Straits Echo, 20 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1208 1 «T.r rsL^. ivyAT t:r )*JS ,‘ri ?£m| imk i ».<'■ V^AtSj t: NATUg Hi IF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO THS Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cars for hire day and night I Telephone No 694. Telegraphic Address HOKIMTEIK. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. 1 Incorporated in England
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    • 10 1 wwea iitt 4i- 'ttT usJ *acr tss K I—— ixww
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 ESTATE SUPPLE OF EVERY SGMPTIM Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 2453 3 I Deductions from the World War. By Lieut-enant-General Baron von Freytair-Loringhoven, jof the German Imperial Staff. (Constable. 12s. 6d, net.) Books depend for their importance not only n their contents but on their authors. Had the book before us been the work of some su> ordinate
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 791 3 notice i Sale under order of the Supreme Court Penang, Suit 1918 No. 8, In the matter of the Estate and Will of Kader Mydin, deceased, e c 2 BSTWHKN MAH OHEE bint I KADER MYDIN, a Plaintiff j ▲HD BH AIK ISMAIL l LERBY PAWAN, CHEE. Defendant i TO
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    • 392 3 TROIOH MINES LIMITED (iNCORPORATFD IN ENGLAND) Dividend No. 49. A DVidend or par share less incline tax 5/• in tbo has been declared pavable in Loudon on 6'h April, aod will b? paid tq L cal Sbar- boldtrs in the] Company’s boobs on ll’b March, 1 18. on tbe arrival
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    • 359 3 A Great STAT And A Great Tonic Iron Jelloids. Strength of Character, Strength of Will, Strength of Lite ilect make the Great Statesman. WILLIAM PlTT—the Younger. All have their source in t''.e*tn?ter!al loh/ -al! epcnd upon the red corpuscles of the blood. Mail.lnin the u nber of your 6 l
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  • 1168 4 Toe notorious p tf»ii iu tbe pursuit of t'ud**Dcy is tie attempt to prove too much, aj find airmans ta stones The constant p3r l l of tbe litirary critic is lest be should borrow tbe flittering unction of tbe detec* rive who
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  • 658 4 [To THI Editob or xhm Malaya Tribune Dear Sir, I have read with interest Mr. Khoo Kim Liao’s letter which appeared m your paper, and "Oa-looker’s” reply thereto, regarding the question of the education of Chinese girls. This is a most delicate question,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 562 4 BEDS AND BEDDING AT WHITE A WAY’S. £p The Competition Bed. Iron Bedstead withl inch Pillars, black enamelled with five gilt key bund», gilded head and foot rail, lath bottom Sizes 61 by 5J feet Price $80 75 only. Pillows covered Blue and White striped Ticken filled with good qual
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    • 50 4 Why It Sells. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the largest selling cough medicine in the world to-d»y because it does exactly what a oougb remedy is supposed to do. It stops the oougb by curing the cold, and does it speed. ilj and effectually. For sale by all dieputuiti and dealer*.
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    • 516 4 COATED TON Pit A and a tainted\ GUs point to bile. If yo W a th troubU. Gentle assistance i. U needs to establish regular habits of free from habit forming drn« f requirements most admirably, anddo IT T PINKETTEO I THE TINY LAXATIVES U ‘Lf't’r Dr. Williams Mediciu C-,
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  • 1454 5 [To thb Editor or thb Straits Echo Sir. Tbe several letters (hit have appeared in jour paper anent the matter ueder tbe above caption remind me of the fact that previous conflicting opinions on some other subj-seti relating to Cbintsa sffairs almost > ended in a fiasco
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  • 553 5 [To thb Editor of thu Straits Echo Dear Sir, Regarding the Sunday labour trouble and the Bishop-Cummins controversy, I do not think that the latter has expressed him* seif quite as he intended to, but can it be wondered at P Few busy planters can find time for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 515 5 MAMMOTH ATTRACTION fj "mpire Theatre I Proprietor h J. a. holm. Manager: t Commencing Thurs., March 21st E IH fc‘ sr E Under the distinguished patronage and in the immeHi.t. mUnder the distinguished patronage and in the immediate presence of Honourable W. C. MICHELL ifriein Film Productions Ltd. present.
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    • 337 5 nc DCDC DCDDCDnCDC DC DCDD A What Women need A wise woman can save herself many a day of backache and misery by keeping her blood in good condition. There's no need to suffer from headaches, extreme languor, faintness, laek of appetite and other women's ailments, when Dr. Williams’ Pink
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, PenangPrice s Daily Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.’ Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 383. N.B.—A U bu.ineM communication»
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  • 1373 6 From the statement msde by the Dutch Foreign Minister in the Second Chsmber at the it will be gathered that Holland has practically acquiesed in the action taken by the Allied Government* under the right of angary by which they bare acquired for the duration of
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  • 839 6 Sir Edward and Lady Brockman are go- ine next month on a holiday to Japan. Mr. E. F. Taylor hai been appointed to act as Secretary to Sesident, Selangor, Lieut.-Col. Frank Mills has again been mentioned in Sir A. Murray’s despatches. Mr, J. A. Black has been
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  • 45 6 Singapore Chinese MnnifioenoeMr. B. D. Pringle, Seoretary Y M. C. A wires that Messrs. Lee Choon Gaan and Lim PeDg Siang of Singapore hare presented the Y. M. C. A, with a Red Triangle hat. An excellent example to the Penan? Chinese,
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  • 1058 6 Pirates of Penang. His said that the sampan coolies who ply for hire between the jetties and shin„ ing in the harbour have joined the noble army of profiteers who are carrying their knavish tricks all unchecked Tho P” 9en era «sing the Kedah boats that ply between
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 198 6 nniT PRITCHARD and Company, Limited. Sports Department New Delivery of Sporting Goods. Tennis Rackets by the Best Makers. Foi roster's," Slazenger’s,” “Davie’s” “Prosser’s,” from |9 to $22.50 each. Tennis Posts of Wood and Steel. The •iome,” Polished Pine Posts, with Guy Ropes, Pegs and Runners $l5. The “Cyprus,” Tubular Steel,
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  • 292 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] HOLLAND’S ATTIIUDB. Statement in the ChamberLondon, March 18. A cable from the Hague states that at i utting of the Second Chamber the Foreign Minister stated that, Germany having declared that it was impossible for her to furnish Holland with 100,000 tons of
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  • 643 7 Singapore Opinion. The detention of the Dutch ships is not a hostile act and betokens no quarrel with Holland- It has been made under recognised provisions of international law, and is, in point of fact, a measure necessary for the protection of a small State
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  • 588 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Attitude of the EntenteLondon, March 19. The Press Bureau says that the Prime Ministers and Foreign Minietsrs of the Entente assembled in London feel bound to take note of the political crimes whiob, under the name of a German peace," have been committed against the
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  • 620 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] OUR AERIAL ABCENDANCY, Results on Artillery London, March 18, 2,50 p.m. Reuter’s Correspondent at Headquarters states t—- Oar airmen continue their brilliant work. The meaning of our aerial dominance in relation to our artillery effectiveness is well demonstrated by the following figured *'lq twenty-two counter-batteiy shoots
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  • 599 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ON THE MEUSE AGAIN Forestalling The EnemyA USEFUL PIECE OF WORK London, March 18, 12 5 p.m, Reuter’s correspondent at French Headquarters states that the centre of aotivity has now shifted to the Meus9 The big French raids mentioned in yesterday’s communiques were directed against the
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  • 372 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Watching the Germans London, March 18, 7 15 p.m. A cable from Tokio says that the War Minister, speaking in the House of R°prfsentatives, stated that there were 94,000 German prisoners in Siberia east of Lake Baikal and 64.000 on the west. These iD the
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  • 99 7 ACTION BY LOCAL COMPANIES. Invoking LegislationSingapore, March 20. A meeting of representatives of Rubber Companies registered in Singapore, Malaoca and Johore has been held at Messrs. Evatt and Co’s offices to discuss the question of restriction of outputs, It was resolved that restriction was desirable and
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Corre$p*ndent London, March 18, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/6$ Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/6
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  • 68 7 Latent Quotations. Tin (unrefined) ia quoted here today at $148.60, business done, in Singapore (refined) at $149. baaineaa done, (32$ tens sold) and in London at .£320 spot and at £319 three months. Messrs. Boastead A Co inform as that the following were the quotations for Rabber
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  • 536 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] HOW IT WORKS. Interesting Disclosures. London, March 19. The War Cabinet’s report on 1917, already britfly reviewed, is now published in extenso. It oontaina illuminating information regarding the War Cabinet’s working methods, It describes how each meeting begins with the hearing of reports on the
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  • 74 7 The following articles will be feud on os, outside pages Pages. 3. —A German General’s Book. 4. —The Tendencies of English Poetry in 1917. Education and Liberty of Straits Chinese Women. 5. Chinese Marriage Law. Sunday Labour, B.—Penang Assizes. Tanah Merah Robbery. The Agricultural Conference. The Week’s Events. A
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  • 553 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] WEEKLY AMERICAN REVIEW. The Threatened Offensive. L mdon, March 18, 12 5 pm. 1 A telegram from Washington states that Mr. N. D- Baker, the United States War Secretary, in his weekly review says that while WW.w— I hostile preparatioas tor an offensive on the
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  • 492 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] GERMANY AND THE NEUTRALS j Further Threats- t London, March 18- I < A Berlin official oommuniqu4 states: •‘QwiDg to the conduot of the British naval! forces in the barred «one deolared round the I German Bight by England, we are foroed to I take
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  • 167 8 Oni Mah Abkutid. A daring gang robbery oocurred at 2 o’olrek yesterday morning at Sangei Teram, R<jlau District, when four Chinese armed wtyh axes, knives and stcks broke into the borne of Chin Ah Seng, a pig-and«duck rearer. They succeed in removing a box wfajich contained j°wellery
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  • 771 8 Fourth Mhbting ot Advisory COMMITTBH, Tbe delibe-ations of tbe Committee ap- I pointed to consider and advise the F M.B. G tvemment as to the best means ot increasing tbe production of noe and other I foodstuff-, which met for tbe fourth time on i February 9 are
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  • 89 8 Fiuld Opheations oir Sxtuedxt, The following orders have been issued for I the above field operations on Saturday i Convoy and Relief Pabtt. A. Company, Veterans Coy and Maxims I Coy under command of Capt. Gcatly, will wear R*d Bands on Helmets and will fall in at Pulau
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  • 132 8 Tbii phasing little band of wandering minstrels are invading Penang next week when they will appear at the Town Hall on Wedne;day, Thursday and Friday nights, 27th, 28th, and 29th instant. They promise to sing new songs, dance new dances,&od generally to present a succession of exhifarat* iog
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  • 940 8 DINDING3 MURDER CASE, Accused Sbhtrnchd to Diath The hearing ot the ease aginst Teh Ah K m who was charged before Mr. Justice L. M. Woodward and a jury coroprising Messrs. J.M. Kidd (Foremai F.N Syer, I. Me dium, H. E 8p*ik J J. G. B own,
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  • 153 8 A new and probably, more correct account of the Tanah Merah gang robbery is now to hand. The facts as now reported are that the Towkay and two of his assistants were held up at a spot near the Euala Lukut ferry where their oar had to
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  • 275 8 SOMR SuaOlSTIONS. It is said.t,b»t there are some features in ths- p'ogrhmme of the forthcoming Agricul. tural Conference that do not meet with unanimous Approval. One is 4bat the leading (f pipers should not be coefined to the scientists us this would be f.tal to the I
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  • 74 8 WlDNBSDAT, MARCH 20, Town Band, Esplanade. Licensing Justices Meeting, District Court, 2 15 p.m. Friday, March 22. Town Band, Esplanade. Surgei Pat am Rubber Estate, L*d„ General Meeting, Chamber ot Commerce, 3 p m, Saturday, March 23, Town Band, Golf Club. F. M. S. Chamber of Mines,
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  • 147 8 Exchanoh ot Messaobs. H. E, the High Commissioner reoeived, on March 15, the following telegram from Captain Wooloombe, BN., commanding H.M.B. Malaya "On the second anniversary of com* missioning of H MS, Malaya we desire again to convey oar gratitude to tbs Federated Malay States for their frequent
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  • 342 8 A few days ago thera appeared in these columns the report of a rumour that a big Amauoan syndicate was about to start mining operations on a particularly big «oale in, the Western Siamese Btstes. Tos following extract from the oompUint oolumn of a contemporary seems to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 376 8 To All! It yon want to" JOIN 3THEjV|j ARMY of aU those people who j look and feel A. 1 There is an erer ready opportunity open to yon. But do not B 2 Dilatory in BookiDg seats for South! Africa’s moving picture chs3io| Something entirely new in feature films.
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  • 2317 9 fl m 0 Difiltai. VS| 1 iamb# el ti it Capital. ■karat Issued. to 2 last ftaamfer earreat Raat. s 8 SB Q C'. 3 >-* m •ial jaar. year. m m l i RVRKEX—KKLLAK SHARKS. f cts. ete not 1S4.904 1*9,900 1 i «9 Aler Gajah Rubber Estate,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 198 9 TRY IT IN YOUR BATH BY APPOINTMENT TO H.M. THE KING. [SCRUBBS y AMMONIA MARVELLOUS PREPARATION I nvaluable for Toilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Water Splendid Cleansing Preparation for the Hair. Allays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Bites. Cleans Plate, Jewellery, and Carpets. For Sale by all Grocers and
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  • 2606 10 II. The next item in our list is increased power of production. That is the real cheval de guerre of the opposition, had they bnt the brains to understand it. There is no limit to the possible increased power of production and its corresponding power to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 228 10 1 1 Since the Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over A i r m-z f w ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE
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  • 1901 11 I. the recent discussions end declare* tiona of war aim a it aeema to me that there baa been an unfortanate failure to pat the subject of diaarmament in ita right place. I It la certainly oomfortiag to find that the neoeaaity for dealing with this
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 146 11 D m D XpOT I rancho Puwm I Pd Dil Nippon Brewery Co.Ui ISINQTAOBRCWERV «I L M E W “TSINGTAO BEER 99 PirBt-claBB Beverage for Tired Nerves* Try and see -For yourselves, If not °ome and consult us. SOLE R GENTS: THE EASTERN TRADING Co.. Penang and Ipoh, i DISTRIBUTING
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    • 422 11 Do you Suffer With Rheumatism Has this terrible, nerve-racking, painful ailment fastened ita a lf upon you? Don't lose hope. Here’s succour for yoa, Littlu’s Oricktal Balm h»s cured than* sands of inveterate chronic cases of Rheumatism—among them hundreds of casea that were pronounced hopeless by dootori. Through this wonderful
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1317 12 P. fI—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER BERVIOEB. f f: *f* PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undm Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present upended. Pawengore for Europe are hooked via Bomb*) ae opportunity offer* and as far
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