Straits Echo, 29 May 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1814 1 Sensed H bi MI ?WISSCOND LO* ■*■Vrrlz-nd arid FOR SALE. One *2-3) seater ‘bcripps Booth Motor Car» t 1917 umtJfl te f staiter and L gbttDg in txctlent condition ony mu 9CO miles owner leaving h* «8. Apply to G M G. IF YOU WANTI COMFORT GO TO THE
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    • 6 1 r •s°** IoK^S. tilt '"•tiok* J*l
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  • 450 2 Thu only steamer connecting Russia with China at present in the Russian Volunteer Bteamer Panta Its fortnightly arrival from Vladivostok here is a veritable sight. History, mix-d samples, of the great world war, like drops out of a mighty oataraot, are sprinkled into peaceful Shanghai
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  • 254 2 Daring the past ten years this coantry has had to oontend with numerous gangs of bandits who oarry on their profitable baainess under various names and banners. But a new bandit has appeared on the soene i and he is known as the Bamboo Bandit on account of
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  • 208 2 James W, Gerard, ex-ambassador to Germany, in an address at Palm Beach, Fla,, in March, for the benefit of the Bed Cross, said that we were going to have at least three years more of war, and that he was glad that at last Amerioa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 538 2 r oc DCCDCDCDC DCDCCDC DCDCDCDC DO WEITMWAY'S NEW DRB5S MATERIALS and FLANNELS. “TOBRALCO The perfect washing fabric for ladies' children’s Weal Stocked in white, black and several pl<»in colours, also in white grounds with coloured spot, stripe and oheck designs. Fast washing colours. NEW FIGURED AND FLORAL TOBRALCO U Large
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    • 52 2 Whj It B«Uf. Chamberlain's Comgh Remedy is the largest selling ccsgh medicine in the world to*day because it does exactly what a cough remedy is snpposed to do. It stops tbe oengh by onring the oold, and dees it speed ily and efeotnallY. For sale by all die p' nsarief
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    • 278 2 Slow CHOON LENg Printing Press Owner, Publisher, Representative Commissien Agent Head Office:—102, Tank Road, Singapore. Branch..:-Hongkong, Shanghai. Kobe, Osaka. Yokohama and Tel™ Agencies throughout S.S.and F-MS. jurf United State, of America,' PROPRIETOR OF CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY (tl* S.S. and F.M-S. Trade Register) DIRECTOR OF t. The World’s Trade Register. The
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  • 467 3 Perliminart Enquiry. I The preliminary enquiry into the otse I against Manikam, who ia charged with fraudulently and diaboneatiy destroying a j valuable document, to wit. a promiaaory i note, value 9296 on or about April 7 with intent to cause loss to one Yerraaamy, waa begun
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  • 378 3 The keeping of dom -atio pets is a growirg hobby among the Straits Chinese. Pet birds are particularly popular with them *nd among these ia the merbok or Malayan ringdove, long a favourite with the Malay. The valus of tbis pretty little bird depends
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  • 196 3 Ordinary Muting. An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Office yesterday afternoon. There were present Messrs. W Pt«l (President), C. E Craig. A. M. Goodman, Yeoh Guan 8?ok, Cbee Wor Lock, L. M Bell (Engineer) and L. A. C. Biggs (Secretary). Toe minutes
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  • 283 3 During the last few days small quantities i of maogosteens have been coming into town for sale from, it is said, Aysr Etam. The aeason proper, however, has not yet arrived, bat will be here in rather less than a month’s time from now. The young fruits at
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  • 208 3 "Laeor Danish Group Inthrstrd. The London correspondent of a Ceylon paper says The directors of the Mount Austin (Johore) Robber Estates announce that an arrangement has been come to under which, subject to the increase of capital being sanctioned by the shareholders, an important Danish group are
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  • 225 3 A novel and interesting proposal has been put forward by Pelepab Valley and its associited companies. The directors obj*ct to selling tbeir produce to American buyers at the present depressed prises, and they accordingly propose thst individual shareholder! who are speculatively inclined should buy the orop
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  • 209 3 The American rubber consumption for 1917 waa provisionally estimated at 175 000 tons. Official return* now to hand show that tbis estimate was well within the mark, the actual imports for the past three years being as under: 1917. 1916. 1916. Imported from Tons Tons Tons Europe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 377 3 iX nr. i mwmnmnmnmmmmmmmmnw IVTbe fascination of JH E FOR EMOST STARS. that’s what you see ia “Empire” Pictures. The fascination of SUPERB DIRECTING and The fascination of CLEAN MOTION PICTURES. CONCEIVED »nd CONSTRUCTED with the FIRE of GENIUS. PASSION OF ARTTHIS IS WH*T THF -EMPIRE” STANDS FOR. Monday’s Change
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    • 822 3 ENORMOUS SUCCESS! FILLIS' CIRCUS FOR SALR. Located: DATO KRAMAT GARDESS. Capacity Attendance at tvaiy performance Acknowledged by all to be the fiaest show extant. SECOND HAND FORD CAR. in uae a few months only, almost as good as new. Price 92,200 or near offer. Apply, X. c/o Strait» Echo. Public
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  • 97 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price Dally Local 880 per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) 818 per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 343, N.B.—AU bu.ineM communication* should
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  • 763 4 The struggle on toe Western Front has increased in intensity during the last few days and heavy fighting is in progress at many points. Whether these are merely local attacks on a large soale, intended to better the position cf the enemy for a jumping eff for
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  • 554 4 It is a gteat pity that the Looal Government does not see its way to take the public into its oonfidenoe with regard to the extraordinary measures it bas recourse to in consequence of the war. If Government, for instanoe, in the matter of rioe and shipping, both
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  • 811 4 THE DARBI8HIRE RESOLUTIONS. Passsd by Singapore Chamber.] (.From Char Own Oorrcspondmuy Singapore, May 19. In the Chamber of Commeree Mr. Darbi•hire submitting hia motions said that the matter originated in a telegram from the Colonial Office oo 10th May to the Hoc, Mr James, Colonial Secretary, On 12th
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  • 1049 4 The Yellow Streak, a a Yb,low w ben oornpivd" *dded, one suppose., lo th d be Amoricmisms with hich D080 language i 8 enriched from tiL acroe. the Herring Fond tJ° V® 0 ,r we .truck” the Yellow sir J k Mt palm T day 8 of that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 238 4 3r< —>r~ O'. X ;rrr~ Pritchard Go., Ltd. Outfitting Department, THE GOODS IN THIS DEPARTMENT ARE UNRIVALLED FOR QUALITY, VARIETY, AND PRICE. HANDKERCHIEFS. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs all pure Linen Price 17 75 *nd $B-75 dozen. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Hemmed Price $6.75 dozen. Gents* White Cambric Handkerchiefs Hemmed Price $2.75 and S3.
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    • 376 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, M»y 27 Sir Douglas Haig reports t Strong hostile attacks preceded by a bombardment of grist intensity developed on the morning of 27th May on wide fronts against the British end Frenoh between Reims and Soissons acd against the French between Loore and Yoorm* ajel».
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    • 282 5 French Communiques London, May 27. A French communique reports aotive artillery work north and south of the Avre bat that there was no infantry aotion. London, May 28,12.50 a m, A Frenoh oommuniqae say) the battle was sootinual throughout the day with extreme violenoe on a front of over forty
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    • 1057 5 Correspondents Accounts From British Headquarters. London, May 27. Reuter's correspondent at British Headquarters (on the 27tb) says :—Early th a morning the enemy heavily bombarded to I great depths our lies from south of the i Ypree oanal to Oaderdom Weston* re. The infantry attacked at half-past four. The Germans,
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    • 287 5 From Various Fronts Belgian Front. London, May 27. A Belgian oommuniqtl states; During the night after a violent bombardment German shock troops attacked the Belgian advanoed positions between Passohendaele Oanal and St. Georges and momentarily penetrated the trenches. They were ejeoted, leaving fifteen prisoners. An attempted hostile attaok in the
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  • 672 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] d Mammoth Submarines D London, May 27. v Tt* linking of the G*rman submarine I cruiser in the Atlantis has evoked great attention as the first published evidence that Britain also possets'■ sabmaiiors oapable of onising far afield, t Atehibald Hard writes that it is
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  • 1119 5 General Wire News Exchange o! Frmners. IxUxudon of Agrssmsnt- Geneva, Mij 24. Ike International Bed Cross publishes details of the Franco-German agrcpmrnt legardlng the exohange of prisoners. It appeals to the remaining bell gerents to oonclole similar agreements inslading the following ivies t All mili ary prisoners to be exchangeable
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  • 71 5 Tho following artioles will bo found on our outside pages 2. —Many N >t?d Bussians in Shanghai, Bamboo Bandits." 3. —The Mangosteen, Johore Bobber Pioperty. Municipal Commission. D.stroyiog a Document. 6.—Kt-dah Notes. Telegrams. Food Stuffs. Wealbtr in Ipob. Naw A dvietisbmints i The Malayan Sales Boom advertise the sale
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  • 696 6 Smn Fein Treachery. Nationtllst RepudiationLondon, May 27. Mr. John Dillon preaided at a Nationalist Conference at Bsilieborougb, whioh decided to oppose the Sinn Fein candidate*. Mr. Dillon aaid that though he did not approve the arreet of Mr. Griffith who was the Sinn Fein oandidate at East Cavan
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  • 1337 6 A Soconn Rsvival. Kedah, May 25. Mr.| James W. 8, Arthur ia the baokbone of the Kedah Football League. Since the departure of Mr. N- A. M. Gnffio from the State, no keener and more entbuaiaetio man has been there in matters football than Mr. Arthur, During hie
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  • 73 6 The fol'owing comparative list of Chinese prices in 1914 and 1918 respectively, was oirculat d to the Bataog Padaog D P A. x—--1914 1918 Siam rice, catty 4 6 9—12 Rice (Rangoon) 3 8 Oil 18—20 36-44 Pork 32 60—64 Fish (fresh) 20—22 48 Fish (-alt) 26—28 38—40
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  • 154 6 Judging by ths large audience at tbe Empire Theatre every night “Tbe Red Aoe appears to ba a very popular attraction to local cinema goers. The plot varies so much from those of other serials already shown that the further one goes tbe more he is confronted with
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  • 104 6 A Zola Picture. The exceptionally strong programme at* this tbeitre includes N sntas in five parte bowdlerieed rather, in a modern American setting and with ita hint of another Thaw case, buc with what the Viotorian poet was pleased to oall the trough of Z Jsism fairly wall
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  • 77 6 An Important Notiou, Under the beading Encouragement of Local Production of Foodstuff* the I following important notion is hidden away in a corner of the current FM 8. Qatette With reference to paragraph 2 cf Notification No* 2823, published in tbe Government Qatette of the 14»h September, 1917,
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  • 75 6 (irons On».Own Correspondent') London, May 27. The prices in the Tendon Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/2$ Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/\\ Rock eandy a large shipment of which wholesome sweetmeat is being forwarded from Penang to England by the next homeward mail, is by placing a
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  • 1143 6 D. M. R. Swamy Charged. Before Mr. G. A Hereford this morning in the Polioe Court D. M. R. bwamy was charged that ha on or about March 9, 1918, gave to Roger David Aoton, a public servant, the following information, namely that one A. S. Kader
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  • 288 6 "Newsman’* who regales the readers of the Ipob paper with a periodical column of news and comment and occasionally of complaint has been feeling tbe beat late'y Last Saturday was tbe culminating point; ucable to sleep on accoant of tbe sweit-tnng beat Newsman forsook his cjuch and
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  • 98 6 [To Thu Editou of Thu Strait» Echo] Bib. —ln response to the Hospital outrage published in last night’s paper, is it Dot time that every able boditd man, who wishes, be permitted to leave for home at once. If every man within tbe age limit cannot be
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  • 51 6 Fou Bt Stbamkk At To-morrow (Thursday). Port Swettenham and Singapore Krian Ipm Trang (via 8. Opis) Lian Choo 130 p m Pang Nga tadanf 1-30 p.m Tongkab, Kopab. RenoDg,Victoria Point, Mergui Tavoy and Moulmein L3O p m Dali, Langs*, Edi, T, S-<mawe,B-gli, Oiehleh and Sabang Benoa 8
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  • 394 6 1 I am naturalised as a Brit sh subject, but 1 what right have I, a G p rman, to take meat that belongs to the Englishman P What right have I at all to live P I am proud to say that, though a German C.
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  • 276 6 Pbnang, Mat 29, 1918 Busr—- Bo up eti, Roast 22 i I Stew or Curry Meat l Rump Bteak Ox Tail 88 Er z z Heart large «ma 11... e *ch Liver p er Fillet of Beef 70-K Pobk—p"kwitht.t ::r rc,,,j Pig’s Heed 48 1 Feet Tongue JJ
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  • 269 6 PuHuro, Mar 29. as 8. P. Tapioca |9 40 sallera. 3d M. P. Tapioca 950 sellers. I Gold leaf 72 sellers I Peeper (W.Coast 8 lb. 5 os).816 1/2 buyers. 9r Black Pepper 25.00 buyers M White Pepper 40 nominal i D jTrang Pepper ...832 season over I Mace
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  • 2292 7 fS Dir ideal. •s 2 IlM, 111 Capital i ■bar> Usssd to TS last ftmanfir larriat t J 1 3 M '3 CL, •ial year. jiarto 1 Cf Me. ets 129.400 94 12 4.1 or Gsjmb Rubber Estate, Ltd. 800 3.25 110» i?»,»»o l 1 Ayer Hitam Plantimg Syndicate
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 256 7 FEDERAL LORRIES *A*. «■v The Choice of Experts Federal Lorries hare been selected by the leading pleasure car rnanufactarers as the best commercial motor vehicle manufactured. Practically every large automobile oompmy operates a Federal. Behind the Federal is an organisation with a successful record of many standing. This excellent reputation
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1382 8 p. BRITISH» INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Ingland MAIL AND 'PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present awpeaded Pa wen gen for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity often and aa far as
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