Straits Echo, 31 May 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1356 1 CONDENSED Ml M IiKMAID BRA^ I BsJ#i li r|f SWISS condensed JJUM, LO '*’lU«rl*nd; and V the eastern produce exchance. U, Peach Street, at the coraer af Beach Street and Church Sheet Ginnt. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 39th Audios Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 3rd
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    • 13 1 fffrrr» Ilf iTTi §g£ K Mill §[Th r *1 n w m in
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  • 937 2 German ebipping and shipbuilding developments are of speoial interest just now. The enemy is preparing for a vigorous economic war. We must prepare to defend our interests. Our dependence upon shipping is suoh that, at all costs, we must maintain the supreme position in this particular
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 476 2 DCCDCDCDC DCDCCDCT iCDCDCDC DO WHimWAT’S NEW DRESS MATERIALS and FLANNELS. o «T/IDD A f r\M “The perfect washing fabric 1 l/Div/lLrvU for ladies’ children’s Wear.” Stocked in white, black and several plain colours, also in white grounds with coloured spot, stripe and check designs. Fast washing colours. NEW FIGURED AND
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    • 12 2 For Children’a Hacking Ceigh at Night, Wooda'i Great Papperaint Chare la, to.
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    • 310 2 g cn inannnnnt JnEmHnnHnna0nBn^ Ruwvymedfc Hotel. Penan* 0 0 0 n n n 0 0 H 0 6 0 0 m a 0 a ani (SEA-SIDE) Lwtry Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections DURING DINNER, 0 0 0 n u n 0 a 0 0 0 IM n Slow CHOON LENG
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  • 494 3 Official Mibutbs of Muumro, I An important meeting under the presi- dency of the Hon’bie Mr F G Harrey wae i held on Wednesday, 29ch init. at the i P A M Meeting Boom in Kuala Lumpur, when representative! of the following bodies met t The Hon’bie
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  • 441 3 Final Ehtbbtaihkbbt. There was again a large audience at the Kuala Xangsar Road Theatre Hail last night to witness the final performance by the members of the Anglo-Chinese School Union in aid of the China Fiood Fund and the Union Charitable Fund. The programme comprised nine item*:
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  • 233 3 THE WILL AND THE WAY. [To Tnn Editob of tmh Strait» Echo Dear Bir, —In reply to Sympathiser, it is quite true that although we are in the 4th year of the war, there are plenty who want to go and do their bit, from this Ooloqy, but are
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  • 173 3 Last night to another of the orowded houses, as Albert Chevalier used to say, that Colonel Fillis and his capable oolleagues have been attracting the Circus gave the Wild and Woolly West Show that Penang has beeD waiting for and did it very well indued. There were cowboys,
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  • 163 3 A publio meeting was held in Ipoh on Wednesday afternoon, at the instance of the Perak Chinese Chamber of Commerce, to consider the best means of raising a large subscription among the Chinese community for King George’s Fund for Sailors. Towkay Leong Sin Nam was voted to the
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  • 113 3 On the King’s Birthday Monday, June 3, the Chief Post Office, Penang will bo closed at noon. The Telegraph Offioe will be open from 7 am. to 8 p.m. Savings Bank and Money order Branch will both be closed and the Postal Express will be issued in the
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  • 97 3 (From Char (hen Oorrespondati.) Singapore, May 31 At the weekly auotion the following prices ware realised: Fine ribbed smoked sheet I 88 to 94 per picul Good fine ribbed 71 87 do Good plain 65 68 do Crepe fine pale thin 91 94 do Good pale thin
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  • 71 3 The result of the 239th Auotion Sale of the Eastern Produce Exchange held yesterday, was as follows Per picul. Diamond Bmoked Fair from 166 to $9O Diamond Unsmoked Sheet 59 to 67 Plain Unsmoked Sheet 51 to 61 Sorap Crepe fair > 26 to 32 Loose, Pressed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 384 3 UK err. ffWffWWTWWffTWfWWTTWWTWWWmWfWI H Two Good Things TO SEE The Sky When it is full of Stars. JH THE EMPIRE When It .icreens them. To-nights a Starr; Night I A REAL GALAXY OF STARS ase* VOICE OF COBIICE I Franci3 X Bushman, Beverly Bayne H Jf MARIE WALCAMP, BOBBY MACK,
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    • 877 3 LAST 2 DAYS' Fill»’ Wild West Show under cover of Waterproof Tents DATO KRAMAT GARDENS. To-night at 9.15 p.m. WAR FUNDS BENEFIT IK A.ID or TII CHURCH ARMY TENTS 25 per cent, of the Gross wi 1 be alloted for the Cause* FILLIV CIRCUS. TO-NIGHT At 9.16 p.m. War Funds
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  • 102 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Daily oe ISO per annum. OuUtatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Poet Free) •IB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Nos. (Kobe) see. Printing Department aaa, N.B.—k U hu.ioM.
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  • 40 4 Cloud—On 23rd inst. at a M arsing Home, Dublin, to Mr. and Mrs. H.P. Clodd, a son. Avdbusox —On May 28, at tha Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson, of North Labi* Estae, a soa.
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  • 1181 4 The full report of tha meeting of the Coamber of Commerce of Singapore oa tbe shipping rrquisition question was awaited with some interest in Penang. Frankly, it is disappointing, confusing and inoontlusive. Tbe full report oocupies four columns of our o of whioh three are required by Mr.
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  • 919 4 Haydn, the oomposer, died thie day in the year 1809. Walt Whitman, the poet/ was born on May 31,1819. The Bar. Brother Jamea ii at present in Ipoh in eonneotion with ednoational matters. Capt, Khaw Oo Kek has been paying a Tisit to Taiping, Ipoh and the
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  • 943 4 Thought lor the Day. There is always a certain relief n e some comfort, io knowing the worst of a 13 business The horrid sinki J I» GVESJ? lolah A Stock of Paper, Earlier in the war a r publisher had the good sense and acew«° n to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 252 4 Pritchard Co., Ltd. Outfitting Department. THE GOODS IN THIS DEPARTMENT ARE UNRIVALLED FOR QUALITY. VARIETY, AND PRICE. HANDKERCHIEFS. Gents’ Hemstitched Handkerchiefs all pure Linen Price 17 75 md 18 75 dozen. Gents’ Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Hemmed Price *6.75 dozen. Gents* White Cambric Handkerchiefs Hemmed Price $2.75 s3 7o and $4
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  • 27 4 DMATHM. CnorLBT —On May 11, at Shanghai, Coin Edwin Gilts Croplay, (By tolegram). McEaaaow Oa May 27, 1918. st Hampstead William McKerrow, aged 73 years (By c^bla).
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    • 2034 5 SOISSONS ATTACK. French Communiques [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 29. A French communique iih tbo Germans bare retched the ontakirte of Soisaona. Paria, May 29. Semi-official i The Germana are inoeaaantly employing freah divieione to makegood their Ttuj heavy loaiea On the other hand, onr reeervea are arriving on the aoene
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    • 192 5 London, May 29. Sir Douglas Haig reports i We successfully raided south-east of Arras, oapturing prisoners, and we also took a few prisoners west of Merville. We repulsed a raid at Givenchy-La Basses. We repulsed an attaok on a post south of the Tprea-Oomines Oanal, London, May 29.
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    • 182 5 From British Headquarters. London, May 29. Beater’s correspondent at British Headquarters (on 29th May) says:—The front 1 from Locre to Yoormezeele remains pretty quiet. The Germans were apparently vary vexed at the American sucoeas at Cantigny and opened a tremendous bombardment upon our new positions. This enemy counterattack
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    • 41 5 From Various Fronts Macedonian Front. London, May 30, 1.30 a.m. A Frenoh Eastern communique states i There wss great artillery activity on tbe whole of the front between Lake Doirsn and Monastir, particularly in tbe regions of of Makukovs and Vzcavo.
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    • 540 5 General Wire News After the Red Pottage. London, May 29. A Bussian wireless states that tbe oentral oommittee of Finnish workmen protests against the White terrorism in Finland and states further that 70.000 citizens the majority of them social democrats including $0,000 civilians who were imprisoned were brutally treated. A
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    • 529 5 Political News Miners’ Votes and Talk, London, May 29. Edwards, the defeated candidate at Wansbeck, declared that the votes cast for him wore not in favour of the Kaiser. Wans* beck miners were not built that way." The Seats of the Mighty. London, May 29. Sir Gilbert Parke: has leagued
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  • 623 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] j Es;barge of Telegrams. Bombay, May 28, 4 20 p m. A despatch received in London on May 124 by the Press Bureau states that owing I to Arabian oo-operation with British forces jia Palestine a number of Armenians, men, I women, and ehildren, whom
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  • 64 5 Tbe following artioles will be feund on our outside pages 2 -—Tbe German Shipping Monaco. 3. —Tbe Malaya Council. An?lo Chinese School U ii' n. CorrevponHpDO®. Fillis’s Circue. Sailors’ Fund. King’s Birthday. Singapore Rubber Auction. Eastern Produce Etobaoge. 6—Bukir Riooa Rubber L*d. Chinese Amateur Th«»t ical M*j>rMor«ht. India’s M«n
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  • 542 6 The following report is forwarded for publication i The Statutory Meeting of the Bukit Bhona Limited was held yesterday at the Begistered Offices of the Company, Governmsnt Buildings, Penang, Mr. James Creisk■haak presiding. Mr. F.H. Grumitt, A O,A haring read the notioe convening the meeting on
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  • 155 6 The Ipoh paper states that the Perak Ohineae Amateur Dramatio Sooiety, which haa been in a moribund condition and baa been lying dormant ia to bo revived. It reporta that the membera shock cff the atate of eoma or lethargy in which they have been repoaing lately
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  • 172 6 Major Meraht, the German military critic, whose death oceuned lately, waa one of the band of brilliant men who had gathered round the oourageeus Theodor Wolff on the Berliner Tagtblalt But in Deoember of last year Moraht left the Tageblatt for the Tdglicke Rundschau” and it was assumed
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  • 67 6 Appul to Madras Moslkms. Madras, 17th May i The Hon’ble Mir Asad Ali Khan has issued an appeal to Mahomedana to respond to the Empire’s oall. It is a golden ipportunity, he says for Mahomedana to prove their manliness and their valour m devotion to duty. Meetings, he
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  • 473 6 IWTHBBSTIWO LUCTUBU. Shanghai, May 3 t —A most interesting and educational address on the primitive cultural influences which have affeoted the Philippines was read before a large meeting at the Royal Asiatic Society Lecture Hall yesterday by Judge Charles S- Lobingier, of the United States Court, Chancellor Emeritus
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  • 229 6 The usual weekly meeting of the Bent I Board was held in the Municipal Offioa on I Tuesday afternoon under the presidency of I the Hon. Mr, C. J. Sannders, the others present being Messrs, S. Tomlinson, A.M.B, Angulia, E A. Eiias and Gaw Knek Kiam, I
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  • 194 6 I note a very gloomy statement in tbs Arbeiler Zaitung, the Austrian Socialist paper, on the food situation in Yienna. The culminating point in the unbearabl, wretched, and pitiable oondition of the masses has, it declares been reached. Today,” the writer says, all evils fall together Id these
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  • 47 6 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade, this evening at A pm, 1 SelfccMon A Runaway Girl Kappey 2 Tne Egyptian Patrol Passes Vale Lane 3 Refaction A Waltz Dream Btrauss 4 Waits Gold Bain Waldteufel ’5 Maroh Adolphe Marks
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  • 473 6 The Timet ef Malaya gives prominence to the following extrast received from Mr. A- B. Milne, the prominent visiting agent, which relates to the work of the Oeimbatore Agricultural College in Southern India. The following note, sent by the Director of Agriculture, Madras, to the Seoretary of the
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  • 516 6 SUHTIMUNT V. SUKSU. People who still have a lingering belief in the conception of a League of Nations may be recommended to read carefully the speeches of the advocates of this scheme in the House of Lords reoently. The three principal speakers were Lord Parmoor a
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  • 509 6 The oecupation of Petrograd by the Germans would add a notable ohapter to the history of the vicissitudes of sspitals. Though a much newer town, Petrograd shares with Lendon the distinction, among the chief capitals of Europe, of having been, inviolate from the foot of the invader throughout
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  • 362 6 A Burma GninvANoa. Following representations by the Burma Chamber of Commerce and the Tavoy Chamber of Mines, the p-ioe of wolfram which bad been previously fixed at 66 shillings per unit delivered in Liverpool was reoently increased to 67s. 7d, wbioh inoluded an allowance for loss by
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  • 808 6 Dear Frits, —As job would say in jomr own mellifluous tongue, M Achtuog!” You raay have noticed in your newspapers a few casual references to attempted raids by British airmen, which have all this curious family likeness, that no military damage was done and that four non-oombatants—-never more
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  • 91 6 Fbidat, Mat 31, Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Turf Club, Half Tearly General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 4,16 p.m. Satua»at, Jinru 1. Singapore Rnoe Eatries close, noon. Ayen Kuning Rubber Estate, Lid., General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 12 noon, Cricket,—I. R, C. os, Butterworth R, C. Butterworth. Penang
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  • 62 6 Calcutta, 14th Maji—It is reported that there are large number* of Australians more or less stranded in India, They came over with shipments of horses for the Indian Government and there are said to be more than 160 in Calcutta, who will have to wait till August to
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  • 18 6 latest Quotations. done°in d Sing to d 7 M fined) at »164 buyers no P r# (rfl
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  • 554 6 By Stbawss To-morrow (Saturday), Rangoon (Mergaiand 7) Moulmein via Ran> goon) o y*>>o a,m, The Quarantine Buie in the F m q ™.o“od.d““ 8 000 01 '““I* Arrangements have been nude i n Malacca to stage a Malay play in fi acts, entitled The Faithful Servant” The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 Whj It Sells. Chamberlain’s Coagta Remedy ia the largest selling coagta medicine in the world to-day became it does exactly what a cough remedy ia supposed to do. It stops the csagh by caring the cold, and does it speed* ily and eCectaaliy. For sale by all die peiiares and
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    • 92 6 WANTED. CLERK for mine at Ronpibon, Siam* Must be able to apeak Chinese, Siamese and English, >• Apply stating salary required to SIME, DARBY Co, Ltd., 21, Beach Street. *ON SALE Complete outfit to make Rubber Packing Cases, counts of 6 B.P. Semi-Diesel Oilengine, 36-incb Bacdiaw, Variety Woodworker to plane,
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  • 1108 7 W MAT W AM 1ID W*AT UiT Bu. The war has caused us to return to man; past habits and oontrivanoes, but who would have thought that in the spring, 1918, London would hare talked for a week about the Curfew, and that this word
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 588 7 DUC C REOLEUM Protects, Preserves Beautifies all WOODWORK, from the ravages of Weather, Inseet Fungoid Life. s'J Supplied in Drums Barrels J Light &Dark So/e Agents for Penang, Federated Malay States, Sumatra &<Java G.H.Slot &Co.. Penang. r 7 E 0. Hotel. SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. oc DCDC DCDDCDnCDC DCDC
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    • 888 7 Malayan Sales Room TO BE HOLD BT PUBLIC AUCTION At thi above Salbe Room.” CHINA STRUT OHAUT.’ Oi Saturday, the 1st June, 1918. AT 10 A.M. rHR UNBBBMBNTIOHED JEWBLLBET I 1 Sat Diamond Krossngs (silver mounted) 1 i Air orilJiint Etrriogs let in gold. 1 Sat 5 Diamond Hairpins, set
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1612 8 P. 0—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAB LINE. (C)mpameR Incorporated in Entknd MAIL AND 'PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AnFoRIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company’a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ara at preeent impended. Singapore, Tanjong Pandan. (B lliton), Pauengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offer* And ai
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