Straits Echo, 4 May 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1125 1 condensed Mjl Milkmaid j^Ks'diifesg!® SwIUCTUnd; d !|F YOU WANT COMFORT 00 ro TH Undermentioned Garage For Brand New C»r« for hr« day and night Telephone No. 694. Telegraphic Address: HOKIMTEIK. 9*5 Motor car importers and largest denlers in cylinder oil, petrol motor accessories. REPAIRS of every kind don© br experienced
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    • 21 1 ±1 si£S milk? 382« ,fw *Nrs aviFi*"* w which is the best corf** 'to J» k S LOTION. OfC *"■■> d ca
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives, Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire KATZ OTHERS, (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. LTD m i. Y<r ri y >2
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  • 1359 3 I A Study iu Suobut Biir When I first went to a war I objected to 'umtneas for purely military reasons I had *o waste upon rubbing up my buttons proI cious hours that might baTa boon spent in devising ways of outwitting the wilts of the Dutchman, In
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 551 3 J 0 0 THE A B C. OF ESTATE SUPPLIES, ii TO PLANTERS AND.DEALERS. A Study of (he following will Greatly Benefit You. Acid 99 o/o Glacial Guaranteed Ktarbed Wire Genuine American Make Coagulating Pans—Blue and White Enamel IS in. by 9 in. by in 15 in. by 10 in.
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    • 430 3 TRANSLATION *T1HE UNDERSIGNED uderUtes to translate any docvment fro* English i*to Chinese and vice versa. Also Chinne accounts into English. Fees according to the following scale (1) For translation for insertion in tbe Siraitt Echo or the Pinany Sin Poe or to ba pr nted by the Jobbing Department of
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  • 766 4 The art of living does not lie in the acoeptanoe of any one formal» nor is it to be sovght in set of rairs capable of general application, Life itself is too evanescent, too i elusive, to be imprisoned in a definition. It is a flower
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  • 197 4 The evil effeot of opium smoking has again been demonstrated by the tragio story whioh has just been brought to light of a family in Lutai, near Tientsin. The family consisted of a man and his wife, who were both opium smokers, and two ohildren—a girl of
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  • 936 4 Thoughts Puomptid Bt Thu Stmi, Woexs Ibagkdt. The suioide of the late Mr. Osbikaws, President of the Government Iron Foundry, has prompted some Japanese publicists to pen articles dealing with propriety or other* wise of taking one’s own life by way of atonement for certain serious
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an acoient, bat it ia not impoaaible to be prepared (or It. Chamberlain's Pam Balm ia net beyond anyone's parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yum are prepared for almost anything. For eel* all dispenaarlos and dealers, i
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    • 263 4 Whiteaway s FOR CHINA AND Ci-ASS WARE. “TEE STRATFORD 3) Dinner Te% and Breakfast Set made of white 8emi-procelain ware, decorated with apple g een leaf desig n, St, Regent shaped as illustration. Very atrong and aerviceab’e. Breikages can be replaced at any tim©. Strong Durable fi H m Tea
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    • 92 4 dunkerlaii’a Cngh Remedy. When 70« bare a bad oold jov want a dy that will not only give relief, bat eff 3t a prompt and permanent onre, a remedy that ii pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injarions. Chamberlain's Cou*h Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on
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    • 411 4 at the Road, Penang App j personalty or in writing t 0 Mm. LEONG TEKKUKiN U Li ht Street, Penang, w ANTED. A rel able and expiri ence Uazmi Man to won? on ■alarj and bouui. 4 pp on experience to 0 8. L c/o Strait» Echo. ■'W^AJXTTESJD. A Nexperienopd
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  • 1144 5 Hokit Collecting. Honey-oollecting is a primitive industry lia Kedah, and in Perils is a royal perquisite. I In the forest there are groves of great trees loalled tuilang. Toe bees make tbeir nests in I these trees which are frcm 100 Ito 150 feet in height, the nearest
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  • 501 5 I Most dwellers in this country are familiar with the lyohee but only in the preserved 11 exported from China in tins a ice though they are thus and very rerresbing, the fruit is very much more luscious when picked and eaten straight from the tree
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  • 509 5 WiKXLY Rdpoet, The following of Messrs. Lean and Co’s Weekly Market report is datpd May 8 The expected reaction in Robber has set in and the material reoorda a decline of $8 to $lO per pikul during the week. Sellers [of Rubber-shares have again predominated, bat buyers
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 434 5 ft ib it &> <kih £nL'£& L «L «L >jb4 si-4 ffe&ih jjffTrmmwTTfwwTfTnnnmfmnfTmnTOi j; Special Special Special Special “THE RED ACE” NOTE THE OPENING NIGHT MAY 11th. V u* fr* p* fts ftEMPIRE ft We i'&fe no desire to be sensat:onal in our announcement of the above but tiii: ki:i>
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    • 665 5 NOTICE. J LABOUR CODE, 1912, F-M-S. j '‘Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1911.” t E MI LO Y E R 3 O FIN DIA N' L A C O U R 1 are herebj reminded that assessment i returns for the preceding quarter must be sent to the Office of the
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  • 99 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 39, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Daily Local *BO per annum. Outstatlon Postag-e Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) 118 per annum. Cablo Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Eohoj 580. Printing Department 343, N.b. —411 businma
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  • 20 6 Fleming -la on 3rd instant to M--, and Mrs. R. H. B. Fleming of Burgui Pat*i i a scr.
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  • 841 6 The Central Powers must be feeling a I little sad that the position they bold in the occupied or semi-occupied territories in the Eist is less sdvantsgecus to them than they anticipated, and they will be still more sorry as time goes on. On tbe I
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  • 430 6 With ever growing armies in Picardy and Flanders there is ever a greater demand for accommodation for them in such institutions as the Y. M. 0. A. Huts, which have become, with the Red Croes organisation, an integral part of the work for the men
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  • 1873 6 Captain Roald Amundsen. Captain Roald Amundsen, the famoaa Norwegian explorer, is aetting out in Jane from Norway on another voyage of exploration, hia objeotivea being the Jeannette and Henrietta lalands. His chief idea ia on reaching the ialandt, to push into the ice so far aa the ship
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 You do no wrong to follow the crowd that go in for Bate's Tyres. THEY ARE THE V. RY BEST THAT ENGLAND PRODUCES •‘DON’T TRUST TO FATES, BUT RIDE ON B'.TEV USED AND FAMOUS FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS, MOTORCAR TYRES. Cover»... expecting Tubet, for Ford Car», 30 inches l v
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    • 216 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] London, May 2 Sir Douglas Haig reports i—" We repulsed a raid in the neighbourhood of Hebuterne. Otherwise there was only reciprocal aitillery work.” DMiioni Congratulated. Lot don, May 2. Sir Douglas Haig, congratulating the oomminder of the Second Army, m8utions| tbs Twenty-Dloth division,
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    • 123 7 French Communiques London, May 2. A French oommunique states t —'‘A Ger-j man attack in the region of Phences north of the Avre failed under our fire. Enemy attemps north of Chavignon and north-west I of Rhsims were also unsuccessful. We made! raids notably in the direction of Le Monohe),
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    • 748 7 Correspondents Accounts London, May 2. Renter's correspondent at British head- quarters (May 2 evening)» Early this I morning the Germans heavily bombarded J with shells of high explosive west of the] Harris area, around Villera Bretonneux There was no infantry action. Possibly it I was for the purpose of practising
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    • 136 7 From Various Fronts Palestine Front. London, Msy 2. A Palestine official message states —We resumed operations eastward of the Jordan I on May 1. While infantry attaoked the I enemy in the foothills south-west and south of Essalt, the Australian mounted troops I entered the village, taking prisoner thirtythree Germans
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    • 995 7 War Decorations. London, May l. Mentioned for valuable servioe during the war are the Legation guard at Peking inolnding the following Indian Army I offloers i—Captains E. W. Brett, A. J. Thomson, and Company sergeant-major F.W Deane; and also Captain S. J. Barrett of the Shanghai municipal
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    • 106 7 Politic al News. Conscription in J Newfoundland. 1 1 London May 3, 1 1 A oable from St. Johns says that the i Newfoundland Legislative Council unanimously passed the second reading of a I Conscription Bill. Prussian Electrial Reform. Amsterdam, May 2. The Prussian Diet by 285 votes to 188
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    • 359 7 A TALE OF TWO BROTHERS. Paris, May 2, 7.45 p.m The FaritUn gives this striking example of the dose collaboration between land troops and aviation. M A reconnoitring aerial squadron was attached to one of our African divisions. Four battalions of Z waves of that division were opposed
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  • 368 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Promier'i Strcng StandLondon, May 3. B*plying to a memorial signed by over silty thousand I-ish residents in Great Britain immediate self-govern-ment in Ireland, tba Premier said There is no object wbioh I hare more closely at heart than to assist io composing this ancient controversy.
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  • 83 7 The following «re the latest qnotations in Messrs. A., A. Anthony and Company’s share list i Yesterday. To-day. Rubber. S S 5 T S' =3 cq co pq co Jimah 1.55 1.70 1.50 1.65 Kedah 360 3.80 3.40 3.60 Kuala Sidim 45.00 48.00 43.00 45.00 Mining. Kampong
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  • 82 7 Perak Biver Valley 11,049, Semanggol 11,469, Jura 6,700, Kong Lee (Per«k) 760, S.S. (Bertam) 65 000, Gala Kalampong 68.800, Padang 19,000, Babber Estates of Krian 18,300, Btmaeaga 12.600, Padang Jawa 9,691, Karan 7,687, Bactau 4,200, Nellmay 6,578, Naw Colombia 28,096, K.M-S. 13,026, Sungei Bitu (Mal*v*) 18,500, Val
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  • 139 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $175 50, basioess done, in Singapore (refined) at $175.50, bujers ro aelie s, and in London at .£360 three months. Nnw Adtts i —Mr, H. Kaier Batcba advertises the sale of Shop-boas s at Sungei Patani; The Penang Sales Boom
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  • 590 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Commlttii’i Suggaitloai. Lmdon, May 2/ Lord Balfour of Burleigh’s Committee has presented a further report on post war trade. It states that any general prohibition of exports to enemy countries after the war will be impracticable and inexpedient, but the Paris resolutions can be
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  • 76 7 The following artioles will be feud sa our outside pages 3, —Smartness, 4, The Art of Life. The Ethics of Suicide, 5, Isdih Notes, Lines on the Lyohee, Penang Share Market, B—N8 —N >w Trade Conditions in Bouth China. Trousers for Bishop*. China as an Effective Ally. P,F 8.
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  • 498 8 Mr. W. Duncan left to-day for the Federal Capital on a visit. v t W. 3. Goldie, of Messrs. MrAlister and Co., left tars afternoon for the Southern Settlement. Mlia D. Campbell, who has resigned her position at the Taipmg Hospital, has returned to Batu’Gajah. Mr, F.C.
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  • 310 8 Oar correspondent wntesi —The change of the Senior District Office of this Provinoe from here to Buitjrvioitb took place at the beginning of the month. Messrs. Q- A. Hertford, Benior Distrust Officer. Hee Swee Bee, Chief Oleik and four other Chinese oletks all left Bakit Mertsjiin for
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  • 49 8 For Bt Stuamu* At. 6 b instant (Monday), Rangoon (Mergui and Moulmein via Ban* goon) B*3o p.mP. Brandtn and Ling■a (via Del Biefhan 10 a.m, Pula* Langkswi Perlia and Setul Vn Peng 8-30 p.m* 4th inatant (Saturday). United Kingdom (routeuncertain) 12 30p.m. Mail B Parcels 11
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  • 820 8 A Crbditablu Dbmonstratio*. L There was a large crowd of spectators at tbe Penang Free School playground yesterday evening to witness the ,D *P PC I of the Penang Free School troop of Bo Scoots by Col. A R. Adams, Cbairman<f the Boy Scout Association, Penang, and
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  • 194 8 Mr. Khaw Joo Tok advises us that the output from Tin B*ntong No Liability tor April last was s—71 300 Cubic yards 597 Hours, 465 Piculs; $44 000 Value all last half dredging old workings. The outpat of the Menglembu Lode Syndicate, Limited, for the month of April
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  • 721 8 Chins has given over 100 000 of her best men to the cause of the Allies. They are behind the lines workmg as mechanics, carpenters, bridge and road builders Ttey *re strong, brave, and indefatigable and good-humoured workers, For two years or I more they
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  • 293 8 Captain T&gert. in the Voeeieehe Zriiuna, assumes that thu submarine ear will ultimately succeed but it is very interest ing to note his definition of the naval situation —unrestricted submarine war apart He writes England had closed the gates of the Nor h Sea. From bases dominating all
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  • 448 8 Thr Comprador* Eystrm. An Interesting feature of the Imperial j i ■nd Foreign Trade Supplement’’ of Thth Timet is a further instalment of Professor 1 Middleton Smith’s review of the position of i British trade with China. Ia the present < issue Professor Middleton
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  • 371 8 The Church of England ii agitated from Dan to Bsershebs. She ii going through an orgy of self-examination. I writei J. J. Pigg in the Commonwealth Every Eiglisbman claimi the right tol mend or, here and there alas! to end the I E cleeit Anglican%. lam an
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  • 63 8 Saturday, Mat 4, Ministering Children’s Lugue Entertainment, Town H»H, 4 SO p.m. Sunday, Mat 5. Rogation Bnndaj. Monday, Mat 6 Town Band, Esplanade, P.0.C., General Meeting, 6 45 p.m. Tuisdat, Mat 7. Penang Chamber of Commerce, Committee Meeting, 2.30 p m. Wbdnbsdat, Mat 8 Town Band, Esplanade.
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  • 265 8 The directors’ repoit for the meeting on May 13 at noon states! After making ample provision for depredation and db s, t the net profits amount to 1132 C 62 34 which, with the balance of $8.478 07 s b,ought forward from last account, gives a
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  • 391 8 The market report of Messrs. Aldens’ Successors Ltd,, dated Lindon, 28th j February, 1918: Wa have had a very mixed market recently on the repo. t becoming current that j shipments from the East to England had been suspended for a period, and the market rose from
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  • 48 8 Mat 5. (Rogation Sunday). 8 00 a.m. Matins No Holy Communion Ssrvice No Children’s 8ervice. 6-00 p.m. Evensong Hymn 270 Responses Roberts Psalms XXVII) F XXVIII j Fo8ter XXIX Lloyd Magnificat 257 Nunc Dimittis 258 Hymns 477, 540 On Friday, 6*45 p.m. Choir Practice
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  • 37 8 9-00 a.m. Children’s Service and Sacrament of Baptism. 6-00 p.m. Public Worship. Preacher Rev. Donald J. Ross, m a. Hymns 672, 2, 167, 483 and 616. Choir Practice on Friday evening at 7.
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  • 132 8 CFrom Otar Own Correspondent,) Singapore, May 8. Kebber auction prices of all grades show a sharp decline. The demand is only fair. Large quantities were bcagbt in of ribbed and smoked sheet $lOO fine pale orepe offerings small $lOl to $lO5 among medians lower grade orepes clean
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  • 485 8 The Turkish Pos ition. What, should be our answer to Germany’, Black Sea enterprise It i, suggested by the very nature of the German scheme which is a reinsurance against Bulimrii and Turkey We want nothic gi n Urk north of the Taurus except free Dardsnel les and decent conditions
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  • 526 8 We were on beard the leader of a destroyer fljtilla starting on one of its ordinary cruises as escort to merchant convoys, A destroyer in front, and others on each flsnk, constituted a protective screen, Night shut down on us a b.»ck blanket, adding greatly to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 2305 9 m 0 Dividend. VS -M Numhe ef •f A 1 s Capital. bkaro fc> last ftuiVUM. ft S ft o itboed. 1« fer current s h. s •ial year. jear. h =3 m i KVBBER—BBLLAR SHAKES. 8 ots. 1 0te 1 170,000 120,900 1 l «9 a. A1 or
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 290 9 the eastern produce exchance. 27, Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 32nd Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Monday, the 6th May, 1918. Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and Thursday. Sale
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  • 3694 10 I {Concluded The most impnrtan feature of the scheme is the destruction of the larvae tred in the side drains The most economical metho i is by flushing which may be done aitom atically or otherwise (In the book wr.tten by Le Prince and Orenstein, Mosquitoj Control iri
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 647 10 i Are yon a Slave to pain Do You Ever Root? Or ia your life a perpetual burden-a Wakeful, restless, fevered tortured exiateuce? Do you atart and cry out from twitching nerves or daiting pain»? Are you robbed of your nighta of just repoae and tranquil aleepP Then there ia
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    • 343 10 ESTABLISHED 1874. the oriental Govei ament Security Life Assurance Company, Ltd Ift<«rp«ratc4 ia Ia4ia. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. R Maophikiok, Secretary 8.8, FM.S. Finds exceed Claims Paid 130,500,000.00 126,000,000.00 LOW RATES LIBERAL CONDITION Apply for Prospectus etc, to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Beach or S6, Beach Street Pe*a%f Ihi
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  • 1401 11 Tbe delay at the start in selecting the Browning as the machine gun ef the United States Army in the Great War seems to many editorial observers to be justified by the recent triumphant demonstration of the new weapon at the Congress Heights rifle range, near Washington,
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  • 614 11 Bays the Hongkong Daily Prut —There is one aspect of the matched oatastrophe which may be overlooked, though it is, perhaps, the most important point to be emphasised. It is this i There is no European in the Colony who knows anything at all about the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 962 11 Dysentery anc ver Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Make You Strong and Able to Resist Disease. When you are strong with the full strength of vigorous manhood you have no need to fear the diseases that attack weak people. Dr. Cassell’s Tablets give you that strength. They fill you "with life and
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    • 349 11 '.M m i ki 7 r Wj m Ifc/» «i: 5^K«?c e as: /J5# Perfume of Cej/Con W ana-Ranee is the latest triumph of the perfumer’s art. A scent which recalls the spice-laden breezes of its native home, fragrant with the perfume of many flowers. Sweet and lasting, its fascination
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1045 12 p BRITISH INDIA STRAITS STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND APCAR LINE. MAIL (Companias Incorporated in England AND PASBENQER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EABT OF BOM BAT are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via
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