Straits Echo, 6 May 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1224 1 SWISSCONDEKSHD p Switzerland and t- i IF YOU WANT! COMFORT GO TO THE Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cara for h rs DAY AND NIGHT I Telephone No. 694. Telegraphic Address: HOKIMTEIK. Motor car importers and largest dealer» in cylinder oil, petrol <fc motor accessories. REPAIRS of every kind done
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    • 17 1 yS’s MILK roR RFARTSaSIM^ **tn KIM BTST 6U |rsi? Tj ®A« ui usp isCgf- £;n \&i<
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 X m c as < Sfi m A HI vir* <r H x K SM a* <er m jS OF EVERY m DESCRIPTION Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire s m 5& < ifi K KATZ
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  • 1079 3 i Those two poplars became familiar to I every British Company which held that sector, and the legend of them was told in many billets; for they stood a very long H while. Perhaps, once upon a time, they belonged to a row of poplars on the
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  • 826 3 The Chief Justice (Sir John Bockoill, K. 0.) w»« engaged the greater part of Wednesday in hearing tba oontiouacoe of the oaae in whioh the Federated Engineering Co. sued Messrs, Bt. Vincent B, Djwn and 0. A, Ilcken, of Singapore. Mr. H. B. Lsyton waa for
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  • 134 3 Lord Pirrie, who ia to taokle the shipbuilding problem, has always bean a believer ia the big ship, although the war situation may compel him to adopt other ideas. I remember with what enthusiasm he dismissed the future of the big ship daring the trial trips
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  • 75 3 The infantry brigades of the British Army in France hare been rednoed from four to three battalions. It is the inevitable resalt of the reduotien in strength of the German divisions that oars shoald likewise be rt daoed. There are obrioas tactical advantages in the smaller nnits, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 340 3 the eastern produce exchange. 27. Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 33rd Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 9th May, 1918. taction Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and Thursday. Bale
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    • 364 3 oc DCZDC X=DDCZ>dCDC A 2000 fo 1 chance DCDC jn There are over two thousand ailments covering just such diseases as you, who Eve in the Tropics, expose yourself to daily. The odds are big even in a temperate climate, bnt here they are doubly so because of the thinning
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  • 879 4 On a New Chum im Malay a.. (Special to the Straits Echo I. If ever yon bare to leave Ceylon for Penang eta Singapore and are held np two week* in Colombo, literally looking for a ■hip, follow the man from Oook'a and from motives of haate
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  • 142 4 The heavy rain that fell in the Einta District at the beginning of last week caused several towns in Kinta to be flooded, reports of whioh are only now reaohing Ipoh. On Tuesday and Wednesday Kampar experienced a heavy flood and a good part of the town
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  • 752 4 The M. 0. L, Entertainment on Saturday evening in the Town Hall was an urqualified aucceae. There waa a very large audier.oe, the Children’s Play Once upon a Time a delightful example of wbat a Children’s Play should be, well staged and managed, and above all
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  • 160 4 Fisrriov That Amazsd A Maoist rats. In a oase at ICarylebone polios oourt where a oook was oonvioted of theft, Sergeant Yard mentioned that the woman had obtained oharity by representing that her nine sons had been killed at the front, and that her four daughters were dead,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 12 4 For Children's Hacking Cengh at Night Wooda'i Great Peppermint Oar» is. ®d
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    • 340 4 r cc ~XZDCDCDC pf—> OCDC~ZIDCDCDCZ)C dc czr\ o 0 o u 0 0 o w 0 0 n B O o 0 WBITMWAV’S PEW M&TBRIALS Sc flannels a m DID A 1 rTk” The verfeet washing fabric OdKAL>L/U for ladle’» childrens wear. Stocked in white, black and several plain colours
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    • 49 4 Aeeidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prerent an accident, but it is not impossible to be prepared (or it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is net beyond anyone's perse, and with a bettla of this liniment yoe are prepared (er almost anything. For sale w all dispensaries •ad dealers.
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    • 725 4 KWONC SENG 43, LEITH STREET, PENANG, mST CLASS TAILORS. Moderate charges and good work numb ip guaranteed, Cutter: .&.H BOON. A trial t'i toliciled. Straits Settlements War Loan. DIVIDEND COUPONS, TTOLDERS OP THE ABOVE LOIN are reminded that Coupon No 3 i„ payable on M*y 15th, In cutting cff the
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  • 544 5 INTER-ALLIED COUNCIL NOTABLE MEETING Paris, May 2. The meeting of the Inter-Allied High Council of War which has just been held at Abbeville under the presidency of M, Clemenceau was of exceptional importance. The heads of the French and British Governments were present as well as the Allied
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  • 100 5 ‘To T*« Editoe ox thu Strait t Timet Sir, Kindly insert in your paper for the information of the subsoribers to the above, the attached letter from the Over-Seas Club, London. It refers to the collection made round the ground during the Football Match last year, most of
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  • 83 5 Aldwycb, London, W. 0. 2. March 1,1918. Ben Mitohell, Esq. Dear Sir, Tour letter of December last has reached ns safely, with cheque for J6ll-7-6 towards our Tobacco Fend. We very much appreciate the help of those who organised this collection, and I am sure the gifts will
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  • 150 5 Ruvulatioh Ih Italy. London, March 26. Sensational evidence has been given trial of German spies at Genoa, It was stated that Germans purchased 25,000 shares in the Genoese Eleotrical Sapplj Company. They plaoed eeven Germans on the administrative board and substituted Swiss and German clerks and foremen for
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  • 91 5 Ayer Kuning (F.M 8.) 34,900, Bradwall I F.M.3.) 20,233, Chersonese (F.M S.) 44 US. Dennistown (Brian F.M S.) 85 572, Highlands and Lowlands Para 63,045, Klabang 8,145, Brian Rubber Plantations 13,700, Sungti Brian 30,254, Sungei Way (Selangor) 27.480, Alma 29,500, Bukit Tob Alang 10,500, Shanghai Blebang 10,040,
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  • 64 5 Tbe following are the latest quotations in Messrs, A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list t Saturday. To-day. Rubber. S 3 Js T =5 pa co pa co Mergni 5.75 6.25 6.00 6.25 Semanggol 1.50 1.70 1.40 1.50 ex MlMng, «mm Bangnon Valley N L 8/- 7/-
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  • 63 5 Mr. BhawJoo Tok informs us that the output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredg ing Co. N.L for one week from the 28th ultimo to 4th instant is twenty-six tons. Tbe output Bramat PuUi, Limited for the month of April were as follows i—From the Mine Output Dressed
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  • 58 5 In scoordanoe with the provisions of section 118 of the Courts O dinance, 1907, it is notified in the Gazette that the following gentlemen have been duly elected to be the Bar Committee for the Settlement of Penang :—Mr. 8. F B. Martin, Mr. W. H, Thorne,
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  • 75 5 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. have reoeived cable advice frem the Secretaries of Linggi Plantations Ltd, that the Direotora have recommended a final dividend of 50 per oent, payable on the Ist June 1918, making a total distribution|for the year of 116 2/3 per cent, that
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  • 45 5 The following programme of musio will be played at the Esplanade this evening at 5 pm.:— 1 Overture Bronx) Horse Anber 2 Qaadiille Jolly Company Bape 3 Selection II Trovatore Verdi 4 Walts La Premiere Demseuse Dodwell 5 March Tommy’s Farewell Keefe
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  • 213 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $176.25, buyers bo sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $175.50, buyers no sellers, The German authorities hare decided that all men of military age cow in prison join the army. Mr, Ehaw Joo Tok advises us that tbs outputs from the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 459 5 JH- Empire Theatre |H SH TTSPBNSB If there is one distinct faotor that the patron* of the Empire lore as a distinot factare of photo play it is suspense “TUE RED ACE” Packs, Gobs, Mountains of it. and on the its Heels comes, B2TSATI02T gemational dare-devil stunts that make audiences
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    • 556 5 WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED CONDUCTOR for a imftll Rubber Estate in Kedah. Apply in writing, with oopies of testimonials to the undersign*!. H A. P. C/o Straits Echo, Penang, WAT^TED. A QUALIFIED CHINESE LADY TEACHER to teach English at the “Pei Yu Girls’ School” Northern Road, Penang. Apply personally or in
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  • 99 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 30, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dully Local ISO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) #lB per annum. Cable Addreaa “ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. N. R.—A It
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  • 1433 6 Tne end of the week as usual brings a b g budget of wires dealing with all aorta of sobj°ots. Those relating to the doings of politicians can easily wait: the really interesting subjects, sach as how Ireland is getting on, are not dealt with in sufficient detail
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  • 919 6 The Church Militant* A Hylam servant in the service of Archdeacon Swindell has been charged with being in unlawful possession of a revolver without a licence. The Archdeacon testified in accused’s favour that for the past three years he had been the best servant he had ever had
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  • 774 6 D R d^r s MacGaskill, of iru* shortly leavmg for Home. K D ar Mr M. Harris, cf Seadavan v >« now a prisoner in Germany 7 E,tate Lt.-Col. J. H. Tyte left on Frida* route for Home via America d 7 m ht Mr. 8. A.
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  • 40 6 (/>0?» Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May 6. The Riosha pullers here want on strike this morning, the alleged reason being Government order to ohange the petition of their lamps to the side of the soat.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 181 6 PRITCHARDS PEiN'AMO. SOLE AGENTS FOR Tha Greatest of all Tonic Foods, Composed O’f the entire Protein Constituent* Milled (Casein and |[Lactalbumen), combined with the Glycerophosphates of {"Calcium,» [Sodium and Magnesium. 9 Pe Per liotl e Bottle GIVES |VIT,\LITY RESTORES HEALTH For Brain, Body and Blood. VITitFER sitmulates and restores the
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    • 796 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Review of Position. London, May 8. It is noteworthy that with the lull in the figbtmg since the German defeat at Tpres tl l Qerman talk of the u Kaiser’s battle h», vanished from German eiperts. The newspapers are now instructed to warn that
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    • 256 7 French Communiques d j. London, May 3. I s A French oommunique states i—“ There r was violent mutual bombardment 9 south of Villers Brettonneux. A successful e minor operation was carried out on the 2nd in which we attacked positions between Hailles and Oastel and seized Hill 82 and
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    • 212 7 London, May 3. Reuter's correspondent at British Head* quarters wiring on May 3 says The Germans hare not renewed their efforts to advance in Flanders or on the Somme, and their objective time-tables indicate that they are finding their task muoh heavier than they anticipated. On Thursday night
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    • 284 7 From Various Fronts Palestine Front. London, May 8. In connection with the abandonment of the nine guns mentioned in the Palestine communique oabled on May 2, it is officially announced that the horses and detaohments were safely withdrawn. London, May 4. A- Palestine offioial message states i— Fighting continued throughout
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    • 1546 7 London, May 3. Dutch papers state that 107 severely wounded British have arrived at Rotterdam for repatriation, not sent from Germany under proper.oonditions. No hospital train was provided and the Dutoh medical authorities expressed foroible opinions regarding the transport of stretcher cases under such conditions. The German
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    • 828 7 London, May 3. While the preoise arrangement between Holland and Germany as regards the Limburg railway is still publicly unknown in Holland and England, German newspapers take it for granted that the railway will be used for military purposes. For example the Hamburger Nachrichten, after
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  • 94 7 The following article* will be feud oa omr outside pages 3 The Two Poplars. A Tank in Action. Limit of Big Ships. Tbree-Bittalion Brigadea. 4 Steps Eastward. Oaoe Upon a Time.” Floods in Kinta. Simple Faith. 5, —Telegrams. '-St. George's.” GerSpiea. Share Market. 8.— I Tsar in Siberia. Telegrams.
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  • 716 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Mr Lloyd George’s Impression*- 1 London, May 4. Mr. Lloyd George, interviewed by Reuter and asked his impressions of his visit to tbe Armies, said: I saw [Generals Focb, Haig, Petain, Pershing. Byng, and Rawlinsou and other officers of tbe higher command. They are
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  • 726 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Press Comment*. London, May 4. The newspapers discussing Germany’s next peace offansite reflect the determination of the British nation and the Allies to see the war through and the impossibility of their being deped into a peace which does not fulfil the principles for which
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  • 689 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 4. Reference ie made in the caWes to German commercial preparation for trade I after the war. Enemy newspapers are making a feature of German dependence for raw materials whioh are controlled by the Allies, and the consequent necessity for making the
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  • 291 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 8, 6.85 p.m. The reports of the Eeglisb, Scotch and Irish oommittees on 8tate purchase and control of the liquor trade all propose definite terms for the purchase of liquor interests. The cost of acquisition appears to be between 400 and 500
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  • 232 8 Pujjre, Mat 6. 8. P. Tapioca •a' $8 80 sellars. M. P. Tapioca 9 20 seller*. Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Ooast lb. los).$16 1/2 bujeri. Black Pepper w 25.00 buyers White Pepper 40 nominal Trang Pepper ...$32 season over Maoe $80 nom. Mace Pickings 49 sellers Cloves season over
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  • 104 8 Foa Bt Btbam*x At. To-morrow (Tuesday), Port Bwettenham and« Singapore* Klang 3 30 pm Australasia -(via < Fremantle) by train 6 pm. Deli Omaptre 9 a.m. I Diodinga and Sitiawan Ohirbi 1.30 p.m Bagan Datoh and I Teluk Anson Sappho 3-30 pm. Port Swettraham and Singafiore 5
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  • 59 8 Ex- Tsar and Family. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 5. Renter’s correspondent at Moscow wiring on May 4, says that the Bx-Tsar, the Tsarina and one daughter, according to a Soviet announcement, have been transferred to Ekaterinburg, owing to alleged efforts of the peasants and monarchists of the neighbourhood of Tobolsk
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  • 664 8 COMMONPLACE SORT OF EXISTENCE. I Qxs Lira Dbsoiibud. A recent telegram announced that the i Ex-Tsar and his family are being removed to the Ural Region. The following is an interesting account of their life at Tobolsk t From the windows of his flat at Tobolsk, Niohol'as
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  • 65 8 Monday, Mat 6 Town Band, Esplanade, P.C.C,, General Meeting, 6 45 p.m. Tubsdat, Mat 7. Penang Chamber of Commerce. Committee Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Widnisdat, Mat 8. Town Band, Esplanade. Tennis Matoh (Singles), 8- X, R, C. vs. P, R. C., Esplanade, 5 p.m, Tbubsdat, Mat 9. Ascension
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  • 235 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May i An Amsterdam message states that tabling occurred at Kiaff on th* occasion of the overthrowing of the Ukrainian Government as cabled on the 2nd instant. Birman Misgivings Amsterdam, May 5, Certain Berlin papers severely criticise tho actions of the German military authorities
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 Why It SellsChamberlain's Coagh Kerned y it the largest selling ccagh medicine in the world to-day beoaase it does exactly what a cough remedy it «apposed to do- It stopa the oeagb by caring the oold, and deet it speedily and For tale by all die*
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    • 264 8 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company, Ltd. Iac»rp«rate4 im Uiiu. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. K Maoph>kboit, Secretary S.S. F M.S Finds exceed I30,500/XX),00 Claims Paid w *26,000,0<X) 00 LOW RATES LIBERAL CONDITION Apply for Pr2*pectus etc, to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Beach or 86, Beach Slreel,
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  • 330 9 friNT 1100.000 in Ninu Tuam. Mr Juitioe Ebden oa Friday after- »hn public examination of Oog Hong Kin bankruptcy, was conducted by Mr. r, n VaIdv. Assistant Official Assignee. debtor i/«said to have inherited 1100,000 in 1909 and bad squandered it in nine years, 10 /n tbs
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  • 344 9 With the return of the Wolf and the «U'Oeiiful negotiation of the North Sea blockade by her prize, the Igota Mendi, the Northern Patrol has now been penetrated oiue time» by enemy ship», while ao far as is kiown only one attempt to get through has bin
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  • 181 9 Food tbat Gous Twicu Through thu Tropics, Muoh of the imported food of the country mi'depend on this csss,” was a statement “i» le by Mr. Ernest Wild, K. G., appear- tor retail traders summoned by the Wntmlngter City Council for selling, as tec i?ed from the
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  • 703 9 Friendly Emulation On Saturday we published an appeal for more Y.M.C.A. Huts for the front. Below we have pleasure in inserting another appeal for a similar laudable purpose; the two need not clash, and it was understood that the Bed Triangle initial appeal dosed
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  • 135 9 Many officers in the Senior Servioe are asking when the Government are going to find time to introduoe and pass the Naval Priaa of War Bill, of whiob notioe waa given by Dr. Maonamara at the beginning of the Session. The old form of distribution of prize
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  • 63 9 Mr. Lionel Bignold, at the Actors’ Bsnevolent Fund meeting, told the story of an actress who waa unable to play Juliet beoause she had lost four front teeth and was unable to pronounoe her stage lover’s name- Bhe oould only say *Womeo.” The fund provided her with some new
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 83 9 4Tln B to Hr® aa we do. under the burn* if tropical aun, climatical oonditiona uu t° r j U P ar .ticularly liable to Colic, a V dlB tresaing complaint The correct lf lP l to produce a quick cure ia WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. i* Wonder ful corrective
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    • 253 9 TRY IT iN YOUR 6£TH T3 H.M. THH KihC. :o vM BY APPOINTMETT £"aS? CLCCTLi '4 p jr SWift iifi Vi MARVELLOUir PREPARATION invaluable o Tc le Oomrst 2 Purposes. Softens Hard Water. Sp -;-d;d 'Jieausing Preparation for the Hair. Allays the irritation caused by Mosquito Bites. Cleans Piaie, Jewellery,
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    • 49 9 Whj It Sells. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the largest Belling oough medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a oough remedy is supposed to do. It stops the oough by curing the oold, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers-
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    • 930 9 Sill Pain Befart Pain Kills you. Attack! of ne«ral<ia, ooastant pain or tha dread of the aadden shooting print, are a oontinaal wear and strain on the vital forees of the sufferer. Unless relief is obtained a breakdown is sure to follow, LITTLE’S OEIENTAL BALM brings oertain and speedj relief
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  • 898 10 Wnr it must bk i^afb-gitabdisd. -r d ft Many diverse opinions have been expressed in various newspapers since the news from the Far East that Japan’s intervention in Siberia, due to the recent catastrophe in Russia, was imminent. There i* a consen sos of public opinion as
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  • 285 10 T« L*t* M., H,e. t kuu th .Vot L o“x rstv“'»'“3 >beK«l.Kr. o D W«ta£&g"»»l of Mr. Sarry A.odr», timh :!r tho PM.S. Kail».,,, “ha d P °< the oldest .00 of tb. 1.1 ITf**Aodro, a member of a well t. tlrd Dotoh Burgher famil,, who oam,"^!? arstin^^rVluV/adio^lanTl
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  • 376 10 The paper ahortage hae become more acute, and the movement of the press in the direction of amaller sheets at higher prices has net yet reaohed its limit. Even the Daily Telegraph, which has so gallantly insisted upon giving the publio an ample pennyworth, is at last
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  • 165 10 G*ema.n Woeds Effa.c«o IF SoffTß Australia. The Parliament of South Auitralia bai decided that all town» in tba State bearisf names of German origin are to be renamed, and the following ia the firat lilt ef c b towna with the new nameai Gruothal—Verdun Hahndorf—Ambleside
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 89 10 ChuiMMiß’t Cngk Bmeij. When yon have a bad oold yon want a remedy that wUI not only give relief, but ef feot a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ie pleasant to take, a remedy that cod tains nothing tujarloas. Chamberlain'» Congh Remedy meets alltbeae requirements It acts on
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    • 326 10 1 C*»>J t>■ 6 Wll HI r bi Began *tD a. The Allied Governments Have Bought ,04Ul Ti’ iJ I I V?! #Vi SI 7o Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter—the machine that makes big organizations complete. O A/m*. a. *4-»
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    • 8 10 F#r Children’ll Hiteking Cough ftt Nlfkt. o*r# W
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  • 1104 11 The car arrived, all French-grey paint, vsrnisb, and nickel nioknacks, and sat on a fiit truck in the station of our little towD, i sneering, at the medieval Gape-carts, Scotch- carts, and ox-wagons, fully conscious that it wa the first of lt§ ki “d in the
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  • 423 11 Good Hiavcns, It’s Bombs The story of a British air raid into Germany, told by a neutral who has just returned to Holland, is contributed to the Time by its correspondent at The Hague. He states: On March 21 I was in the neighbourhood of
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  • 357 11 There ia ene thing that Germany must not be allowed to do, and that ia gain a footing on the Bastern littoral of Russia. If Germany onoe reaches the Pacifio, then good-night to civilisation and liberty. The western coast of the Unite States is practically
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 50 11 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prerent an accident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared for it Chamberlain’s Pain Balm ia net beyond anyone's parse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for almsst anything. For sal# h m all dispensaries and dealera.
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    • 430 11 ON SALE Complete outfit to make Rubber Packing Cases, consists of 6 H.P. Sumi-Diesel Oilengine, 36-inch Bandsaw, Variety Woodworker to plane, trim and groove planks, Radio-Asphalt Roofing in rolls covering 100 Bq. feet each Oxogas Lamps, 300 c. p. for Kerosioe. Consnlt ns, for Icemaking Machinery, Complete small Rice Oilmills
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1280 12 P. 6. —BRITISH AND APCAR LINE. MAIL (Companies Incorporated in England AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present vospendad, Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offer* and as far as odation ia
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