Straits Echo, 11 May 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1174 1 PNDENSED MI Milkmaid I ,pl, u /n Jl* ■i KSISWISSCONDEH* aw<> IF YOU WANT COMFORT BANKS GO TO TBS J tad Undermentioned Garage For Brand New C»ia for hi* DAY AND NIGHT I Telephone No. 694. Telcgtiphic Address: HOKIMTEIK. Motor car importers and largest dealers in cylinder oil, petrol motor
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    • 20 1 *7Zm MILK K *s®?* WAffR CHU^ W *"*C« IS THt BUT CO«J corf* rf 10*’°'' Ct, P>oc 0»£ sSI. v*csilĔjSSSSt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 ESTATE SUM OF EVERY DESGRIPT Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1161 3 •*Bk Patient to Endue* PnmiblT tome of the thoughts »nd im...loDS produced by a perusal of bis P r t.,-.'ne«.pap'r B of Briti.h pn.oner f war wbo for more than three year» baa C .L only German paper», may be of interest to too, and ao
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  • 881 3 Vanei or Famine. Petrograd, March 14. Evacuation of Petrograd” is now the order of the day, and something like a panic has set in. Crowds of people, unable to get railway tickets owing to the congestion of traffio and the prohibition of egress by train without a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 11 3 p«r Cbil4r»'« Haekiag Coagb at W#*d* &rmt Papparmi»» Cmr? 1». W.
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    • 742 3 London Directory» Published Anatuli/.j iBMtblM traders throughout the World oommunicata direct with Knglish Manufacturers V Dealers in each class of goods. Besides being to complete oommeroial guide to London and its suburbs, the Directory contains lists of Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial aad Foreign Markets
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  • 1004 4 Thh Bulb of CaniBXH Sir Paul Vinogradoff. Corpus Professor of Jurisprudence at Oxford, and one of the greatest of all authorities on Russia discussed in an interview with a representative of Obtervtr, the difficult situation in that country. Indicating the directions in which the Allies can
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  • 1139 4 Raas iSD Tattbks. I The British soldier coming back to Dear Old Blighty/’ at he himself sing- in his songs of sentimental rein steps out of the leave train smart and workmanlike He maj be loaded up with kit and souvenirs/’ his sleeves may be tucked
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 321 4 (n ■DC CDCDCDC DCDC DCDCDCDCDC DO Whiteaway’s for MOSQUITO NETS AND NETTING. It is your to advantage to purchase your Mosquito Nets Now Prioes of these Nettings are increasing steadliy. Be wise and secure your nets now. •MUDII R Ainl> lii ifT All mosquito nets made by us hay# wide
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    • 382 4 "W anted. Ac™ CLERK for Rubbtr Apply personally to GOE TALC CEIEE SON. W ANTED. an experienced conductor for a small Rubber Estate in Kedah. Apply in writing, with copies of testimonials to the undemgned. H A. P. C/o Straits Echa, Penang, WANTTiID. A QUALIFIED CHINEBE LADY TEACHER to teacn
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  • 845 5 > (Special to tho Straits Echo). J II. A first sight of Singapore, town and eity, trampiog a long long tramp, at dusk and in the rain, will be no one’s fault but your own. With only one Straits gharry and one rikisha (an old friend
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  • 746 5 I report of the Penang Harbour Board (for the half-year ending 31»t Deoember 1917, for submission to His Excellency th* i Governor, state: 1 1 The Hon’ble Mr. W. C. Michell was spa member of the Board in October, I *****, and acted as Local Chairman during
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  • 78 5 Fob Et Stbamxb At. 18th instant (Monday). Tongkah and Renong Penang 4 p.m, Langkat (via Deli) Pungah 11 a.ns. Trang Trang 2-30 p.m, PuUb Langkawi Perlis and Betnl Un Peng 3-30 pm. Calcutta 2-80 p.m. 15th instant (Wednesday). Madras taking mails 10 a.m. for Europe etc., riA
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 532 5 Penang Sales Room Ifie British Supply Agency, 3A. UNION STREET, PENANG. ANNOUNCE AN Auction Sale of Household Furnitur® Comprising English Piano Singers Pedestal Combination BewiDg Machine, Teak writing Desk, Kodak Autograph Camera and Outfit Complete, Wardrobes, Crockery and glassware, also a good collection of plants etc. TO BB HILO AT
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Suniays and pnblle holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price t Dally Local $BO per annum. Outatatlon Postage Extra. MaU Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Addreee: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone No*. (loho) see, Printing Department 343, M.P.—AW bminee* communication»
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  • 23 6 Hiam —Da Tuesday, 7th May, 1918, at the European Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, the wife of R. W. Hiam, a daughter (Mona Audrey).
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  • 1222 6 Those who take politics seriously will, according to the views they hold, either rejoice greatly that the Premier has defeated a motion aimed at the Government, or moan in the words of the Sacred Book "lohabod" ths glory bath departed But for the noc-partisan the feeling will
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  • 62 6 Members P. V. and P. Y. R. G are reminded that entries dose on Saturday, the 18th May at noon after whioh time no further entries will be ellewed. Programmes, 20 oenta eaob, can be bad on applioatiun to the Hon. Seo. B Q. M. 8„ A.
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  • 1029 6 London Price of Tin* A telegram this mid-week states that the prioe of tin on the London market had jumped £20, from £360 to £380, the rise in the last three weeks being £50. An optimistio dealer expeots that the looal price would be 9200 within a month.
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  • 371 6 We have reo- i»ed the folle.i.,, lut of eabeeriptioos tot p,b|, c t Mr. B. e Phillip,. 100 ,r Singapore, M>, 8 let. The following letter h*. by the Bishop of 8in R apore f r I D r^? iT,d General Ridout, O.M.G., P O.B a
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  • 179 6 To beoome engaged to be married is ths usual pastime of the unemployed.—Mmoi Hill. Let this serve as au axiom to every lovsr, A woman who refuses lunoh refsses every* thing —Ehid Baohold. The average elementary school child’s mother is a bad mother from the edusatiooal
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  • 100 6 [To txu Editou 0» thu Stroiie Dear Sir, Perhaps your irate lady of yesterday* Random Notes did really mean "Chsksp Bawang” when she lost her temper with tas cookie, meaning to imply that she sooutsd the euggeetion that there was a scarcity of the enoculent and healthy vegetable.
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  • 109 6 At a conference under the aaspioes of Churoh Muiio Sooiety, Dr. Walford •aid that the pentatonic scale would 0,11 the world. It ooald no more oeass fI,, than the rainbow, ‘'When I w»« in Pr*n*i be added, "the soldiers used to ask me to p*|/ the same
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 220 6 WHY GO FURTHER 4 Y u have reached the p ace where you can get goods at record Saving Prices. New and Second Hand British Machines andjSIde Cars stcckcl New Coach Built fide Cart just opened, luxuri ooa bodies, with or without Hoods A Screens, price from 9*75 "New Imperial"
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  • 22 6 DEATH. Phillips. —Oo M*y 8, at 9, lilliney Road lira. Anna Phillips, wife of the late Mr John 8imons Phillips of Rangoon.
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    • 147 7 [Reuter's Telegrams] London, May 9. Sir Douglas Haig reports i—“Successful British and French ocuotsr-attacks in the La Oiytte—Voor- 1 miseele seotor drove out the enemy from portions of the front line in which be had secured a foot ng and reestablished the original position. We made
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    • 19 7 French Communiques London, May 9. A Frenoh communique reports lively reciprocal artillery activity north and south of the Avre.
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    • 419 7 Correspondents Accounts London, May 9. Banter’s correspondent at British Headquarters (May 9) says that throughout yesterday the enemy pushed bis attack in the direction of the north-eastern slopes of Scherpenberg with great determination At first he made several successive stages of progress for the opening of an infantry attack which
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    • 38 7 From Various Fronts Palestine Front. London, May 7. A Turkish communique claims that the I British attaoks east of the Jordan on May 3 failed with heavy losses and that the I British oavalry was beaten and dispersed.
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    • 123 7 General Wire News A Traitor in Ireland. London, May 9, 4 45 p.m. In the House of Commons replying to I I Mr. Ronald McNeil 1 Mr. Ian Macpherson I confirmed that the man landed from a Ger I man submarine recently on the west of I Ireland and arretted
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    • 213 7 Political News The Rumanian Peace, London, May 9. The newspapers refer to the Rumanian Peaoe treaty as justifying the worst that hie been said about wbat Germany will do if she has power. It is pointed out that a formidable Rumanian Army was led to lay I down its arms
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    • 266 7 AUSTRIAN SINEWS OF WAR. Paris, Marob 9. According to the Zeit of Vienna the fiscal oironlation of the Austrian-Hnngarian bank reaches billions. Aooording to the valuation of certain Swiss bankers the seonrity for this appears not to be greater than 750 millions. The Neue Freie Pretee publishes a
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  • 1293 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FULL DRE3S DEBATE5 Ministerial Victory. London, May 7. In the House of Commons great interest was taken in the debate arising on the Manrioe letter. The House was orowded everywhere. Mr. Asquith moving for the appointment of a select committee to enI quire into General
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  • 73 7 The following articles will be feuud eu our outside pages B.—A British Prisoner’s Message. Exodus From Petrograd. Salvage of War. Russia aod the Future. s.—Short Btepi Further East. Penang Harbour Board. B.—Changkat Serdaog. More Tin. The Tin Market. Million Dollar Opium Case. Rubber Growers’ Association. Yam Sang Rubber. Chinese
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  • 107 7 The output of the Ulu Piah Co., Ltd., for the month of April were j Mine output 233 pis. approximate value 1121,290.00, Tribute ore 117 pis. Tribute reoeived $5,832.15, Total Baveoue $26,622.15. There are occasions when one oan without any traoe of sympathy watch the fly walk into
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  • 1215 7 (Bt Tom Wuiqht.) I met to day a wind I used to know in England 1 In England O, you dear fellow exiles, whom 1 am of a sudden impelled to love, come with me on the roadless way back Leap with me the unbiidged chasm
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  • 422 7 Mr, tod Mrs, V.O.i, Reeve-Tucker hart arrived back from India, The death ia announced from Berlin of Major Moraht; tbe German military critic. Mr, J. Hejwood, of Messrs, Kata Broa leavea for home shortly to join the army. Mr. V. O. Keyt, of Oeylon, is one of
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  • 667 8 The following is the Weekly Market R.port of Messrs. Laan k Co i— With the Amerioan restriction on the import of Rubber, about the exact meaning of whioh there appears to exist a great deal of doubt, ooming almost simultaneously with restrictive measures against the export of Rubber
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  • 240 8 Singapore, May 9. For the weekly Eubb°r Auction which oommenw d yesterday the quantity catalogued was 1,000 tons. Prices for the highest grade Bubbers were fully up to those of last week, the top pnoe for Fine Pale Crepe being unchanged at $lO5, and that for Bibbed
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  • 925 8 The Directors' report to the Shareholders says i— The net profit for the year as shown by the Profit and Loss Aocount amount to $81,223.16 to which must be added the balanoe of $10,795.10 brought forward from last Account making a total of $92,018 36. In August and
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  • 306 8 Bnstrictions Or rr Board. [At a recent meeting in Ipoh the High Commissioner listened to the grievances of the mining community, and promised that as many restrictions as possible would be removed], H. E. The High Commissioner Has visited the Hub, And listened to a steady purr Of
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  • 254 8 Big Jump in London Prior. The news received in Ipoh by cablegram from London that the prioe of tin on the London market bad jumped by £2O, that is from £360 to £3BO, indicates the urgent need at Home for this important metal, and the anxiety of
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  • 190 8 Saturday, Mat 11. Ho Hong Bank opening 1 p m. Sunday, Mat 12. Bunday after Ascension. P, V. Field Operations. Monday, Mat 13. Town Band,.Esplanade. Penang Assises open, Tubbdat, Mat 14. Municipal Commission, Singapore Assises open. Wudnusdat, Mat 15 Town Band, Esplanade. Victoria Jubilee B. Chapter, 9
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  • 300 8 JUDGMBNT NOR DININDANTI. The Hongkong cause celebre, the million dollar opium case, whioh occupied tbe attention of the looal Supreme Court for over 120 days and created a local record in lengthy hearings, was conoluded on Aptil 23, judgment being awarded the defendants in all the
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  • 183 8 Thh Niw Council. Sir Edward Roslisg presided over an extraordinary general meeting of the Rubber Growers’ Association at the Cannon Street Hotel, Lmdon. The meeting was held for the purpose of electing ten ordinary members of tbe Council, in accordance with the bylaws, Tbe following nine were
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  • 216 8 The report of the Yam Sang Rubber Company, Limited, states that the profit for the year amounted to £18,707 add balance from last account, £2,540; total, £2l 247; deduct tbe interim dividends paid on the preference shares at 2* per cent, (iess tax) and ordinary shares at
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  • 139 8 A pretty Chineae wedding was solemnised in Ipoh on Wednesday, the contracting parties being Mr. Lee Pak Tin, of Malacca, and Miaa Lie* Toon Tin, daughter of Mr Liew Sau the well known Bata G&jah miner, and sister in law of Liin Seng Chew, manager of the Tambun
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  • 58 8 Sunday Arrau Ascension May 12. 8 00 a.m. Matins 8 30 a.m, Holy Communion 10 00 a.m. do (Cbineee) 5 00 p.m, Sanday School 6-00 p.m. Evensong Hymn 147 Responses Roberts Psalms LXV Russell LXVI Lloyd LXVII Hopkins Magnificat Mornington 56 Nnnc Dimittis Turle 70 Hymns
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  • 36 8 9-00 a m. Children’s Service. 6-00 p.m. Public Worship. Preacher Rtv. Donald J, Rise, m a. Hymns —12 (2od Tune), 686, 100, 328 and 516. Choir Practice on Friday evening at 7,
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  • 113 8 Lieutenant General H.R H. Prince Krom Khun Kambaengbejra Argayondhim I Prince Purachatra), Commissioner-General of the Royal Railway Department. Siam, the Princess, and their daughter, with Prince Prajatipoh. are expected shortly on a visit to the F.M.3 from aiam. Prince Purachatra is the chief railway official in Siam,
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  • 115 8 Mr. J D. Gilbert, M P. for West Newington, presiding at a War Aims meeting rebuked the people at home who were 14 grousing and complaining.” Ht quoted the following passage from a lettei ne had received from a South London man. now an officer at
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  • 432 8 The following programme of musio will be played at the Golf Clab this evening at 5.46 p m,: 1 Selection An Artist’s Model Jones 2 Two Step My Little Black Sweetheart Frederiksen 3 Selection Bobbie Burns Elliot 4 Walts Dastioy Bayness 5 The Brooklyn Cake Walk Thurban
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 64 8 MAN do you know the daDger of neglecting a ohill P Chills lead to paeomonia and a •oore of other dangerous disorders. Bprudent, and at the first sign of a chill take a dose or two of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. the medioine that shoald never be absent from the
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    • 50 8 Wfcj It S«! Is. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a cough remedy is supposed to do It stops the oough by ouring the oold, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers
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    • 619 8 TO LET. immediutd em,,. £,.1,1 »l3u p„ 1 Apply to, x X X, c/o Strait* Ed*, MUNICIPAL NOTICE. An ordinary meeting of the Municin»! Tn*“ 10n er wil1 b e bold at the MtSS Fnsta^ Ce at 4 P m n th Uth (By Order) L. A. COUTIER BIGGS, Secretary
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  • 2371 9 0 1 0 Diridaad. Hum bo <*f *3 A 1 Faw a. l\ h. Capital ■barU last flnan•ial year. 5 1 •D iasied. 0 a ►H -0 '3 Oh far earraat yaar. u* m l 1 eta. 1 eta l»Of» 1 in: INf* 1999 179.900 806.900 4*9,toe 209.900 789,999
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 284 9 SPECIAL OFFER OF ESTATE SUPPLIES A REQUISITES AND BUILDING MATERIALS. "1 I Order» now being booked at lowest market prices. Only goods of best quality and in original packing •tooked. Goods are actually in stock in quantities; this enables us to execute order» same day as received. Send us a
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  • 1257 10 Anyone going baok to France after a year’s absence would notice immediately on his arrival a new touch of colour in the pageant of war. It would be foroed on his attention as he landed, if his path led him to those places where all the
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  • 699 10 Ottb Gbowinq Ascbndanct at thi Fbont, The fourth year of the war, and of intense efforts on both sides, finds our asoendancy I in the air more definitely asserted and less likely to be shaken than at any other time. It is no exaggeration to say
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 50 10 Why It Still. i Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia the largest selling covgh medicine in the world to-day because it does ezaotly what a cough remedy ia supposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by ail disputants tad daafora
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    • 251 10 be: r Since the Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over L V 4 sv fir* t» ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE
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  • 875 11 it j regret that I did not die then —two months ago,” Kerensky, Jane, 1917. Perhaps I shall be killed, bat 1 will net abandon the life, the honour and the independence of the Fatherland.” 1Dfl P Kerensky, No?., 1917. ••Nations which In the
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  • 990 11 IfoVBMEHTS iID METHODS. German >pie* who looked like movie detectives hang about and followed us on the journey from Berlin to Switzerland, France, and Spain. There were even auspicious characters among the Americans with German aceent who came in our special train from Germany to Switzerland. This neutral
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 219 11 p* THE A B C. OF ESTATE SUPPLIES. TO PLANTERS AND DEALERS. B D D D a o A Study of the following will Greatly Benefit You. Acid 99 o/o Glacial Guaranteed i-garbod Wire -Genuine American Make Pens—Blue anil White Enamel D 18 in. by 9 in. by 31 in
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    • 568 11 i Kill Fain, Befora Fain Kills yon. > Attacks of ne«r»l(ji» f constant pain or > the dread of the sudden shooting prina, am i oontinuai wear and strain on the vital foreee of the sufferer. Unless relief is obtained a breakdown is sure to follow, i LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1565 12 0? BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Ingland MAIL AND PABBENOER SERVIOEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract wifck Hia Hajeaty’a Government.) The Company’» MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY aro at prooent anapondod. A Passengers for Europe are booked ria Bombay aa opportunity offer» and as far a*
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