Straits Echo, 8 May 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1227 1 PNDENSED J! Milkmaid BRAKftI P 3 J i 2*K ■fcSwit e r t r l/md; ♦annnpnnnn fIF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO TH* Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cara for hr# m DAY AND night I Telephone No 694. Telegraphic Add es: HOKIMTBIK. B Motor car importers and largest J
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    • 16 1 *r 3£’S 0f is ihe but cotf ?'«e Ct *©n v use tS *•!>< §sSb“ err 'S
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  • 588 2 Ivtihii Controlled Biiuoi Ststbm, London baa now had a fairly extensive experience of airraida. Enemy alrplanea have been oxer some part of the metropolia a dcsen or more times. While no one doubts that they will make many more attempts before the war is finished, there ia
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  • 238 2 Mbsbagu to Australia, The Frenob Navy has just entered the international contest of the honour of building and possessing the most powerful wireless station of the world, writes Mr, Henry Wood, special American oorrespon dent with the French Armies. In support of its claim that its
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  • 107 2 Excapt in the Guards and a very few Other regiments, the tffioer’a sword ia fast disappearing. Many temporary officers do not even possess the obsolete weapon, and I know meaaea where one ia kept for general use, being worn by each orderly dog in lurn for the
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  • 778 2 Bulgarian Barbaris m The odioaa persecution of ik„ a the Bulgurs in the Balkan* be rbBb 7 persecution which is not content .2"* wholesale muider of men bul l h ,h| Serbian maidens to be ’.eld to harems, and strives to train t klsh youths as Janissaries against their bllß
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  • 121 2 Appalling T**atmbnt o» Sbbbs. The Governor-General of Bosnia, Routsr’s Agency learns from Serbian sources, has proclaimed a state of siege under a penal cede of the most ruthless character, every crime of which is risked with the death penalty, The proclamation was issued from Sarajevo and signed
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 933 2 M )< )DC )DC (T< DC CDCDCDC DCDCCDC DCDCDCDC DO O o WHITEAWAYS new dress MRTER1SL3 FLANNELS. rryg-\ rjr) i r The perfect washing fabric I l/DAnLLU for ladies’ children’s wear/ Stocked in white, black and several plain colours also in white grounds with coloured spot, stripe and oheok designs.
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    • 51 2 w hj It 8ell«. Chamberlain's Coigh JKemedj is the largest selling ccagh medicine in the world to-daj because it does exactly what a cough rrjmeJj is supposed to do. It atsps the oo«gh bj oariflg the cold, and does it speed- 7 «fleeti-allT. For aala hr *ll tlia* peaMritt aad
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  • 296 3 What wii probably the moit important settlement of the question of the rights of □eutral countries to supply merchandise of war to belligerent nations occurred at Genera in Switzerland forty-six years ago. Tbe Alabama, a fast steam «loop, was built by Laird and Sjns of Birkenhead for
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  • 176 3 Quite a mystery attaches to the death of a Japanese woman, aged about 28 years, who was observed on the beach off East Coast Road, Singapore, on Saturday. Whilst Mrs. Bandy and Mr. Charles de Bilva were at Dr. Bandy’s house, 618 East Coast Road, on Saturday
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  • 170 3 Tun Dkstrothrs for Evu&t U-Boat Afloat. Tbe Amerioan Government has decided to lift the veil of secrecy which up to now has covered much of America’s war activity. As the result of information gained by visits to shipbuilding centres it is permissible to make the following statements American
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  • 108 3 CFrovn Chur Chen (Jorrcspondod,) Singapore, May 7. Before Sir John Bucknill, Chief Justice, and Mr. Justice Ebden, in the Supreme Court, this morning, Mr. F, M. Elliot, on behalf of the Bar Committee, applied that Mr. E. M. Tozar be struck off the list of lecal practitioners,
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  • 148 3 Information has been reoeived in Calcutta that a railway waggon of the 6 N Railway, loaded with sealed bags of new coin to the Talue of abont twenty lakhs from the Currency Office, Calcutta, caught fire in transit. The waggon was attached to the BNB Bombay mail which
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  • 848 3 t The hon ble Mr. Chung Thye Phin was at f home to the members of the Perak Reoreaf tion Club last Saturday on the occasion of D ‘“““l 1 P r,ze distribution of the Chinese o U t0 u D L M V L L Mr OliT0r
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  • 178 3 B fore the Criminal Distriot Judge (Mr, W. Lsngbam Carter) at Singapore, an Indian named Taielsha was charged with theft in a dwelling, or alternatively receiving stolen property, of a gold pieoe and a gold chain, the property of Mr Muir of the Europe Hotel, The accused
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  • 239 3 t Puhajto, Mat 8. 8. P. Tapioca 98 75 s«les. f M. P. Tapioca 920 sales. Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Coast 8 lb. 60*).816 1/2 buyers r Bla <* Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 40 nominal 1 Trang Pepper ...832 season oTer 180 nom. Mace Pickings 49 sellers Cloves
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 489 3 !nnnrn«mwn(mmni BH “H UUS PEN SB 1 f 4liAro ia AHA 4l.«i &L -*T KT T i If there i. one dist inct factor that the patron, of the Empire !,°I? a p’^n n r# i,° f ph to il i8 «««peuw 1HE RM> ACL lack», Gobs, Mountain, of it,
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    • 329 3 WAJVTED A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE and EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER. Apply in own handwriting with copies of testimonials to LEE SOON POE, c/o Ea»!«rn Produce Exchange, TO LET. FURNISHED, Until Ist December 1918, The Towers,” 120 Adsoh Road, immediate entry. Rental 9130 per month. mMM M Apply to, XXX, c/o Strait» Echo,
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    • 393 3 Sill Pain Befort Fain Kills yon- Be r *hi*# constant pain or be dread of the sadden shooting prins, nr* continual wear and strain on the vital Ofce* of the sufferer. Unless relief is obtained a breakdown is sore to follow, LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM brings certain and speedy relief to
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  • 100 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local >3O per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 886. Printing Department 343, N.B.— A!I
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  • 24 4 Bkucu.—At tha Maten ity Hospital, P uang, i n tie 6:b iast\, to Mr. d Mrs W. Hunter Bruoa of Sitiawan, a stn.
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  • 994 4 Without wishing to pry into the sffairB of a neighbouring Colony, or to claim especial knowledge of them for reasons not altogether unconnected with appointments of our own, or to offer advice where note is needed, the fact of a protest by cable to the
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  • 415 4 Oaf S ngapore morning contemporary has tha following i —"Cavged by Oapt, A. H. Chalmers, Senior Boarding Officer, with carrying 60 passengers in excess of bis licence, Capt. C. E. Page, master of the Hai Mun, was on Friday afternoon convicted by Mr. Langham Carter and
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  • 1951 4 Cheapness of Living. Talk about war eoonomy According to a newspaper account of the report of St. Mary’s Home, Singapore, for 1917, the fees “rtmain at 918 per annum” with sohool fees. Tet the management is anxious to hear of more girls to fill up a few vacancies.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 203 4 [«K£3 PRITCHARD’S PENAKG. SOLE AGENTS FOR The ferealest of all Tonic Foods, Composed 0"F the entire P ote'n Constituents of W k (Casein and L :cf albumen), combined with the Glycerophosphates of Ca'cium, Sodium and Magnesium. 9 Per Bottle $2.:s Per Bottle GIVES VITALITY RESTORES HEALTH V. For Brain, Body
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  • 30 4 DEATH. Achubch. —H. Grahiin Acburnb, R FC, of St N.vis. E -fi'acd, and B inkmacn A Co., Singapore, kill.d as tin result of an aeroplare accident, en April 30, 1918,
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    • 160 5 Sir Douglas Haig’s Despatches [Reuter's Telegrams] LondoD, Maj 6. Sir Doegl*" Haig reports:— By minor operations our line westward D( j soathwest ward of MorlanoouTt, be*»en the Somme and Ancre, was advanced 0D a considerable front, despite strong opposition. The enemy losses were heavy Ws took prisoner 1.500. Oar casualties
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    • 116 5 French Communiques London May 6. A French oommuniqud states:—The enemy attempt after a violent bombardment to reach our lines south-west of Anohin farm failed completely. Many of the enemy were killed. A detachment penetrated the German organisation in the region of North Louvre, west of Rheims and inflioted serious losses
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    • 308 5 London, May 6, Belter’s correspondent at British headqsarters (May 6) wires that the main activity on our battlefield in tbe past twentyfair hours was oonflned to the Australian troops. Following Saturday’s success when tbe Aniaos advanced their line between the A no re and Somme to a depth
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    • 170 5 From Various Fronts Palestine Front, London, May 6 A Palestine cfficial message statist—Our advare r d troops bolding Essslt were withdrawn and subsequently the bulk of our troops were withdrawn over the Jo'dar, strong detachments remaining on the eastern bank and securing tbe crossings. We captured east of tbe Jordan
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    • 502 5 General Wire News Lord French’s Successor. London, May 7. The Daily Chronicle says it is anticipated that Sir William Robertson will sucoeed Lord French in tbe Home oommand, Holland and Germany. London, May 6. An Amsterdam message states that commenting on the Foreign Minister’s statement of 5th May tbe Maandag
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    • 635 5 The Irish Question. Thi New VieeroyLondon, May 6 Comments on tbe appointment of Lord French as Viceroy of Ireland are; —The Daily Telegraph say* it indicates that the Government «re determined to pursue a strong firm Irah policy. Thp Morning Post says that Lord French as a moderate
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  • 573 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE FATE OF 39. Londor, May 6, An interesting account of tbe destruction of the Getmsn mine-laying submarine 3P, has reached London from a Dutch correspondent, 89 was commanded by Otto Ehrentraut who was a close personal friend of Prince Henry of Prussia and
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  • 111 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $179.75, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $lBO.OO, buyers no sellers, and in London at £3BO three months. Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the
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  • 531 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] GERMANY’S DIFFICULT TASK. Amsterdam, May 6. i German difficulties in the Ukraine are t clearly brought out by the statement cf von Payer in the Rtichstag and the subse. quent debate. V« n Payer admitted that the Germans bad entered the Ukraine not merely fer the
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  • 166 5 The following articles will be found on omr outside pages 2.—London’s Air Defence. Bulgarian Barbarism. 3 —Perak Chinese. Hotel Thief Convicted. The Alabama Claims. 6.—Enemy Drugs. War News and Gossip. Sea Made Cheese. Mails Will Close. German’s Newspaper Offensive. Siam at War. Pearls from A Planter’s Diary, The Waterfall
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  • 856 5 Mr. R F. R Swettenhim is now an Artillery Cadet. f H E, the High Commissioner and Lady Evelyn Young have returned to Singapore. The late Mr. Thom is Fraser, one of tte managers of the Chartmd Bank cf India, Australia and Chins, who died early in
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  • 23 5 London, May 6, The prioes in the Tendon Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/3. 1 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/2
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  • 526 6 Awakened by obligato on tom-tom. Teohnique of opas rapidly becoming i masterly. His CTesoendo, in particular, is full of quality and timbre. A oold morning. Dressed hurriedly, and set out to muster. The usual Monday Morning gloom apparent. Head Mandor reported three Bsjau tappers absent
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  • 385 6 In the report of Mr, Burkill, Director of Gardens, ha states that the financial position of the Committee on Jan. Ist this year was a sum at credit of $1436 26, the revenue for 1917 from the sale of plants, almost all ornamental, being $1125 62 largely
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  • 59 6 Mat 9. Ascbnbion Dat. B*Bo a.m. Holj Communion President Wilson baa called upon all Amerioan boys of 16 years and older, who are not permanently employed, io enrol in the United States Boys’ Working Beserve, in order that they may spend their ■pare time in workmg
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  • 810 6 A Nuw Ault in tns Rast. The situation that is now developing in the eitremu Fast will give Siam the chance for which she has bean waiting nine* ehe entered the war in July last Confronted with tonnage difficulties, she has so far had to content herself
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  • 152 6 I have never been strongly influenced by the optimism of those who believe in a real and effective estrangement between Prussia and Catholic Bouth Germany, for I know something from experience of the strength of German anion. But the latest developments which reaoh me are interesting, and
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  • 329 6 flsiiso in Naw York Raid. New Ymk, March 9th—Hotel MoAlpin geests wore molted yesterday when Deputy (talipotor L«n>b, of the United States Customs service, end a large squad of men raided the luxuriously appointed suite occupi ml by Henry Lammers, an alleged representative in Australia of the Dutch
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  • 107 6 For Bt Stuamfe At. To-morrow (Thursday). Port Swettenham and Singapore Krian 1 p.m. Colombo and United Kingdom (route an- 12 30 p.m. certain) Mail B Parcels 11 a m, Calcutta 2-80 p.m. Trang (via S. Opis) Lian Choc 130 p.m. Trang Trang 3-30 p.m, 10th instant (Friday).
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  • 78 6 The ourrent programme at this popular theatre inoludas the final scenes, strangely free of impossible situation l and of turgid melodramatic touches acd fully worth seeiDg, of "The Grip of Evil/’. These are followed by a film protraying a charmingly olever child aotress whose escapades provoke the most
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  • 83 6 Coming '*Rbd Acb Film. Of great interest is the announcement of the Super Serial “The R*1 Aca featuring Marie Waloamp whioh will be shown at this theatre on May 11. A picture too good to miss, quite out of tha ordinary, and highly entertaining at a theatre where further
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  • 193 6 The inooming tide brought ashore, in the vicinity of the Old Fort, Tanjong Katong, Singapore, several hundred rusty tins of sterilised milk, probably from the stranded French mail steamer. A resident of the neighbourhood had several of these tins opened, and found that whilst most of them contained
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  • 2403 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) < The Retreat From Cambrai. London, March 13th. Io the maze of critioism whioh succeeded the falling baok between Vendhuille and Gonnelieu, a large saotion of thB publio forget the other side of the account. There were large gain” and the killing
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  • 372 6 Aeroplane Used To Stop Ships. Copenhagen, Interviewed at tb« Bkaw the mate cf tbe British steamer Wairuna, Thomas Kars, said his ship, whi.e bound from Auckland for San Francisco, was stopped on March 31 last year by an aeroplane south of the Kemaras Islands. The Wolf was
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  • 140 6 Thb Hardship or oob Soldikbb. Mr John Ounhtto, the novelist, speaking at the City Temple on tho vidt to the Western front, said that cur men «poke little about their hardships f xcept among themselves, A. padre desciibed tbtir reticence to the folks at home as" the moit
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  • 58 6 W iDKiHUiT, Mat 8, Town Band, Esplanade. Thu as day, Mat 9. Ascension Day. Fbidat, Mat 10, Town Band, Esplanade. New Moon, Satukdat, Mat 11. Ho Hong Bank opening 1 p m Sunday, Mat 12, Sunday after Ascension. Monoat, Mat IS. Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Assises open.
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  • 302 7 Pisano. Mat 8, 1918. b "»p 3 Roast Pjpgks 9A Stew or Curry Meat 4 nr k Toogue Fret Heart Urge per catty 24 so all ®*oh 36 45 K Of Bart "1 70-75 P °l“r per o*tty 60-62 with fat •> 45 48 pjo’g Head i. 8®
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  • 2421 7 11 _0 Dividend. V2I Nan U *f m 4» a. a Capital. ■hare fc> last ImamMaria s 1 l\\ issued 9 Tg far aarraa* i w, a •ial jaar. jaar. 0 m 1 cr 9 et>. ata 1»W 1 1HT IS*,MO 110,000 1 i 06 A1 ar Qtajak Rubber
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 249 7 GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA. SPAIN. HIPPIES OF HIGH CLASS PEODUOU AH* OBOGBBT LIN BE. INCLUDING I RAISINS. DRIED FIDS. ALMONDS, NUTS. LEMONS. GRAPES, OLIVES. PURE OLIVE SALAD OIL, WINES, CHICKPEAS. ANISEED. CUMIN SEED, Etc. Reliable Ageats waate4 ia all large tawas Higkeat refereaeea ami samples an applicative. Writs for o«r Illustrated
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1335 8 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PABSENGER BERVIOEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contrast with Hia Majesty’* Government.) The Company’a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present appended. Paeaeagers for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offera and aa farai accommodation iaayai
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