Straits Echo, 23 May 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1231 1 M i Mi LKMAID BM rr>> <S^ISSCX)NDENS s *<t«CTt«nd; and LW -A N K m i IF YOU WANT COMFORT Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. GO T3 Undermentioned Garage For Brand New C»ra for h re DAY AND NIGHT Telephone No. 694. i Telegraphic Add e s: HOKIMTEIK.
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    • 10 1 «Itllll *JV* c TiOn« rjmt. use Sej VS E=2 £59
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 30 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. r Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. LTD
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  • 535 3 Mr. Best Hall, an'Americsn aviator who has been in Franco gives the following interesting account of one branch of the airman’i work, 1 The moat intereating thing we did in those daja waa taking our spies and land ing them in the German linea Tbeae men
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  • 416 3 The developments which are taking plaoe ia the Far East in oonneotion with the trade in hides and skins and also the leather in* dustry merit attention, as they will undoubtedly exeroise a marked influence on the interchange of both the raw and manufactured product
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 678 3 Y.OUR BATH TO M.M. THE KINO. IN TRY c AT POINT*. ENT k rtt. »r CLOUDY riluw —ttimir MARVELLOUS PREPARATION Invaluable for Toilet md Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Wci-r. Sp'end-d Cleansing Preparation for the Hair. Alleys the Irritation C'ijr-sd by Mosquito Bite3. Cleans Plate, Jewellery, and Carpet».', For 8aie by
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    • 85 3 Chum her lain ’a Gaagk BweiyWhen 70« bare a bad cold 70a want a vmedy that will not onlj give relief, bat effect a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing iojarioas Chamberlain's, Cough Remedy meets all these requirements, It acts
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    • 1044 3 Swellings Disappear when you tub in Lima's Obimntal Balm. Tne pain goes right away and the awell’ ing itself disappears with a few applications. It is utterly useless to suffer. It is useless to pay big doctor’s bills and then to find yourself na better. For 1 Be. you oan
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  • 433 4 There used to be in Ceylon end—for old balief» die hard in the East—probably it «till exists, a ourious legend that it is unlucky, indeed suioidal for the hunter of big game to shoot bis hundredth elephant, Tbe tale that for oountless centuries, so it was said,
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  • 279 4 The Minister of Agriculture and Commerce says that 14 some drastio measures may shortly be taken for the regulation ot the price of rioe. It is oonjeotured that tht foreshadowed measures are the suspension of forward transactions on the R oe Exchangee sod the importation
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  • 102 4 Thuesdat, Mat 2S. Fillii Circna opens, D*to Kramat Gardens. Fsidat, Mat 14 Town Band, Bsplanade. Empire Day. Exeroiaea at P. T. School, 10.30 a.m. Satussat, Mat 25. Penang Bial*y, Chaplain’s Clock, t p no, Crieket, P.O.O. va. PRO, and C.B.O., Esplanade. Ajer Kuning Rubber Estate, Ltd., General
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  • 1048 4 Proposed Programme. (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing.) NOTICE.—No amendments to this programme w II be considered unlesa due notice ia given in writing to the least seven clear days before the d -.te of the Special General Meeting which is fixed for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 361 4 /^DOC OCCIOCDCD CT CDC DCDCDCDCDC tf NEW CONSIGNMENT OF FILTERS JUST UNPACKED At Whiteaway'a 50cr\ D 3 n X v S rv fcftKSS w 0 Instruct on**cr wlEA*»w c S!!SJ;;| ::v.v. liH. ilium 0 o Doulton Filters B; itish mode PA8;ED BY THE BOARD OF TRADE GERM INTERCEPTING FILTERS THE
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    • 12 4 F#r Okilelrta’a Hacking Congh U Night, W**d' Grant Pippamiii Ova la, M.
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    • 313 4 FflfriPS ClflQP p.Bt. n Friday, 12th July, 1918. Handicaps for the First ClliriCd VlUOV Day will be pubiiahed on or before Wednesday, the 17th July, 1918. Ha.dleap Rases In all Handicap Race# for Horae* or Pomes, the Offioial Handicapper may, with the consent of the Committee, divide the entries into
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  • 632 5  -  (By Tom Wright.) I One of those metaphysical Germans has I said that it is impossible for a man to oonJ oeive the true idea of the world of things i continuing without biu own oonsoicusness as I a centre. The argument ran thus. All the
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  • 244 5 Says the Siam Observer “We learn that the Cbino-Siam Steam Navigation Co. has chartered the Chinese e.s. Rung fxng for one year at the rate of $102,000 Hongkong, per month. This vessel can carry 46,000 piculs of rioe. This rate works out to about Tcs.7,000 par day, which
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  • 131 5 For salving the Dutch steamship Ambon, valued with cargo at £322.403, after «be had been torpedoed, Mr. Jaatice Hill awarded £9 450 to the crewa of several Admiralty Tf 88' 1». The judge aaid when the Ambon was stopped by the submarine, the German commander refused to
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  • 768 5 [To Til Editob of thi Straits Echo.] Sir, > Sicoe I wrote you at the request of Ltdy Evelyn Young about a month ago I have received but a solitary contribution in response, one from a gentleman, "Interest” of 915, the interest on his War
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  • 81 5 PElf ANO WOMKH WOBKBBS. Amount previously acknowledged $7,248 32 No. 36 2 50 Mrs. Lonie Ladies’ Bridge Book for April, Golf Club 24.00 Hospital garments for soldiers ready cut out for workers will be given out every Friday at the Town Hall from 9.15 till 10.30
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  • 51 5 The following programme of musio will be played at the E.planade to-morrow evening at 5 p m.: 1 Andanta from Beethoven’s Symphony in C« Minor Winterbottom 2 Court Dance Bucalotsi 8 Ballet Musix Robert le Diabie Meyerbeer 4 Waltz Ma Belle Adoree Boy 5 March El Oapitan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 365 5 mmnmmnmmimnimmmrtimrmnM I MAY. 24th, 5 is 2 E t. There is an EMPIRE. On which The SUN NEVER SETS. There is an EMPIRE. ON WHICH IT DOES That’s the place where you will see the best Programme ever screened on 8C atEMPIRE NIGHT. 3a- III and IV Episodes RED ACE
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    • 521 5 Mr. H Lupton. P.P.C. FOR SAXjfa. Rsdge-Multi Motor-cycle Horst Power 1917 War-office pattern in excellent order. Prioe $520, Owner baying a Car. Apply to MULTI 349 e/o Strait» Echo. FOR SALE. First class house no. 174. Magazine Road known as Soma Stable ▼ery suitable for Motor Garage ana Rubber Factory.
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    • 470 5 FRIDAY-NIGHT FILLIS’ CIRCUS ANIMAL ACADEMY AND WILD WEST SHOW GRAND OPENING TO-MORROW, MAY 24th, AT 9.15 P.M. Location DA TO KRAM AT GARDENS. peesekts: 3 Big Features this Year 8 Greater! Grander! and more Gorgeous Than the Previous Visit to the Peoiosula. INTRODUCING A POWERFUL COMBINATION OF 33 IMPORTED ARTISTES
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  • 100 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holidays*) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 9t, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Uomi $3O per annum. n Outatatton Poatagre Extra» MaU Edition (Post Free) tIS per annum. Cable Addreee: ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Noe. (Coho) ite. Printing Department 141, y.B.—AU butinaaa
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  • 41 6 Shauyh Smith —Oa the 18th instant at the Baropean Hospital, Kuala Lumpar, to Mr. aod Mrs. M. Sharpe Smith of Kinrsra Estate, a son. Tax Don*.—On May 18, at 47, Oairnhill Road, Mrs. H. A Tan Dort, of a son.
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  • 1288 6 Oar oorreapondent at Singapore wirea that the Ohamber of Oomnaeroe there if I holding a meeting to oonaider a reaolution •gainat any requisitioning of local abipping aa opposed to the best interests of the Colony’s Trade.” Those not directly connected with commeroe generally admit that when it
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  • 35 6 To-morrow being Empire Day the Institution will have a holiday. But at 10 a.m. Colonel Adams will address tbe Cadets and Boys, and friends of the School are invited to ba present,
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  • 596 6 Mr. M Nallapah, of the Provincial Insurance Co. Ltd., Taipiug, is on u business visit to Penang. u u u Mr. T. Eriosson, trsfflo manager of the Siam Bleotrioity Co,, who is now on holiday in the F.M.8. and Java, expeots to be baok in Bangkok at
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  • 104 6 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list i T eater-day. To-day. Rubber. D cq 08 n C/2 AyerKoning LOO 1.10 1.05 1.15 AyerMomk 2.00 2.50 200 2-20 Indragiri 5.50 6.00 5.25 5.75 Malaka Pinda 1.90 2.10 2.00 2.10 Mining.
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  • 26 6 The handioaps and draws of the Club Lawn Tennis Tournament are now out but reaohed ns too late for publication in today’* issue.
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  • 34 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here te-day at 8178, business done, in Singapore (refined) at 8178.50., business done. (175 tons sold) and in London at 4360 spot and at 4360 three months.
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  • 26 6 CFrom Out Oum Correspondent London, May 21. The prioofl in the London Bobber Market to-day were: Palo Orepe 2/8* Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/2*
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  • 918 6 Smoking in a Submarm,. a French submanae, °ih“5°^ n^, «rib« l been perfected to euoh an Btll »hon M poambh to smoke. The ofiTrfS! told me,’ say. the writer ..V th M £T*1 B t Wh6Dhe the Si had been kept under water for 1 for experimental purpose,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 169 6 PRITCHARD’S PENANG SOLE AGENTS FOR VITAFER The Greatest of all Tonio Food». Composed of the entire Protein Constituent* of Milk (Case in and Lactalbumen), combined with the Glycerophosphates of Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium. Per Per Bottle Bottle GIVES VITALITY RESTORES HEALTH For Brain, Body and Blood. VITAFER sitmulates and restores
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  • 13 6 DEATH. Btouch. —On May 20, at Biglap, Singapore, A. Starch, aged 62 years-
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    • 328 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, May 10. Bir DovglM Haig report* i The french carried out a auooesafui night operation east and north-east of Loore, gaining all objective* on a front of four thoaaand yard*, taking priaoner over fonr hundred. Local fighting in the morning north of Albert reivlted in
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    • 29 7 French Communiques London, May 21, 8 55 p*m. A Frenoh ocmmuniqud states —There was artillery work in the region Thenoes— Hailes and at some points south of the Avre.
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    • 774 7 From British Headquarters* Anzao Ardour. London, May SO. Reuter’s correspondent at Headquarters says that the Australian oaptures at Ville sous Anore exceeded four hundred. Several prisoners state that when they learnt they had to face the Aosaos they felt considerable foreboding. The casualties inflicted during the attack were
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    • 230 7 From Various Fronts Belgian Front. London, May 21, A Belgian communique states! Reciprocal artilery aotivity has been very great in the past twenty-four hours. Italian Front. London, May 20. Italian offioial i One of our storming parties on Sunday night oaptured a portion of a trench at Caposile. We heavily
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    • 332 7 Dutch General Election, London, May 21. An Amsterdam cable says that the first fought general election sinoe the war has been fixed for the 3rd July. Last year’s Dutch eleotions resulted in the re-election of the old house by an inter-party agreement. It is expeoted that the regular
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    • 169 7 General Wire News U.S.A. Shipbuilding. London, May 31. A message from Cleveland states that the r Shipping Controller has arranged an agree-1 meat with the Great Lakes shipbuilders to construct 180 vessels each of over four thousand groes tonnage, deliveries to be I completed in the autumn of 1919. U.S.A.
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  • 710 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THRILLING SCENESLondon, May 20, Having enjoyed two moon periods undisturbed, Londoners late last evening were surprised when the maroons notified that Gotbas were en-route, but they sought shelter with oustomary plaoidity, That the raid was on a big soale was soon apparent by the
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  • 683 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] MORE HUN ATROCITIES. London, May 21. The Timet gives prominenoe to farther authenticated atrocities, systematic tortures, and oold-blooded murders of British prison* ers in Germany of whioh the sum total of evidence is incredibly inhuman. There is the instanoe of a British soldier at
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  • 545 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FAMINE IN AUSTRIA. London, Mij 31 The Daily Mail Franoo-Swiss front jjuj oorreapondenfc hat reoeived informal' from Vienna and Styria describing fam oonditiona in Anatria. The people talk a think of nothing bnt bread. The Arbĕii Zeitung at Vienna was confiscated last Mar beoanae it
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  • 98 7 The following artiolea will ba feud on our outside pages 3. —Landing Spies in Germany. Far Eastern Leather Trade Developing. 4. —An Elephant Story. Japanese Government Ao ion Regarding Rioe. 5. When I am Dead. Qaeen Mary's Needlework Guild. The Red Gross Psarl Necklace. 8, The Province. Oastor Beans
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  • 550 8 [Baum's Telegrams London, May 19. Ranter's oorrespondent at British Headquarters (May 19) says that one of the most striking featurs of the present phase cf the war is the superior skill of our airmen. An offioer pilot lately taken prisoner says that this superiority is fully realised
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  • 291 8 At Bukit Marts jim P lice Court before Mr. H 8. Siroom, on Friday, a M*lsy named Abu Bakar bio H ji Musah of Barissn Nyior, Jum, was coovicfed of fraudulent possession of property, consisting of fmr bags of ric a seven bags cf pparl tapioca, a bag
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  • 323 8 Tom Hoed tha poet and humouiist wbo win born on May 23. 1799 was an invalid during the whole of bis life and his verses, simple, humorous or pathetic as the spirit moved him were often written under the most trying circumstances. To a great i extent be
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  • 166 8 A small company of amateur actors from the Einta Indian Association, Ipob, staged a play here the night before Uvt in the Theatre Hall and attracted a very good audience. Their takings for the evening wbioh amounted to about 1490 are to go towaids building a
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  • 93 8 A correspondent who gives his name and address writes indignantly about the conduct of the driver of Oar. No. 20 on Tuesday, near PraDgin Lace. Because a hand-cait blocked the way to bctb tramcar and rikisha, the driver spat upon the rikisha coolie and abused him. We
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  • 44 8 A meeting will be held, under the auspices of the School Society, at the Penansr Free 8choolo« Friday, 24th May at 10 30 a.m. when speeches will be delivered by boys in the top form on subjects connect: d with Empire Day,
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  • 39 8 (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, May 23. The Chamber of Commerce is holding a meeting to oontider a resolution against any requisitioning of local shipping as opposed of the best interests of the Colonvs trade, 1
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  • 427 8 i The following statistics were taken from official data, and are reliable as far as they i go, but are not at all complete as information is lacking in many cases while, in some countries, Castor Seeds are included under i Oil Seeds” and Castor Oil
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  • 270 8 Little has been heard publicly of the success of the relief works wbioh were commenced by the Royal Irrigation Department in connection with the general of providing assistance to those who suffered by the disastrous fihods at the end of last year. R lief works are common enough
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  • 107 8 Fou Bt Stuamu* Ax. To-dav (Thursday), Australasia (via Fremant*e) by train 6 pm, To-morrow (Friday), Madras taking mails 10 gtlD for Euiope etc., v.a up to 9 a!m! B.’inbay Mail F Parcels 8 a.m. Tongkah and Renong Penang 11-30 a.m. Colombo acd Dhanusbkodi Colombo and United Kingdom
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  • 557 8 Hoarding Subsidiary Coins. Leong Lim was yesterday charged before Mr. S. H. Langston with having in his possession or under his control a quantity of subsidiary ooins in excess of what is reasonably required. The accused claimed trial and Chief Detective Inspector Cmmmey stated that from information
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  • 335 8 Ddlhi, March 22. A leply given by the Commander-in- Chief at the Imperial Legislative Covnoil meeting to-day to questions asked by Mr. Snrendranath Baneijee regarding the possibility of reviving the sailing-ship building industry ef India shows that before wood was replaoed by iron and steed several vessels
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  • 51 8 Owing to a delay in leaving Rangoon of 48 hours, Fillia’a Circus was unable to arrive here till late this morning and tha opening performance is to-morrow, Friday night. The management apologises for disappointing the pubiio, but promises to make up for the disappointment by a very fine
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  • 531 8 Tu Pbaotiob» Thb Pbicipt. 1 We have made a alight increase in oar subscription and advertising rates. We 1 have refrained from this coarse as long as was possible bat it has become quite com* palsorj since the inorease of ooat of not merely paper
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  • 250 8 How PaieoKuu Esoapid. Simla, 9th Mayi—A very interesting leoi ture was delivered at the Gaiety Theatre, Simla, by Captain H. 0. Bishop, I A B 0., on “Rat and After". The lecture was given under the auspices of the, United Service Institution of India, and there was
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  • 190 8 London, 24th April r The Time» in a leadas referring ta the Roman Oakbolio Hierarchy in Ireland placing themselves at the head of tbe anti conscription movement says it says much for tbe forbearance ot the British people that so little protest has bsen made
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  • 420 8 Thb Dbjptb Bomb. A dive, and the submarine the old days. The depth homo h" this, as many a 0-boat has learned*?IK6d 1 K6d cost. The bomb is an explosive S 0 ,l which is discbargod only wfian D tr T *nci a predetermined pressure. “tyacted to
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  • 142 8 The following is the working account of the Red Cross Society of Siam for the rear B.E. 2460. Balance carried forward from Tcs. B E 24 59 135,874.18 Government funds w 60,UU0. Contributions toward the buildiog fund 279,936. Contributions toward the oapital of the Sjoiety 68.152.71 Contsibutions
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  • 146 8 >j Examplh to India* G#vkbnmbnt, Bombay, 3rd May With reference to the action taken by Colonial Government» in tbs case of European eligible men in Ceylon tod tbe Straits Settlements, that European young men ought not to stay in the Coloay if he could be spared for war
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  • 78 8 Calcutta, May 8 At to-day’s meeting of tbe Calcutta Cor* poration the Chairman made a atabmeot regarding cholera in Calcutta. He»aidt“* annual outbreak of cholera commenced m February, but did not assume epd'W’C form till Marob. It continued with moderate severity during March and Ap r ‘l
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 50 8 Wh j It Sells. Chamberlain's Cough K j medj i* j largest selling cough medicine in the won to-day because it does exactly whit 0o 8 remedy is supposed to do. It cough by curing the cold, and does it •rj? iljind dr«*iallr. For «J* t>/ peasar .es and dealers
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  • 787 9 While Democracy has blued up in the mightiest fltme front end to end of Europe sod all over the world, sod while Bolsbeviki tuTsriih (ocmrsdea) sre trying frantically te oTartarn the pyramid of capitalism and making a labour government triumphant everywhere, forty
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  • 151 9 It eeeme to me that the world will io future refuse to take its great men for granted," says Mr. Jamee Douglas in the Btar. "It will not bow down to them quite so readily. The Age of the Great man is dead. There will
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  • 317 9 PnAiru, Mat 23. 1918. Bur- tU Soup m per ontty 22 Boast v 36—-88 Bteaks n 36—38 Stew or Curry Meat 22—24 Rump Steak 38—40 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 55 Boot Heart large per oatty 24 m «mall each 35 Liver ...'per oatty 45 Fillet of Beef
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  • 228 9 Pmxs, Mat S 3. 8. P. Tapioca |8 75 sales. M. P. Tapioca 9.00 sellers. Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Coast 8 lb, 60a).516 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 40 nominal Trang Pepper „.532 season over Mace |BO nom. Mace Pickings 49 sellers Cloves M season over
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 238 9 Try GIRARD S GRAPE BRANDY O>JF, TWO and THSFE GRAPES A taste will convince yon that it is the tonreign Brandy on the Market Obtainable from: —Chiat Seng Kongsi, Beach Btreet. Joo Beang A Co., Beach Street. Por Sing A Co-j Campbell Street. Yong Lee A Co?, do. Poh Seng
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    • 50 9 Why It 8*U* Chamberlain's Oomgh ILemedy ia the largest selling ooagh medicine in the world to*day becaaae it does exactly what a ooogb remedy ia aappoaed to do. It stops the coagh by oaring the oold, and deea it apeedily and afeotaally. For sale by all die* Dinaariaa Mid deafen
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    • 244 9 8 I Motor Gars 6* Motor Cycles. (1917 MODELS) Delivory Immediate MOTOR CARS:— Oakland, Maxwell, Briscoe, Pullman and Chevrolet. Equipped with High-tension Magneto, Electric lights, Eleotrio Horns, and Belt Starters Fire or Two beater. MOTOR CYCLES:— ‘‘Harley Davidson”—that beat the World’s Record.—Twin or single Cylinder, Free Engine Side Car with
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  • 900 10 The news despatches state that a civil war is racing in Finland. Bat tiny have net stated why civil war is raging there. The same despatches say the so-called Red Gsards had practised horrible cruelties. It is tree that ap open struggle is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 624 10 NOTICE LABOUR CODE. 1912. FM S. “IfidiaftllmtivftritioQ fund Ordinance, 1911.” EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUR reminded that assessment returns for{the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months on April, Julj, October and January. Ki Forms for the return will be
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    • 58 10 A machine weakened in one part soon breaks own altogether. That is the oase with sufferers from indigestion, a most disheartening complaint. It you are troubled, tarn immediately to WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. A coarse of this medicine will plaoe the body maohine in perteot running order. Sold at Dispensaries
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    • 242 10 'V T* Since the Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over M f < fv" ■V *«.»> jfiHr-, ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Annies Compare the work and you too will r choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. 8 STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP
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  • 774 11  -  By William H, Tart. The question of the right of the United State* to aeize the Dutch ship* now in our port* and pay fall compensation for them is a nioe one. It is asserted under what is oalled the right of angary. This
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 139 11 Sandilands, Buttery Co., PENANG S.'. aid F.M.S., ||ii||iyjy TRADERS (1 •t—1« n NS? m m IN ADVERTISING. ,4 -*VAb in all things, success has no foe, but fear—no limitations"saTe' those that are your own, and to pratice it successfullj and to the fullest adrantage, you must hate c mrage, confidence
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    • 77 11 TRANSLATION THE UNDERSIGNED andertakea to translate any dooamant from English into Chinese and Tice versa. Alio Chiane accoanta into English. Feea according to the following aoale (1) For translation for insertion in tbe Btrait» Echo or the Pinanf Siu Poe to be printed by the Jobbing Depart the Criterion Praia,
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    • 143 11 ABC OF ESTATE SUPPLIES!! w D a TO PLANTERS AND DEALERS. A Study of the following will Greatly Benefit You H Acid 99 o/o Glacial Guaranteed larbed Wire —Genuine American Make Pane-Blue and White Enamel 18 in. by 9 in. by 3$ in 15 in. by 10 in. by 4
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1462 12 BRITISH INDIA STRAITS STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PABBENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS (Under Contract with HU Majesty’s Government.) The Company’! MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bomba} as
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