Straits Echo, 24 May 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1313 1 Mil MILKMAID SMB i; SJ^S'ISSCONDEM I FOR SALE. One *2-3) setter ‘‘Scrlpps Booth’ Motor Car (Latent 1917 model «elf «tarter and Dynamo Lighting in exotlleot condition only ma 900 mi!e« owner leaving b< me. S Appb G. M. G. 'IF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO THE Undermentioned Garage For Brand
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    • 16 1 «wr» SHI MIL KI& T i OR,NBW rsDiii^£rSu ,f Whjcjj ijmisuTCO*'!* J'fCiiViit MI use ess L-rr:
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  • 1460 2 Hu Homi. Far away from the ken of Yloaroja and globe-trotters lives Balgobind, the Ryot, gi, etraggling Tillage of tbatobed houses, with wall* of wattle and daeb, is aet in the midst of a wide plain cet up by low binds into small irregular fields. Spreading
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 372 2 oc C DCZDC DCDCDCDCZDC NEW CONSIGNMENT OF FILTERS JUST UNPACKED At Whiteaway'a r\ X 3 X X qOULI© IMPROVER X WERG f// T L/ a LAM ON u o Cll ram >o* unwiiiwiMiMN 0 O r\ DUULTQN FILTER?,. Du I ton hitters B itish maae TAB ED BY IB E
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    • 235 2 GROSS HERMANOS, MALAGA, SPAIN. •limit 01 1191 CLASS PIODUOI All StOCIIT URII, IKOLDDIKS RAISINS, DRIED FIGS. ALMONDB, NUTS. LEMONS, GRAPES* OLIYEB PURE OLIYI SALAD OIL, WINES, CHICKPEAS. ANISEED, CUMIN SEED, EU. Rcliekle Ajuti wtitd i. all Urge tew.s r.f.rc.c.a aai aaapl.a an applicatiea. Writ» fsr eir Illutritd Catil«|«« f
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    • 622 2 KTOTICES. LABOUR CODE, 1912, F-MS. "Udiaallmmitftiion f uaJ Ordin»ce, 19|| EMPLOYERS OF INDUN LabOOb are hereby; reminded that return* for|the preceding q ßarUp at b. aent to .he OSce of’"“i m Controller of Labour, a P ty tb. month. °n April, JuiJ> Forms for the return will be ,upnij, d
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  • 898 3  -  [By Tom Wright.] I notioed that he bad a knight on my J king’s knight’s fourth, behind whioh stood I my king after oastling. Thus my rook’s pawn was an price but without a supporting pieoe, he was not likely to exchange the koight tor the pawn.
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  • 379 3 News of a somewhat remarkable motoroyole accident comes to hand from Kedah. It would appear that a motor cyolist who used to be a well-known resident of Penang a few years ago was hastening from Sungei Patani towards Alor Star whioh objective he was anxious to reaoh before
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  • 489 3 The following programme of musio will be played at the Golf Club tomorrow evening at fi-45 p m. 1 Selection Les Cloches do Corneville Planquatte 2 Spanish Patrol Dashayes 3 Selection A British Campaign Loots 4 Walts The Pink Lady Oaryll 5 Indian Intermezzo Silver Heels Moret
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 378 3 IHiTTTmttWWTTTTmwmWWWttTWWWTWWWra MAY 24th, :3 C IS 3 EMPIRE DAY There is an EMPIRE. On which The SUN NEVER SETS. There is an EMPIRE. ON WHICH IT DOES That’s the place where you will see the best Programme ever screened on EMPIRE NIGHT. HI and IV Episodes RED ACE “THE OUTLAW
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    • 413 3 NOTICE. THE ESTABLISHMENT of B. P Silva (1, B ahop Street, Penang,) will oloeed on Saturday, the 25 h instant oc account of the Weaak Festival. NOTICE. I BEG to annovnoe that my manager Khoo Kim Oh’eng who looks alter my baaineaa at Biltong under tba style of Ban Lam
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    • 439 3 All Promises Fulfilled TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY AT 9-15. FILLIS’ CIRCUS ANIMAL ACADEMY AND WILD WEST SHOW Location DATO KRAMAT GARDENS. PRESENTS I 3 Big: Features this Year 8 Greater! Grander! and more Gorgeous Than the Previous Visits to the Peninsula, INTRODUCING A POWERFUL COMBINATION 35 IMPORTED ARTISTES 35 Id the Nawest
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  • 96 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price z Dally Local $BO pep annum. Outatatlon Postages Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB pep annum. Cable Addreaa: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Noa. (Coho) 880. Printing Department 949, S.B.—AU buainaa* ooamunicationi
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  • 773 4 What ought to be a matter of intense interest for the Chinese in the Straits, and all ovsr the world, is the present struggle that is going on in China, between the North, whioh is said to represent the foroes of militarism, and the South, supposed to
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  • 1228 4 The new syitem of announcing the results of the submarine war as regards the sinking of ships was not received very cordially a month ago when it was decided that the weekly figuree to whioh we have been so long aoenstomed, of entranoei> clearsnoee, ships over 1600 tons
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  • 51 4 (From Char Own Correspondent Singapore, May 24. The auction! are not yet finished. There was a fair demand for moat grades and prices showed little variation. Bibbed smoked sheet 95, flue pale orepe 93 to 95, A feature of the sales was the attention paid to brown
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  • 29 4 C From Char Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 24, Bis Majesty King George’s Fund for Sailors has been opened at Singapore. The total so far is 918,000.!
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  • 878 4 Minister of the Interior. Many of the good thins. Courts go unrecorded i„ p“ B °j h Uw wrong impression that the, 1TlB g a hetnog of Ko.g,i th *>«"», lk mentioned that certain tablet. ,Z u name, of tbs principal cfficll. ZS* lb them was the Cook
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 169 4 PRITCHARD’S PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOR VITAFER The Greatest of all Tonio Foods. Composed of the entire Protein Constituent* of Milk (Case in and Lactalbumen), combined with the Glycerophosphates of Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium. 9 Per Per Bottle Bottle GIVES VITALITY JY RESTORES HEALTH For Brain, Body and Blood. VITAFER simulates
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    • 289 5 Reuter’s Telegrams] London, May 22. Sir Douglas Haig reports —We oarried oet a number of sucoeesful raids en the night of the 21st May and entered the German trenches at two points in southeastern Arras taking prisoners fourteen. Other raiding parties brought back a few prisoners in the
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    • 252 5 French Communiques London, May 22. Frenoh oommnniqudi—Intermittent artillery activity south of the Somme, on the Oise and in the Vosges. Six German aeroplanes were brought down and nine others foroed to desoend badly damaged in their own lines during May 19. Moreover 25,000 kilogrammes of bombs were dropped on enemy
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    • 117 5 From British Headquarters, London, May 22. Reuter’s correspondent at British Headquarters (on Ms; 22) i Much oounterbittery work against large concentration* of German guns was oarried out during tbe fine spell, alao bombing of ammunition dumps by our squadrona. The French Buooesa at Loore manifestly perturbed the German
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    • 679 5 From Various Front s. Italian Naval Raid. London, May 21. A Rome official message states i —A participator in the raid on Pola on May 14 (oabled on 16th.) relates that the operation was oarried out in the early hours of the morning. The weather was windy. A torpedo boat
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    • 664 5 General Wire News Polish Dismemberment. Loudon, May 22J An authoritative Poliah souroe states that Austria and Germany have agreed that Austria shall take a large portion of Russian Poland. Prussia intends to seise other parts but a vast majority of the Polish nation demands a united independent Poland, free from
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  • 660 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] The London Casualties. London May 22. The Press Bureau announces that tbe casualties in Sunday’s air raid in all districts are nowi—Killed 44, injured 179. Paris Threatened. London, May 22i At Paris the air-raid alarm was given yesterday evening and the all dear” at one
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  • 582 5 REHEARSING FOR NEXT BLOW. Paris, May 22. According to a correspondent of the I Associated Press, German troops in the I rear rehearse the ooming onslaught as I usual. They are gatberiag their manoeuvr I mg army far in the rear where troops are able to practise beforehand,
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  • 73 5 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list i Yesterday. To-day. Mining. 1 I 1 J £1 1 Deebook 13/- 13/6 13/3 13/9 Katoo Deebook 6/. 5/- 5/6 4/6 Trong Dredging 20/- 21/- 19/6 20/6 Tongkah Harbour... 22 25 23.00
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  • 52 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages 2.—The Ryot of Bengal. 8. —A Sea Trip. Some Smash. 6. —Penang Golf Club. How the Airman Finds his Way. Food Production Commit**, Empire Day Oelebrat ons. Life io Berlin. 7. Opening Days of the Battle. Kaiser’s Best at
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  • 643 5 I Mr, W. Van der Woude arrived from I Singapore this morning. 9 9 9 9 I Dr. C. B. Pasley, medioal offioer, Kuala I Lumpur, arrived in Penang to-day. I Mr. F.A.S. MoLsllaod. assistant treasurer I in the F.M.S. was in Penang yesterday. J I Mr.
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  • 143 5 The members of the A 0.8 Union gave two highly suooessful performances in aid of China Flood Fund, at the Coliseum on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, May 21st and 220 d, when a variety entertainment was presented to crowded bouses each night. The Chinese
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  • 48 5 Lnteat Quotations. Tin (unrefined) ie quoted here to* day at $172, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $172.50, buyers no sillers. Wireless communication has been established between S*n Diego, California, and Peking, roughly 7,500 milea, and thus the Amerioan Legation is able to issue daily war oommaniqaes.
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  • 1731 6 TribotM from Franc#. London, May 22. From Paris it ie reported that the French are joinicg Britain and the Dominions in th# celebration of Empire Day on 24th May A series of demonatrationa are being arranged in the principal aities. At Paris, the President of the Chamber
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  • 166 6 Officbrs all Fbxalbs. Elaborate regulations are being drawn op for control of the battalion of yonog Torkish women whioh the Turkish war effioe, breaking all precedents in that country, recently deoided to organise. A Constantinople despatch received at Geneva says the war ministry is prescribing minute
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  • 578 6 LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Maw's Pisolb* Babdicaj»—A. —8/6 E E Chambers Bye —40 B A Hunt 7 Scr. V G o*vi —15 H W-ugh 7 —3/6 M K Wb tlock 8or. P C Gregson 7 —8/6 BE Prentis —2/6 F N 8yer 7 15 T M 8hervington Bar.
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  • 77 6 Maxikux PBices Fixbd. Tbe undernoted prices, whioh are not to be exceeded, have been fixed by the Kinta Sanitary Board for the Ipoh market. Beef 40 oents Buffalo meat 88 r Poik, lean 60 fat and lean 44 H fat 86 Fowle 50 Ducks 45 Weighing machines are
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  • 793 6 The following preliminary Circular on Ragi, etc, ii issued by the Committee. Copies oan be obtained gratis i The iaoreased production of food is a problem of the greatest importance, not only to eaob individual Estate, bat to the eountry and the Empire. The following facts are
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  • 137 6 We Btrait» Time») regret to bear that the following cable message has been received t Killed by an explosion en M»y 6, Lieatenant Brady Nicholson, B N., aged 21, eldest son of J. 0. Nicholson, Esq manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, Batavia (formerly manager
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  • 523 6 There ere few questions a night-flying airman ia more often aaked by laymen friends than the easily answered one i How do you find yoar way at night The answer is i Jaat as one does by daylight—by looking Oo a moonlight night an
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  • 327 6 "Whoever wins Russia wins thewar,” declares Arthar Elliot Sproul, a New York business man who has studied the Russian situation at first, band. And he adds, 1 Tnere oan be no democratic triumph with a Prussianised Russia, and a Prussianised Rassia means an ultimate peril of a
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  • 126 6 The bridegroom oomes in for scant attention in reports of weddings* About all that is said of him is that be wore the conventional black, while the bride’s oostume is described in detail. Bat an Ohio bridegroom got bis just deserts. In the account of bis wedding
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  • 439 6 How t„ l|,on«. CuM L Here, writes the We»t mn Ur picture of life in Bs.iu, at 11 little from the pages 0 f Forts r,t*? V,?*® 01 and, foggy morning, n n cold platform of tne L.chkuoemF dBp Ut9 telde station, long iow*<f 8 Uo <hmcks.
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  • 209 6 The date for thelooal Food Products Show (Inland D strict* of Selangor) has been fixed tor Dio. 10th and 11th, and it is hoped that H. H, the Sultan pf Selangor will corsent to open the show during the afternoon of Deo, 10. Admission will be free
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  • 91 6 Fxidat, Mat 24, Town Band, Esplanade. Empire Day. Fillia Circus opens, Dato Kramat Gardena w Saturday, Mat 25. Penang Bisley, Chaplain’s Clock, 3 pm. Cricket, P.C.O. vs. PRC. and C.KO., E planade. Ayer Kuning Rubber Estate, Ltd., General Meeting, Chamber of Commeroe, noon. Sunday, Mat 26. Trinity
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  • 43 6 Foe Bt Stnam*» To-morrow Saturday)* Colombo Dbanuabkodi and United Kingdom (route uncertain) ®Bo* ®< ,i Mail G Parcels 8 a.m. Port Swettenbam and Singapore Ipch 8-30 p.®- Ungoon (Mergui and Mouimein via Rangoon) 9*Bo p.®< Tongkah and Reaoiif P»m*9 8-W »®i
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 719 7 Sybil Btbvotubbs Abb Dbutbotb». <Bj Floyd P. Gibbon*, Speeial C«Wf» dent of the San Francisco Chronisls with Aaerioan Troops in France.) With the American Army in Franoe, April 5.—A hospital interne led bm to the bedside of Jimmy Brader, boomer from Pimlioo turf in Baltimore
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  • 220 7 London, Maroh 28—The Daily MaiTt correspondent at tbe front says the offensive is being directed by the best of the German Generals who won the saooesses in tbe East. The commands are now known," the correspondent says, ?to be held by General von Kathen, in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 269 7 r r )<~3C .'.'jononoc: >< —>r 1 Weak stomachs-!hin blood 0 r\ r\ The stomach depends on the blood for its energy, and there can We no perfect digestion unless your blood is plentiful. If your digestion is weak you need a tonic to strengthen your blood, not a remedy
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    • 59 7 A machine weakened in non part boob break* down altogether. That is the oaie with from iodigeation. a moat disheartening complaint, 1( 70« am troabled, tarn immediately to WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. A eolrae ot thin medioine will plaea the I body maohine In perfect ranning order. Sold at Dtapenaariea
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    • 796 7 Swellings Disappear wban jo* r«b in Littlb’s Okiubtal Balk. Toa pain goes right away and tha swelling itself disappears with a faw applioatiooa It ia ntterly aseleas to suffer. It ia useless to pay b'g doctor’s billa and then to find yourself no better, For 1 Be. you can bay
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1353 8 p. BRITISH INDIA STRAITS STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS.) AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undor Contract with Hi« Majesty’s Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are hooked via
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