Straits Echo, 21 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 33 2 O0=3K3^=aO^ >O^=»O^ =^D^=^O<}»O<}=>O<}=>O<}=>O<}=»O^}=>O<J=><=(^ ■3)6) OF EVERY Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives, Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire KATZ OTHERS (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1075 3  -  OTTOMAN OFFICERS STATEMENT. (By Capt. H.B.C. Pollard.) Among the recent captue-< by the British on the Grat front was a Tu k>ab iffi er who ti*d servel in the O toman Armv throughout the war. He was at the Dardanelles, through the Rumanian Campaign, and lastly
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  • 825 3  -  (By "A. A. A.") War is often described by soldiers in terms of cbfss, and the game by chess-players in the terms war. The analogy cannot be pursued too far, but in the present position of the Alliance, as it appears to some people, one can see
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 378 3 BAD BREATH. THE TONGUE IS THE INDEX Your breath is foul. You do not perceive it yourself. You are like a person who is always among the oTls and varnishes—you set used 4 01,8 and o u K oto whac ,s to many people a most obnoxious smell. is most
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    • 51 3 Middle-aged people are of fen afflicted with that distressing ailment, windy sp»sms, they eeem to cut like a knife. Sufferers should get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. The Tory first dose will bring relief and prove »te value. Sold by Diapeneanes and Store* everywhere at 10 oentf per
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    • 49 3 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impoaaible to prevent an aocident, bnt it ia not impoaaible to be prepared (or it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm ia net beyond anyone’* parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared (or almost anything. For sale by all diaponsarlea and dsalera
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    • 111 3 a <st a i .vl i -it, fl SF' a ii'M 1 m 14 Mm' I I '-U i B a m i I 7 i 8 a i 8 FOR EFFICIENCY. IBI R.T. Reid Co., I i PENANG. «BCSE1 ;sz rzjsmrJL LACTOGEN XHE NATURAL «ILK FOOD FOR rInfants Invalids
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  • 1339 4  -  [By Desmond Young.] A we go to and fro about the town in these martial days, the cadets, with their white c p-bands, are a familiar sight to most of us. And if I admit that I have often passed them carelessly enough, candour will, no doubt,
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  • 532 4  -  By Rifleman Patrick Macgill Autho» of Thb Ukeai Push ktc. VVntt i« it like out tnere f a scldiei was once asked when he returned wounded to England after a long spall in France, It's all mud and no medals was his reply. Medals, it is true, are very
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 412 4 )Conc DCZDC DC DC DCZDC DCZDC 8 Whiteavay’s, the Value House, Penang. o w THE WORLD’S GREATEST JOUST GATHERER. THE O-CEDAR MOP A. MOP BROOM AND 1 USTR* ALL IX OXR O-CEDAR MOP CLEANS AS IT POLISHES. O-CEDAR MOP. Made with a strong enamelled steel centre Indestructible, cleans and polishes
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    • 90 4 Chamberlftii’s Cough Remedy. When you base a, bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but ef* feot a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that con* taina nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all tb3ae requirements. It acts
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    • 492 4 WANTED TO PCBCIUfE Horie Bti No, |2 c Strait» Edit, wanted Young Englishman Biitish Infantry Officer mercial, experience, req.ue.' trareller, or on an estate, address. P M 169 K 1 U e/o Strait» EeE», WiLNTBlx Empty glass jaks Acetic acid. Apply statin» C0Dt lne *nd price to PP 7 ng
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  • 1056 5 Pktition fob Alimont. In tbe Supreme Coo t this morning before Mr. Justice P. J Sproule the petition wii heard of Blanche E *-anor Perreau (t<« Math ieu) for alimony in Divorce Sa t No. 1 of 1918, the parties baiug Alexander Perreau (Petitioner) and Blanche Eleanor Perreau
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  • 344 5 There is something rather cryptic about the following leaderette from the Free Prett which wasp-like carries its sting in its tail: “Though very long delayed, it is satisfactory to find that the military authorities who are concerned in maintaining the efficiency of the local Garrison have been able
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  • 88 5 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys Co. at their two Auction Sales held this week i Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 s7Bto 86 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 58 77 do Unsmoked Sheet No. 1 50 56 do Unsmoked
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  • 94 5 PKNi.HO Won BN WOKKKK». Amount previously acknowleiged $6,859.32 Messrs. Sandilands Buttery Co. 25 00 Mrs. Carmichael 5 00 Quiet Bridge 0.70 Mrs. Goatly 5 00 Butterfield (Alor Star) 5 00 Aitken do 5.00 Dt-nnys do 5 00 Diwsr do 5 00 Fleury do 5 00 Gorman
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  • 41 5 The following programme of mnsio will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow at 5 pmi—--1 Overture Mciart Snppe 2 Polka BmVivants Godfrey 3 Selection II Crociato Meyerbeer 4 Waltz Hanael and Gretel Short 5 March Right Left Sanaa
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  • 254 5 Taiping 11,502 lb. The Court of Appeal was engaged yesterday sffernoon (says the Ipoh paper of Wednesday) in hearing the appeal resultant I on a recent civil action in the Judicial Commissioner’s Court, Ipob, in whioh two well-known Chinese firms of Perak were at variance. In the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 427 5 MAMMOTH ATTRACTION 3 I Empire Theatre f Proprietor h j. a. holm. Manager: thomasshaft) at- Commencing Thurs., March 21st 3 r r* E Under the distinguished patronage and in the immediate E presence of Honourable W. C. M1CHELL African Film E Productions Ltd. present. AT 9 IS P M. Hi
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    • 265 5 ♦♦♦♦♦nnn0nnnnnnundnnnnnnne##ee JACOB WALTER Co., 0 n n 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 BILLITER SQUARE BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C. Export and Commission Merchants. Indents for Merchandise of every description may be forwarded through R. F. BRADFORD, 8, King Street, Penang. nnnnnnnnnnnnnndnnnnnnn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnbllc holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $BO per annum. Outstation Postagre Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.' Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. N.B.— All bu.ineee communication*
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  • 20 6 Robertson— At Penang, on 29th ioit, the wife cf Geo. Robertson, Merohiston Estate, Pondok Tarjorg, Perak, of s daughter.
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  • 1313 6 It has been suggested to us tbst certain remaks ab.ut the Inspectors and teachers in Gove;nment service, made in a recent article in these oolumn», were nnpleasant nfliolions on a haid-work-ing body of men and women. These rema r ks were intended to drive home the important
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  • 977 6 The death is announced of M>. Staines Manders, organiser of the London Rubber Exhibition, o Mr. E. W. Harvey, late of Klang, has now got a oommission in a O-det Battalion of the Essex Regiment. Capt. H. 0. Metcalfe, formerly of the Perak Sikhs, is now Lieut.-Colonel
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  • 1009 6 The Alman&ch de Gotha." A well known London bookseller is adver* tisir.g that he is prepared to spII oopies of the Almanaoh de Goth»,” 1917 edition, at half a guinea each. They are part of a Priss Court sale. In ordinary oiroumstances we should be expeoting our present
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 215 6 it? ‘1? ct? lx? y cL cia cjbcfecb •8 -ei •8( -fit 1$ i ■:V CHARD 6* r 6* and Company, Limited. SS* 6* Sports Department New Delivery of Sporting Goods. Tennis Rackets by the Best Makers. Fo/ Slazenger’s, “Davies” “Prossers, from $9 to $22.50 each. Tennis Posts of Wood
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  • 572 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] HOIiLANU’J VAOILLA lON Allies Peremptory Nate London, March 19, 2 40 p.m. D British Government has seat a fresh notification to the Datch Government that the Allies will immediately proceed to re- ointion Dutoh shipping un'e« Holland J n( qaiToc*lly tcosp’s the last
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  • 548 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] TIRADE IN THE REICHSTAG. Russian Peace DefendedLondon, March 19, A cable from Copenhagen says that Court Hertling, the Ga min Imperial Chancellor, speikiag in the Reiahstag made a vitriolic attack on the Allies to whom, he said, hypocrisy had become a second na'u-P while
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  • 637 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] ORGANISING RESISTANCE. SWEDISH TROOPS WITHDRAWN. Russia’s War-Bill-London, March 20 1-25 e.m. A telegram from Petrogr&d states that the 8ccial Revolutionaries of the Left are leaving tbe Government and proceeding South to organise detachments against the Germane. The Rucsians in the Pakoff sector retired seven miles
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  • 577 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] REVIEW OF BRITISH RAIDS. A Contrast in Method London, March 19, 7,30 p.m. Intbe Housecf Commons, Mr. J. Macpbersod, Under-Secretary of State for War' stated that siooe October last we bad mad* 38 effect'va air-raids into Germany under very difficult conditions, and had dropped
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  • 584 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DEBATE IN TBE LORD3Pest War IntercourseLoudon, March 19, 9 St) p m. Io tbe House c>f Lords in the debits 03 Lord Parmo >r’s resolution approving the principle of a League cf Nations, Lo.d Lore bum. supporting, urged that foreign affairs should be brought
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  • 37 7 Ti n. Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $148 50 buyers, no sellers in Singapore (refined) at $149. busings done, (50 tens sold) snd in London at £320 spot and at £319 three months.
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  • 27 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, March 19. The prioes in the Loodon Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/6 j Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/6
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  • 623 7 ALLIED MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE COMPLETE AGREEMENT REACHED. French and Italian Premiers Rftnrn. Paris, March 20, 8 p m. MM. Clemenceau and Pichon return* ed last night to Paris Lorn London at the same time as Signors Orlando, Bissolatti, and Bitcchi. M. Clemenceau interviewed simply declared I—‘‘lsm1 —‘‘Ism Rlad, very
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  • 93 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pa^es. 3. —How Turkey is Fooled. Black to Play.” 4. —A Broken-Hearted Soldier. Mad, 8. —Chinese Marriages. La Regina D*ll, Adriatic o. St. Andrew's Medical Mission. The Week’s Events. The Monarohy in Politios, Art of Advertising. 5. Supreme Court.
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  • 1592 8 [To The Editor, limes of Malaya l Sir, —I qaite agree with the originator» 1 &od supporters ot the rtcmt movement in tavuur l£ the regulation ot Straits Chinese marriages. Perhaps some may regret so pronounced falling away from Chinese custom. Ic seems to me that the Straits
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  • 297 8 The art of advertising is the subject of some refreshing views in an Amerioan magazine. "If there is one enterprise on earth that a quitter should leave entirely alone,” says one writter, “it is advertising To make a success of adrertisiog one must be prepared to Btick
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  • 119 8 We would particularly like to remind our readers of tbe unique entertainment that the management of the Empire Theatre are providing to-night, Tbe title of the piece to be screened is Winning a Continent which explains itself. To borrow, for this ooce only, Mr. Shsfto’s most effective style,
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  • 1005 8 No doubt the day will come when besotted loyalty like that of the Germans towards the Kaiser will seem as extraordinary as the salute of the gladiators upon entering the arena of a Boman amphitheatre seems to us now: "Ave Cottar! Morituri te talutamus 1” And
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  • 1092 8 A Pen Picture of Venice. If the traveller wishes to see that Venice witnout which one can no mord imagine the wond than without tne .Pyramids, he must approach it by sea on a midsummer evening, lnen Venice ot tne Doges and ot Titian, ot ancient
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  • 309 8 Speaking at the recent Diocesan AisooiaMrs. Davie had a few words to say about the activities of the Bt. Andrew’a Medical Mission and of the great amount of good cnat women doctors were doing in Malaya in then- own particular field of labour. She spoke
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  • 229 8 Fxidat, March 22. Town Band, Esplanade. Sucgei Patani Rubber Estate, Ltd,, General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 3 p m, Saturday, March 2S. Town Band, Golf Club, F. M. S, Chamber of Mines, Annual General Meeting, Ipob. Sueoat, March 24. Palm Sunday, Penang Swimming Club, Special General Meeting,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 463 8 rNorth Kedah Red Cross Fete. larch 30th 31st. Epril 1st Buffalo Fights. Boat Races. Boys Sports. Tugs of War. Gymkhana. Steeplechase. COCK FIGHTING Agricultural Exhibition. Arts and Crafts Exhibition. Bangsawan. M a y o n g Menorah. Wayang Siam. Wayamg China. Wayang Kulit Main Rathrak. 1 1 L. Motor Car
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    • 50 8 Middle-agpd people are ofren afflicted with that distreaaing ailment, windy aptama they aeem to cat like a knife. Snfferera ■bould get a bottle of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. The very firat doae will bring relief and prove ita value. Sold by Dlipeilaarien and Store* everywhere at 80 oenta per bottle.
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    • 49 8 Why It Sells. Chamberlain’. Cough Remedy is th* 'argest selling coueb medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly wbat a cough remedy is supposed to do. It .tops the cough by curing the cold, and does it speedtly and effectually. For .ale by alldi.pentanes and dealers. 7
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    • 112 8 INTO TICE LABOUR CODE, 1912, FM S “Indian Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1911. EMPLOYERS OF INDIAN LABOUB are berebj reminded that assessment returns for the preceding qaarter mu» be sent to the Office of the Depot/ Controller of Labour, Penang, during the months on April, July, October .1January. Forms for the
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  • 2005 9 We would advise all those interested in the question of the education of the Straitsborn Chinesa women to buy Dr. Lim Boon Keng’s series of lectures on M The great war and other kindred subjects’' and read hisleoturecn the prospects of the Straits Chinese, We
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 436 9 ASK FOR GIRARD’S id Well-known «One, Two and Three Grape." Brandv El quality unsurpaMed and price unrivalled. It» merit recommends itself, and a trial will convince you Obtain, able from all leading store* B TIANG LEE Sc CO. 0 Sole Agent., Penang and F M 3- JIIIMKKAO* Bi at ar
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    • 52 9 Why It Sell*. Chamberlain’a Coagh Remedy ia the largest selling ccagb medicine in the world to-day becaeae it does exactly what a cough remedy ii a apposed to do. It atopa the ooagb by ouring the oold, and doea it apeed* ily and effectually. For aele by ell diapea aerie*
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    • 478 9 A Perfect Food for Baby Mellin’s Food. Perfect because it contains all that is essential for healthy development. Perfect because it can be given to the most tender infant with assurance of complete assimilation. Meilins Food A Sample Bottle of Mellin’s Food, together with Handbook for Mothers, ‘The Care of
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  • 1284 10 If anvone is collecting opinions of Swmburne he should net arise that of Walt Whitman, given by Mr. Ernest Rhys iu an I interesting chapter of reminiscences which appears in the current issue of Te-Day. Mr. Rhys’s article is very interesting and oovers a great deal of ground. He
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  • 1081 10 Islanders of The Mkroci Archie* Mr. F. Nicolls, writing i n rn Journal, says: i One of tbe mo«t interesting an ri u one ot the most aocicmt, t„be*’ ot T found in Bu m* i B ih d S.lon whn i DJ the uf the,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 174 10 Since the War Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over i 1 r: 1 ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and youj too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THI SOLE IMPORTERS: HUTTENBACH
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  • 1178 11 CARE FOR THE WOUNDED. THE SOLDIER’S FAITH. War Correspondents’ HeadQuarters, D ecember 31. There is a grim sonnd about the name Casualty Clearing Station which does not promise well for the prospect of finding cheerfulness and happiness in, and when I was asked if I
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  • 789 11  -  Thu Matt*» or Amcsemhnts. (By Frank Fox.) London is practically as you were in regard to amusements, camparing 1917 with 1914, Most of tbe old ones fljurish, or at least survive, No new ones are obtrusive. The absence of one amusement that might
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 215 11 134 kwong senc FOOK CHEONC FOUNDRY Motor and any kind of eng ne Repairers So.90 6> 92, Tye Sin Street, PENANG. 43. LEITH STREET, PENANG. first class tailors. Moderate chargee and good workman ibip guaranteed. Cutter: AH BOOH. A trial it tolicited. 172 TROV'OH HINES LIMITED (lEOOXPORiTFD IN INOLLNd) Dividend
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    • 91 11 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. When you bare a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat ef feet a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that ia pleasant to tabe, a rem* dy that con* raina nothing i> jurions. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meet* r* quirementa. It
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    • 485 11 Do 70 a Suffer With Rheumatism H*« tbis t-u-ihls, D*rve racking, painful ailm nt fts’eopd its® 1 f upoiy uP Don’t lofp hop». H°r«’« nqpc'iu' for yon. Little s Oriental Balm bag cured thou* sands of inveterate cbrouio cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of oases that were pronounced hopeless by
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1435 12 BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Compxniei Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company’* MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present impended. Paeeenfen for Europe are booked via Bombay aa opportunity offers and ai farae ■odation ia available.
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