Straits Echo, 23 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1129 1 r r t.. M «X j*. >.-n ri| Aly^iS v^. r mißpw..gaßy < BAN K S IF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO THB Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cars for hire day and night j Telephone No. 694. Telegraphic Add re. j: HOKIMTEIK. Motor car importers and largest 1 defers
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    • 17 1 i ;*s /'"'Ca IS THE Sti I e»*sl2f CT| >-N« Fil O*J .J Hi* i S' -^Ha
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 39 2 O^3KJ^=>°^=>O^=^=>O^=> o^O<}: =<<J=><<J=>C<>=»O^O0= > <=0cjj^^ MBIHI OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives, Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire OTHERS 3 (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. i 3M.V natm mr: I
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  • 1867 3 "Ah, Farncombe,” said a man affection* ately, on hearing the name casually mentioned that was the place where I was able to buy a box of matches last Saturday.” Life has acquired a new sort of interest now that one has to face the possibility of searching in
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  • 179 3 Paris, March 18, 6-25 p.m. Artillery fighting continues on the right bank of the Mease and in the Vosges. Enemy raids north-west of Rheims and at La Pompelle failed. The British made prisoners during a raid last night south of Acheville the Germsn artillery was active on
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  • 50 3 The following programme of musio will be played at the Golf Club to-day at 5-45 p m i—--1 Selection The Girl from Kay’s Caryll 2 Lancers Merry Old Times Godfrey 3 Selection Toreador Monckton 4 Waltz Fascination Marchetti 5 Galop Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-de-Aj Meiseler 6 Maroh Jolly Comrades Allan
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 357 3 •yHE only practical way to reform a bad correspondent is to give him a Swan Pen. It takes every excuse. It will make him like to write. The Swan Pen is wonderfully durable. It will write for many years without showing any signs of wear. The longer it is used,
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    • 398 3 SI)fliKl‘Dt5Jin) SCENT Of ARABY R«®a Pk 2» A Harmony of Fragrance from the «cent* of a thousand flowers, Shem-el-Nessim perfume is fragrant and lasting. It possesses just that subtle note of daintiness and refinement which appeals most strongly to the person of taste. Shem-cl-Nessim can also be obtained in. conjunction
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  • 988 4 Fbasbb and Co.’s Cibulab. Messrs. Fraser and Co. in their weekly share report, dated March 21, state» Each section of oar marktt has been difficult to operate in, more especial!y rubbers in which some sharp fluctuations bare taken plaoe day by day. There is a considerable amount
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  • 882 4 PuOSPUCTi FOB 1918. The first ordinary general meeting of the Sungei Patani Bobber Co., Ltd. was held i yesterday at the Chamber of Commerce, Penang, Mr. Wm. Duncan presiding, Mr. F. H. Grumitt, A. C. A., represent- ing the Secretaries, (Messrs. MoAaliffe, Davis and Hope), haring read the
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  • 81 4 My Tuesdays are meatleaa, My Wedneadaya are wheatless, I’m getting more eatleaa each day. My home—it ia heatlese, My bed—it ia sheetless, They’re all at the Y. M. C. A, The bar-rooms are treatless, w My ooffee ia sweetless, Each day I get poorer and wiaer. My
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 431 4 FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR it TOBRALCO 11 FOR I.ADIES’ WEAR THE PERFECT WASHING FABRIC. Persian Lawns, Width 46 inches three qualities in stock. Pric i 90 cts. $1,20, $1.35 per yard Swiss Robe Muslins. Width 46 inches extra fine finish Piices 85 cts.. 95 cts. $1 20, 1.35 per yard, BATISTE.
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    • 393 4 W'-AJNrTED. A. of recent testimonials to th COp,M B. J. C, c/o J00 CHEANQ C o, 145, Beach Street. 183 W ANTED, E D g& o c c hr: ,itor ,b to M. 1 |“:nd T Ko g T. P h° ,it#r bU -PCompo^Xt >it0 T mil 4 {«red) 0
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  • 1116 5  -  [By Tom Wright.] If there be a handsomer description of a maD, when fairly applied, I have yet to learn of it. Heaven knows, and my friends too, that I am no chauvinist. My sonl is so dead that never to myself have I *aid with any
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  • 303 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 1 Battening On The Bereaved. t London, Maroh 20, 9.45 p m. Mr. Laurence Carrie, of Glyn Mills Carrie and Co, and member of the Council of India, speaking in the House of Commons, affirmed that an offioer’s widow had been charged over 450 sterling
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  • 230 5 THE FRENCH FRONT. Wat Correspondent’s Eulogy. Paris, March 20. Mr. Henry Wood, special correspondent of the United Press with the French armies, writes i "The Freooh front has been perfected and developed into the greatest defensive organisation in the history of the world. During the four months that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 418 5 f: MAMMOTH ATTRACTION fc Empire Theatre Proprietor: H J. A. holm. Manager: thomasshaft) AGAIN TO-NICHT H H H The event of the year attracting great crowds E African Film Productions Ltd. presents H H AT 915 PM. •r* ir* i»WINNING A CONTINENT H H H H H ■H H •i
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    • 544 5 WANTED. Driver to take charge of Oil Engine and Factory Machinery on Rubber Estate, Apply: Sim«, Darby Co. Ltd 188 4 Beach St. Penang W. H. ROSS JOMENA THE MAGIC CURE For headache, sea eickness, stomach trouble, chest complaint, earache and sore eyes. The effect of Jong Keena in such
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local $2O per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586. Printing Department 343. iV. B. —All
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  • 568 6 That the worst of all enemi.r are those of one’s own household b*s just received a striking ex-mplificati >n in Germany, and out of tbe disclosure! made iu high places there, to wit in tbe Reicbsiag, th?ra emerges what the world will doubtless welcome and acclaim as
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  • 945 6 Mr. Jitnes Se lar, of Messrs Wreford and Thornton, who went to Saangbai on a holiday, is expected back on Monday from the Southern Settlement. o The engagement is announced of Mr. Tan Lo Gee, brother of Mr, Tan Lo Heong, of Parit BnnUr and Penang, to
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  • 1021 6 Messrs, Lean Co.’s Weekly Report^ Mrssrs. Lean <fc Co. says in their report dated Peuaag, 22nd March Market» throughout the week have «gain b ec quiet, bat the outstanding feature iu the Rubbor-sfcClirn is (he passing of the final Dividend by Tapah which thus distributes 10 per
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  • 577 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] A CHANNEL 8CE\p. German Destroyers Sunk M rch 21 2 10« TbeAd m r DCU0C8tb%;^P“d tbKe P'occ'j destroyers off n h b fc„ and k k “Og-ged some Germ.n destroje,, whichTd previously bomb.rded the to«„. Io anautes two er9 d torpedo beats ar B belied
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 138 6 WHY PAY MORE? When you can buy them cheap here. T r r -jU Fresh'stock of Massive Bedsteads just received by the well known makers Messrs Fitter Bros, Birmingham, tng. Pillars 11*, enamelled black, brass rail with three brass rings and four brass spindles, brass vases as sketch Size 6
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  • 1853 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] the great offensive PARIS THE OBJECT Thrust at British Front Germans’ Slight Gains and Heavy Losses CONFIDENCE IN ENGLAND London, March 21,12 45 p.m. Sir D->ugUs Haig reports »Toe opened a heavy bombardment towards dawn on the whole front in the neighbourhood of Vendeuil to the
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  • 31 7 Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $148. business done, in Singapore (rsftned) at $148.50, buyers no sellers and ia L ndon at £311 »pot and at £118 three mouths’.
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  • 611 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] r BRITAIN’S ATTITUDE. Statement in Parliament London, March 21, In *be House of Commons Lord R bert Cecil, Minister for the Blockade, made a statement tegarding Dutch shipping. He said that the Allies dwply regretted that i any Government should have appeared to
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Corretpendent London, Marob 21. The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/6 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/S\
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  • 600 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] An Official Summary L td )o, M roh 21, 6.50 a m. The P<aai iijretu a-inoanoat that an Admiral'y btitrnnnt summ irises as follows the shipping position to the end of last year British losses wara 7,079,000 tons and foreign leases 4,750.000 tons. British gains from
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  • 424 7 [Ruuth's TELKORA.M8 SERIOUS FIGHTING. Germans Beaten BackLondon, March 21, 5 5 p.m. French official communique states Towards the end of last night there was an intease and prolonged bombardment in 'he sectors north and south-west of Rheime and also at various points in Champagne where the Germans made
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  • 134 7 The following articles will be found mi our outside pages Pages. 3. —Short Commons. French Consular Cables. To-day's Bind Programme. 4. —Singapore Share Market. Sungei Patani. R. U Hoovar-Ising, 5 —An Eoglisb G ntLinan, Telegrams, 8. Kbia Heng Bee Fire. Telegrams. 9. —Straits Chinese Women. Cburoh Services. Chinese Marriage
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  • 108 7 The following are the latest quotation* in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company'* share list i Thursday. To-day. Rubber. I I 1 d d cq CQ P 3 rjj Bassett 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.15 Jeram Koantan 1-00 1.20 110 1.80 Malakoff 4.00 4.30 3.80 410 Perak River
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  • 772 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] REVELATIONSGERMANY Lichnowsky's Memorandum. VICE-CHANCE LLO R’d EXPLANATION. London, March 21. 6 25 a.m. An Amsterdam telegram from Bsrlin ■tatea that the Lichnowsky memorandums cabled on the 15th instant, was discussed by tbe Main Committee of the Reichstag on the 1«. The Vice-Chancellor von
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  • 4697 8 PbULIMINAUT Xnquibt The preliminary irquirv into the charges against Mr. L m Chbrg Teik, J P, Ng Sen Fatt, Karim, Kob Bui Ho and Pconaya started in the Second C->urt before Mr. 8. H Largston yesterday afternoon. Td6 Court was crowded with interested listeners smong
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  • 270 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] BECRIP.ROCA.L EXCHANGES. Briton and Turk. London, 21, 1*20 a.m. Replying to a question in the Houie of Commons, Mr. J. F. Hope said that it had been impracticable to arrange for the internment in a neutral country of British prisoners of war captured by the
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  • 157 8 Press Notloi- Mr. Cowan’s The Cameos gives os nearly two and half hoars of sheer fun mingled with the bast musio and the cleverest songs, we mußt say that they are really an improvement on the usual class of entertainers.”—The Singapore Press, A meeting of the Legislative Council
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  • 914 9 [To tmb Editor of thu Malaya Tribune The correspondence and leadirg art.cles in your paper oblige me to emerge rrom my seclusion (into which I have retired for some years now). I solicit the avour of your publishing this letter in order that the other side of
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  • 223 9 [To thu Editor or thu Strait» Echo 1 Dear Sir, There is some sense, without doubt, ia C. C. L s letter which appeared in your issue of yesterday’s date, and undoubtedly there are supporters of the Chinese Marriage Law Reform. But, on the other hand,
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  • 340 9 Our Bukit Mertajam correspondent writes An in ,uest was held on Maroh 22 at the Bukit Mertajam Court House touching the death of a railway coolie named Kama bin Gulu, before Mr. G. A. Hereford sitting ;.s Sis Majesty t Coroner with Messrs» G. Phillips, of Golden
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  • 185 9 March 24, Palm Sunday, 8 00 a.m. Matins 8 30 a.m. Holy Communion 5 00 p.m. Sunday School 6-00 p.m. Evensong Psalms 119 Goodenough and Matthews Magnificat Nunc Dimittis Fo8ter Hymns 99, 98 and 112 HOLY WEEK. Monday, Tuhsday and Wudnbsday. 9-80 a.m. Matins and Ante-Communion
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 264 9 (n TRY IT !M YOUR BATH E/ A! 3!WT NT T tm« k lkq BB S 1101 \ft I MARVELLOUS FRSFARAT!O(\! If 4 lnvaluable for Toilet Domestic Purposes. Soften* p en t d d for t?.e hJ, TVa A..ays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bite's. Cleans t »ate, Jewellery, and
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    • 50 9 Why It Belli. Chamberlain’* Congb Eemedy is the largest selling ccsgh medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a cough remedy is snpposed to do. It stops the oongh by curing the cold and doe* it speed* ily and efeotuallT. For sale by all dispensarias and 4aasm
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    • 334 9 I f SENT JO YOU ENGLAND YOU can have either of theae latest London Novelties seut to you from England by Return Mail. Thousands of other useful articles you can obtain in the same way. Everyone in England and in the British Army and Navy is wearing a PROTECTED WRIST
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  • 1059 10 A fearful interest attaches to this little book. In it the last chapter of Armenia’s martyrdom is set forth. It is full of horrors, but they are not hearsay horrors. They are all quoted from the Blue Book f and in •ach case chapter and yerse
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  • 930 10 Is it fantastic to attempt synthesis of that trinity diL P ,,,blG find in it the wrecurriL .’"T 1 I'' 1 1 to Trinity of the Chri.ti.n rewlaUon*/ t °au* c.incidence of thene book. “Lx ~l h« inquiries in my mind and H 8 d thoie
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 314 10 a rr The Allied Governments Have Bought Over 4**6. r v. 1 ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you] too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS AND COMPANY. 44
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    • 12 10 For Children's Hacking Ceagh at Nigbft Wood»’* Great Peppermint Care Is. t>4
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  • 724 11  -  (By K N. Colvile.) T 0 gefc ot Caeob politic» baa been ever a T ?Lrt one, and the Austrian never chartJj* ver y completely. To-day even a tive P ilot retur, in< to Pra 8 ue after a Dl 's absence would find the configuration
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  • 1170 11 Anchors Perhaps it is because I myself have been brought to an anchor—a synonym for haring ‘•rejoined a Stone Frigate"—that I feel constrained to write about anchors. Joseph Conrad devotes three entire chapters to this subject in The Mirror of the Sea,” and no small portion
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 196 11 Do yon Suffer With Rheumatism Has this tenible, nerve-racking, painful ai mtnt fas'ened itself upon ytu? Don’t 0,6 bepe. Here’s sureour for you. Little's Oriental Balm has cured thou •»nds of inveterate chronic cases of RbeuUiatism—among them hundreds of cases that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through this wonderful remedy
      196 words
    • 225 11 1 (f*- 1/1/» t r* H. I- 1 ,11 If h P 1 I i p k*-‘ 7 £?*«3gcr t -s*- r/> >" 7 i a f"'/ A V*V HC9 4, 7 ATI! m > 1 1 mfyfM f 7 I R .74 W:sr ty *0 \'o ->:*- wgz i,
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    • 425 11 KWONC SENG 43, LEITH STREET, PENANG. FIRST CLASS TAILORS. Moderate charges and good workman* ship guaranteed. Cutter: .A.H BOOTS'. 134 A iriil it tolicited. WONG KIM MUN, 77a, BISHOP STREET, PENANGMANUFACTURER OF RUBBER STAMPS, BRASS SEAL COPPER PLATES, ENGRAVER, EMBOSSING PRESS, ETC, ETC. Good Returns and Save Weeding, TWO CROPS
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1555 12 p. —BRITISH AND APGAB LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASBENGER BERVICEB. I r I 'V II KONINKLIJKE PAKETVA4RT MAATSCHAPPIJ. (Royal packet s.n. company.) (Inoorfokatbd in Holland For PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers
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