Straits Echo, 30 March 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1127 1 i r /rn rt t* feV- 2*^ >*» rim NATII&a V IF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO THB Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cars for hir* DAY AND NIGHT Telephone No 694. Teleinphic Addresi: HOKIMTEIK. Motor car importers and largest dealers in cylinder oil, petrol motor accessories. REPAIRS of every
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    • 13 1 Ifi'S MILK "*»8 w rut Cr iLurn u»” *s3^ E 5 *~f t
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  • 1005 2 Biblical Natioatiojt. It is essy to see that sailormen had no hand in making the Bible. Bbore-goera of all aorta, from statesman to oattle-tender, helped in the compilation; bat the neareet approaob to a seaman ia foand in anoh fellowa aa Peter and John who, after
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  • 1010 2 Th» Position or thk Pn*siD*irr, As we reported in our issue of yesterday, it is widely believed, and there appears to be ground for the belief, that President Feng is anxious to resign the Presidency, 'lhe report gained strength yesterday, and many circumstances tended to give it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 12 2 For Ohildien’a Hacking Cough at Night Wooda'e Great Peppermint Cure la. 64-
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    • 346 2 Dl.-'TX o CD0CZ 9 I EIIEAW4TS 5CDOOCDC x -)C~ 1.-JDO CDO THE VALUE PENANG HOUSE. J > o o 0 tJ n 0 y o C) r\ 'U 0 o n Pure Water A Necessity In Every home, use the “DOULTEN’S improved germ intercepting filters, Absolutely the Best of all,
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    • 739 2 WANTED Young Englishman, i„, M 4 Hiltub Xul.otrj OEcer, with OCB uwcial, eiperiecce, requires po<t traveller, or on an eitate, address. 169 K. I M. c/o Strait* Ecko. WiLUffTED. A RUBBER FACTORY ABBISTANT for a Healthy Estate in Sungs Patani. Good prospects to energetio man Apply stating salary required with
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  • 767 3  -  [By Weight] It seems one may do tne rigtrt thing for the wrong reason. No reader is likely to have realised the pangs that accompanied my deciaion to abandon my ‘‘Like” or pad- stnautiipfrom San Francuco to St. Louis, and the rer.fter to descend the Mississippi to Niw
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  • 89 3 March SI, Easter Day. 7- a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil), 800 a.m, Holy Communion Hymn 134 10-00 a-ra. Choral Matins and Choral Communion Hymn 181 Easter Anthem 314 PaalmCXl 318 T* Denm 4 v h Set B?nediclu* 32 Hymn 134 Communion Service: Smart Hymns 133 A 135
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  • 53 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Golf Club to-day .at 5-45 pm.:— 1 8-lection II Crcciato Meyerbeer 2 Boonie BeatriceGardyoTroop Quinn 3 Selection La vie Pom Lj Cur Clinker 4 Walts Bid me Goodbye Conors 5 Polka Las G:anouilles Delbruck 6 Mai oh
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  • 761 3 MILITARY CRITICS’ 0PINI0N3. FRENCH SWISS AND SPANISH. First Phase of Immense BattlePari», March 28, 12.10 a m. Tba military critic of the Journal resumes in these terms cn the militaiy situation after the first six days of the struggle < We are at a moment of transition. The
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  • 96 3 [To ths Editor ov the Strait Echo.] Dear Sir, The Malays of Rrian, Kedah acd Province Wellesley have been much interested in your remarks about last season’s padi crop and the difficulty that some cf us have had in getting ledve from estates. I think we shall not
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 428 3 aBTTmWTTTTTTTWTWWmWWTTWnnTtWTT* EASTER ATTRACTION. 1 ftmpire Theatre a?Proprietor h j. a. HOLM. Manager: THOMAS SHAFT > Special programme for Thursday. Friday, Satu day and Sunday hb March 28th, 29th, 30th and 3lst 1918. 3 ONLY The best show in Penang. THAT’S ALL FIKST SHQW AT 8 P,M. wt mEDDIE POLO 99
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    • 630 3 Vsfesbsb V AT THE pf Electric Polyscope Business Manager. Khao Keng Ckeow la the 2sd Show at 9*15 p.m. Beautifully Coloured PATHS PRESENTS Highly Interesting -ft -ft Massive Reels A 1I\ the W louds Exeiting Reel s THE VIIAGRAPH COY. PRESENTS The Radium Thieves 3 •i •9k *9k A strong
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  • 104 4 {published daily (Except Sandays and pnblic holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, om»| Price t I Dally ISO per Annum. Outetatlon Poat*r« BxtPA. I Mail Edition (Poet Free) MS per annum. Cable Addreee: ECHO PENANG. Telephone Noe. (Eohe) o*o. I Printing Department I4J. I
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  • 1512 4 By his statement regarding the less of padi in the distriot under his oontrol the D.O. of Krian has at any rate snooeeded in starting a discussion on a subjeol of the first importanoe. The latest to intervene in the controversy is A Brian Planter who writes
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  • 979 4 Piratss ol Penang. A correspondent writes to say that the Chinese sampan ooolies are no worse than their Tamil confreres t in faot, so he says they are both in the same boat. He continues that there is a treaty between the Chinese and Tamil ferrymen by whioh
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  • 649 4 [Reuter's Telegrams.] IN THE FRENCH CHAMBER. Premier OptimiBtio London, March 28, 4.20 a.m, A Paris message states that M. Clemen, oeau, Premier and Minister of War addressing the Army Committee of th* Chamber, said “The military situation I, crystallising. The ecemy effort has .lack, ened in the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 118 4 Sporting Requisites. o />\ f Best Solid Cow Hide Footballs, complete with Bate’s Para Rubber Bladders. Size 1 Price $1-90. 2 $2*50, ,i 3 n $3-50. 4 i, $4-50, 5 $5-50. The “Climax” A. I. quality, complete, size 5, as used in all matches, Price $10. Billiard Cues, $2-25. Bonzolin
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  • 3994 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Sir Douglas Hsig's Despatch. Big Struggle At Albert. London, March 28, 12.15 a.m. Bir Douglas Haig reports i— 41 The battle was renewed this morning north and south of the Somme. There was intense fighting during the day from south of Bosses to the north
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  • 34 5 The following article* will be feaad on onr ontaide page* Page*. 2— A Naval Obaplain'a Note-Book. iff •irs in China. 3— Travel Gup. Churoh Qeivioe. Telegram*. 6. —Telegram*. 7. Whom Seek Ye t
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  • 667 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Germans Repulsed. London, March 27, 4 35 p.m. A French conamuniqul states: Yesterday evening and last night, the enemy who was everywhere held, was obliged by the weakness oaused by his heavy losses to slow down bis attack. The gallantry of our troops who have been
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  • 563 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Black Sea Fleet Act ireLondon, Maroh 27. 3 10 p.m. A cable from Petrograd states that simultaneously with the news of the triumph of Bolshevik forces at Odessa over the Ukrainian Government which concluded a separatist treaty with the Central Powers» comes the information that
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  • 577 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] NOTABLE BRITISH VICTORY Huge Capture* London. March 28, 6.35 p.m. j A Mesopotamia official report states: On the 26th Instant we oarried out a highly successful operation from the i Euphrates to the north-west of Hih leading j to the capture or destruction of virtually
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  • 571 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Tbs Premier's Message. London, March 28 4.5 p.m. A New York telegram says that Lord Beading, Chief Justice of England at a dinner in his honour read a message from Mr. Lloyd George calling on the United States to send Amerioan reinforcements across the Atlantic
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 513 6 OF SALE. ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE The undersigned is instrncted to pat ap for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION On Wednesday, the 3rd April, 1918 AT 11 AM. At Leg**'* Buildingt, Beach Street, Penang THE UKDBEMBNTIOWBD PEOPEBTY OP Lew Bak Guan, Lee Bong Goej his wife and Tong Seng. All those
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    • 61 6 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company, Ltd. luarptrtUJ ii Itii», BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. R. Maophhsoh, Secretary S.S. A FM.B Funds exceed $30,500,000,00 Claims Paid $26,000,000.00 LOW BATES LIBERAL CONMTI9NS Apply for Protpeofaa etc. to Luc Eu Toh, Merchant, 158, Beach or 80, Beach Street, Penauy Turn
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    • 565 6 KTOTICE. LABOUR CODE, 1912, F-M-S. “Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1911.” EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUR are hereby leminded that assessment returns for the preceding quarter mmt b. sent to the Office of the Deputy Controller of Labour, Penang, durfoi the months on April, July, October and January. Forms for the return
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  • 1050 7 Thoughts Fob Eabtbb. (From A Correspondent) When therefore he who aits there beholds the three approach him like folk lost and seeking something, let him begin in a dulcet ▼oice of medium pitch to sing Quern quaeriti» go ran the instructions given to those who took part
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1262 7 I I a e a i FOR EFFICIENCY. 5 R.T.Reid& Co.,| I I PENANG jasw®' kxhkxxxxxxkx*** XXXXXXXXXXXXXX# HUTTON’S' PIKEirPLG HAMS AND BACON X g X X X X 5 X X ole Agents Sir nits F.M.S. SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE jj COMPANY, LIMITED, X S nt!' pore. Kuala Lurnpu-, Ipoh, Penang.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1632 8 rr P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER BERVICEB. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (TJndei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company's MALL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present snspended. Passengers for Europe are hooked via Bomba* as opportunity offers and as fares
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