ripoxt. Tbe weaker teodenoy displayed by Rubber is reflected by a farther decline in pricus of shares and buiinass has again been oonfined to a very limited number ef transactions and most parcels that have changed hands, have been plaoed at buyers'
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  • 324 5 In their weekly share circular, dated yeaterday, Messrs, Fraser and Co. state The business of th9 week has again been fairly olosely confined to operations in a few mining shares. For some hidden reason the price of tin over the past week has apparently been worth at
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  • 210 5 Singapore, June 27Tbs weekly Rubber Auction opened yesterday to a very weak market and prioes show a further decline. The top prioe of the sale for Ribbed Smoked Sheet was 973 per picul, whioh is 97 below last week’s best, while for Fine Pale Crepe, which has
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 301 5 iimTf w wwrnww WTiw pMPlRp JU THEATRE. J \j CHURCH ARMY RECREATION TENT WEEK 3 We Are Going To Do It!! WHAT?? Send the Boys another Tent from PENANG. Everything Depends on do-Thursday, Friday A what YOU Saturday. Stupendous At tract ions Rightly t See Handbills. ►a -m MB •fl
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    • 78 5 t •si •51 4 •s i Vi 4! -8 JEFFREY’S BEER yUEfIIN ttOTIAH# 5^ Bf W 'a. a “CHOP KOTA 19 Q SOLE AGENTS ADAMSON, GILmiAN 8 CO., LTD. ONCORPORATED IN ENGLAND) PENANG, SINGAPORE SI MALACCA sbsksbsksbsbshsbsbsk sksbsk&iksbsh s&sksla&jiksi2s&4>&& •ft I *O5 •8 t s •ft •ft •8 •ft •ft
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  • 100 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Snndays and pnbllc holiday»,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local $BO per annum Outat&tlon Post a gre Extra. Mall Edition (Poat Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Coho) »8«. Printing Department 543, N.B. —All
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  • 1365 6 It is a matter (or general tatisfaction to n. that the Allied coament on Baron Kuelhmann’s speech follows the genera t-ndenoy, which has been mere notable in the 1 tat aix month?, of paying little attention to the German snggestiens made therein se regards peaoe by agreement.
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  • 20 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) i quoted here tc-day at *****, business don», in Singapore at $156, buyers no sellers,
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  • 690 6 Mr. R. A, Donaldson came to Ipob on Wednesday from Prfnatg, f Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Raifearn Shaw have returned from Australia; also Mr and Mr*. P. B Ford. The Biam Observer regret) to biar th»t Mr. B. O. (Jaitwnght still continuia ?eiiously ill, Mr. G.
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  • 124 6 News wa* received in Bingkok that on the IS b inst. the e.s. Aro m owned by Phya M.hibal Boriraks, whilst on the roj. age from Bacdon to Bangkok encountered a heavy gale when of the island of Panaogtbad at ab>ut 9 p.m. and cap<iia*d. 3-sidts a
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  • 858 6 The Old Order. changes, more or less, of Ministry, and the dislrAOtims of the War, dit-may and blind es to notice of what in happier times would have been real event?. This, in the oommon experinoe of us all, seems to be the *ii3 of it, but
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  • 40 6 ScßscaifTioF List, Balance Penang Tent Nji 2 ,„$4OO 51 Mr. S. Maruthan Oaettiar 150 00 $550.52 B P Phillips, Hon Tr—s%r*r, Naw Advirtisimini.—The Manager of the Eastern Snipping Dookyard, Batter* worth, advertises for a General Foreman.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 196 6 \EW SGASOX'S GOODS. Suitable for Hari Raya" Wear. Children’s Frocks, io Pink, Skjr and White, beautiful trimmings, Price $2.25 and 1.75. Boy’s Sailor Suits, assorted colours, $3.25. Woollen and Silk Bonnets 90 cents and $1.50. Children’s Cashmere Socks 40 cents. Yardley’s perfumery $2.50. Ed Pinaud’s Porte-Veine Bouquet large site $3.50.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 636 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] HUN RESERVES ON OUR FRONT, London, June 26. Rweter'a special oorrrapoodent at British Haadqvaitera asys there set ma to bo a rathe 1 mutual amoent of sit knot a among the Gar man troop* bet it ia impossible jet to aaj if it has reaobed
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  • 662 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A USELESS KIND OF ORATORY. Vo Out Convinced London, Jane 26. Kueblmann’s speeuh is commented on in the newspapers as striking a new note ia enemy oratory by the admission of the impossibility of a military deoision settling the war. The Daily Telegraph emphasises Kuehlmson’s
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  • 518 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DILLON vs. CARSON. The Oil and Water Mixture London, June 26,6 4J a.m. i At a meeting of the anti conscription confore tea at Dublin tbe Lord Mayor announced that be had presented tbe Conference’s address to President Wilson (o the American Ambassador at London with
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  • 68 7 Six» List. Amount previously acknowledged 92,712 42 Mrs. 0. D D. Hogan 25 00 Furnivall 10.00 Mav 5.00 P. K. Nambyar 10 00 Obelliah 4 00 Burr 10.00 Melrose I... 10.00 Miloe 20 00 8. W. Roberts 10 00 Allen Dennys 100 Kelso 400
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  • 672 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] KERENSKY IN LONDON. Says Raisin will Tight for Allies Londcn, Juut 26. An unexpected seDsaiicn w,a c eatid at the opening session of tbe British Labour Conference in London when after the presideat’s speech M- Kerensky was introduced sad addressed the delegates in Rus-ian.
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  • 654 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams. Bolshevik! in DifficultiesMoscow, Juae 16. Bolshevik Official: Tie Gormans hate lauded three thousand infantry, osvalry and arlilie.y at Puti on the Black Sea. 1 London, Jane 26. Ai Amsterdam message from Moscow says that the anti-Bolsheviki movement is growing. Hanger and revolts are iucreatiug. Martial
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  • 66 7 The following «rtictai will be found on oar cutoide pig's 3 London Scenes. 4 The Mynbj y Qua. The Liberated Holy Land. 5. —Teluk Anton Notes. Penang Share Market. 8. —Jerselton Ice and Power Or, L‘d. Sendai. Limited. Chinese Workers in Freoo*. Church Sersioes. The Frawlf y Company. Bangkok'
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  • 697 7 (Bt Tom Wbioht) The st.'ot'g Hfs that never koows harness, The freshness, the freedom, the fames».’’ Y arning eyes under peat browa, visions reaching for the far places, aoula hoping for conditiona more congenial, Brotbera! I salute you. Did yon know that bine litmus paper by blushing
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  • 633 8 The fourth annual general meeting of the Jeaeelton loe and Power Company Limited, waa held on Jana 26 at 64 Market«st, Singapore. There were preaent Meaara A E Baddeley (Chairman) Obee Swee Cheng, A W Oaahin, W Webater, Direotor#, EA Elliae, Ong Cheng Tam
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  • 145 8 Til Two Units, London, May 12. At a meeting to-day to welcome the American Labour delegates reference was made to the Iriak problem by Mr, G. N. Barnea. the Laboar member of the War Cabinet. Mr. Barnea aaid that Americans thoaght tha British were inconsistent in fighting on
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  • 135 8 Supplibs Fon Gbbmany. Borne, May 10. The document! of Singnor Parodi, tha millionaire president of the Italian Federation of Ship Owners who was arrested yesterday apparently on a charge of trading with Germany, have been seised. These papers show that Parodi despatched huge supplies of jate to
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  • 633 8 The following is the second annuel report of the Directors to the shareholders, to be presented at the meeting on July 5 in Singapore. The Directors have pleasure in submitting herewith a duly audited Statement of the Aooouots of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 1918.
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  • 75 8 Saturday, Jmri 29. St. Peter. Frawley Comedy Co. Town Hall, 9.lft p.m. Orioket—P.C.C. I B.C. Esplanade. Subsat, Jubb 80. Fifth after Trinity. Penang Catholic Benevolent Association, General Meeting, Parish Hall, 9.15 a.m. Monday, July 1. Town Band, Esplanade, Opening F, M. B.—Siam Railway. Turns day, July 2.
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  • 399 8 Bhnbfit Pbbpoxkanon. Patriotism and not the play was the thing last night, but the hall might have been fuller and The Rainbow did not quite overareh the heavens. It gave Mr, Daniel Frawley a very long part in Neil Sumner, the man of the world doing good
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  • 308 8 The annual competition for the Club Championship cups should have been brought to a close at this institution yesterday afternoon when the challenge ronod in the Singlea Championship was played off, but was not, owing to failing light. Ia the Doubles Championship there has been
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  • 169 8 (To thb Editob or tmb Strait» Echo). Dear St, Beading your leader of yesterday's dal#, one may take your mind as possible and capable of being interpreted to mean that an espeoial leaning to higher Eoglish is to be advocated rather than Latin or French. Whatever the Director
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  • 58 8 The following programme of music will be pl«yed at the Golf Club this evening at 5-45 p m. 1 Reminiscences Of Wales Godfrey 2 Ooa Btep In the Night Gilbert 8 8 lection The Emerald Isle Sullivan 4 Walts Soarire D'Avril Depret ft Temptation Bag Lodge 6
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  • 664 8 Puninsulab Suavicu Abbangnd. Towards the end of June 1909, says the Bangkok Timet, a haodfull of English engineers formerly of the Northern Line construction service, were at a loose end in Bangkok, stayiag with friunds and fiading time baDg heavily on their hands. They were waiting for the treaty
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  • 68 8 Fifth Sunday A rra* Tmnitt, Juwh 30, 800 a m. Matins 830 a,m, Holy Communion 500 p.m, Sunday School 600 p.m Evensong Hymn IC6 Psalms: CXL Til CXL viii > Marsh CXL ix CL Humphreys 289 Magnificat t Barn by 47 Nunc Dimittis i Foster 60 Hymns
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  • 35 8 900 a m. Children’s Service. 6-00 pm. Public Worship. Preacher: Rat. Donald J, Ross, m.a. Hymns l t 640, 500,440, (2nd Tune), 516. Choir Praotioe on Friday evening at 7 e’olock,
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  • 75 8 The following is the health statement of the Penang Municipality for the week ending Jane 8,1918: (Male 48-) > 68 Female 20 j Death rate 33.21 per mills per annum compared with 32-24 in the preceding week and with 39.36 in the corresponding week of last year. Nationality.
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  • 760 8 Thu Coolib ‘Makii Good’. (By U. B. Wakefield.) Tbe very daring and successful experiment of bringing 150,000 Chinese Coolies (there will soon be that number) to work in Franoe, deserves greater appreciation than it has yet reoeived. It was by no means a light undertaking oface.
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  • 221 8 Amid more dramatic events the astounding revelations to be found in the AuditorGeneral’s report on the expenditure of the Ministry ef Munitions have passed almost unnoticed. Neither our space nor our vocabulary allows us to do justice to this amazing document, and we can only find room for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 458 8 EXPERIENCED TTPI3T. 18 PREPARED to undertake thetypinsrof documents of any description, Clean and ae> curate typing guaranteed, at moderate rates. (Coolies will be supplied on a short notice.) Apply to This STRAI T 8 AUCTION ROOM, 82, Beaoh Street, Penang, W -AJXTTED. MEWBPAPER COM POSITORB. 0d, T experienced men need
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  • 2290 9 s Dividend. •s 1! Capitol. Numb* of >• a. Share •p Vwfc C m -m issued. p -a laat flnaufar «arrest 8 S 1 a 2 •ial year. jaar. m 2 1 RUBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. 9 ets. 9 ets it»» 9 130,994 1*0.000 l 1 69 Alor Gajah Rubber Rstate,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 384 9 SENT TO YOU FROM ENGLAND YOU een hare either of thene latest London Novelties sent to yon from England by Return Mail. T housands of other useful artieles you can obtain in the same way. Kreryone in England and in the British Army and Nary is wearing a PROTECTED WRI3T
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  • 1687 10 The way of pacificators in Ireland is hard. On the day wban it was announced that the Convention had finally reported the inspired Press conveyed to the world, and to Ireland, that the Qovemment proposed to bring Ireland into the ambit of conscription.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 268 10 3>J OTICE A meeting of Jasticoa of the Peace will be held in the Governor*! Office at noon on Tneaday the 2nd Jaly, 1918, to elect two Licencing Jaatieea in place of Mesara D. A, M. Brown and Qaah Beng Kee. W. C. MIOHELL, Resident Goanoillor, Penang. Penang, 22nd Jane.
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    • 131 10 Began Since Governments Allied The Over Bought TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. Ji l BROS., STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: AND COMPANY. Borden’s Eagle Brand Condensed
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  • 860 11 Thl AdTAITOU VP THI Euph*atb#. The recent operation* of the British force* in Mesopotamia, under the leadership of General Marshall, hare been rather thrown into the shade by the opening of the German offensive upon the Western Front, but they constitute nevertheless one of the
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  • 999 11 tfufamn Tfteeting, tptS. RACE DAYS: FIRST DAY Tuesday, 23rd July, 1918. SECOND DAY Thursday, 25th July, 1918, THIRD DAY Saturday, 27th July. 1918. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, 23rd JULY, 1918. 7. The George Town Plate and Purse, Value and $50 to etch Second Hor-e. A Handicap for all
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 185 11 M {jSp« rl j’jcer rsmetAo Bntwrrr 'ifSi lls lit ,i: I illlikA \<m 3UI ft Upton brewery Co. til uSWJk 73IriGTAOBRELWEBV J S£i!£ TSINGTAO BEER. When ordering your Drinks don’t forget to ask tor the above because It ts the best It gives you complete satis/action It promotes a good
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    • 10 11 For Children's Hacking Oenghat Night. Woods's Orest FsppenaintiCnre Is. 6d.
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    • 313 11 Entries Close at 5 p.m. on Friday, 12th July, 1918) Handicaps for the Firat Day will be published on or before Wednesday, the 17th July, 1918. Special Con'itlcv* Regarding Handicap Racti In all Handicap Races for Horse* or Ponies, the Official Handicapper may, with the consent of the Committee, divide
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1494 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Ingland MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Undsi Contrast with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far a* .jsodation
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