Straits Echo, 22 March 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1102 1 vT. 1 stwr jci-*'“' V'5 1 m i Aw a £,-r-« V J r*:' V 4'C j* rfij i iS'i i tW^ A 4| 4; sso! *.VI w T- .-*<*» e.'S^ IF YOU WANT COMFORT CO TO THa Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cars for hire DAY AND night I
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    • 25 1 .MI '">£’s HXXi •Mj, r Wick js niL *£i r tc^ V* 1 i" fijCTiXV.. O* 3 A—-Jl .f "1 m n •*v r Kj*
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  • 977 2  -  SEEN FROM A ’BUS. (By Frans Fox.) Some observers olaim te see, these days, quite a Dew London. I think the change it more in their mind* than in the old grey city, which seem* to be «trangely anc wonderfully the *ame after
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  • 893 2 Even excluding the Grand Duchy of Finland, it is probable that the Russian territory which a faction in Petrograd has consented to relicquish is not smaller in extent than the wnele German Empire in Europe. From Kaliecb, on the old frontier between Germany and Poland,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 12 2 For Children's Hacking Cesgh at Night Woods’s Croat Psppermint Cars Is. 64
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    • 338 2 OdDUC 0 o DCDC DCT DC DCDC DCDC Whiteaways, the Value House, Penang. 30CDO Q n THE WORLD'S GREATEST DUST GATHERER. THE O-CEDAR MOP MOP BROOM AND DUSTER ALL IK OKI O-CEDAR MOP CLEANS AS IT POLISHES. O-CEDAR MOP Made with a strong enamelled ateel centre Indestructible cleans and polishes
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    • 90 2 Chan tor Ilia's Cough Roved/. When job bare a bad oold job want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing iojarioas. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It aets
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    • 763 2 Bo you Suffer With Rheumatism? Has this terrible,, ailment fielded itself upon •"*> lose bop*».. Here*, succour for yJu Don Little s Obibntal Bat w k «»d. of io.ttar.te cb““ b "'«J»matism among them hundred, 0 that were pronounced hopeless b y Lr Through thi, wonderful rem d. hare
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  • 780 3 Oar Ipoh ally publishes some further correspondence on the sub jet of the res-, friction of rubber outputs. The writer of I one of these regrets that very ff w managers have a free hand. However he has,—agents directors, secretaries as well as the mycolo-1 gist,
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  • 121 3 A Natal Team v. Me. Me beat’s Tiam. A match took place this morning between the abore mentioned teams. Conditions a siehter and 7 oounting shots each at 200. 300 and 500 yards at N R A. targets, open sights, 10 a side but only 8 best scores
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  • 781 3 Chauffeurs and Policemen. The hearing was concluded this morning I before Mr. R, D. Aoton of the case Id I which Mun, P. C. 386, and Ismail, P. O. I 548, were charged with voluntarily causing hurt to one Chat, a chauffeur, Kioda 8ingh. watchman at the
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  • 96 3 (From Our Ovm Correspondent.) Singapore, March 22. The following prices were realised at the Singapore auction sale: Smoked fine ribbed 83 to 88 per picul Good 70 82 do Fine plain M 76 do Good 63 do Uosmoked fine ribbed 65 do Fine plain 57 do Crepe
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  • 59 3 At the Eastern Produoe Exchange 219 th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Fair From $7O to $BO Diamond Unsmoked 47 to 57 Plain Unsmoked 46 to 53 Brown Crepe 41 to Lump Loose Untreated Scrap 12 to 21 57.227 lb. of rubber were
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 543 3 V JisfeA 4ritnf I TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! -ft 4 -ft 4 4 -ft -ft -ft AT THE Electric Polyscope THK HOC SB OF SERIAL. Business Manager. Khoo Seng Cheow A COMPLETE CHANGE In the 2nd Show a t 9-15 p.m. Sharp The LAST and Concluding Episodes of The World s Greatest
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    • 671 3 MAMMOTH ATTRACTION Empire Theatre Proprietor H j. a. holm. Manager: thomasshafts AGAIN TO-NICHT 3 H» Mf :S :S The event of the year attracting great crowds *3 African Film Productions Ltd. presents 3 AT 9.15 P.M. WINNING A CONTINENT I OR THE years. VOORTREKKERS A film attraction that will live
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  • 102 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local $80 per annum. Outstatlon Postagre Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $18 per annum. Cable Addreaa: "ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586. 1 Printing Department 343. N.B. —XU business
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  • 1300 4 Sir Erie Geddes’ statement on the re* salts of tbe German submarine campaign up to tho end of 1917 does not make particularly pleasant reading but the facts are, frankly, a good deal less disquieting than we bad been led to expt et. The British I net
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  • 981 4 Mr, R. D. Pringle, of the Singapore Y- M. 0. A-, will give a lantern lecture in the Anglo Chinese School Hall to-night at 8 p.m. The subject will be **Y. M. C. A. Huts at the Front,” The following passengers arrived here to-day from Singapore —Mr.
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  • 1111 4 The Money Changer Again. Atier a very brief p,r,od of quiescent the local moneychanger shows signs of re veitmg to his evil wiys. A day or two .an the manager of a looal firm sent his peon to one of these people with the request for five dollars’
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 193 4 C PRITCHARD 1 and Company, Limited. Sports Department New Delivery of Sporting Goods. Tennis Posts of Wood and Steel. The *Aome,” Polished Pine Posts, with Guy Hopes, Pegs and Runners $15. The Cyprus,” Tubular Steel, with Spade Foot fastening $22.50. Lawn Tennis Balls. F. H. Ay re’s and Slazerger’s Championship
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  • 1110 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SIR ERIC geddev STATEMENT. Sinkings and Replacements. enemy exaggeration. London, March 20, 6 10 p m. jn the House of Commons Sir Eric (jeddes stated that during the twelvemonth ending 31st, January last 6,000.000 tODI 0 f shipping bad been sunk. The enemy claimed to
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  • 277 5 [To Thu Editou o# Thu Straitt Echo Dear Sir, The perusal of the many letters published in your paper from time to time on the subject of Chinese Marriage Law prompted me to write bow some correspondents have failed to recognise the harm they do to Chinese
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  • 178 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE NEUTRALITY QUESTION. DEBATE IN THE CHAMBER. Allied Agreement Criticised. Lindon, March 21« A telegram from the Hague states that in the Second Chamber of the States-General M. Loudon, the Foreign Minister, stated that the placing of Dutch ships at the disposal of the Allies was
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  • 243 5 A gentleman of the highest probity and not in tbe )a*st given to exaggerating or to fl ghts of fanoy, relates the following t “At a certain seaport town, not, thank goodness in Malaya, prefi eering is regarded not as an advanced but innocent branch of trade or oommeroe
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  • 26 5 (From Out Own Corretjwndent London, March 20, Tho prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/6$ Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/5$
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  • 350 5 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $147 50 buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $l4B, buyers no sellers, and in London at £slB spot and at £3lB three monthsAccording to our Ipoh contemporary, it is bop-d by the F M. 8 Chamber of Mines to
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  • 282 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY FIGUREB. Eleven Big Ships Lost. London, March 20, Tbe Admiralty reports that tbe arrivals during the week numbered 2,098 and the sailings 2.317 Total 4,415 Eleven vessels over I,€oo tons and six under tbat tonnage were sunk. Eleven vessels were unsuccessfully attacked. Two fishing
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  • 359 5 A memorandum from Mr, L H. Clayton was read in which he suggest* d, inter alia, that For every 50 acres of padi land in his mukim the Penghulu might receive a reward in cash The Committee felt that this was impracticable and might be
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  • 40 5 Jury Exercise New Powers (From Our Own Correspondent.') Singapore, March 22. common jury yesterday in a oase at the Assises exeroised the power conferred on juries recently by stopping the oase and returning a verdiot of not gnilty.
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  • 637 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] AMERICAN AMBASSADOR INTERVIEWED. Not Leaving the Country. London, Maroh 21, 3 30 p.m. A message from Moscow says that the American Ambassador, asked whether in ▼iew of the ratification of peace the American consulate would leave Russia, replied I will not leave Russia
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  • 340 5 AGRICULTURE IN FRANCE. LABOURERS FOR COMING HARVEST. Recruited by the State. Paris, March 21, 11-45 p.m. The French Govarrmpnt has submitted to the Chamber of Deputies an important bill for the purpose of furnishing French agriculture with labourers in view of the harvest. An auxiliary agricultural corps will
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  • 235 5 Preliminary Inquiry. The preliminary enquiry into the charges against Mr. L m Cbei g Teik, J P Ng Sen Fatt, Karim, Kob Sui Ho and Poonya started in the Second C u>t before Mr, S. N, Largtton this afternoon. Tne Conrt was crowded with interested
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  • 315 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2.—London in its Fourth Year of War. German Gains in the Etst. 8, —Restriction of Rubber Outputs. RA Shooting. Eastern Produce Exchange, Polio* Court. 6. —B»nday Labour, The Soldiers of D nmark. The Week's Events. Arabs end the
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  • 1071 6 FlNOAPORK £uOQR8TION. Oa« of the unvarying characteristics of domestic life in tbe Colony, and probably elsewhere in M*l»ya, bas beer, for m»Dy years, the steadily growing price of common foodstuffs. In some cases this is ih* natural result of changes in tbe conditions of life in
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  • 1029 6 [To thb Editor or the Malay Mail 8 r, —As one of many planters in favour of ce-sation of Sunday work I wish to contravene a few of the wi'd assertions made by M'. Cummin» on this eubiect. He ormmences bis 1« t*er of the 6th i stint
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  • 245 6 North Kedah Our Day.” Gymkhana Programme. As part of the R-sd Cross Sports to be held at Alor Star during the Easter Holidays there will be a Gymkhana, of which the following is the official programme:— Saturday, 30th March. First event 439 p.m. Tent pegging. Second 500 p.m, Jumping competition.
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  • 193 6 Winning A Continent.’’ Seldom has a page of particularly stirring history been so vividly pourtrayed on the Cinema 6tage as was Winning a Continent” at the Empire Theatre last night. This was an unanimous opinion of everyone among the large number of people present. The opening scenes shew
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  • 486 6 r Tbe chief item of interest in to-night’s r change of programme is the concluding I episodes of tbe Fanatic.” a master orimii nal serial iu 32 parts. Supporting films include By whose Hand in five parts, Latest Pathe Gazette (of topical in- terest) and The of
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  • 600 6 Arabs the Hedjaz Railway Offioi&l advioes announce tbat the Arabs have still further damaged the Hedjaz railway, The previous successful raids on this line oc:nrrtd away up on the northern half of the railway in the region of Maan, south-south-east of the Dsad Sia. The recent destruction of 3000 rails
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  • 426 6 “Just as the “Follies” improved on the I ordinary pierrot show, so this new venture I improves upon 'The Follies” and there is I nothing in “The Cameos” show that is loot bright, breezy, fresh and original. So I good indeed are some of tbe combinations I that
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  • 766 6 Mr. Spenser Wilkinson, the Chichele Professor of Military Bistory in the Uni versity of Oxford, contributes to the Nineteenth Century a suggestive study of the causes of the initial failure of the English in all their great wars sinee 1800 In 1900 Lord Salisbury, a penetrating
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  • 144 6 We are requested to publish the following latter t The Order of St. John of The British Red Jerusalem in England. Cross Society, 83, Pall Mall, London, S.W.I. 11th. January, 1918 Dear Sir Arthur Young, I beg to acknowledge with grateful thanks the receipt of a further
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  • 14 6 Holland American 507,912, Netherlands Langkat 19,196, Si Pare Pare 25,975 lb.
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  • 941 6 (By Rifleman Patrick MacGht a OF "leu U..ATl 0bB Jules E ii«en was a Dane early part of 1915 came over to\ the look for employment A Dd n to trade he could* fiod aooppo^? 1“? by pursuit of bis oraft in Engird f the -.bbgtd to
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  • 66 6 Friday, March 22. Town Band, Esplanade. Sucgei Patam Rubber Estate, Ltd., General Matting, Chamber of Com* marce, 3 pm. Saturday, March 23, Town Band, Golf Club. F. M. S. Chamber of Mines, Annual General Meeting, Ipob. Sunday, March 24. Palm Sunday, Penang Swimming Club, Speoial General Meeting,
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  • 1136 7 Malatan Trade After the Wa*. D was annourcel the other day that the new trad commii-siocer Singapore, Mr T. J. McKellin, ia on the point of leafing England to take np hi* appointment, Wo <o not know the gentlt mtn in the vtry leaat. Hw may be a
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  • 344 7 The annual meeting of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank always provides a useful review of the situation in China, The Government of that oountry, we learn from the address of the Chairmen of the Bank last month, has probably never had so much ready money at its command as
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  • 443 7 Paris, March 16, 6 50 p m. On the left bank of the Meuse, we succeeded in an extensive coup de main, entering the enemy trenches ou a front of 800 metres on a depth cf 300 metres, destroying the works there and bringing back 80 prisoners
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 249 7 Dnc n c 3CZ3L ~)OHOm —ir DC DCZDn Nerves shaky? tomo for the nerve» is a good supply of rich red blood. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are a non-alcoholic tonic especially suited for nervous, run-down psople. They build up the blood and strengthen weak nerves FPEE BOOK
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    • 50 7 Why It Sells. CbtmberUin’s Cough Remedy ia tbe largest selling cough medicine in tbe world to-day because it does eiactly wbat a cough remedy is supposed to do. It stops tbe cough by curing the cold, and does it speed* ily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers^
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    • 415 7 quickly contami--1 nates the blood, deranges the nervous system and upsets the entire health. The victim becomes drowsy, irritable, restless, has bad dreams and is mentally and physically sluggish. P INKETTE THE TINY LAXATIVES S are free from unpleasant effects, do not upset the stomach or gripe, but simply give
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    • 475 7 0 0 WANTED, TO PURCHASE one Horse atd 1 Victoria Apply Box No, 82, 177 c/o Strait* Echo, WANTED Young Englishman, invalids British Iofaatrj Officer, with commercial, experience, requires post ai traveller, or on an estate, address. K. I. M. 169 c/o Straits Echo W^LHTTED. EMPTY GLAS8 JAh8 which contained
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1502 8 rr CJ9J P.‘A-0 AND APCAR LINK. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL "AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as aeoomnaodation is
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