Straits Echo, 16 May 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1085 1 mi BRA«ffli s* 5 SWISSCONDEKSEO; *-SwlUerl.nd; •««> l^> !IF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO TEUS Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cata for hre DAY AND night I Telephone No 694- Telegraphic Addresi: HOKIMTEIK. 1 Motor car importers and largest dealers in cylinder oil, petrol motor accessories. REPAIRS of every kind
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    • 17 1 is ike BLST Cffltf <~* roM 4 ‘’•u,. »m e pji USC i'_J; ;«.v«" i u *C IZJSS*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 29 2 V 5 W*2f? ASK FOR m k *c V > Obtainable from ail Leading Stores Throughout the Straits and Federated Malay States KATZ BROTHERS LTD. I (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.)
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  • 1064 3 18 8TATB CONTROL A FAILURE P A F*w Quekiks With Tomi Plain Truths The past year, from the point of. view of shipping and food, has not been altogether a happy one. Hhips, the Government tell us, are all* important Then they go a little further and
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  • 562 3 Saccharin can be prepared from toluene (or toluol) and every ton of tar contains abou-25 p unds of benzine and tolueneT he latter is chiefly used at present for the manufacture of high explosive but if it is treated in stages with concentrated sulphur* io acid, chlorine ammonia, and
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  • 252 3 AtTITUDB OT BuSSIAF PxiSS. Harbin, April 17. Ths Russian paper* are eaoh day devoting column* (or the di*evasion of the relation between Japan and the United State* and the attitude of these nation* toward Bnsaia. The general tone of the Buaaian papera remain* as anti*Japanese and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 801 3 HEADACHES. The Cause and* Remedy. Sick and Nervous Headaches are but the symptoms of other ailments to which the\ are merely sympathetic, such as Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, or some other irregularity of the system. Many women habitually suffer from Headaches, which make life a daily purgatory. Indeed this complaint may
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    • 87 3 CkukerUli'i Cngk When yoa have a bad oold joa want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat effeet a prompt and permanent cere, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy tba: contains nothing iojarions. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all tbase requirements. It aets on nature's plan,
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    • 330 3 SC TRY IT IN YOUR BATH BY APPOINTMENT Ss TO H.M. THE KING. SCRUBBS-AMMONIA! MARVELLOUS PREPARATION Invaluable for Toilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water. 1 Splendid Cleansing Preparation for the Hair. Allays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bites. Cleans Plate, Jewellery, and Carpets. For Sale by all Grocers and
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  • 704 4 Facts and Fancibs About Enbmt Plans. It was known and foretold that sooner or later the enemy would succeed in making an aeroplane raid on London on a moonless night, but naturally the first effort of the kind came as a surprise It was an unwel come surprise,
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  • 220 4 Pbb-Wab Industry Dbvblofmbnt. Some interesting faots concerning the manufacture of paper yarn and paper clothing in Germany are given in an article in the Board of Trade Journal In this, as in so many other matters, Germany is only copying the invention of others. In fact, the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 428 4 :>CDCDncDnc Y x—y mr —-qoi doc CDd X X DCC n r\ X 1 X ft X )ccir\ o rt Children’s Footwear. Children’s Tan Ankle Slrapshoe. Smartly finished with pom pom tassel, whit# kid lining tingle leather sole light weight, soft and comfortable shoe. SIZES 19, 20 21, 22, 23,
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    • 59 4 A machine weakened in one part aoon b eaka down altogether. That ia the oaae ?ith sufferer* from indigeation. a moat diabeartening oomplaint. If yoa are troabled, tarn immediately to WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. A ooarae of thia aedioine will plaoe the body maohine in perfeot running order. Sold %t
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    • 368 4 CHINESE TOWN HALL NOTICE. At the request of the Sub-Committee appointed at the M r at the Chinese Town Hall on April 19, 1918, the following tie have kindly agreed to undertake the obtaining of signatures t Counter Petition to the Registration of Marriages from members of Chinese Community resident
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  • 1537 5 In the autumn of 1914 it was my lot to be pitchforked suddenly into a battalion of the above, —commonly known as the Glesca Keel toe or, in recognition of the fact that the white stripes in the trews ran horiiontally, the “Strippet Zibras." This latter designation
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  • 309 5 Par* Rapu Casu. Yesterday afternoon a Tamil named Adeyah was charged with rape on Appama on Prye Estate on March 12, Mr. A. B. Voules, Solicitor-General, represented the crown while the aocused was not represented by counsel. The facts of the case, as briefly narrated by the Solicitor-General,
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  • 83 5 Phnano Womwt Woiiim. Amount previously noknow I lodged Hi l BiUUrd. Mre.Oo.tly .Hoi Mre. Hyme ‘“HI Mr*. Samuel 7 Oake. 3.00, Mr.W.Danoen Mn.F. Darby IU U V Hospital garment* for loldier* ready cut out for worker* will be giten out every Friday from 9.15 till 10.30
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 369 5 annwmmwnwnnnwnwwwwNWWg Cr* ARE YOU too OLD to be YOUNG? k GOOD DINNER LEISURELY WALK. Just enough Footage to land you at the I M ‘IRE for the Feature STAR V v 41 t f You like A formoit STAR directed by a master handa clean worthwhile story. THI3 IS WHAT
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    • 245 5 By order of the Liquidator (Sydney Whitaker Eso-, Chartered Bank Chambers» Singapore). In the matter of the Alien Enemies (Winding Ordinances of 1914, 1915, 1916 and 1917, F* O R SA L E BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE BALK-BOOM OF Messrs. Powell Company, Limited. No. 16, nod 17 Raffles Place,
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  • 101 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) j AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local 180 per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) |lB per annum. Cable Address: "ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 343, I N.B. —All
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  • 1147 6 The position of the trade of the world, visa vis the supply of shipping, is to our mind one of the most serioas problems of the next few years. all the figures at our disposal, the loss of shipping sino6 1914 compares very unfavourably with the construction.
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  • 26 6 {From Out Orm Correspondent London, May 14. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/3 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/2£
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  • 32 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $175, business done, in Singapore (refined) at 1175 50, buyers no sellers, in London at £370 spot and at £370 three months.
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  • 62 6 Members P. V- and P. V. R. C. are reminded that entries olose on Saturday, the 18th May at noon after whioh time no further entries will be allowed. Programmes, 20 cents eioh, can be bad on application to the Hon. Seo. B. Q. M S„ A.
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  • 941 6 His many fiiends will be glad to hear that Mr. Jules Martin’s condition is very much better now. Mr. C. H. Miller, late of Benar Estate, h8B gone to join tho Iodiam Army Resetve of Offioors, Mr. F. 8. Monteitb, late of Cheras Estate, has taken Mr.
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  • 1041 6 Thought for the Day, *T call, therefore, a oomplete anrf education ihit which fits m n gPD8r °tt« ’ffi*' 7, Dd ■"•«"«.'mo. V7l1°,'.* < ffioes, both private and Dublin rt 7 w *r*’ Miltoh Oa EdiS» P9 M Hoarding, A World Wtf e Practice. A despatch from Vienna
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 194 6 r PRITCHARDS PENA» G. SOLE AGENTS FOR V M The Greatest of all Tonic Foods. Composed 0"F the entire Protein Constituents "of Milk (Casein and Lnct; bnxnen), combined with the Glycerophosphates of Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium. 9 Per Bottle $2.25 Per Bottle gives:; vitality n restores health For Brain, Body
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    • 51 7 Sir Douglas Haig's Despatches [Reuter's Telegrams] Londor, M«y 14 8ir Douglss Haig reports a successful raid north-east of Robecq in which wa took prisoner a few. Wa bad no casualties. W* repulsed with loss an enemy party weal 0 Mervillf*. There was hostile artillery .oik in the 8omme and Anore
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    • 25 7 French Communiques L-indon, May 14 4 pm. Frer.cb communique states i—There WM f.iriy lively artillery dual in the sector Buttes da Mesnil—Champagne in the Vosges.
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    • 157 7 London, May 18. Router’s correspondent at British Headquarters gives other examples of false itateinents in the German ccmmuniqu** in tbe early d*J« of the battle bssid.s that cabled on 12th May. A Gorman commuoiqc* ,tated that the Filth B*rksbires were annihilated. The fact is tbe Fifth Berkshire» lost
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    • 186 7 From Various Fronts Italian Front. London, May 14 7 25 p.m. An Italian official meeeage states i— Hostile attempts to renew the attsoks at Monte Corno failed. Eleven hostile asroplanes were brought down. AN AUSTRIAN OFFENSIVE. Raiser Prods His Ally* London, May 14, 7 a.m. The Daily Chronicle learns from
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    • 1532 7 General Wire News King's Certificate." London, May 14, 7-20 a.m, The War Offija announces tbe award of a *p°cl*l oert fioite of honour oallei King’s Mrtflo.te on discharge to all ranks, exc B pt offiaers of the Navy and Army and Air tjroe, discharged through wounds or disabilities inonrred m
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  • 795 7 [Ruotub’s TlLUQEAW9 ADMIRALTY REPORT. i [The first part of thiu m-ssage is not yet to hand]. The absence of a preliminary bombardment was the first suiprise. The elements of a time table bad been laid down for every stage of the operation, Monitors anchored l far to
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  • 510 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] The Russian Lamb Bleats. London, May 14. A Wireless Russian official message states i—The Foreign Commissary has sant a message to the German Government draw* ing attention to the terrible position of the peaceful population of the occupied regions of White Russia along the line of
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  • 386 7 The fact that some of the survivors of the I Qlenart Castle have been torpedoed three, I four, and even five times previously, suggests the desirability of instituting some badge of I r< cognition for these heroes of the deep. I Nothing in the whole history
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  • 192 7 We regret to announoe the death of Mr. James Walker, Chief Engineer, of the Eastern Shipping Company’s steamer Omapere, which took place on board ship last night at the age of 56. The deceased who was born in Kirkoaldy, Scotland, came out to the east
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  • 70 7 The following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list i Yesterday. To-day. Rubber. i jj I i ST Bassett 0.87* 0.95 0.85 0.99* Temerlok 1.10 1.20 1,00 U5 Miniiff, Deebook 12/6 13/3 12/6 13/Kampoag Kamanting 49/- 52/- 50/- 52/Ratrut Basin X.L....
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  • 332 7 The offlsv of the K.P.M. has been reopen* ed and Mr. A. Bakker is in charge until the return of Mr. Vollenhofen, probably next week. The Singapore offioe was re-opened on Tuesday, A Batavia oable to the PVee freee dated May 11 states i—The question between the
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  • 82 7 The following artiolea will be found ee omr outaide page* s—3, Ship» and Food. Saooharin. U.8. and Siberia. 4. —Moonleei Raidi. Germany's Paper Baits* 4. —Happy Little Innocents. Qaeea Mary’s Needlework Guild. The 1 Assises. 8. K«dah Notes. Women Ceasors. Briton Too Clever for Hens. The i Emdtn Captain.
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  • 16 7 Obituary. London, May 14. The death is reported from Nioe of Mr. J lines Gordon Bannett.
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  • 1109 8 (From Out Own Correspondent.') ▲lor Star, Maj IS. Tunku Ismail, D. O. Kalim and Abdul ManalV, O. Adviser’s office who are now on leave went out big game shooting a few days ago in TunjaDg in North Kedah. Their object was to shoot deer which abound in the
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  • 588 8 A Cmanor fob Brains and Judgment. We cannot get enough of the right kind of women to come forward to ba.consors.” So says the Deputy Chief Censor, the executive head of that vast machine, created mainly for restrictive measures, which yet feeds with valuable information not merely the
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  • 202 8 As indicating the widespread interest in the cultivation of the Castor Bean for production of Castor Oil, the following notes are taken from Commerce Reports Cultivation or Riciwvs (Castob Bean). Tha Minister of Agriculture (Italy) has made an appeal to the Province of Catania to take up the
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  • 166 8 The Germans have been dropping a good deal of propagandist literature of late. Though they imprisoned British airmen on a charge of doing exactly the same thing, their own flying men have not hesitated to throw down parcels of amusing literature and appeals to our men to
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  • 295 8 Coon Weatebr and Fbw Sic*. Bagdad, 25th April t Etitter's correspondent in Mesopotamia wires i During the first fortnight of April 18 prisoners (including one German) were captured and 108 deserters surrendered. Oa the Euphrates front Anah has been visited at intervals by reconnaiaanoes- No enemy were
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  • 179 8 Child town-dwellers in Germany were sent away in thousands to the country last summer in order that they might obtain more to eat. Asa result 'of the iecent ■trikes, many of the Junkers have now publicly announced that they will refuse hospitality to ohildren this year, because
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  • 145 8 Rangoon, April 2 —Colonel Mc-Gregor, RE, Controller of Snipbuilding, Indian Munitions Board, has left for Calcutta after a short stay in Burma. In the oonrse of interviews with actual *nd potential shipbuilding representative*, Oriental and European, and the principal Burma timber firms, Colonel McGregor stated that the
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  • 140 8 A Colombo Opinion, The Ceylon General Council of Advocates wants to substitute lawyers for civilians as Judges, on which a Colombo paper comments: —Instances are not lacking where lawyer-judges have shown an impatience with the restrictions of the law and procedure, while their judgments at the same time
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  • 97 8 In spite of the heavy expense the above theatre have at last succeeded in securing the much suoght-for serial The Neglected Wife especially at this hour when the discussion regarding the Registration of Marriages seems to reach its ceoitb. Patrons are informed that they will do well not to
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  • 341 8 Captain Von Mullbr ib Querulous Mood in Holland. Renter has received the following in reply to complaints attributed to Captain von Muller of the Mmden, who left Eagland for internment in Holland Under the recent reciprocal agreement as to prisoners of war, he is represented as complaining
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  • 318 8 Daring Escape From Egypt, Allahabad, April 23-—ln a letter dated the 25th February the Pioneer's Cairo correspondent says: —Considering the enormous number of prisoners of war confined in Egypt, whioh is a centre of all enemy soldiers captured in Palestine, Arabia and Africa, with the occasional addition
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  • 219 8 Great Saving in Petrol. Hobart, March 20. For some time the Royal Flying Corps has been testing various attachments for motor engines to effect a saving in petrol. After six months of the most exhaustive and severe tests they have adopted the patent of Lieut. Cecil M. Dye**,
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  • 13 8 For Bt Steamer At Tomorrow (Friday), Dali Omapere 10 a.m
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  • 14 8 Holland Amerioan 437,136, Si Pare Pare 23,825, Netherlands Langkat 12,348 lb.
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  • 259 8 Violation of Dutch Neutrality By Bochbs. The Germans violated Dutoh neutral rights in a scandalous manner when their airoraft attacked a British convoy just off the New Waterway within Dutch territorial waters. Toe attack ocourred just off the end of the Hook of Holland pier,
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  • 257 8 We have never been among thosj who have professed to regard tho Austrians as essentially different in the conduct of the war from their German allies, and the latest raid on Venice confirms us in our opinion that they are not to b 9 so regarded. To mike
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  • 137 8 Prom a correspondent»— “Toget the wind, or weather-guage, of anyone is a nautical phrase, meaning to be to wind ward i In the Morning therefore we found they had got the Weather-gage of us, and were coming upon us with full Bail» so we ran for
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  • 90 8 Amsterdam. A practical joke (Zewans») has just given the coup de grace to the Activists. The 11 marolle,” as the dense population in the neighbourhood of the Rue Haute is described, has declared itself autonomous and independent. It hai Bet up a Ministry on the lines
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  • 78 8 Fuidat, Mat 17. Town Band, Esplanade. Lodge Scotia, Installation Meeting. 6.30 p.m, Jewish Festival (Feast of Weeks The Ulu Piah Company, Limited, Annual General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 11 a.m. Saturday, Mat 18. Penang Bisley Entries dose, noon. Suhdat, Mat 10. Whit Sunday. P.V.R.C. Shoot, 7 a.m.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 515 8 M >350 500 <vne r w AJXrTEt) ANAQER for 600 tore 9 R Estate, 300 kcrea Tinn uu < b| y- m«« Z P ,$Z*\ Bi^ 8 i^ («Hy .81 .bare, $9 p. r 1 )Uf r j naiag up, Apply P Btl r e. 142 m Burmah Road,
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  • 947 9 With the return of Premier Tuan Chi jui to power a change in the official attitude towarda the national enemy waa to be expected. While Preaident Feat? was in char, e of affaira he adopted masterly inactivity as the aafeat policy, he would never commit himaelf
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  • 373 9 Minutes of the meeting held on April *0: PrtttiU W. Pul, Esq. President, A M. Goodmaw, Esq C. E. Cuaio Esq Ynou Guan Sbok, Esq Quah Bug Enn, Esq Clll Won Lou, Esq Abtĕnt F Duibcit, Esq, I. The miuutes of the last meetirg are read and
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  • 306 9 Piiiiii Mat IS, 1918. B»r— oU Soup per catty 20 Roast 36—38 Eteaks 36 —38 Stew or Curry Meat 22—24 Bump Steak 86—38 Ox Tail each 35 ,i Tongue If 65 Feet ii Heart large per catty 24 email eaoh 35 Liver 45 Fillet of Beef 70—75 Poxk
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  • 230 9 Piiujra, Mat 15. 8. P. Tapioca 88 75 sellers. M. P. Tapioca 9.00 sdleis. Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Coaat 8 lb. 60i).816 1/2 buyer» Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 40 nominal Trang Pepper ...832 season orer Mace M 880 nom. Mace Pickings 49 seller» Cloves aee IOIBOD OVOT
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 257 9 un n 0 0 0 0 0 nnnnnnnnnndnnimntinntinDMnGttnni Runnymede Hotel, Penang 0 n (SKA-SIDE) 0 a x M U If U 0 tvery Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections DURING DINNER, n a n t? 0 n n 0 a i feaeeasnoooo—eeses—aQ I Drink Dixons Aerated Waters» f) W SPECIALLY PREPARED
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    • 24 9 TATTOOING Japanese Great Tattooer S. MAK1NO 1 have opened an eetabliahment (or Tattooing at 184, Campbell Street. H&u> 0»nca, No. North Bridge Mood, Singapore
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    • 206 9 f Si rnv»L K '4 /< r 34 Weakness Every movement of the body uses up a definite amount of vitality. That is why you feel tired at the end of the day. When you overtax yourself, or when your vitality is undermined by illness, your whole system becomes too
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    • 533 9 Swellings Disappear when you tub in Littli’i Ouihhtai. Balm. Tne pain goes right away and the awell* ing itself disappears wi h a few applioationi. It is utterly useless to suffer. It is useless to pay b'g doctor’s bills and then to find yourself no better. For 1 Be. you
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  • 1278 10 Tuu Tbbbob or U Boats With the Frenoh Navy. Far west of the Western Front, removed from it by the whole breadth of France, there is still another battle-front, hundreds of miles in length, along which the sailors of our Allies, with some asaistanoe from
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  • 763 10 Washington, March 18 America’s seroplane programme will not become a real factor in the fighting abroad I until tbe spring of 1919. This, it was explained to-day, is the im viable con oiusion which must be reached by tbp special committee appointed by President Wilson to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 For Children* Hacking Oaagh at Night Wood»'* Great Ptppemiat Care If, M.
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    • 174 10 s tk War Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: BROS., AND COMPANY. mars': APPLES A
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  • 866 11 When the leave train, crowded with kbaki men of all rank*, pulls out of the station amid waving handkerchiefs and last words, it carries back to mysteries and horrors our husbands and fathers and lovers and brothers, and a heavy curtain drops down between
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  • 750 11 IVDUSTBT AJPTK Pui.ol. Amid the measureless waste and loaa caused bj the Great War it ia of intereat and of comfort to note the diacaaaion ia all quarters of the world on methods of eoonomy and of higher effioieney in industry. In the hard sohool of adversity
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  • 122 11 Three partners in a firm of incorporated aooountants appeared before the House of Commons Tribunal. One was in the Army, and each of the others was represented by counsel, who discussed the responsibility of the clients under the will of the late head of the firm. Remarking
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 215 11 r u THE A B C. OF ESTATE SUPPLIES, i TO PLANTERS AND DEALERS A Study of the following will Greatly Benefit You. Hcetic Acid 99 o/o Glacial Guaranteed Genuine American Make ;arbed Wire Coagulating Pans—Blue and White Enamel 18 in. by 9 in. by 3i in 15 in. by
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    • 648 11 WAR TAX ORDINANCE, 1918 Individual». 1. Attention is invited to the provision* of Section 16, which requires everj person who is in receipt of a total income of $3,000 per annum or more to notify the Collector, in the month of April, that he is chargeable with Tax. There is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1569 12 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated In Ingland MAIL AND PA88ENGER 8ERVI0E8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (TJndei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL 8ERV1CES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as fares areommodation is
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