Straits Echo, 28 May 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1847 1 m?m Mil BRA» 1.0 H |SWISSCONDEKS and fof sale. One (2-3) seater ‘bcripps Booth Motor Car I 1917 mo<iel »e C Bt.itt.ricd Dvnimo LkUicJ? Cfcl nt condition only run 900 oai.en owner leaving btm^. Apply to G M G. W. I IF YHU WANTi COMFORT I I GO 10 THE
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    • 17 1 r>t Lo*’ or sH*? Ct, C ’ls fo« use -K? s r 3 5 Hi i« AH*.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 r <0 I Vjn J JIS moo* Ju ASK FOR fAx Obtainable from all Leading Stores Throughout the Straits and Federated Malay States BROTHERS LTD. S (Incorporated in Strnits Settlements.)
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  • 835 3  -  [By Tom Wright.] Now that the Bolaheriki are finally discredited and (I think) defeated, it may be permissible for me to declare myself a Bolabevik. I am one. A Bolshevik with I improvements, of coarse. With all the latest intellectual accessories, and (what the Russian model lacked) an aotomatio,
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  • 480 3 I Daring the German offensive in M«rch and April, 100 Church Army Centres were I lost and there is now a special need for more 1 1 recreation tents. 1 Tmtimohius to tmi Bbnifits ov tmu Tints. His Majesty The King Fully appreciates tfce real blessings
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  • 135 3 In aonsequence cf the shortage of supplies of rattan and Malacca canes these articles have been brought under control in order to provide for essential requirements. By the terms of an Order made by tbe Board of Trade, and dated March 20, 1918, all holders of shocks
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  • 139 3 Fillis’s Circus showed to another full house last night and as on Saturday the management was reluotantly obliged to turn away late ocmers by the hundred not however before the ticket office was praotioally wrecked by the enthusiastic populace. The entertainment last night was every whit as good
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  • 50 3 The following programme of musio will be played at the E-planade, to-morrow even-ng at t pm. 1 Selection Of English Songs Herold 2 Pavane Conti Yaseeur 3 Selection Tbe 8 ege of Bocballe Balfe 4 Walla Alexandra Gnng’l 5 Maroh Her Bright Smile Haunts ms Still Campbell
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 363 3 oc ftn *r TTTWWWfWWTWWTWWWWWTWHWWTWWq 1 ww- 4 Hi Hi W* is* U* IP* *r* tr* The fascination of THE FOREMOST STARS. that’s what you see in “Empire” Pictures. The fascination of SUPERB DIRECTING and The faioinat'on of CLEAN MOTION PICTURES. CONCEIVED »nd CONSTRUCTED with the FIRE Ot GENIUS. *nd PASSION
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    • 611 3 SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY! SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY!! SUCCESS EXTRAORDINARY!!! FILLIS' CIRCUS «J Located DATO KRAMAT GARDENS. Another Huge Crowd unable to gala admission last night. All tickata «old oit by 9 p m. No Bombastic Assertions! Admitted by those who hate seen it to be the finest show extant. TO-NIGHT AT 9 16
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  • 103 4 PUBLISHED DA ILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holiday*,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street. Penan*. Price t Dally Local 180 per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENAHG.’ Telephone Noe. (Coho) 986. Printing Department 343. I N.B.—A
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  • 1323 4 A ware of encouragement la passing orer the wires with regard to the deadly menace to the Allies of the interruption of their lines of sea communication offered by the (7-boats- We are now told that we are •inking submarines faster than Germany oin build them, a reassuring
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  • 961 4 Col. A. R, Adams leaves for the Federal capital tbia afternoon, It ie reported that the health of the King of Siam has much improved lately, A telegram has been reoeived from Sydney stating that Mr Welhatn has arrived there and is well He bad already Improved
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  • 955 4 Germany*, Swi.a Frontier P UllBt In the vary probable event of tbe coming German off.n.i™ being held Hmdenburg eontemplatei a vioUti ,pi Swiss territory in order to oarvo L Q ot to Paris, via Basle says a Paris on Tbi, much i. k.o« "S?" 1 miht.rj preo»Hti:m h..
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 209 4 Pritchard Go., Ltd. Outfitting Department. THE GOODS IN THIS DEPARTMENT ARE UNRIVALLED FOR QUALITY, VARIETY, ANDjPRICE. HANDKERCHIEFS. Genii’ Hemititched Handkerchief* all pure Linen Priee 17 75 and $8.75 dozen. Gents' Linen Cambric Handkerchief*, Hemmed Price 16.75 dozen. Gentb* White Cambric Handkerchief* Hemmed Price $2.75 [and $3.75 and $4-75 dczen. i./
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    • 132 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 26 Sir Douglas Haig reports i—Tbe French repulsed a raid north of Bailieul. Shelling was reported on tbe right of tbe 25th May at Villers Brettonnenx. It was heavy and consisted of gas shells. The enemy this morning heavily gas shelled our line west
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    • 61 5 French Communiques Lunuon, May 26. French oommuniquet—There waa fairly great reciprocal artillery work at Hangard Wood and south of the Avre. An enemy raid after a lively bombardment on our posts in the Orviller Sorel seotor was without result. Enemy attempts in the Champagne and tbe Vosges also failed. Onr
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    • 156 5 London, M*y 26 Reuter's correspondent at British Headquarters (on the 26th M*y) says t—Since yesterday evening the enemy’s artillery fire has markedly increased at various plaoea. VlHers Bretonceux, the Soarpe valley, Aucieon Villere, Englebelmer, Mailly Mallet and Martinsart have been bombarded with gas and high explosive shells. There
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    • 138 5 From Various Fronts Macedonian Front. London, May 26. An Athens oable says that a Bulgarian dsssrter states there are many deaths from starvation in Bulgaria. The Government barbarously represses oonstant outbreaks. Tbs Bulgarians desire peaoe but tbe Bulgarian forces in Macedonia are so weak that the 1918 olaaa was sent
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  • 84 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at done, in Singapore (refined) •167,60, buyers no sellers. May 28 would appear to be a somewhat day among the politioal giants who MUs bad their day in Britain. It was on day in the year 1769 that the younger distiopniihed
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  • 1353 5 General Wire News World’s Rubber Production. Xffocta of Restriction London, May 25. At the annual meeting of the Bukber Growers’ Association in London, the chairman, Sir Edward Roiling, said that tbe Association bad made a proposal to tbe Colonial Offioe wbioh if it materialised would link up all existing rubber
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  • 360 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] To Corer Wider Fields London, May 26. In connection with the linking of the German submarine cruiser, the naval correspondent of Lloyds Woekly says that in view of the unhealthiness of. British waters for anemy submarines, whioh caused a marked decline in the moral of
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  • 347 5 London, May 7. The imports of Plantation Rubber for April amount to 8,593 tons, and deliveries to 2,360 tons. The total stocks of Para and Plantation Rubber amount to 17,250 tons against 11,437 tons. A verdict of suicide by hanging was returned by Mr. 8. H. Langston in
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  • 309 5 Pining Lady Teachw’i Cut (iron* Our Own Correspondent i Singapore, May 28. Io the Legislative Council, replying to the Hon. Mr. C. W. Datbishire, the Hon. Mr. F. S. James, Colonial Secretary, said that the sohool-mistress at St, George’s Girl Sohool, Penang) who had resigned beoause she was
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  • 137 5 An aooident occurred yesterday afternoon when the Gen. Mr J Mitchell’s motor car proceeding along Weld Quay knocked down a Chitese coolie engaged in carrying rice from the toagkanga on tbe sea front to the godowns. The mao sustained several injuries and was removed by Mr. Mitohell in
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  • 323 5 Tbe following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list t Yesterday. To-day. Rubber. I. 2. S’ S’ =2 a co cq co Ayer Molsk 2.00 2 20 1 90 2 10 Ulu Pandan (S’pore) 0.60 0-70 0.65 0.72* Mining. Deebook 13/3
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  • 448 5 Walking over tbe luoal raoecouree a (gw morning* ago tbe writer of thig note came ■poo a namber of Malaya engaged in poking mushrooms and orqairj elicited tbe faot that every morning lately they bare been able to oolloot a fair basketfnl of tbeae toothaome fungi for
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  • 307 5 Tbe statement of assets and liabilities of the F-M 8. G vernment on J musry 81,1918 •bows a surplus of assets over liabilities of $B9 millions. Three-fourths of this are in investments and loans, and about a quarter m advanoea. Cash amounts to millions. The investments are
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  • 45 5 The following articles will be found on our outaide pages 7.-—“ The Cock-Pit of Europe,” 3.—Church Army Recreation Tents. Bolshevik. 6. —Officer Training, The Pate of Austria-Hungary. Collision in the Straits. 6h >oting of Mr. Graham. Many N ted Russian in Shanghai* Medical Evidenoe,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 ULUS' CIRCUS. Friday, May 31st At 9.15 p.m. War Fuads Benefit Performance IH AID OF TSI CHURCH ARMY TENTS 25 of the Groaa B*oeipta will ba devoted for tbe oaaae, A Selected Programme will be pretested es thia aaapioioaa eooaaiea.
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  • 528 6 Singapore Man’s Experience The following letter ha» received by the Genital Officer (Jjinmsnding toe Troops, Strait» Settlements, from an t ffijer In France, who was formerly an officer in the Singapore Volunteer Corps I have completed my training, have been glutted Temporary 2ad. Lieutenant in the Machine-Gan
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  • 366 6 The semi annual blunt which figures at) the grand manoeuvres of the gallant Singapore Volunteers duly came off on Monday and provided the customary humourous incidents, including that in which the Com* mander of one side, unable to shake off the habits oi his every day avocation of
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  • 70 6 By G L. K. Morainv. evening, noon and night, Praise the Lord, sang TheocriteIn bsmlet, village, town or ci y, Praise the Lord sang 1 heocrite. In full dress dinner coat or nighte. Praise the Lor sang i heocrite. In sub*ay, surface car or street, Praise
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  • 529 6 A Shocking Outr\oi by Fukien Iiratbs. Your roarers, w-itss a correspondent to the North China Daily Newt from Funing. Cbioa, da el April 24, will be expecting to g»t a more detailed account of tbe tragic attending the death of tbe R-v. H. E C. Graham
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  • 456 6 Singapore, May 23. It is net surprising to see more Miuing shares coma icto prominence and a good manv ec'ips which have not seen the light of day for many years have over tbe past few weeks gone into other names. Every encouragement is now being given
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  • 1137 6 A Cruisb with a Destroyer Escort. The following account of the work of British destroyers on convoy duty is suppi ed by a special Timtt correspondent who recently made a cruise in the leader of an escorting flotilla. We were in the harbour of a famous Southern
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  • 737 6 The Fate of AustriaHungary. When Palscky wrote that if there had been no Austria-Hungary it wonld have been necessary to invent one, he was talking tolerable sense in the light of the facts actually before him at the time; and be recanted bis opinion in the light of fuller experience.
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  • 128 6 The Taiyo Eaiun Kaisha has decided to open a steamship service between Robe and Java The Tturu mart*, 4 200 tons deadweight will be despatched as the first steamer in tbe middle of this month. She will be followed by the Tamon maru VIII., 4 500 tons,
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  • 1190 6 Marini Court cf Inquiry. The inquiry into the sinking of the Eastern Snipping Company’s steamer Mary Auttin by tae Hvoah Wu in the Straits cf Malacca on tde morning of April 7 was lesumed yeateiday in the Governor’s office. Mr. K-D. Aoton, District Judge, was the
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  • 354 6 Thsobiks t. During a murder trul a.,»,»!,. Fnaay last, a Tam.l dreswr (loveromeut Ho.pit.l Temerlob "s who viewed the body of a fi n i nn keeper at Eel., .ome fl, r 0 r p tb. murder bad be»„' ms evidence as toihemanvw l?lD t bead and
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  • 142 6 I am told that a movement is on foot for tbe appointment of a commission to ioquiro into the conditions of service of the Malay Civil Bervice. Really the faots are so dear that there is not much need of an inquiry, but perhaps a commission would
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  • 80 6 Fos Br Stiamr* hr To*morrow (Wednesday), Rangoon (Merguiand Moulmein via Ran* gcon) 2*30 p.m, Langsa, Edi, T. Semawe, S’gli, and Sabsng (via Deli) Btnoa 4 pm. Australasia (and artioles prepaid at letter rate for Western Aus* via Singapore tralia via Sydney) by train 6 pm. Singapore and
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  • 78 6 Tubsdat, Mat 28. Municipal Commission. Wbdhusdat, Mat 29. Town Band, Esplanade. Tunas day, Mat 30. Corpus Cbiisti, Church of Otr L»dy oi Borrows, Fridat, Mat 81, Town Band, Esplanade Penang Turf Clnb, Half Yearlv Genersi Meeting, Chamber of Commer 00 4.15 p.m. Saturday, Juivu 1. Singapore Race
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1313 7 The Cock-Pit of Europe.” I Wit Qiiat Was Hat* Chntsrid in Flrndbrs. The quadrilateral marked by the t wn* of Antwerp. Dunkirk Namur, and Maest richt haa been the scene of very many of the great battles of history. The blood of millions of men has enriched its soil It
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 497 7 Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. The Swiss Brand. PRICE Ladies’ White Canvas 2 Button Shoes. Fitted with Cuban Heels, canvas lining, smart shape and comfortable. Exact to illustration $6.75. PER PAIR The “Swiss” Brand. PRICE Ladies’ White Canvas Court Shoes, stout so'e, smart shape toe and heel, with white buckle
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    • 306 7 COUGHS THAT HURT Speedily Cured by VENO’S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE The kind of cough mast be stopped, and at once; it is dangerous The severe strain it causes maj have serious consequences. You can stop it —and cure it—with the world famous British remedy, Veno’s Light* ning Cough Cure. There
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    • 346 7 #YONSTIPATION ia caused b« carelessness and can be corrected bj cultivating careful habits. Di«t is of the fir-gt importance, then exercise and the use of a laxative until regular habits are established. PINKETTEC the tiny laxatives give nature just the aasistance required, and may be used as long as necessary
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1373 8 P. O—BRITISH0 —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PABSENGER BERVICEB. STRAITS STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS BBTTLEMBHTB.) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EABT OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via
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