Straits Echo, 25 June 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1402 1 2S NDENSED MI M, LKMAID vt'i I I FOR SALE. One <2-3) seater ‘Scrlpps Booth Motor Car T,*te.t 1917 model ee f starter and Dyn*mo LzutitK excel pnt ooodit ton only iuu 9U0 nii.t* owner leaving b‘ mi. App'y to 1 he undermentioned garage. 1 IF YOU WANT j COMFORT
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    • 10 1 M$Fl j r‘%! HilisU r n~ is* k K5V l!
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  • 804 2 CHIEF PROVI8IONB OF THE NEW MEASURE. Exnumens Fnou EnnoLxnnT. The following are some of the chief pro visions of the Conscription Bill which has passed the third reading at the meeting of the ilengko g Legislative Council:— The Ordinance does not apply to mem bers of H. M.
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  • 62 2 Pekin?, May St. curious epidemic resembling infiaeosa ii visiting North China. Over 20,000 cases hare occurred at Tientsin *nd thousands at Peking, where the banks and silk storra hare been olos°d down (or several days and large section! of the Police are mnable to attend dnty. Fortunately there
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 244 2 rr oc "3CDCDCDC DOCDCDOC Whiteaways New Stock Cents Footwear Lowest Cash Prices. X FQ IN ENGLAND \HhITEAVWY, LAIO^y toys THE “ORIENT” BRAND. Service to the Wearer. We believe that the firet consideration should be service to the Wearer, and we have had this idea in view first, last and all
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    • 50 2 Accidents Will Htfiei. It may be impoaaible to prerent an accident, bat it ii not impoaaible to be prepared for it Chamberlain’a Pain Balm ia net beyond anjene’a peree, and with a battle of tkia liniment yen are prepared fer aim eat anything. For Bale by all diapenaariea and denim.
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    • 750 2 There is Nothing to Joke about in a baokachf. It may ba serous, particuUrlj with women. In oil events it is mre to handicap your activities at work or at play. There is no need to suffer. Speedy relief is fonnd in LITTLE’S OBIfiNTAL BALM The sovereign cure for all
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  • 775 3 Penang’s Suochssns. The following candidates for the recent Cambridge T.oaal Examinations have satisfied the examiners:— Senior Bots, The following Senior Boys under the age of 18 have received the special certificate for Malaya Centres:— Pnnang Free School t —B Merican, Cheah Chcon Ooee (distinction in bookkeeping), Cuing
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  • 357 3 It Pats *o Advertise.” If the Penang theatre-going pnblio bad any doubts before the performance began last night as te whether it was worth while going to see the Frawleye they bad we tbmk, no doubts at all after the performance was over. Tbe Company bad established
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  • 292 3 Captain William Gilbert Don Gordon Roriaon, H, L, I., who was killed on April 9, was the aon of the late Dr. Yinoent Roriaon, Dean of St. Andrew's, and Mra. Rorison, of Jaslfield, Newport, Fife. Educated at Trinity College, Glenalmond, and Sandhnrat, he was gazetted to the
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  • 251 3 In Aid ov Cnurch Aemt Tents. Despite tbe oonnter-attraotion at the Town Hall there was a large audienoe at tbe Empire Theatre last night when a very strong bill was presented in aid of tbe Cbnrob Army Recreation Tent Fund which is at present being raised in Penang.
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  • 69 3 New Brunswick, May 21, Secretary of the Navy Daniels, speaking at Rutgers College, said t “Before another summer the United Btates will have enough ships to oarry not only a million but millions of men to Franoe and enongh destroyers to ocnvoy them safely, There are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 448 3 5T Hi ih EMPIRE GRAND OPENING NIGHT r JUNE 24th Cburoh Army Recreation Tent Week, Monster Attractions. In aid of the above Fund. I hi* is everyone'* opportunity to do a great service remember it l* for our boy* over there who have I* fr* •H* uitie wno nave SACRIFICED
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    • 117 3 E. 0. Hotel. SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY COLISEUM. «EVENING SHOW. 5 to 7 p.m, I! FOR UST NO ORDER IS TOO LARGE; no osder;too;siiall. Acetic Acid »9 per cent guaranteed Cliangkols (different patterns) Axes (American) Paints and Oil Disinfectants and all forts of Estate Supplies and Requisitej QUOTATIONS PROMPTLY
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  • 102 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Peaaag. Price s Dally Local ISO per annum Outatatlen Poetac* Extra. MaU Edition (Post Froe) 018 per annum. Cable Addrees: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nee. (Coho) CSC. Printing Department 803. N.B.—AU boainM.
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  • 622 4 The moat determined peeaimist will fine I extraordinary difficulty in making ont that onr gallant Italian Alliea hare done other I than aererely defeated the antire Aeatrian I force*. The battle haa ended in a complete land deoiaira fallnre of the enemy attack land no aid which Garmaoy
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  • 666 4 We oonfeaa to an entire inability to understand many phases of Government polioy in tho Colony and not the least diflcult is that oonoerniog the intention with regard to Colcnial man-power. There are very circumstantial rumours about to tha effeot that a Mil on the lines
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  • 885 4 Mi> B. McGfohan of Beaufort Estate, j 1 British North Borneo, recently left for home to j >in up. Mr. A. B, Voules, Selioitcr- General left by the mail train this morning for the Southern Settlement. Mr, B B, Beattie, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, has
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  • 922 4 Wild Fancies, Riders of M.X Adder, and there are fewer now th*n bis skill justifies, may remember the discussion wbioh took place ts rrzards the best way of ensnring the fficient use 04Dtl for transport and the brilliant suggestion of the genius who sent io plans of a
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  • 61 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-d»y *t ***** buyers no sellerr, in iSingapore (reined) at 9155, buyers no sellers, The Court of Appeal, which commenced fitting st Jobore jerterday, will comprise the Chief Justice (8ir John Bsoknill, K,C is president, snd Justices Woodward sad Ebdec. There sre
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 173 4 9. 9 9-9 9 99 9 a 8 9 0 9 0 0 tAMA Pritchard Go., Ltd. The goods in Pritchards outfitting Dept, cannot be equalled for quality anywhere in the Colony. GOOD GOOD VALOI QU4LIIY. Townends white “Straits” Topees. Similar to illuitatioD. Good Qualitj and Value. Price 9.50. Pith
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 677 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Great Austrian Defeat. ITALY’S REJOICINGS. London, June 23, 10.30 p.m. An Italian aemi-c ffioial message states i— Reciprocal artillery work is still intense along the Plave, while attacks and counterattacks to assure taotioal advantages are proceeding. The first phase of the great battle
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  • 218 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] TANKS TAKE PART. London, June 28 10.10 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig states that there is nothing to report. London, June 28, 10.40 p m. Sir Douglas Haig in bis aviation report states i— Clouds and winds hindered aotivity on tbe 220 d June. There
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  • 341 5 Reims underwent a terrible ordeal during the third week of April and yet, after all, the Cathedral, liku the status of Josnof Arc in front of it; whioh is intaet expect for loss of half her eword, is stii’ standing, and some day may even be
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  • 116 5 Entries for tbo July tennis tournament close on Bth July. Entrance fee for eaoh event $l, Only those who have been elected members prior to the list being dosed are allowed to enter. Events i—--1. Championship, 2, Single Handicap. 8. Doubles Handicap. 4. Profesaion P*ir«. 5.
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  • 53 5 Sbcojtd List. Amount previously acknowledge 1418 Mrs. Goatly Mrs. Benson Mra. Goee Wor Lok Mrs. Nellis “JJ Mrs. Lawford JJJ Mrs. Henty Jjj Mrs Darke Mrs. Saikies Mrs. H 8 Russell Mrs. Prentis Ur. R. O. Wood JO Mrs. Harvey JJJ Mrs. Hoefeld Total
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  • 675 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BRAZIL TAKING PART. London, June 23, 11.80 p.m. Admiral Francisoo De Mattos, Chief of the Bresilian Naval Mission to Europe, in an interview said that Bn-ail was already doing patrol work with the British and American fleets and guarding tke trarsport of foodstuffs from Bread.
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  • 402 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ERIN’S HONOUR AT STAKE. London, June 23,11.10 p m, The Press Bureau says the Irish Government has issued an appeal to all Irishmen signed by the Irish Kcotuiting Coucoil consisting it M 8ullivan, Maurice Dockrell, H. Molaughlin, Stephen Gwynn as follows i At His
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  • 477 5 The Devtoaka Tageneiteny grows almost bysterioal in desoribing tbo long-range gun. '‘The speed with whioh the shell cleaves through tbe air is so unimaginable that were it merely of hardened steel, instead of a new material created by German genius, the friction of the atmosphere would cause it
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  • 438 5 C From Our Oxen OorrespondenQ London, Jane 22. The pricei in the London Bibber Market te-day were: Pale Crepe 2/2 Diamond Smoked Sheet M 2/1 f [The Market Report of Mure. Aldens’ Successors Ltd was:— London, April 10,1918. Sinoe oar last the London market has been somewhat
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  • 253 5 [T# Tna Editob of tmu Btraiit Echo.] Sin, The letter signed Wot *Opea," auggesticg that the Grand Hotel, Ipoh should be run by an Englishman on English lines" reads very wel l but the treatment of British Hotel keepers by Britiahera out here is suoh common knowledge, that
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  • 196 5 (To THi Editor of tm Straits Eeho). Dear Sir, la your rditoiial of yesterday you make a remark Tbe days of Roman Catholic intolerance have passed happily.” I beg to disagree with yon. Roman Catholic Theologians to this day maintain that it is the duty of the Ch«rch to
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  • 866 5 Sixth* Diekct Ext*. Details now available of the air operation! carried out at tha Dardanelles against the Goeben and Breelau show that as soon as news that the vessels were out bad been reosivod early on Jure 20 our air p.trols were despatched. Twenty minutes later a
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  • 38 5 Thu following artielea will be found on ear outside piges 2, —Hongkong Core rlption, 9.—'Cambridge Local Results. Captain Rorison’s Death. The Frawley Company. 6—Telok Anaon Notea. The New Budget. Penang Bialey. Britain's Mighty Effort. Straits Trading Co.
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  • 36 5 London, June 8, Plantation imports for May amounted to 2,913 tons and deliveries to 3 993 tone. The total itooks of Pars and Plantation rubbif amount to 16,077 tons against 9,767 tom Inst year.
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  • 403 6 CFrom Char Own Gytr&pond&dJ A fine of $lO or 14 d*y«’ imprisonment eacb was the award of the strate to 5 of the 6 Tamila who bolted from Sungei Dulong Estate in Daoember last, one being discharged, while a Javanese oooly, Ngadiram and Morsiao a female of
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  • 227 6 At the present time, says tbe London and China Express, when matches are a scarce commodity, it may te?m supeifluous to call attention to the market that awaits exploitation ia the Far East; but after the war new markets will be sought for Britishmade goods, and
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  • 222 6 In tbe Admiralty Division before M Justice Hill, sitting with Captain L. H Crawford, C. B. and Captain Owen Jones, B. N. R* Elder Brethren of Trinity House, the oase of a claim and oounter-claim for damage arising out ef a collision in the Downs between
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  • 27 6 London, 4th June (1 15 p.m.) (delayed in Iramnuiun): Frank Butney, fourth engiEfcW« f the f"? S#T7VttW < bu died at Rochester of bubonio plague.
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  • 577 6 Mr. Bonar Law has introduced his second Budget iu the House of Commons. The Cbancclloi's statement may be free from any great originality, but on the whole it ia moderate, sound and fair. The expenditure for the new year is estimated at nearly three thousand millions, but
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  • 77 6 To-day’s Tibs. Ladies Doubles Handicap—Mrs Souter and Mrs Adamson +3/6 v Mra Hogan and Miss Jones ecr. Ties mob Wbdxusday. Men’s 8.ngleo Open—M D Butley v F N Syer unfinished tie BA Hunt v M K Whitlock* M-n’s Sineles Handicap B—C D D Hogan owe 15 v
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  • 366 6 The s*ory comes from Singapore, says the Siam Observer, that some cases ef sherry directed m a ship’s manifest to Windsor and Co. passed muster ae far as Colombo the other day without a hitch but on the Singapore authorities examining the manifest they wrote to the firm
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  • 1040 6 COMCLUDIMO DAT. Evukt No. 11,—Saturday, 8-09 p.m. 22nd June. Ihtim Platoom Buck Competition (200 Yards.) Opun to Teams of 8 persons represent* iog Platoons and Maxims P.Y. Comditiokb— Same as No. 10. Puses —Eight individual prises to numbers of the winning team. Presented by the Publio of Punang.
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  • 363 6 Writing in the Fortnightly Rooiow for Maroh, on “The Armies and the Nations: The Last Phase,” Mr. Arohibsld Hurd remarks that there are three elementary principles whioh govern the war policy of a maritime State. They are (1) The base must be made sucure in every respect;
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  • 287 6 I Mr. Leslie Urqahart, in an artiole in the J Nineteenth Century on British policy in I Russia, tells ae that already larger nambers of former German prisoners of war, thanks to their Bolshevist friends, haxe I entered the Bassian Government serxice, I and are now installed at the
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  • 177 6 San Franoisoo, May 21. via Cavite and Koukaaa. I The representative of the Shipping Board, I on hie return from a toar of the shipyards, I said be would reoommend the continuance of unlimited building of wooden ships on I the Pacific Coast because timber
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  • 37 6 Wunmra Nchbiu Tha drawing at the KajaDg-Eilai Club Lottery in aid of tha Bed Triangle Hit Find took plada on Saturday afternoon Tha winning nimberi art aa follows 1722, 3015, 2509, 3838, 2646 and 652.
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  • 400 6 The following is the report of,the directors of the Straits Trading Company to be submitted at the meeting on June 29: The directors now submit the accounts for thehalf.year ended March 31, 1918, being the seoond half of the business year 1917*18. After writing off depreciation and
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  • 354 6 Fall three months ago Br. Orlando, the i Italian Premier, said I This month it is the British in Franee i who are feeling the weight of the strength i which the desertion of the Russians has i enabled the enemy to bring against as. Next
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  • 91 6 Tombdat, Juki 26. Frawley Comedy Co„ Town Hell, 9.15 p.uL Municipal Commission. TV IDXMDiT, JUMU 26, Town Band, Esplanade. Frawley Comedy Co.,*Town Hall, 9.16 p.m, "At Home”, Ayer Rajah House, 5 p.m. P. A. M. General Meeting, Seremban. Thudat, Jinrn 27. Frawley Comedy Co., Town Hall, t.15
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 11 6 For OhUdrtn’a Hacking Camghat Nigkt. Wood»'» Qttm I PepperaiatlCvre Is. 6d.
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    • 530 6 Public Auction Sale of* 7 «eater, ;4 speed and one raver* “ADLER CAR" lbe undersigned ere lastruotd to tell the above on The 29th June 1918 AT 12 NOON IN LOGAN’S COUBTTABD ARIPFIN A FRIENDS, Licensed Auctioneers, China Street, Ghuat. Public Auction Sale of a T seater 4 cylinder, 15
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  • 2285 7 Dividend. 1 M Numbe ef km. -1 0 3 Capital. Share» is. nod. 0 D -0 laat flnanfor current Kama. s s fm 3 oial year. year. 0 m =3 so 3 <y ROBBER—DOLLAR SHARES. ate. f ots 1109 f 120,000 120.900 1 1 00 Alor Gajah Rubber Rotate,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 209 7 THE EASTERN PRODUCE EXCHANGE. 17. Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 247th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 27th June, 1918, Auction Sates of Rubber held twice a week, on ever! Monday and Thursday. Sale
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1653 8 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PA88ENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND~ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far m aooommodation is
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