Straits Echo, 27 May 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1344 1 ■.mm Ml m «uc.maid bran^ L: WBSCONDBS® r *rid *-**'*s3 FOR SALE. (BANKS One <2-3) seater ‘hcripps Booth' Motor Car Latent 1917 modbl iblf staiter and Dynamo L gbtmg in ixcellent condition omy run 900 mies owner leaving h< me. App’y to G M. G. IF YOU WANT COMFORT GO
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    • 22 1 ►t. 0, JJ»Ol 15 IMS BUT COW 8& o *t to *fr I»» In. .Ol o*c uS A J "t I W.ta
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodi am Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. LTD
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  • 1046 3 Proposed Programme. (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing.) NOTICE.— No amendments to this programme will be considered unless due notice is given in writing to the Secretary at least seven clear days before the d -.te of the Special General Meeting which is
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  • 1549 3 Pa singer* Sardonic Humour. It is a few minutes past 10 when (be first. torpedo strikes. One of the officers laughs, as u uch as to say, Here ahe ia.” Then they put cn their cork belts, and hurry on deck 8urely a strange time for
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  • 418 3 The European war has a great effeot in d- veloping Japan's shipping, (or over twothirds of t>e world’s shipping are monopolised by tbs war. Tbe total world’s shipping ia about 49,000,000 tone. Japan hrb 2,000,000 tons of and wb»n other craft are taken into aco u-it, tbe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 321 3 Entries *t 5 p.m. on Friday, 12th July, 1013. Handicaps for the First Llose Day will be published on or before Wednesday, the l*th July, 1918. ri Special Co* title,* Regarding H».<He«e —In *11 Handicap Races for Horses or 1 onies, lb»* Official Handicapper may, with the conseut of
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    • 92 3 < 4n*m her lain Cnigh Kene4j When yoa bn re a.bad cold yon want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat effect a prompt aod permanent care, a remedy that ia pleaaant to take, a remedy that contains nothing irjwious Cham her iaic'r, Covtrh Remedy meets ail tb?ae
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    • 49 3 Do not allow yourself to become a victim to recurrii g Fever. There is a «ure remedj at hand in WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. a truly marvellous specific in all eonditiona oi fever and internal complaints. It ie fold by Dispensaries and Stores everywhere at 90 cents per bottle.
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    • 374 3 'I Try GIRARD’S GRAPE BRANDY ONE, TWO and THREE GRAPES A tut* will convince you that it is the sovereign Brandy on the Market Obtainable from:— Chiat Seng Kongoi, Beach Street Joe Seang A ‘Co., Beaoh Street. I Por Sing Sc Co-, Campbell Street Yong Lee &j Co’, do- Poh
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  • 610 4 Halv Million Stirling. The opening of Taak Week in Shanghai, says tbe N. C. Daily N«wt. will remain long in tbu memory ot mote who attended tbe dhangbai Club daring tbe tiffin hoar. In the brief apace of aboat 14 minates tbe Britone preaect pat ap
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  • 390 4 Under the Presidency of Justin Godart formerly French Under-Secretary for Sanitary Service in the War Ministry an important lea ue has been formed in Paris to combat the spread of cancer and to demonstrate to the French public the danger of not taking necessary precautions to prevent t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 399 4 New Models in Stylish Ladies’ Footwear. A Jr\ F The Swiss Brand. PRICE Ladies’ White Canvas 2 Button Shoes. Fitted with Cuban Heels, canvas lining, smart shape and comfortable. Exact to illus* tration $6.75 PER PAIR PRICE The “Swiss” Brand. Ladies’ White Canvas Court Shoes, (f* A QC stout 80?e,
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    • 1071 4 FOR SAT.Pi Radge Multi Motor-cycle Horse Power 19 7 Wa r -offioe pattern in exca’lent order. Prioe I*2o. Owner baying a Car. Apply to MULTI 349 e/o Straits Echo. Rubber factory and plant at Noi. 27/28 Station Road, Bukit Mertajdm. Apply for fall particulars to A. B. C., c/o Straits
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  • 372 5 Guthrie's Rubb er Report. fiioftiporr, M*y 24. Although American manufacturing in terests were almost completely oat of the market, there was good competition for atandard grades at the weekly Bobber ▲action which commenced yesterday, and prioes show a slight improvement mpon those paid last week. Fine Pale Crepe sold op
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  • 194 5 To Ths Edito* os Thu Strati» Echo Sir, The general state of the roads in the F. M. S. and Province at present leaves a /ocd deal to be desired, due perhaps to the War; but there is certaialy no exou9e for the vile state they have
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  • 164 5 The prosecution has taken place of a Tamil contractor who has been working on Rungkup Estate for the theft of three bags of copra wuioh it was alleged that be sold to a Chinese for sixteen dollars. After a lengthy hearing the magistrate imposed a sentence of
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  • 184 5 Both tbe matinee and the evening perfor mare) by this really excellent Circa» drew the fell bouses ?h-y deserved. The former was greatly enjoyed by tbe children while attendance at the evening performance was so large that many had to b> turned away, a oircumetanoe which in itself
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  • 706 5 Fibst Day's Shootih®/ No. I. Colonial Chaplain’s Clock, 5 shots advancing from 800 to 200 yard a and firing, Marks for smartness, drill, shooting. The shooting resulted as under Pte E Bennutt 8 6 15 24 8ergt L M Ivans 8 7 14 24 L/8*rgt C 0 Rogers
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  • 149 5 There was a fairly large audience at the Coliseum last night, tbe first seats being filled by Europeans mostly. To-nigbt the management announoes an entire obange of programme in tbe second show at 9-15, Two new episedes of u The Soarlet Runner" will be given entitled The Bed-Whiskered
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  • 73 5 The Monthly Medal Competition viz —5O yards handioap for “A Glass and 100 yards handioap for B Class was held at tbe Swimming Club on Sunday morning with tbe following result i A Class Ist B A. Hunt (2 see*), 2od 8* Wuihen (3 sec-) and 3rd
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  • 26 5 Taipiost 11,765, Sertndah 11,681, K»«a•an *****, Bakit Eepoos 5.860, UUn Simpan 9.640, Didabary 9,590 lb. Toogkah Harboar 91 too* week 19th to 96th,
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  • 1135 5 UiURI Couet OF Elf QUIET. The eoqairj into the sinking of the Mary Austin wei resumed by Mr. R. D. Aet«o, D. J. Mr, A. B. Voules, 8 dioitor-General, o judacted the case for the Crown. Messrs. Adams and Allan appeared for the owoers of the
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  • 195 5 Fou Bt Stbambb A*. To-morrow (Tuesday), Pork Bwettenham and Singapore Klang 8-30 p m. Deli Omapsre 10 a.m. Dali, Langsa, Edi, T, S*mawe, B<gli, Sabang, O ebUb, eto., Padang Schouten 11 a.m. Singapore Malacca 12 SO pm. Diodings and Sitiawan Qhirhi ISO p.m Port Swettenham and Singapore
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 411 5 ta* srr. TTTTTTTfTTTWTTTfTTTTWfTTTTWTWTWTWfTTTTTT EMPIRE i lrr kh SH The fascination of THE FOREMOST STARS. that's what jou sea io “Empire” Pictures. The fascination of SUPERB DIRECTING and The faaoinat'on of CLEAN MOTION PICTURES. CONCEIVED and CONSTRUCTED with the FIRE Of GENIUS. *nd PASSION OF ARTTHIS IS WHST THF EMPIRE” STANDS
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    • 347 5 Success Extraordinary I FILLIS' CIRCUS Located DATO KRAMAT GARDENS. 8efn by more than 7000 people aioca the opering and hundreds refused entrance. No Bombastic Assertions! Those that attempt°d to Ka n admission will endorse our statement. The General Opinion "Ths Show Beautiful” Nothing like it ewer been seen or heard
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  • 101 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Su4ijt tad pthUc kolldiyi,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Peaaag. Price s Daily Local ISO per annum. Outetatlon Poo tare Extra. Mall Edition (Poet Free) 918 per annum. Cable Addreea "ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Non. (Kohe) ana. Printing Department 543. S.B.—AW bu.iu«M
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  • 41 6 Gaublb. —Oa tbe 12 id inet. at Bukit P.njaoe, Estate, Jeram, to Mr. aod Mr» Jebn Gamble, a daagbter, Maw».— On May 24, at tbe Nuriine Home Sioeapore, to C«pt. aod Mrs. F. C, 0. Mano, A 0.D.. a daughter.
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  • 1404 6 The telegrams du iog the week end ere particularly numerous and esvvr a wide tsld. The has madr another oon- dog speech at Edinburgh, on receiving I tho freedom ot thu City and baa replied to many of bis o Itioa. With a fine impartiality I Beater has
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  • 831 6 M H. L. Hopkir, of the Strait» Time» t iff, has it ft for home to j in the »rwy. M'. P.A F. David is appointed to offi date as District Judge, Singapore, witheff.ot from the 13th inst. Mr. Tong See Shan is appointed a member of
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  • 64 6 The following programme of music will be played at the this evening it i pm,:— 1 Saleorion Tbe Market Girls Off <obacb 2 Qiadrilia Monte Carlo Williams 3 lection F.lstaff N ooJais 4 Walt* Pdssin; of Salome J.yoa 5 March The D vils Hsrtoann Information has been
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  • 1025 6 For Mr. Rees' Eye. Mr. K m, tbe Au<tra>ian trade mi. sod produce pronagardi-it «in ,,lo o*ry interested to 0 ffi»" 1 m-T be parch.led in P «»ltbj tor tea cent. 0 etch. Thi. letter 6*.r, eelhaij price in Peuaag o( wnethi ihlllmg, .pound,., egeiaet .bout oL fil.S
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 152 6 lC 5 n KIDl X- ia i ~>t v—) oc PRITCHARD’S PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOE VITAFER The Greatest of all Tonio Foods. Composed of the entire Protein Constituent* of Milk (Case in and Lactalbumen), combined with the Glycerophosphates of Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium. Per Per Bottle y Bottle GIVES VITALITY
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  • 27 6 DBATH. Wuioht —On May 4, killed in action in France, Private O C. Wright, son of J F. W-ivb», Eo'i-b Telegraph Co., Singapore, i d M Wright.
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    • 317 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] L i d >D| M«y 14. Sir Donglaa Haig repcrta i—Uoder a bMT y barrage the enemy raided is the niigbbcurbcod of Berqnoy. A faw of cur bj, o tra mining. A Franoeß itieh patrol hroafcbt in a ftw priacnata from Tarion» paitt
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    • 231 7 French Commun iques. L union, M 1} 23 ffreroh oimmuoq'4i There w«e iitrmitent eitilUry »c iviiy at ion* poWts *ooth of tbe Avie. There was an infantry ac'ior. E even German atreplanee were frllvd between May 1$ and v M*y ‘20. 0« bombing rquad- rons du log tie day and
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    • 515 7 Pause in The p.usa in the German iff n» V» ie the sat) ot it meoh comment. B u e 'a corinpoiident at Biitiab Headqu rtn es.yaib.t tbe ov rdui attack ie most eseurtdly cooiin.-, bat tv<*ry day's p«uee fi »da tke A Iks beltei p spared.
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    • 521 7 East Air.Con Front L>cdoo, M«y 24. lot Afrloa cMoial: D.rect eommiaioe-1 linn has been established between Generell Elwards and G moral Njrthey'e cel emus I General Edwards bas oecepitd N.nungu, hitherto Iks German hfadqentem. tbeeosmy south-west in the direetica of Mabna. W<engsgid the m»iu body of the
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    • 642 7 General Wire News Reinforcement! for Front* i Ac trie an Millies* L ndon, May 24. A Wsebivfton message states that the I mi itary oommlttee of the Hjum of B°pretentative has unanimously adopted the I proposal cf 8 cr itary B.ker to amend the IA my Bill authorising tbe President
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  • 1031 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] hirst Cruiser Submarine. London, May 25 An Admiralty a~noaoo<'meDt states i One v of our Atlantio escort submarines I on return to the base, reports that whilst proceeding to meet a convoy on May II in tbe latitude ef Cape St Yiocsat, eke sighted
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  • 568 7 Pari», May 25. According to M Tardim tbe French High Oimm atioaHr to rbn U deed Srates, be torai figures of tb-i Aon*'io .a Army to Jaoe fi at will rtpreseut m re than two million men. A new draft of one million w ll follow immediately. America
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  • 659 7 Politic at New s. Kouop, Mi y 14. 1 It ia a mi- finally announced tb*t King George haa sent the Priooe of W*le* to attend tbe Italian celebration of the entry into tbe war in order to atrengthen tbe bond* of allianoe and friendship between the two countries. An
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  • 2169 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] HOW IT WORKED WITH GERAMN3. The Press Bureau baa iaaaed a statement regardiog the Irish arrests. The revolutionary movement consisted of two series of activities, first the Oerman attempts to foment rebellion and aeoond, preparations in Ireland to oarry ont these attempts. It is possible
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  • 684 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] HUNS EXCEL IN DEVILRY. London. May 24. Correspondents emphasise that the aeroplanes bombing our hospitals on Sunday night was one of Germany’s blackest crimes against humanity during the whole wer.There were some hundreds of casualties oauaed amongst the nurses, patients and orderliesTaking advantage of the brilliant
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  • 23 8 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) ie quoted here to-day at 1170. business done, in Singapore (refined) at !170,50, business done, (200 tons sold.)
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  • 729 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, May 26. A Mosoow message says that the Press Bureau of the People’s Council gives out a uecret Note which was sent by the Get man Government to the newspapers in order to prepare public opinion for tbe events in Ukrainia. The text of this
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  • 959 8 Penang S wimming Club. AwtfUSl. G UNREAL M..TINO low at noon yesterday. Mr H a i° K President, presided and there* Uw attendance cccb... ..cludic, Mr nT Bailey (representing Messrs eA* V Secretaries.) Jhratt Co., The minutes of the last nn i meeting were read and confirmed g8Qeul PmusiDiNT’a Addeibs.
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  • 26 8 (.From Our Own QxrrezpondcnL'j London, M»j 25. Tho prices in tks London Rubber Market te-day were Pale Crepe 2/2f Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/11
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  • 1420 9 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, May 24. Empire day was oelebrated with the I customary School celebrations. The I principal event was the entertainment by I eight-thousand children of fighting men and I fifteen hundred wounded officers and'men I at a great ooncert at the Albert Hall whioh
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  • 1436 9 [Reuter's Telegrams.] I Reviewed by the Premier. London, May 24, 3 50 p.m. Mr, Lloyd George in receiving the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh was aocorded an ovation. In the course of his speeoh the Premier reviewed the situation. Illustrating what Russia’s oollspse meant to the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 398 9 A knowledge of human nature may be said to be the basil of SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING. Tint knowledge is known ns the science of Paychology and it is highly desirable, therefore, that the student of adverti-ing should have some acquaintance with it WE TEACH THAT ADVERTISING CHINESE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY (fha S.S.
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    • 49 9 Wfcj It Sella. Chamberlain’a Ooagh Remedy ia the largest Bailing ooagh medicine in the world to-day beoanae it does exactly what a oough remedy ie aeppoaed to do. It atopa the cowgh by caring the cold, and doea it apeedily and effectaallr. For aale by alldla. penanrina and dtalera
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  • 894 10 IV. Returning to Johnstone's Pier in plentj of time to take steamer end flicking e ten oenta note that onrls in the air, like the bell in the hands of enj Cejlon crack bowler bar W. O. J. (because he is too feat end not because
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 196 10 Since the War Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over n il ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter, —the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY S FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: HWTTENBACH BROS.,
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    • 667 10 Express. TO fcE £OLb by public auction Ob Tuesday, 28lh Mjy, 191, AT 10 AM At w r Q No ll-: JoUd P Andre Lot 1, 124 case. Eishaw Brandy. I! 3. 14 4 80 or SALETerms.—Cash before delivery. Md. EBBAHIM Mo. ZAIN ,re I30> P< n D E 8
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  • 332 11 Own of Gkbmant’s Usui Bubbtitutbu That Germany is in no danger of being threatened bj an epidemic of nudity at som; distant future stage of the war is entirely due to the sensational turn in the development of the paper thread in dustry. culminating in the technical triumph
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  • 362 11 u X A Dbadlt Dibbasb. Sydney papers contain references to a number of deaths in New Bouth Wales, notably in the Broken Hill district, from a mysterious disease which for the present is known as X,” Dr. Binks, surgeon to the Broken Hill Hospital referring to the
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  • 129 11 If every one were wise and sweat, a nd every one were jolly If every heart with gladness beat, And none were melancholy If none should grumble or complain, And nobody should labor In evil work, but each were fain To love and help his neighbor— Oh,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 298 11 r /k m m m A IV V f wm '< b =.j H FOR EFFICIENCY, f 0 s 1} it R.T. Reid Co.,| P E NANG 6 k •<r<r<T(5/w 5» To Planters! “«nrtf ®s of 5 DOUCE YOJR COST OF CULTiVAT.OM g a BY USINC 3 Massey= Harris 99
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1417 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Ingland MAIL AND "PASSENGER BERVICEB. STRAITS STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. (INCOBPOBATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS.) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’! MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay
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