Straits Echo, 21 May 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1260 1 «s tICON ’ndensed mi Milkmaid BRAI^ V^SWIsscoNDBiSHIS and L \n. iIF YOU WANT! 1 COMFORT < BANKS. GO TO TH^ Undermentioned Garage I 0 p or Brand Nhw Cara for hre day AND night I P Telephone No 694 Telejrtphic Add e j HOKIMTEIK Motor car importers nnd largest dealers
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    • 12 1 "HigsP ttfl THt It *tc UiC ‘•ON* K s,S 5S '—.l V
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 45 2 ->■&*} r* i -j v. i,; *^l~ ,t 3 :v< T i ’°^r C .*i?*-'^v* b\&*C*x o^=x>t}=>o^^-o^=*o^oo^=>o^}=>o^=»o^J=>o^J=>o<]= s o€}= :,0^=» Tt RK ,W‘ 4/o ASK FOR *8 si Obtainable from all Leading Stores Throughout the Straits and Federated Malay States BROTHERS LTD. (1ncorporated in Straits Settlements.)
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  • 1061 3 Proposed Programme (Under S. R. A. Rules of Racing.) NOTICE. —No amendments to this programme will be considered unless due notice is given in writing to the Secret&ry at least seven clear days before the d*.te of the Special General Meeting which >s fixed
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  • 478 3 7 he Report of Directors to the eighth annual general meeting to be held on Saturday next at noon Baja At first it was intended to postpone this meeting until the return from India of the Chairman, Mr. G H. Pritchard, but as Mr, Pritchard cannot be back
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  • 209 3 The Morning Po»t correspondent on the French front sends interesting details of the German tanks. The Germans modified the construction and use of the tanks after the experience of British use. They greatly increased the speed, and have tanks capable of travelling five miles an hour over broken
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  • 166 3 No Uhukgussabt Jouunmts. Simla, April 30. A press communique says t It does not appear to be generally understood that the passport system is for the present intended to restrict journeying» not only for undesirable objects but also for unnecessary objects. The rule of practice established in the
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  • 243 3 Nuw Cinbma Hall Opined, At the junction of Bung* Baja and Kee Ann Hoads in Malacca, the fine new build* ing of the Cinema Francaia was re-epened to the public on Tnesdaj night lastMr. Tan Yew Joo, the proprietor of this hall, maj well be called the local
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  • 241 3 On Friday next in Singapore Mr. and Mrs- J. 0. Pestana, surrounded by their children and grandchildren, will celebrate their golden wedding, a sufficiently rare event anywhere but more than rare in Malaya. Mr. and Mrs. Pestana who are in the best of health in spite of
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  • 150 3 Bald Official Dbtails. What the zinoware trade of the Straits Settlements consists of exactly, says the Financial Newt, it is impossible to learn from the official statistics, which do not go into details, but it is evidently one deserving of some attention by manufacturers and merchants
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  • 260 3 A list of subscriptions in the Colony and the Malay States to war charities is being prepared in the High Commissioner's Office, and is being brought up to date of the 31st March, 1918. Honorary Secretaries and Treasurers of such funds are invited to communicate with the Secretary
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 296 3 I ntries Close *1 [e or before Wednesday, the 17th July, 1918. Specl.l Coeditlo. R, X ar4i.g Ha.dkep R.ees -In all Handicap Races **owes or lh,. Official llandicapper may, with the oonsent of the Committee, divide the entries ito m ro or 1«« Class»* than advertised and each Class will
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    • 49 3 Wkj It Sells. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the largest selling cough medioine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a oougb remedy is supposed to do. It stops tbe oough by curing the cold, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers
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    • 646 3 NOTICE. LABOUR CODE, 1912, F-M-S “Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1911.” EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUR are hereby reminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months on April, July, October and January. Forms for the return
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    • 556 3 Swellings Disappear wheu you tab ia Littlm’s Obibntal Balm. Tbe pain goes right away and the swell* ing itself disappears with a few applications. It is utterly useless to suffer. It is useless to pay b;g doctor’s bills and then to find yourself no better, For 1 Re. you can
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  • 2482 4 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Smuts Plain Speaking. < London, May 1?. General Smuts arrived in Glasgow to fulfil a number of publio engagements this morning. He toured aeveral of the leading shipyarde and engineering shops and addressed a huge gathering of workers in the famous Fairfield yard during the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 380 4 X********************** ►>><>►*►*►*►- XXXXXXXN* XX 'OCOGC X ,Ot XTDCTDC- '.")CCIIOQC r o< CDC DCDCZXZDCZ)C For Children’s Footwearo n MR vVChildren’s Tan Ankle Sfra;»shoe. Smartly finished with pom p<>m tassel, white kid lining single leather sole light weight, soft and comfortable shoe. SIZES 19, 20. 81, 22. 23. 24, 25 and 26
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  • 2552 5 MaaiN» Cotjkt or Inquiet j ivy into the sinking of the a ip piD* Company’s steamer Mary bv tha Hteah Wu in the Straits of on the mo n ng of April 7 was le.terday in the Governor’s cffice. p r r'i) Acton, D striot Judge,
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  • 377 5 Sundays shoot wa* “deliberate at 200, 350 and 500 yards. It resulted as under. H’cp, Sargt Hoay Taih Hook 69 78.78 Pte W E Hutson 66 75,16 I L/Corpl G H Goh 68 75.04 Pte C C Knight 69 74 08 E Bennett 19 73.47 L/Bargt
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  • 249 5 The arrival of Fillis' Circus in Penang will be welcomed by all those that appreciate a thorough good show. We are informed that there are many new artistes entirely new to Penang, Lbs Bret m’s Tha Wonderful and Scientific Cyolists from the Folies Bergerie Paris, Toe Jenkins Family
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  • 28 5 Fob Bt Steamer At. To-morrow (Wednesday). Dali Omaptre 10 a.mPang Nga Fadany 130 p.m. 28rd instant (Thursday). Port Swetunham and Singapore JTms 1 p,m, 4
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  • 207 5 t A notioe in the Government Gaeette under l the Foreshores and bea-bed Ordinanoe, 1900, grant to the Straits Trading Co.. I us l »08, of a strip of the foreshore and sea* i bed, for the purpose of erecting a jetty. The new grant proposes a
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  • 151 5 The report of the Currency Commissioners I for January shows the following interesting particulars i Currency Notes in Circula- tion 987,069,492 Coin portion of Note Guarantee I Fund. Gold (in the Colony) 9 2,812.380 Gold (in London) 937,828 930 Bilver (in the Colony) 912,372,958, Of course this is
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  • 130 5 A bill to be introduced into the Legislative Council for amendment of tbe Registration of Aliens has the following objects and reasons.— This Bill provides (a) that only aliens over 14 years age shall be registered, clause 2), (5) that a certificate of registration shall be issued
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  • 78 5 An amending bill published in the QaaeiU gives power to the Colonial Secretary to issue a licence to export or import prohibited goods, prescribes the same penalty for importing suspected goods as for trading with tbe enemy, authorises searohes and inspections for suspected goods, and imposes
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  • 49 5 The following gentlemen form the board for PenaDg Mr. P. K Nambyar Chairman T, S. Saminatban Cbetty, S. M. Ayskkannoo Cbetty, A. E. N. Mootoo PalanLppa Cbetty, Mr. E, Btmaiamy Pillay Mr: Veerapillay. Mr: Yeeramuttoo Vathyar Mr* V. Nadaaam Pillay. Mr. J, V. Cbelliam {Secretary).
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  • 75 5 Tbe Governor in Coanoil has made Tin Rsturn Regulations by whioh every person having in his custody within any settlement on the last day of the month 10 pikuls or more of tin ore, or of tin, must within seven days make a return, authenticated, to tbe Colonial
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  • 122 5 A bill to amend the Companies Ordioanoe, about to be introduced, makes amendments in a large number of seotions of this complicated legal measure. It should be a valuable asset to the lawyers ef the Colony. Tbe first half yearly general meeting of the Stia Kampala a Club,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 375 5 for sale. Rubber factory and plant at Noa. 27/28 Station Road, Bakit Mertajdm. Apply for fall particulars to, A. B. 0., c/o Strait» Echo FOR First class house Magazine Road koown No. 174 as Soma Stable. very evitable for Motor Oarage and Rabber Factory. Apply for fall particular! to O.
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  • 99 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except SBodays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price i Daily Local $BO per annum. m Outatatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Poet Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Noe. (Kobe) sss. Printing Department S4S, N.B.—A U
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  • 22 6 Buoklau»— Oo M*y 17, at PUs Gwyo, Oluny Boad, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Buokland, twin daughters (one stillborn.)
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  • 1331 6 Im the Spring Young Erin’s fanoy, Lightly turns to thoughts of plot*. A confession of inability to understand the Irish question no more condemns a man’s intelleot than does a similar confession with iegard to the Creed of St. Athanasius. What oertaia Irishmen wsnt and what ether Irishmen will not
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  • 894 6 Mr. Kit Khong haa been temporarily appointed the Gopeng agent of the Eastern Smelting Company. e e e Mr. W. H. Dina more in appointed a Polioe Magistrate and a District Judge for the Settlement of Singapore. e e Mr. N. P. Walahe of Mesara. Adamaon Gilfillan
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  • 1037 6 T«nder Farewells lo Kobe they hare s pl eMac able way of bidding farewell to J pr fnend. If the man aw d, P*rti D| orioketer they hold f ar( Wo 7 11 food Tb, pkcpU, application is not always east lf th to a.k Mr L-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 152 6 PRITCHARDS PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOR VITAFER The Greatest of all Tonio Foods. Composed 0*F the entire Protein Constituent* of Milk (Casein and Lactalbumen), combined with the ‘Glycerophosphates of Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium. Per Per Bottle Bottle GIVES VITALITY RESTORES HEALTH For Brain, Body and Blood. VITAFER simulates and restores the
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  • 28 6 DEATH. CniA Owe Tin.—On May 18, at 6.1, Maokensie Road, Singpore, Chia Ong Tin, father of Messrs, Obis Queo Eng, Peh Choon and Poh Hook, aged 64 years.
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    • 305 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, May 17. Sir Douglas Haig’s reports We repulsed raiders in the neighbourhood of Moyennevelle and south of Arras. There was great reciprocal artillery fire during tbe night io Pacaut Wood, the sector north of Hinges. Hostile artillery work also increased between Looorn, Hinges, and from
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    • 128 7 French Communiques London, May 17. Frsnohoommunique: There was a violent bombardment at night time in the region of Haillcs. We repulsed an enemy raid in the direction of Mesnil St. Georges and took prisoners. Our detachments penetrated the anemy licos at two points south of Canny •ur Mata and brought
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    • 308 7 From British Headquarters. London, May 16, Beater’s correspondent at Britiih Headquarters, (May 16) wires: Most of the fight<ug of the past twenty-four hours has been aerial. Last night taking advantage of tbs clear moonlight atmoephere, the Germans oarried out a series of bombing nidi against the baok areas
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    • 564 7 From Various Fronts •""^■"^""■■■■■“"■■mmnamBMBmmmnMnuwm» London, May 17. Wireless Austrian official: French and Italians attacked the mountain positions I between the Osum and Devols rivers in I Albania. We (7) gained territory westward of Korea, London, May 17. Amerioan communique i Patrolling continues aotive in Lorraine with an inorease of artillery
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    • 1123 7 General Wire News London, May 17. The Press Bureau state* that Lord Rhondda abolishes the meatless day in eating places on May 17. The Next Blow. London, May 17. An imminent German offensive is anxiously awaited. General Maurioe in the Daily CKrtniclt says that two-thirds of the whole German force
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  • 89 7 C From Char Own Correspondent London, May 16. The prioes in the London Bubber Market to-day were: Palo Crepe 2/3 Diamond Bmoked Sheet 2/2 London, May 17. Pale Crepe 2/3 j Diamond 8moked Sheet 2/2} The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company for the week
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  • 1152 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, May 17. Sir Doug'as Haig, aviation i Aeroplanes and balloons carried out a great deal of work on Wednesday, in oo-op9ration with the artillery. They took a great many photographs of the enemy forward and back areas. Bombing machines began their attacks at
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  • 58 7 The following artioles will be found en our outside pages 8. —Ayer Kuning. German Tanks. Passport Eegnlations. A —Telegrams. s,—Collision in tbo Btraits. P. V. R. O. 8. —Whitsun Cricket. 8.8, and F.M.B. Trade Index. Registration of Aliens. Butterworth Smelting Works. Telegrams. 9. —Telegrams. 10, Production and Consumer. Sinn
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  • 139 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $174, business done, m Singapore (refioed) at $174 50., business done. (200 tone sold) and in London at £363 spot and at £363 three monthi. It ia ezaotly twenty-eight jeara ago aleoe the appointment o( Sir Cecil Clemeoti Smith aa
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  • 750 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] The German Task. Paris, May 18. The German deputy David writes in the Sohwaebisohe-Tagwacht 1 If Germany does not suoeeed iu dissolving the world ooalitiun when peaoe is concluded the war will be lost for her, as it will be only an armistioe aBd no
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  • 1322 8 The Ranee of Sarawak. London, May 16. M Mistress Bertram Brooke Dayand Mud tr? c of Sarawak hae undergone a serious opera- i tion and is progressing satisfactorily. i British Trade Reports LondoD, May 17. i The increase in exports was .£42/, 200, in j imports j£35.300,667
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  • 1512 8 Far Eastern Policy. London, May 16. The Times correspondent at Tokio reports that the pending Chino-Japanese agreement has provoked excitement among the Chinese students there. The Japanese authorities persuaded the students not to return to China. The principals of ten Chinese schools waited on the Education and Foreign
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  • 527 8 Cn si Match Yesterday, HiJh 9 p b p Uwl y K4Uit J e i eru.y between the P. C C and a combined team was a, 0s t enjoyable and had at the end the .pjJ excitement, the home side wmting n a by the margin of
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  • 440 8 A useful trade index and directory that supplies valuable information on all matters of local trade and business firing nod a few copies of which are still available on wurten application, has just been ibsu d by Mr, Stow Choon Leng, at present
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  • 1131 9 [Reuter's Telegrams.] London, May 18. The Admiralty announces that a British destroyer was torpedoed and sunk on May 14Two men were killed as a result of the explosion, London, May 16, An lifting the veil of operations of the British submarines in the Baltio relates stirring deeds, how
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  • 316 9 Paris, May 19. Regarding the postponement of the new German offensive, our (Havas) correspondent at the Frenoh front says that the delay I is in great part due to the disturbance created in the rn*uiy licrs by actively AHied aviation. Also by a great artillery hammerI ing ceaselessly
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  • 793 9 [Reuter's Telegrams.] CHIEF SECRETARY'S STATEMENT. London, May 19, Mr. Shortt, Chief Secretary for Ireland, authorises the itatement that the measures for whioh he aoeepta fall responaibility with the Lord Lieutenant are diraoted aolely against a dangeroua German intrigue. The Iriah Government are fully aware that the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 518 9 MUNICIPAL NotkTe' T„wn*P C0M ISS I0NER9 o, Town, Penang hereby invit* Q e °fVs era for the following ,e P lrat tend, Kampo^KoHm 0 No. to 0Mh ana of ivmta .Lane and also to k between K.nta Lane and U Full particulars can be De plana and specification instSt?* 1
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  • 1405 10 Ausralian M.P, in Ipoh, There arrived in Ipoh an interesting visitor in the person of Mr. B. B Bees, of Melbourne, a member of Parliament for the State of Victoria in Australia* Mr. Bees, »s he told a representative of the Timet of Malaya is travelling through
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  • 393 10 An article that must compel the attention of every thinking man at the present time appears in the Quarterly Sion Fein and Germany.” The writer, who conceals his identity under the pseudonym of Vigilant,” states that the Irish rebellion of Easter week. 1916, and the recent
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  • 106 10 A Ranter's message from Foochow of April 17 A boat has been attacked by piratss near Samsba, Tbe Rev. H. E C Graham, of tha Church Missionary Bcc e'y, who was on board, was shot and killed. Mr. Graham, says the N. C. Daily Net)*, came
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  • 75 10 RiOgoon, April 16. The Burma Representative Council of Misgion bus addressed to-day a strong protest to the Lieutenant-Governor agaiost the organised gambling carried on in Burma in connection with •‘Our Bay' efforts for the R d Cross. The alleged specific instances wtra at Pjawbwa where unlimited gambling was
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 119 10 Since the War Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over m r To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter, —the machine that makes big organizations complete. i I STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY S FOOL CAP SIZES BY I'HE SOLE IMPORTERS: >
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  • 714 11 Where is that Grain The wires tell us a good deal about the political pother in Germany over the treatment of the Ukraine by the German militarists but the crui of the whole matter is in the failure of the German and Austrian Governments to get food. We are allowed
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  • 133 11 A recent announcement relative to the personnel of the Royal Oommiaaion on the Sugar Supply refers to the appointment of Mr, Benjamin Tilletfc, M.P. Striotly •peaking, this is, of ooirse, correct, bat Mr, Tillett has ao long been known to ns all as Ben," just as bis
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  • 78 11 Bombay, April 17. There has been a general soaroity of karosene oil in Bombay and in the districts owing to the shortage of stock, The Controller of Prioes has taken action in fixing the prioe of brands with a view to the prevention of profiteering in the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 216 11 ft 9 a 3 I I I s I Motor Cars Motor Cycles, (1917 MODELS) For* Immediate Delivery MOIO CARS:— Oakland, Maxwell, Briscoe, Pullman and Chevrolet. Equipped with High-tension Magneto, Electric light*, Electric Horne, and bell Starters. Five or Two beater. MOTOR CYCLES:— “Harley Davidson”—that beat the World’s Reoord.—Twin or
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    • 147 11 D D a a THE A B C. OF ESTATE SUPPLIES TO PLANTERS AND DEALERS A Study of the following will Greatly Benefit You Acid 99 o/o Glacial Guaranteed larbod Wire Genuine American Make Pane-Blue and White Enamel 18 in. by 9 in. by in. ;15 in. by 10 in.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1570 12 P. 0,—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PA88ENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND OrTĔNTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present suspended. Passenger* for Europe are booked via Bombs} m opportunity offer* and a* far an odatien is
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