Straits Echo, 27 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 jj^°^=«^ o^=>o^==>oo=^)=><<^ o <)=> o <}=> o £&s&s r* if)i OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire KATZ OTHERS (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1247 3  -  (A CHINESE TALE) By Anatole Frange. Tchouang-Tsen. of the Provinoe of Foung, wai a scholar who pushed wisdom to the length of detachment from all temporal things, and as, being a good Chinaman, he did not believe in eternal things either, there remained, for
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  • 566 3 A Naw Aveican Bpici«s. From a Timtt Correspondent There have reoently arrived in England evidences of the most important soological discovery that has oome to light since the finding of that strange beast, the Okapi, in the Congo forest some years bsck. This discovery proves very completely the
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  • 150 3 At prominent Armenians were tortured to death, bouses containing women and children were set on fire, a body of men collected together was thrown into the river, girls were outraged and slaughtered. For two days the massacre continued, and by the end of tbe second day the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 486 3 i a “GUARANTEED” KV’s^sssr On every bottle of Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills sold it So,.» o( A»mr there placed an extra label, bearmg a numbed Jd“*bl Guaranteed winch denotes that the proprietor. o( Dr. Morse's l„j!„ (too, PtHs guarantee «hat they conta.n nothing that 1, not in strict accordance
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    • 50 3 Why it Balls. Chamberlain's Coagh Eemedy is tb* largest selling ooagh medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a cougb remedy i« anppoaed to do. It stopa the coagh by oaring the oold, and deea it speed ily and efleotaally. For sale by all dispensaries and damlar*
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    • 580 3 t scoho^ A Great Ideal And A Great Tonic Iron Jelloids. A Great Ideal is placed before the world by Bertholdi’s Colossal Statue of Liberty, which greets the traveller entering New York Harbour To a robust constitution alone is possib'e the fulfilment of great ideals. Maintain your strength by maintaining
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  • 834 4 Democracy After the War. By J. AHobeon. Allen and Unwin. 4a. 6d. netMr. Hobson’s book ia a tmonpet-oall to Ltb>nr and to democrat». He has Ihe pacifist’s habit of tbinkirg in militarv metaphors; be has the piCifiat’a vision of the world aa a battl*field Society is for him
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  • 73 4 Wrdnrsdat, March 27. F*U Mood. Town Band, Esplanade. Thursday, March 18. Jewish Festival (First day of the Pass* over). Friday, March 29. Town Band, Esplanade. Good Friday. Public Holiday* Saturday, March 80, Town Band, Golf Club. P.F R.O. Bboot, 7 am. North Kedah Oar Day”. Public Holiday.
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  • 996 4  -  THE LOGICAL REMEDY. (By Hector C. By water. When Germany found her oversea trade shot off by the British blockade, so far as surface traffic was concerned, she promptly devised a method of transport which, despite many limitations, had the supreme merit of setting the blockade at naught.
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  • 292 4 Punano, Marsh 27, 1918. Bhep— cts, Soup per catty 20 Roast 38—40 Pteaks 38—40 Stew or Curry Meat 24 Rump Steak 38—40 Ox Tail eaoh 40 Tongue €o—74 •I Feet 50 Heart 50—60 Liver per catty 50 Fillet of Beef 70—75 Porx— Pork per catty 60—62 with fat
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 416 4 I FOR CHILDREN'S WE* R fci TOBRALCO n FOR LADIES' WEAR THE WASHING FABRIC. i Persian Lawns, Width 46 inches three qualities in stock. Prices 90 els. $1,20, $1.35 per yard. Swiss Robe Muslins, Width 46 inches extra fine finish Prices 85 cts. 95 cts. $1.20, 1.35 per yard, BATISTE.
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    • 157 4 A C °A- TED TOBGn? and a tainted breath DOint t.n hito r» urB ®tn. point to bile. If you ala? pation and^SadSSh,“K SSX'VLZrZ; troubU. Q.ntle assistance needs to establish regular habit. tor free from habit E Z« 1 requirement, most admirably, aafd’o n 0 T^ P inketteo the tiny
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  • 814 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] CROSSING THE JORDAN. Qcod Frcgrest London, March 25, 6.15 p m. A Palestine official says:— "We extended our positions on the left bank at Jordan. One of oar patro ling machines attacked five aeroplanes and broaght down three oat of control, “The King of the Hedjsz’s
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  • 472 5 [To thb Editor of thi Straitt Echo 18* r I quite concur with your view in your yesterday's issue under the foot-note if C C-L's letter of 25tb instant that such an I imporant question should be settled by the I force of general public opinion. It
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  • 223 5 ALOR STAR GYMKHANA. List or Entries. The following are the entries for the various events in the Kedah K*?d Cross 1i Gymkhana to be held at Alor Star on March 30 and March 31 Events. 1. TENT PEGGING. 2 Sewing oir thb Burrow. 3. Obstacle Race
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  • 61 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, March 25. The prices in the London Rubber j todav were: Pale Crepe '/J Diamond Smoked Bbeet 2/4$ Messrs. Boustead A Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the 22nd nst. I received
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 411 5 TTTTTWfTTmmWTWT!TWWWWWTWWTmWTT3g ALL N E W TO-MGHT 3 ONLY The Best Show in Penang-THAT’S ALL. 3 mpire Theatre Proprietor H J. A.. HOLM. Manager: THOMASshapto 1st Show at 8 p.m. FROM THE SHADOWS At 8 30 M UNIVEKBAL 8TABB 2 Rfel Br sncho” Wild West Exciting Dr ms Burning suns. Edith
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    • 782 5 TO LET. Furnished compound house for three month* trim atxut midd April. Apply to 191 PATERSON, SIMONS A Co., L d WANTED. Driver to take charge of Oil Engine and Factory Machinery on Rubber Estate. Apply Sim Darby A Co. Ltd 188 4 Beach St. Penang WANTED YOUNG ENGLISHMAN, invalided
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    • 578 6 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] From French Headquarters. Direction of Advanoe London, March 26 ''Renter’s correspondent adds :—‘‘Toe Germans are advancing through the same t rritory in wbiob through their owo criminal f. lly they will not fiad a whole roof except ii tbe towns of Gaisoard and Ham nor an
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local $3O pep annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $lB pep annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586. Printing Department 343. N.B. —411 bu.ineaa
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  • 795 6 Since the outbreak of war the local presa baa lived under s censorship the severity and inconveniences of which have naturally varied from time to time Generally, the newspapers would be ready to admit that the censorship has been conducted in a reasonable manner and with
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  • 461 6 There is little that the lay writer can profitably add to the comments l of the experts on the military situation cabled through this morning. These agree in regarding the position with calm and confidence and we would particularly direct the atten. tion of our readers to
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  • 937 6 Cap 1 A S. Jaif has arrived Home safely ttd ixp c's to get military work shortly. I Mr. R D Actou, District Judge, went j to Bukit Mertajam to-day to hear a case i there. 0 Mr. H. Lloyd Cowdy, of Ipob, is now in an
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  • 1035 6 The Blarney Stone. greatly surprised tofiud it even 0t convincing than his first effort Thn u part ot hi. fla!ion whiob yesterday, oecurs right in the be asks purnaissio ito state a f HW morfl 9 me points*» eonclution, Now Cutno ins will agree that the Bi-hon in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 143 6 1 PRITCHARD and Company, Limited. Sports Department. New Delivery of Sporting Goods. Tennis Rackets by the Best Makers. Foireeter’e,” Slazenger’s,” “Davie V’ “Prosser's,” from $9 to $22.50 each. Tennis Posts of Wood and Steel. The "iome,’’ Polished Pine Posts, with Guy Ropes, Pegs and Runners $l5. The Cyprus,” Tubular Steel,
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  • 4111 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Ceaseless Fighting Failure of Enemy Tactics, j BRITISH RESISTANCE UNIMPAIRED. THE STORY CONTINUED. The King’s Message. The Army's ReplyLoi doD, March 25, 11.15 p.m. The Press Bureau announces that Sir Douglas Haig has replied to the King Your Majesty's message has given universal encouragement to
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  • 162 7 The following articles will be found oar outside pages Pages. 3—The Lady with the White Pan. Dwarf Elephants. Lest we Forget. 4. -Militant Demooraoy. The Week's Events. Submarine Piracy. 5, Chinese Marriage Law. North Kedah Oar Day.” Telegrams. B,—Telegrams. Sir John Anderson. Frenoh Consular Telegrams. A Week’s Warring. Bangkong
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  • 186 8 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to*day st 9148 50 buyers no sellers and in Singapore (refined) at $149 buyers no sellers. The following is the list of passengers arrived here to-day from Singapore:— Mr H. Worham. Mr. P.G J Dioarie; From Port gwettenham Mr. H. Rendle. Among
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  • 395 8 Chinbsb Protectorate Muidir Oasb. At the Assizes before Mr. Justice L. M. WoodwArd this morniog the hearing was begun of the case agaiast L m Cbean who was charged with the murder of Wong Earn Fong on Mareh 6 at th9 Chinese Protectorate. Mr. A. B Voules, Solicitor-General,
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  • 153 8 The following is the health statement of the Penang >1 nnicipality for the week ending March 9, 1918 (■Male 41”) Total Deaths < >7O Female 29 Death rate 3419 per mille per annum compared with 32-24 in the preceding week and with 30.50 in the corresponding week of
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  • 180 8 Ordinary Masting An ordinary meeting of the Munioipa) Commissioners was held yesterday af •hen there were present Messrs W. Peel (President) Q iah Bing Kee, Chee Wor Loik with Mr L. M Ball (Engineer) and Mr L.A-O. B gg< (Secretary) in attendance. The minutes of the last meeting
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  • 87 8 The varied programme now shewing at the Empire h well worth seeing and includes a couple of excellent Comedies and the latest gazitte. To-night will be the last screening of this programme as to morrow the usual charge takes place. In tc-morrow’a change tbe management present what is
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  • 1581 8 Singapore ObituariesThe following are extracts from our Singapore contemporaries’ obituary notices of tbe late Sir John Anderson “The history of Sir John’s rule over this Colony which lasted fjr over seven years, that being practically a record in Colonial administration, was marked by a period of rise
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  • 335 8 Paris, March 21. Garros v?ho e cap?d about one month ago from Germany has expressed his firm intention to resume his place at the front, where he will form a squadron of youag and ardent pilots of which he will take the o mtnand. There was intense
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  • 1166 8 Sbhi -Official Karo ax. The following cabl-s were communicated to the Bangkok newspapers by the British Legation Thh Western Front, London, March 16. Operations for week ended the 14th March i —General activity on the Western trout gives the impression of toning up for large operations» Baida
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  • 299 8 whlh%r r n r l tha oa.e.n Tf w roai on the complaint of H E CoaoPhya Abhai R.j*, charged Nai Lui, of the Bangkok D*ily Bail, with publishing a criminal libel in the Siamese issue of the paper of February 16, was down for hearing at
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  • 256 8 THE GREAT BATTLE. Somt Fransh View* Paris, March 25. The Matin remarks that in order to I reach the British lines on the Somme south I of Peronne, the German offensive is bound I to fora* a projecting curve, thus exposing its I left fl»nk to the eventual
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  • 54 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Thro® Billion Loan. London, Maroh 26, IQ 45 a.m. A Washington message says that Mr, W. G. McAdoo t the Ssorptary totheTreaazry, announced that of the Third Liberty Loan was three billion dollars (gold) •t per cent, All oversubscription* would be accepted. The Silver Market. Silver
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 49 8 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to pre?ent an accident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared (or it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm it not beyond anyone’s parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared for almost anything. For sale by ail diipnnsarles and dealers
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  • 2314 9 a "3 Dividend. •2| Numbs ef u a. it Capita! Sb&r issued. m to 2 lut liufar «arrsnt 0»B». s s =3 m U, I It K eial year. y*ar. n* 3 m cr 1CBBEI—BSLLA* 8HAKB8. f eta. 8 eU IMP 1^9,000 119,000 1 i i 69 Aler Gajsh
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 195 9 LARGE QUANTITIES OF Estate Requisites Supplies FOR PRICES PLEASE APPLY TO AN TONG Co., ESTATE suppliers a commission agents. 242, Beach Street, Penang. Ti’lephone 743. Motor Cars Motor Cycles, (1917 MODELS) For Immediate Delivery MOTOR CARS:— Oakland, Maxwell, Brisooe, Pullman and Chevrolet. Equipped with High-tension Magneto, Electrie light*, Electric Horne,
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  • 2157 10  -  By E. Neabit. Oar* i« not exactly what house-agents oall a high-claes residential district. Aa a matter of f*ot, it as d to be call d The Dust-hole,and though itbasbeen pulieddowo and patih d up and improved and inspected till it bardlv knows itself, its old name U
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 438 10 X=)C DCiDtfCDECZX DC XZDd EfC A TONIC NEEDED No pnrticular disease, bat your system lacks tone. Yoar work drags. Ordinary tasks become hard. You find yourself tired, low-spirted, unable to keep your mind on anything, unable to get sound sleep at night. Debility is robbing you of your power. Dr.
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    • 50 10 Accidents Will Happen. It maj be impoaaible to prerent an aocifnr D f; bU ni fc ‘'ll 0 W™*» 1 to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’* Pain Balm ii net bejond aayane par*,, and with a bottle of tkia liniment jon are prepared fer almeet ud F k 7 M
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    • 625 10 Do you Suffer With Rheumatism Has this terrible, nerve-racking, painful ailment fastened itself upon ytuP Don’t lose hope. Here’s succour f,»r you. Littl* s Oriental Balm has cared thout sands of invetr-rate cbrooic cases of Rheu- matism—among them hundreds of oases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. I Torough this
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    • 716 10 °Mi^i ,ER MAN5s: MALAGA, SPAIN ■HIPP1R8 OF OLA88 AND OROOIRT LlRin F 01 RAISINS DRIED figs NUTS. LEMONS, ORAPEs*m?J D8 PURE OLIVE SAUD OIL Wu?' «"its Reliable Ageata waaterf ia all u r Hiu...— .w Writ. In mi lllmlreiej huh,,, ja ESTABLISHED 1874 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company,
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  • 315 11 Tbajisfobt Aeianombwts We are informed that special arras grants have been made for the transport of the world, his wife and bia baby who have been invited to the big Eaater feativitiea at Alor Star that ia being held next Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The following gives
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  • 1197 11 The realities of the situation in China to-day are of such character that they bear a cloae resemblance to a disordered dream or a frightful nightmare. What with plague, famine, floods, brigandage and civil war, China truly is in a sad plight Of all the
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  • 640 11 Wit Mrdals oi thh Hun. When made by a nation which has refine* meat of feeling and a gift for art, the commemorative medal is a thing of beauty and a joy for ever.” But when employed by a nation of such grossuees of spirit and heavy
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 437 11 TRY IT IN BATH SCRUBB YOUR BY APPOINTMENT TO H.M. THE CLOUDY /I M EI3 MARVELLOUS Invaluable for Toilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water Splend d Cleansing Preparation for the Hair Allays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bites. Cleans Plate, Jewellery, and Carpets. For Sale by all Grocers and
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    • 71 11 The scourge of a tropical oountry is dysentery, but every trouble has its antidote, and for dysentery the medicine is WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. It is a medicine that will provide quick relief aDd cure Those who h*ve to get away into the out portions of this oouDtry should never
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    • 94 11 Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. When yon bare a bad oold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but ef I feet a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy! that is pleasant to take, a remedy that con tains nothing 1 jurious. Ch mbprlain'* Cough Remedy meets all rb-'se
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    • 750 11 NOTICE OE SALE. BY ORDER OP THE MORTGAGEE The undersigned is instructed to put up for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION On Wednesday, the 3rd April, 1918 AT 11 A M. At Logan's Buildings, Beach Street, Penang THE UNDERMENTIONED PROPERTY OF Low Bak Uuan, Bunt? Goey his wife and Tong
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1137 12 p. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent suspended, rsmopflom for Europe are booked via Bomba) as opportunity offers and as far as ftoooauaodation is
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