Straits Echo, 17 May 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1139 1 mi Milkmaid BKAtiPf a s*, Switzerland; and L W IF YOU WANT, COMFORT 1 GO TO THE Undermentioned Garage m For Brand New Car* for hr# day and night Telephone No 694. Telegrtphic Address: H0K1MTEIK. BANKS. Motor car importers and largest denier* in cylinder oil, petrol motor accessories. REPAIRS of
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    • 12 1 X Ti k fittn I S 5 C T J' BP SB
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  • 958 2  -  By W. W. Tarn. It has been known for louae little time that the integrity of the ordinary German bad not atood the teat of war. This first came under notice with regard to the food supply i the growing oomplainta of thefta of foodstuffs, till even crops
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 420 2 )CD( DCCZXZDCD;C OC For o n n Children’s Footwear. Children s White Canvas one Bar Shoe. Children s Tan Ankle Strapshoe. X -V; n X X O O A Smartly finished with pompom tassel, whit* kid lining single leather sole light weight, soft and comfortable shoe. u o SIZES 19,
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    • 49 2 Why It SellsChamberlain’* Comgh Remedy ii the largest telling oongh medicine in the world to-day became it doea exactly what a cough remedy it «apposed to do. It atopa the ceagh by oaring the cold, and data it speedily aad afeotaally. For sale by all die* peateries and dealers
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    • 343 2 oc DCDC DCDHCDnCDC Digestion worth having To eat what tou want and digest it is a priceless blessing n. nch, red blood is absolutely necessary to eood digestion if stomach is weak and you are troubled with flatulence sour' Jo V r tonic* treatment SST"" 3*Sf t“ TV. Williams’ Pink
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  • 1089 3 Fifth Aunuai. Muxtiit®, The fifth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Ulu Piah Company, Limited, was held at the Chamber of Commerce, this morning. There were present the Hon. Mr. R. P. Brash, in the chair, Messrs. M. C. Corbett, J. R Crawford, M K
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  • 215 3 The funeral of' the late Mr. James Walker, Chief Engineer of the Omajure, took place yesterday evening when his remains were removed from the ship to the cemetery at Western Road for interment. On the arrival of the cortege at the entrance of the cemetery
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  • 114 3 (From Our Own Correspondent') Singapore, May 17; At the weekly auction the following prioea were realised: Fine ribbed smoked sheet 88 to 95 per pionl Good 70 87 do Fine pale 79 85 do Crepe pale thin 88 92 do Good 75 87 do Brown blanket 60
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  • 90 3 The undermentioned prioes were realised for rubber sold by Messrs, Allen Dannys A Co. at their two Auotion Sales held this week t Smoked Diamond Sheet No. I sB6to 94 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 70 83 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1 67 69 do
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  • 131 3 Some of the local Chinese Atbletio dubs i.e. the Anglo*Chinese Sohool Union and the Penang Health Culture League, to* gather with Hu Yew Ssah, we are informed, have a mind again to help the motherland, as they have usually done, when she is in
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  • 98 3 Kampong Kamunting (fortnight ended Maj 15), Honrs rnn, bath dredges 469, Cubic yards treated 57,300, Total pioals 395.47, Realised on sale 939,107.20. Esoh dredge was stepped for three days for quarterly overhaul of boilers. Messrs. Sime, Darby A Co. advise the following for the first half of May
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  • 110 3 Our readers are reminded of the appeal now being made to provide Church Army Recreation Tents at the front—new ones and tents to replaoe those lost in the recent operations. The appeal is made by the Bishop of Singapore, backed by H. E the Mtjor-General, and supported
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 392 3 s)fT?m?m?TTW??rowrmw?w?Tmm?«w?f3f EMPIRE t v*“* ARE YOU too OLD to be YOUNG? GOOD DINNER LEISURELY WALK. Just enough Footage to lanl you at the EM IRE for the Feature THF STAR^hu You lfkd. 1 —-■—A foftinO'at 8TAR directed by a master hand in a clean worthwhile atory. THIS IS WHAT YOU
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    • 473 3 FIE8T CLA33 H0U9E No. 174, Magazine Road known aa 8ama Stable very suitable tor Motor Oarage and Rubber Factor/. Apply for fall particulars to O J. H, cjo Straits Ecko FOR SALE. Rubber factory and plant at Noa. 27/28 Station Road, Bakit Mertajam. Apply for fall particulars to a, b.
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  • 101 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local 130 per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) #lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.* Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 8 80. Printing Department 343. N. H
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  • 38 4 Lim-Tan.—Mr. Lim Chong K«at, youngest eon of *b° Utts Mr, Lim Chin Joo, to Miss Ton Kun Khuan, ycangest daughter <'f Mr. Tsn Cneng Cbye, in Pcnatg on Msy 17, 1918. Singapore anti Bangkok paper* please copy.
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  • 1188 4 Wnen tbe Germans began their great movement on the fifty miles front jast about two months ago, and seemed to be ibla to drive on just ar far >s they chose; when a glance at tbe morning’s wires in conjunction with the map showed that tbe enemy
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  • 56 4 There will be no issue of the Btraits Echo on Monday next, Whit Monday. A telegram slip containing the most important war news will bo iseusd about noon. Subscribers to the Straite Echo can obtain copies free at tbe cfficr'Tbe Penang Library will be closed on Monday, tbe
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  • 62 4 Members P. V. and P. V. R. C, are reminded that entries close on Saturday, tbe 18tb May at noon after which time no farther entries will ba allowed. Programmes, 20 cents eicb, can be bad on application to the Hon. Seo. B. Q, M S„ A
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  • 993 4 M". er d M s. E. N. T. Cummins have left on a trip to Madras. e Malacca will play Singapore at orickat at Malacca on Monday next. e e Lieut, F. N. Pearse and Mr, E. L. Watson leave this week for India to join the
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  • 1057 4 More Important than anything A Chinese witness at l* 0 1 Ass.zes returned to court after the i** 1 6 -ent half an hour Uta, and *d had important businees at attend to hfl h some letters to write, The Phu# t d fined him a dollar a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 189 4 PRITCHARD’S I *»s3*l A IS G. SOLE AGENTS FOR I VITAFER Th« Greatest of all Tonic Foods. Composed the entire Protein Constituents of .Miik (Casein Lactnlbumen), ccmbined with the Gljcenphoephates of Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium. 9 Per Per Bottle Bottle GIVES VIT.Vi.I T,Y RESTORES HEALTH For Brain, Body and Blood
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    • 145 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] London, May i Haiir report! —After heavy ’"“"‘lr.tion the enemy «Decked on .f Morlenoouit end or po.nioos .t »0« poiot. The immedietelr connter.ettecked “X» M* line. An »tt.ok wu repuleed -db be.., lo«. W. «.ok J fiftT Our C.W«™ ’"J I**!-,, freocb lo looel fighting r«pol.«d
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    • 122 5 London, May 15. freocb common quri There was an inter. BiMM b-ioabardmeut in the Giive.nes Kdor. Eueroy M-eaablages and convoys lathe region of Montdidier and the Noyon- Oanoard road were dispersed. London, May 15, A French coramuniqsd states i—There «it i violent bombardment at night time in tbengion
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    • 995 5 From British Heacquarters. London, May 14. 9 II B iter's correspondent at British Headquarters (on 14th May) says i —The heavy 1 rainfall of the past twenty-four hours must have senouhly impeded the German plans 1 and preparations. The enemy is now oon- (rooted with the same conditions
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    • 2118 5 General Wire News J Dutch Sailings. London, May 15. A oible from The Hague states that the I Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies I reports that shipping to Amerioa has been resumed. Export lioenoes are now being issued for goods of whioh the export was prohibited. A Steamer Disaster.
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    • 372 5 The War Office. London, May 14. Lord Milner baa appointed Lord Stanhope to represent the War Offioe in the Lords and to be Parliamentary Secretary to the War Office. The Rumanian Peace. London, May 16. A Jassy official announcement of ths signature of peaoe mentions the dissolution of
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    • 166 5 ALLIES READT. I London, May 17. j According to the correspondent of the Nate Tori Herald on the French front, the I Germans are preparing moat methodically I for the approaoblng resumption of their offensive by patobing up used divisions and bringing np others not yet need, powerfully
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  • 66 5 The following artioles will bl feud an ear ontaide pagea 2 —Enemy Integrity,'* 8 Ulu Pith Limited. The Lata Mr. Jamea Walker. Ia Aid of ths China Flooda, 6. Ruin the Neutral a. The Mntinssrs In Hot Water. Prise German* Killers. The Psychology of Isaeota. All Males Pat To
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  • 37 5 Latest Quotations. Tia (unrefined) ia qaotsd bare fcs-day si 1176, business dons, in Singapore (ruI fined) at 9176 60, bnainsaa dons. (200 toss I aold) and in London at 4867 apol and el ***** tbrss months.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 Italian Front* Hot* about Offtxuto. London, May 1*. From Borne it ii reported that the daily aerial eoonting and aleo the admiesione of Anatrlan prieoneri oonfirm that the Anetriane are mailing great nambere of troope and artillery in the Alpa and in the Friuli plaine, working ohiifly at night in
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  • 15 5 Obituary. j London, Mayli, The death has taken plaee of ths Duke of I Northumberland.
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  • 863 6 Tbe annual meeting of the shareholders of the Ayer Panas Bobber Estates usually gives lisa to ionooent merriment in those who do not happen to ba shareholders. First there is the question of accounts on which Mr. Danman has generally something to say and the Chairman tries
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  • 163 6 Eximt'i Tkiiutb to Scotland, The German*, ae is well known, are a plodding race, and make np lengthy statistics on every oonoeivable sibject, some useful, some pnrely pedantio. Amongst others, according to a German prisoner, statistics have been eompiled from all fronts showing what enemy troops kills most
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  • 1159 6 We are generally known as the Mutineers booanse we are a ronghisb oiowd that i does not take too kindly to discipline, and wa are certainly a mixed lot, perhaps as i mixed as any other—no, I will not farther > give a clue to our identity by
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  • 665 6 A sane and profoundly religious friend of miae is convinced that the insect world is solely of the devil’s oreation. This faith is founded, as well as I oould understand, upon her trouole with the swarms of caterpillars m her garden while it was impregnably fortified
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  • 211 6 5 All reports received by the Armenian Information Bureau indicate that the banding over of the Trans-Caucasian i districts will lead to father massacres of Armenians, and their final extermination. The Turkish troops who are advancing to reoccupy Armenia are engaged in destroying all
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  • 100 6 21,000 Bulks Given Ur. Simla, Ist May i As a result of politioal pressure the Wasir outlaws residing at Sbakin, in Afghan territory, hsnded over to the Politioal Agent at Wana on the 26. h April unconditionally in token of surrender 21,303 rifles taken m June, 1917, from
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  • 456 6 THE KAISER’S AMBITION. i f 1 i Plot to Stabvu Nbiohboubs. f Washington, March 14. Germany’s latest campaign of ruthless--1 dess against neutral shipping is attributed by the War Trade Board, in a statement to-night to a deliberate plan for cutting off 1 the North European nations
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  • 417 6 I Owing to the shortage of butter, the once despised margatine has now been accepted by all classes as a wholesome, clean, and efficient substitute. Eoglish ptople are slow in adopting anything new, especially if, as in this case, it is to replace an article I that has been
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  • 455 6 Not Suitable fob thb Eitbofian Plant*». Messrs. Grist and Milsum, of the F.M.S. Agricultural Department, at the suggesticn of the Chief Secretary, F.M.B, and with a view to stimulating native culture of tobacco, carried out last year a comprehensive set of trials at Kuala Tembelmg,
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  • 443 6 Friday, Mat 17. j Town Band, Esplanade. Lodge Scotia, Installation Meeting, 6.30 p.m. Jewish Festival (Feast of Weeks Saturday, May 18, Penang Bisley Entries close, noon, Sunday, May 19. Whit Sunday. P.V.R.C. Shoot, 7 a.m. Monday, May 20 Town Band, Esplanade. Whit Monday. Publio Holiday. Cricket i
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  • 396 6 ■M Sirs, HjIoj 1) cbinu m "me: Ic auy not b! J Tbe I M >• Zo^:T7:%^k; P-g.Dd. IQ th, W.,,1, 0( ,J" At, this mind we tika srin iih Ji9t -“d *tis y°«r k 1;d i y oo-ope£uo B 7 01 *4 the Eastern 00 01 5
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  • 35 6 This well known and popular combination arrives in Penang from Rangoon in a ftw d*ys and will open at Magazine Rjad on the 22ad Wednesday, Advertisement and particulars will be published to morrow.
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  • 91 6 The Electric Polyscope promises a ibtj enjoyable programme to-night and the three following nights. The programme is a strong one including Home Sweet Home in six long reelß, wedeh will be shown In the aeojnd show* This is a dramatic picturisation of John Howard Payne’s immortal suog which
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  • 25 6 Fob By Stbamv.b At. To-morrow (Saturday), Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Rangoon) 3-30 p.m, Port Swettenham and m Singapore Ipoh 3-30 p.m.
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  • 42 6 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade this evening at 6pm,:— 1 Selection La Sonambula Billini 2 Gavotte Abscbied Seelig 3 Fantasia A Burlesque Kappey 4 Waltz Pbantone GoDg’i 5 March Daath or Glory Lehnhardt
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  • 256 6 There will be a ride on 8unday morning; I meet at the junction of Ayer K*j b and Maealiater Rjads and finish at Vslbsll* where Mr. W. 8. Goldie will be At Home to the riders and friends, The Timet naval correspondent aaya there are good reasons
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 50 6 WM j It Hells, n Chamberlain’» Cough Remedy ie the largest •ailing cough medicine in the world to-day became il dees exaotly what a cough remedy ia supposed to do. It stops the oough by oaring the oold» aad does it speedily and effectually. For sale by alldiapaaaariea and dealers
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  • 797 7 Bomu Ttms. Even the women, many of whom are honorary colonels] to regiments, mast keep in trim for the great parade days of autumn and spring. Many of these female colonels appear in uniform, riding at the head of their regiments. They sit on Bide-saddles, however, and
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  • 144 7 The creator of Sherloek Holmes tells an amusing story against himself. Daring a lecture-tour through the United Btates be arrived one day in Boston, and was considerably astonished when'a oabman accosted him and addressed him by name. How did you know who I was? said Sir Conan
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 716 7 CHINESE TOWN HALL. NOTICE. At the request of the Sub-Committee appointed at the Meeting gt the Chinese Town Flail on April 19, 1918, the following gentlemen have kindly agreed to undertake the obtaining of signatures to the Counter Petition to the (legistration of Marriages from members of the Chinese Community
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    • 1609 7 ONSTIPATION is caused by carelessness and can be corrected bj cultivating careful habits. Diet is of the first importance, then exercise and the use of a laxative until regular habits are established. DINKETTE? A the tiny laxatives give nature just the assistance required, and may be used as long as
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1688 8 P. 0,—BRITISH IHDm AND APMB LINK: (Compute. Incorporated in InglnndJ AND PA8SENQER 8ERVIOE8. i Hit W8 a* .f >4d. MAIL PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Under Contract with Hie Mnjeotj’c GoTomnrant.) Tho Company’* MAIL BEK VICES EAST OF BOMBAY nra nt prraont n»p«dod. Prr r Korop* are booked «in Bomb*> u
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