Straits Echo, 30 May 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 9 1 tf ,*s mi’lk^ »o« use it*. Sgs• i KE3 >
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 54 2 OF EVERY m Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives, Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) .Axes. Box Strapping. Sodi am Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire OTHERS, (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. LTD I c K 5S V Sfi >25 M, rh r* V ?T* l/\' 38 < SKAW*" S' i* C
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  • 1128 3 Proposed Programme (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing.) NOTICE. —No amendments to this p'ogr&mme w II be aonsi^eceii. r unlest due notice is g »<n in writing the Secretary at 1 as* seviA clear dayv befoce Ihe d »e c f the Spccixl
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  • 509 3 Difficult Position if tbs Baltx#. *'The attitude of the Swedish people toward the world-war and the inlieooe -the German oooapation of the Aland lalanda will have upon Swedish international affaire are, lam afraid, two things which art very generally misunderstood bj the general British pablio," aaid
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  • 174 3 Tiki Limit Fob Gibjcabt To Mau Pbaom. It Washington. What is regarded as the informal sounding of the world’s opinion on a L?ague of Nations and the enforcement of po#t-war peace hag begunSenator Owen, in the Banate, urged that the United States, England, Japan, Franoe, Italy,,
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  • 125 3 How A U ’’-Boat Shot Hbbiblv. The captain of a Hull steamer relates a re* markable adventure whiob but lor the faot that itlf vouched, for in oAaial documents, would appear incredible. The «tea meg, the FI iato» (Captain John Preweu), WA« on a voyage taom Havre tD Ntwport,
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  • 694 3 Among the numeroua ur perhapa more atrietly speaking acquaintances, I wlt hwhom, lam in the habit of daily die- cussing currant event*, especially of course i .°ae °f the present war, there is one who in the euphonious name of Poggles Many and various ae are the bewilderingi effects
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  • 226 3 The following letter from a Chinese clerk ie publised in th* Control China Pott, Hankow Most, Honoured Sir, Understanding that there ere several •hands wanted in you honour’s department. I beg to offer you my hand. As to my adjustments I appeared for the Matrio
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 293 3 r,tries '..’lose Kt 5 v.m. on Fr’day, 12lh July. 1918. Handicaps for the First Pay will be published ou or before Wednesday, the lah July, 1918. H»»dle'P R.,e. In all V«vttr*V for <jr W«, t),. Official Handicwpp*v- «FF# with the copseot -of the Comuii d’Tido the eutri#» lutoiu re or
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    • 703 3 f, e TRY IT IN YOUR BATH BY APPOINTMENT TO M.M. THE KING. SCRUBBS-AMMON 1' MARVELLOUS PREPARATION invaluable for Toilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water. Splendid Cleansing Preparation for the Hair, a Allay3 the Irritation caused by MoSquite Bites. Cleans r’late, Jewellery, and Carpets. For 8a.le by all Grocers
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  • 1255 4 The limitations o* language are much less apparent than real People as a whole, and especially those who know no language but their own well, are so accustomed to be satisfied with the expression of their thoughts in their native tongue that they fail to realize
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  • 414 4 Diovinan Refeoov cjt the Bclshkvikb. Toe following Note has been sent by the Belgian Government to the British ana French Governments and to M. Nelidoff, Russian Minister at Sainte Adresse, accredited by the last recognised Russian Government. By the Treaty of April 19, 1839, Russia guaranteed
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  • 312 4 An officer who was present when Kut 3 fall and who knows Indian soldiers wall, i gives the hopeful Tiew that the Indians of the garrison—close upon 8000— of whom x all trios has been lost, are not neoessarily 1 dead, a fact, he personally
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 639 4 r oc "XCDCDCDC DCDC' WEITE&WAT’S NEW DRESS MATERIALS and FLANNELS. n n ,4 w “The perfect washing fabric 1 UDiv/iLLI/ for ladies’ children’s Weai.” Stocked in white, black and sevaral pl-iin colours, also in whit3 grounds with coloured spot, stripe and check designs. Fast washing colours. NEW FIGURED AND FLORAL
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    • 41 4 AeeidenU Will Happen. It may be Jmpoaaible to prerent an acoibut it ia not impoaaible to be Drenared f r it. Chamberlain’a Pain W«i,K ond anyone', pnree, and with a beetle of (uia liniment yen art prepared fer almeat M&., ««S
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    • 477 4 R u BE N„. puvt Bukit Mertaj.m. 8t »‘*on JJ* for full particuUr, to A. B. C, t *l*toraiU Echo, W ANTEd! A HALF 8IZE t7~vT^i ir Applj fifing riler price to 4 P* r ticjl dr 4Q( j A- 0. J. TOYVER3, Towe Clumber., ipoli, Perak, "W^^VTTJEtlXi. Appj personally
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  • 729 5 The following la the official summary of the operationi for the week ended May i 23 There are four point* of apeoUl intereet in oonoeotion with the week's operation! on the Western Front. The first is the oontinuous remarkable auooeea of the Australians in the angle of
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  • 115 5 PuKAue Wo wax Womxnns Amount acknowledged 97,289 82 Mrs. Mathews 2 00 *<*.B. 10.00 7,801 88 ■xpenditure sinoe January 1918, 182 yds Calioo ***** Insurance 22 73 Tailors A Sewing Amah 174 82 320 yds Crepe 96 00 Buttons 9 50 Cotton 57 Tape 18.84 1883
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  • 33 5 Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform ns that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the 27th inst. received yesterday. Plantation Ist latex crops 2/2j Smoked sheet 1/lf
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  • 461 5 Alfred Austin erstwhile Poet Laureate in sueoession to Tennyson was born on May 80, 1885 and was sixty-one when be was presented with the bay leaves. In the days of the old Norman kings the Laureate was really the reyal jester er the joculator regie" of the Domesday
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  • 521 5 Towkay Baw Kim Theng of Chop Taitson, Denison Road whe was married in Penang on the 21st instant, returned with his bride yesterday and waa met at the station by a large number of friends when the whole party drove off to the towkay’s house to oelebrate
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 352 5 t?mm?wttmfromrvTwrwwtmmfimwfwwT?wi6 EMPIRE 4 H TO SEE When it is foil of Stan. THE EMPIRE Wban it Scresi i them. Ta-nigbU i Starr; Night I A BEAL GALAXY OP STARS voice of comm i Francis X Bushman, Beverly Bayne RED ACE I MARIE WALCAMP, BOBBY MACK, LAKRY PEYTCN. Dan Russel 'busy
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    • 341 5 Drink Dixons Aerated Waters SPECIi LLY PREPARED FOR Estates Outstations. ORDERS MAY BE 8ENT TO R. F. BRADFORD 1 F, Penang Street, Penang. Slow CHOON LUNG* Printing Press Owner, Publisher, Representative Commissien Agent. Head Office: —102, Tank Road, Singapore. Branches.*— Hongkong, Shanghai. Kobe, Osaka. Yokohama and Tokio, Agencies throughout S,S,
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  • 101 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Daily Local 180 pep annum. Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) 818 pep annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 543, M. ft. —Sl)
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  • 1356 6 Experience in tha war has shown that resolute bodies of men, well fed with guns and supported by ample reserves car, as a rule, overpower the first lines of any conceivable dtfecoe, and possibly tbe second. Yet when the enemy succeeds in doing this there is a
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  • 955 6 The R«ja Muds of Kedah died on May 30, ]&07. The King (Chulaiongkofn) and Queen of Siam arrived in Singapore on May 30. 1890, Mr. P. P S Pillay, chief olerk, Pott Office Penang who went to India on leave has returned and resumed duties, The D
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  • 959 6 That Settles It. Toe weightiest of all *ko -he curfew h.e b Y*pp. Rulway reattiotiong u* bj 8lr A, buU.' ere With bi k Onea f .i MttheC^^tt(i After paving a j ««uat,, works at Lincoln, the bir.K 8p,H ‘to Tanka, 8ir W.II, am Rob« r hp 9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 245 6 r Pritchard Co., Ltd. ii i ii a 3 a v i a I Outfitting Department. THE OOOD8 IN THIS DEPARTMENT ARE UNRIVALLED FOR QUALITY. VABiEIY, AND PRICE. Linen HANDKERCHIEFS. Gents* Hemstitched Handkerchiefs all pure Priee 17 75 > nd 18 75 dozen. Gents’ Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Hemmed Price ?6.75
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    • 394 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, May 28 Sir Douglas Haig reporta t —Tha enemy maintained bia oontionona preaanre all day on Monday againat the Britiah on tbs Ajsne front; Severe fighting continue* on the whole of the front on the Britiah,aeotor. On the right, the 21st Division ia in tonoh
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    • 480 7 French Communiques London, May 28, A Frenob communique states i—Toanks to the arrival of freib enemy forces the Germans at night en the 17th May anooeeded in orossing the Aisne between Vailley and Barry an bac. French and British troops •re faoing an enemy numerically superior and hare continued gradually
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    • 1644 7 Correspondents Account s. 1 From British Headquarters. London, Mkj 18. Renter's correspondent at British Headt quarters (on 28th May) says i—When the r battle of Flanders died down on the evening of the 27th May the sitnation on the right and the oentre of the front attacked, remain* cd practically
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    • 87 7 From Various Fronts Italian Front. London, May 28 An Italian ofltaial menage «eye i—W# penetrated the enemy’* msoessive defences at Oepoeile to a depth of 750 metre* and maintained oar position* despite a violent enemy reaction, inflicting considerable losses and taking 440 prisoners end meoh booty. The Italian Nary oooperated.
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    • 745 7 Genera l Wire News American Red Cross. Estimate Excaedad London, May 28. A Washington meaaage, instancing Amerioa’a intense enthusiasm over the war, says that it ia noteworthy that Americana yesterday answered Germany’s offensive by subscribing over thirty-two million dollars to the Amerioan Red Cross fund, bringing the total for the
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    • 417 7 Political News Dominions &Treaty*Makiog Bhodti Leotnre in London. i London, May 28. Profeaaor Sir John Macdonel! in a Rhodes lecture at London Unirersity College, dealt with the Dominions and treaty*making .especially in relation to fature foreign polioy. He said the question waa simplified because, the Dominions enjoyed the adrantages of
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  • 81 7 AftLmr Dnrvra A Ce Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 sB6to 98 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 68 88 do Unamoked Sheet No. 1 60 63 do Unamoked Sheet No, 2 68 66 do Orepe Fine Pale Thin 93 do Good 69 §6 do Fine brown...
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  • 47 7 The following an the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list f Yesterday. To-day. Rubber. J 5 1 J <s i <s i Malaka Pinda 2.00 2.10 1.90 2.05 Mining. Batrat Basin 21/6 22/8 21/8 22/Mengleasbe 1.05 1-125 110 1,15
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  • 123 7 The following artieles will be feud on oar outside pages > 8. —Bw**d* n and the Wr. Kconomio Toreat as Wmpon. B 'omerang* Torpedo. Poggles. Eogliah as She is Wrote V-Language and the Mind. Russia's Desertion of Belgium. Mystery of Kut Garrison, s—Poet Laureates. Telnk Anson Notes. Week’s War
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  • 810 8 MBET1NG AT KUALA LUMPUR. Local Commission Wanted. C From Char Own Correspond&dd Kuala Lumpur, May $0, At a moating here yesterday, oalled by the P. A. M., at whioh representatives were also present of the Booiety of Estate Doctor*, Malaooa P. A*, F.M.S, Penang, and Selangor Chinese,
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  • 25 8 Latest Quotations. Tin (snrefined) is qnoted hers to* day at $166. ns bsainest done, in Singapore (rt< ftnsd) at 1164,60, told 71 tont. 1
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  • 1066 8 Tn Council. Dibatb. The Aoting Treasurer movtd the first reading of the War Loan Bill——t* provide for raising money for the present war. In moving tbe Bill, ho said, it wae fortunate tbat it required no eloquence on his part to demonstrate its merits. In this, the
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  • 313 8 No Fibai Divio bus Raeoauurouo. The following is tbe ibirtetnin nport of the directors to tbe shareholders of dandyoroft Rabber. to be presented at ths annual meeting on June Ist at the offices of Messrs. Barker and Co* Ltd Singapore t The net profit after making due provision
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  • 128 8 Tha following is on excerpt from a report of tbe Legislative Ccunoil meeting on Monday. There wsre two motions by the Colonial Secretary—for the approval of plans and seotions of a railway line to be constructed at or near Kuala Prai, Pouang, and for the approval of
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  • 115 8 The Paris A%tt announces the disoovery of a nsw oombustible which contains neither petrol, ooal gas, nor alcohol. A trial reoently gave most favourable results. A motor oar, oarryiog six persons, made a tour of Paris climbing tbe steepest hille without tbe least mishap. This new foal is
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  • 96 8 Last Oppoutbbitt op Witbussiuo. Tne members of tbe A.C S. Union will give a variety performance to-night at the Kuala Kangsar Road Theatre Hall by apeoial request. The orowded bouses drawn reoently by their performances at tbe Celiaeum were sufficient proof of the popularity and excellence
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  • 197 8 Tuursdat, Mat 30. 11 Corpus Obristi, Church of Our Lady of > Sorrows, Fsidat. Mat 81. t Town Band, Bsplanade. t Pensng Turf Club, Half Tearly General t Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, I 4.15 p.m. I Satuebat, Jrnra 1. I Singapore Baoe Entries close, neon, i Ayer
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  • 277 8 Tie* for Saturday, Jane 1 i Men’» D.jiblei, B Handioap— Sharp and Lmo owe 2 w Foil tad Cowap. Men’» Singles A Handicap—Q Waugh owe 15 9 Mr K Whitlock owe 3, Men'» Sirglea B Handicap—B H Langaton owe 5v G i Bwan owe 15. Tutuoat i
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  • 201 8 We hare reeeired- by the oonrtesy of the publishers, the Ttmea of Ceylon Co, Colombo, a copy of the Serenth (1918) edition of this widely known publication that has been before the Planting Publio of the Middle East sinoe 1887. In that time it baa steadily
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  • 163 8 The M.C.L. Committee with to thank I very heartily all the kind frienda who helped to make the reoent entertainment a auooeaa. The reoeipta amounted (inoluding Donation») $lO7BlB Expenaea (Coatumea, Printing Ao.) 100 00 Balanoe M $978.13 of whioh SSOC will be aeut to the Bed Cross
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  • 143 8 Oapt. Falk Mans late of Bor. s.s. Kamur is panning through Bangkok homeward bound. In him the Bant loses one of ita oldest masters. Ho has been for the last eighteen years in oharge of the s.s. Kamur, I the building of whioh was supervised by him
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  • 54 8 Fob Bt Stuaxkb A* To-morrow (Friday)* Dindinga and Sitiawan Ohirki 1-30 p.m. Palau Langkawi and Perlia Un Ptmg 8-30 p.m. Began Ditoh and Teluk Aoaon SappAo #-30 n a>. Tongkab, Kopab, Benoog,Victoria Point. Mergui Tavoy and Moulmein g. 30 p m. lat proximo (Saturday). Port Swettenham and
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  • 563 8 HoUSEIEBAKIao fir Dat la the District Com-» Mi. RD. Aoton one T*q a **fore charged with bouse-breaking commit an offenoe. 8 IQ tent to The facta of the case am gardener, employed at Towkar A a ß an 1 plantation ia Scotland R 0 10 neise made
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  • 129 8 There waa a very large and enthunaitio audience at the above show last night when the management gave their firat ohange of pregramme including severs! new turns, whioh were very apprvoiatively received by the audience, Mist Violet waa very smart indeed on the wire and Ajax who is
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  • 115 8 THE WILL AND THE WAT. I [To Tnn Editob or Tu* Straits Beks] Dear Sir,— 1« it real]y possible tbat in tbli I the foirth year of War th»t any man who I wishes to fight for bis cointry is smble to I do so or a» they pat
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 491 8 FILLIS’ CIRCUS. 1 To-morrow May 31st At 9.15 p.m. Var Foods Benefit Perfono&nce IN UD ON THB CHURCH ARMY TENTS 16 of the Qrosi Reoeipts will be devoted for the eeuae, A Felected Programme including The WILD WEST DRaMA wil be preaented on thia auapicioua occaaion. LAST 3 DAYS I
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    • 13 8 For Ohildrw’a Haekiag G««gh »1 Night Wood* OPtoi Fff fiit Omrt 1«. 64.
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    • 89 8 Ckuiberlili'a Ceagh I lemtAj When yoa have a bad cold 70« remedy that will not only give relief, bot feot a prompt and permanent care, a that ia pleasant to take, a reined? bat con* tains nothing Ljarioas Chamber.* 0f Cough Remedy meet» all fhaie rcqaiitLacn**» It aeta on natsre’a
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  • 822 9 Etfbct or Aib Raids ok Lokdov. An interview has recently been given to a representative ot the Corriere della fierra by a captured German airman, who stated u i e frankly the leason why German aviators bomo opeu towns Here is his ex planation We
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  • 160 9 Mr. G. H. Fox, Acting General Manager, Mr G U.Coobrane. Chief Construction Eaginetr, Mr, A, M. Btevenson, Eagioeer, Ways and Woiks, and Mr. R. W. Hiam, Officer in Charge, Special Servioes, F.M. 8, Railways, with Mr. J. E. Jackson. State Engineer, Perak, and Mr. J. fl-
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  • 702 9 Bbilliakt Rnooan ow a Boy rmom Etob. When Yoss, the remarkable Germmm airman, was brought down there was a considerable demand that the name of the British airman who accomplished this feat should te made known He was Lieutenant Arthur Rhys Darids. an Eton boy of 20, and
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  • 179 9 A Hollander who baa recently visited both London and Berlin baa bean giving companion of conditions in tbe two capitals to the Nitume RoiUrdamtcKe Courant. Wbat «track him moat, be says, was that Berlin m oontradistinotion to London, baa loat tbe impression of being a world
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 50 9 Why It (fell* Chamberlain's Coigh Remedy i> the largest nelliDf ooegb medicine in the world to-day becaaae it doee exactly what a oongh remedy is supposed to do- It stops the ooigh by oaring the oold, and dees it speedily and efectaally. For sale by all die* jpeaeanee and deaUiaj
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    • 600 9 Of 1« *-s 14 is* rmm i *21 I i I atf SAN IT As Protects, Preserves Beautifies all WOODWORK from the ravages of Weather, Inseet fungoid Life. n v* mil p //A 1 "v Supplied in Drums Barrels Light, Medium &Dark So/e Agents /or Penang, Federated Malay States. Sumatra
      600 words
    • 51 9 Wfc J It MU. Chamberlain’a Coagh Remedy ii the largeat wiling ooagb medicine in the world to-day beoaaee it does exactly what a oongh remedy ia eappoeed to do. It atope the ooagh by oaring the oold, and doea it ipaedily and effeotaaliy. For aale by alldiapea ear tea and
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    • 660 9 Swellings Disappear when, you tub in Littln’u Oeiuntal Balm. The pain goes right away *nd the «welling, itself disappears with a few applications. It ia utterly uaeleia to «offer. It is uaeleaa to pay b g doctor’s bills and then to fiod yourself no better. For I Bo. yon can
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  • 543 10 Qbbat Wiwi o» tu Mohbt bUBSCBIBBB. "There can be bo doabl that in the case of all exogpt the largeet and beet known funds, Flag Days, ae at present oondneted, remit in a very ooneiderable waste of the money snbaoribed by the pnblio,” state the Charity Commissioners.
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  • 281 10 Uhwsual Oasb of Food Hoabdino, f Dr, Tang Liang Kan, residing at "Oakland*,” a large detaohed house in Prinoes-road, Wimbledon Park, was summoned at the Boath-Western Polioa Court on March 25 with hoarding food, Mr. Burton Ward, prosecating for tbe Wandsworth Food Control Committee, described tbe defendant
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  • 472 10 L.iD« .SD Inbpi&br OP tb. N.tio. "The Prime U, ol Wt P rl m or Pertiee," w» 8 the ,«bi .ot „f *J the Mr He.! C.ine,t Lord Leverhulme presiding. The Premier, said Mr. Hall p,; no V «d peril, .«t kril'W d.neg the ,e.r 0
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  • 454 10 A Has» Tux, 2ut a. Gbiat Duty, Anyone can «mile when tbinga go right, as Mark Tapley used to assert Toe trae teat of coarage la tbe ability to smile when tbinga go wrong. Juat at preaeot there are indications tbat some of as at heme are more
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 88 10 Chamberlain's Caafk lienedj. "When yoa hare a bad cold yoa want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ia pleaaant to .take, a remedy that con. taina nothing Injarioaa Chtunberlain’a, Coagh Remedy meets alltbeee reqairementa! It aeta on nat
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    • 217 10 I ft. I ince the War Began The Allied Governments j. i 0.10 •9 id r i w v 9 To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter, —the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY U FOOLSCAP,; SIZES
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    • 76 10 When Baby scream* there is much to do to quieten him The poor little chap can* not tell you what the trouble is, b*<t, most likely, it is just wind Twu drops of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMENT CURE, in a little warm water will put the matter right and quickly make
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  • 2208 11 (From Our Own Correspondent') Thu Enemy Ofvbnsitb, London, March 29. Within the next month —perhaps within a iborter time—the fatd of the war will have h P n decided on the Western front, where the Biitiab, French, Ame. icons and other Allied troop» are fighting most
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 365 11 ion r* ire to 'be >nrat I ne j or on IB i nt ert or P\ id lift I at 18 r)U it ll D 0 D D a 0 THE A B C. OF ESTATE SUPPLIES TO PLANTERS AND DEALERS A Study of the following will Greatly Benefit
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1399 12 P. 0.— BRITISH IIDM AND APCAB LINE. (Compinto» Incorporated in England MAIL AND 'PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS* (Undei Contract with Hia Majeatj'a Government) The Company’* MAIL BE&Y1CES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent suspended. Pimnpn for Europe are booked via Bombay u opportunity of era and aa farae
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