Straits Echo, 19 March 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1143 1 Y ii 1' 1/ v*f *,v w i if- W- v_ l‘ 3 .1® IF YOU WANT COMFORT 00 TO THIS Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cars for hire day and night I Telephone No 694. Teletmphic Adireii: HOKIMTEIK. j Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. < lncorporated In
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    • 10 1 «W IN il_ uS>2 M *632 til SSSS as m
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  • 2882 2 C From Onr Own Correspondent,') Jhb Gbe man Natt. London, January 24. Tbe release of tbe German troops employed on the Easte n front and their augmentation of the troops on the Western Front is finding a corrollary in the Gherman navy the units of which
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 551 2 BEDS AND BEDDING AT WHITE AWA VS. f The Competition Bed. Iron Bedstead with 1 inch Pillars, black enamelled with five gilt key hands, gilded head and foot rail, lath bottom Sizes 6J by 6J feet Prioe $39 75 only. Pillows covered Blue and White striped Ticken filled with good
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    • 49 2 Why It Sells. Chamberlain’s Cou*h Remedy i« ta selling ocijfh no0<liciii0 in tho wor to-day because it doe« exactly what 00 remedy is supposed to do. It stop*' cough by oaring the oold, and doe* JP"? iljr and effectual If. For .ale by ell d* p 'uteri#, and dealer.
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  • 919 3  -  [By Tom Wright] 11 n 80me w«ys, it «ou d serve as a study of the soul of a slacker. Not that he sLckl d wilfully—the morions of his conscience IJ show that he was not the maater of bis fate, I though be was certainly the
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  • 60 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 218 h Auction Sale tbe following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Fair From $64 to 178 Diamond Uosmoked 46 to 63 Plain Unsmoktd 46 to 62 Brown and Scrap Crepe Fair 26 to 29 70.846 lb of rubber were put up for
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  • 48 3 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-morrow at 5 pm 1 Grand National Ballet Victoria and Marrie England Sullivan 2 Polka L9s G.eoouilles Delbruck 8 Selection Crown Diamonds Auber 4 Walti Bid me Goodbye Oamors 6 March The Gladiator Soaea
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  • 1015 3 r [To Thi Editor of The Straitt Echo Dear 8ir, In your issue of the 14' h inst. the report of a meetirg held by a group of Nooyas at Holland House for the purpose of sending in a petition to the Government praying that a one
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 540 3 &i si sink jfcjfc iksL&& XX X si X X X si? SOMETHING GOOD HERE! SOMETHING GOOD HEFEI, 5 t r+ t» 1 5 SH fret* frEmpire Theatre Proprietor :hj. a. holm. Manager: thomab bhafto Appe&ring At 9.15, t Myrtle Gonzalez and George Hernandez In their Powerful 5 act Drama
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    • 521 3 All! r It yen want to JOIN THE ARMY of all those people who look and feel A. 1 There is an ever ready opportunity open to you. But do not B 2 Dilatory in Booking seats for South Africa’s moving picture classic Something entirely new in feature films. It
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    • 313 3 North Kedah Red Cross Fete. MARCH 30th, Slit, APRIL ht, SPECIAL TRAINS daily to and from alor «tar. Trains leave Penang at 7.30 a.m9.30 a.m, 2.30 p.m. Trams leave Alor Star at 6.45 a.m. 1.25 p ra 12 midnight. Special trains will leave Peuang each morning at 9.30 a.m. for
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  • 97 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Soniajs and pnbllc holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penaag. Price: Dally Local $BO per annum. Outatatlon Postag's Extra. Mall Edition (Poet Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG." Telephone IMos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. N.B. —All business communicstions
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  • 21 4 TnmriLLe —At Cleeve Scotland Busd, Pr»D4njr, on the 19th inst, to Mr. and Mrs. W. I. O Tarvill, a son.
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  • 1306 4 Already March is more than half over and the much-advertis9d great German offensive his not yet materialised. True, all along the Allied front from the North Sea to the Alps—where sectors are held by Belgians, Britons, Portuguese, French, Americans, Montenegrins and even a remnant of
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  • 939 4 Mr, and Mrs. E. W. F. Oilman left for Port Swettenham today. Dr. and Mra. Handy who were on a short visit to Penang returned tc-day to the southern settlement. Dr. W. P. Meldrum, Medioal Officer, Or&de 1., has been appointed to act as Health Officer, Selanger.
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  • 960 4 The Irish Enigma. New developments are f with regard to the administratis, afoot •ff.ire. We wi.b them ly, we scarcely anticipate that L We cannot overlook what w* h PPy reiolt belie,, the f.ct th.T the mi"! hi of Ireland ie such sat 0 c f o ““dltioo
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  • 25 4 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at Sl4B 50, business done, in Singapore (refined at $150,00, buiiness done, 150 to* l sold.)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 96 4 ARTISTIC DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FREE FURNITURE MADE IN OUR OWN WORKS Furniture ONLY WORK MANFIRST r SHIP SB Quality GUARX T r-M ANTEED Timber USED A VISIT TO OUR New Showrooms in Union Street IS INVITED. Whfre we are Displaying Carpets, Rugs, Pictures, Bedsteads, Lamps and China and Glass e
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  • 613 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] PAINFUL AND FORCED.” A Russian Socialist Militia. London, March 17, 6 50 p.m. A message from Moscow states that the resolution of the Congress of Soviets ratifying the Peace Treaty describes the paaoe as painful, forced, and dishonouring. It urges ,11 workers to employ all their
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  • 559 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY RE ORGANISATION. Control of Ship-building, London, March 18, 7>45 a.m, Political interest centres in the debate on the Navy Estimates on Wednesday when Sir Eric Geddes will announce measures of reorganisation within the Admiralty and meet criticisms. The chief change it is expected will
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  • 603 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] MORE BRITISH 8UCCE8SE8. Another Town Bombed. London, March 17, 11.45 p.m, 8ir Douglas Haig states in his aviation report:—" We drove off raiders near Zonnebeke. The enemy artillery is active south of the Bapaume—Cambrai road and also against our rear defences! south of Lens
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  • 698 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A QUESTION OF MORALE Hindenbnrg Protests Too MuchLondon, Maroh 17, 11-45 p m. A Renter’s telegram from British Headquarters, commenting on the latest vod Hindenburg interview, states that reoiprooal raiding and artillerying are keeping the front active and thunderous, but German newspapers are questioning what
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  • 327 5 [Riutir’s RAMS.] TELEGRAPH LINEB CUT. Between Finland and SwedenLondon, March 17. A Stockholm message says that tele» > graphic communication between Stockholm 1 and Helsingfors and South Finland was i interrupted suddenly on Saturday evening* i Probably the Germans at the Aaland Island* r cut the
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  • 270 5 A YEAR’B SUBMARINING. FIGURES FOR THE FOUR QUARTERS. Proportion Remains Constant' Paris, March 15, 10-25 p-m. A compsrisoc of German submarine activity during the four quarters of 1917, reveals that the number of Bhips attacked by gm fire was respectively 579, 674, 292 and 114, the proportion of
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  • 788 5 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Kuala Sidim Rubber Company, Limited, was held at the Chamber of Commeroe this morning. There were present Messrs. G. N. Saye, G. JM. Keulemans, RE. Prentis and E.H Everest (representing the Secretaries, Messrs. Boustead and
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  • 63 5 The following articles will bd foand oar outside pages Pages. 2. —War News and Gossip. 3. A Would-be Tolstoyan. Baste Produce Exchange, Chine Marriage Laws. To-morro* Band Programme. 6. Wooden Ships. Mayfield Bubt Plantations. Tyre Conservatic The Week’s Events. Arab R«i< American Puah and Go. Ssprei Court. Penang Rural
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  • 12 5 Obituary. London, Maroh 17. The death is announced of Canon SoottI Holland.
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  • 416 6 It is interesting to read tbe following letter from a C-l.cnt corraspondert to an Indian Exchange On Banday afternoon the south beach presented a very ar lmated scene, large crowds having gathered t> witness the launching of two fair s* wooden vessels, whieh have been built for the
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  • 367 6 Annual Report. The second annual general meeting of the above company will be held at the registered offices of the Secretaries on Aprii 4at 8 p.m. Following is the Directors’ report for the year ended December 31, 1917« The Directors have pleasure in presenting their Second Report
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  • 136 6 God’s Crucible. Tbil vivid >to> j of a man without a son’ attracted no less than 1700 people (all with or without souls) last night to see how the hero managed to do without one. Everything else was equally well received, Seme queer consignments reach the Foreign Office
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  • 690 6 U3EFUL HINT 1 FOR LOCAL MOIORI3TS. “Pinching thi Tub*.” Ways and means of procuring the longest service from inner tubes—an appurtenanoe of tbe automobile’s mechanism that is most neglected—is tbe theme of an educational campaign instituted by tbe GoodrioE Co. Many unexpected outbursts from air containers originate from
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  • 89 6 Tuesday, March 19. Singapore Assizes Open. Penang Marine Insurance Agents Association, Special General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 20, Town Band, Esplanade. Licensing Justices Meeting, District Court, 2 15 p.m. Friday, March 22. Town Band, Esplanade. Surgei Patani Rubber Estate, Ltd,, General Meeting, Chamber
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  • 56 6 A strong programme is being presented to-night at th* Electric Polyscope, the films molnoiog “By Whose Hands," a five.reel mystery featuring J. Ross snd Muriel Ostriche "Bucking Society,” a Keystone Comedy and The Fanatic," supported by a powerful War Drama entitled '*1914” by Hits. For further particulars please
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  • 323 6 Hakryino the Turks Allahabad. March 6. The Pioneer Cairo correspondent gives the following details of recent Arab operations in Palestine: Early in tbe month an Arab foroe belonging to Sherif Faisal’s Northern Army, and operating from Furveil», south-west of Ma*an, captured a strong Turkish position at Abu-lissal, and
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  • 291 6 No halt Measures with War, Allahabad, March 3. The Pioneer’t Lwdon military correspondent writes A friend, who has just landed in England from a lengthy visit to the United States, told me that the spirit of determination exhibited there on all sides to prosecute tbe war
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  • 384 6 M JUDGE AND MONEY LENDERS. Air Important Ruling. jl The Chief Judicial Commissioner, Mr. r Justice lanes, returned yesterday from t Kuals Lipis, where a special Assiz9 took place, says the Malay Mail of 8unday. The I criminal work ool listed of two murder trials I and a
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  • 822 6 41 A Planter writes i The current issue of tbe Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal earned distinction for itself by ea>iag that tbe last meeting of the P. A. M. in Penang was very disappointing for the reason that owing to tbe presence of the Bishop of
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  • 220 6 Oar Tsiping correspondent writes t Mr, Vincent Fernando, of the PWD., 1 Taiping, and captain of tbe Taiping Recreation Club, was entertained by tbe members of tbe Club to a sumptuous dinner oa 1 Saturday last at tbe Club premises on tbe eve of bis departure to Kuala
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  • 1386 6 Four Murders on the List, The second session of the Assizes epemd in the First D visional CoU't btfore Mr. Justice L. M- Woodward yesterday. Toere are altogether eix cases on tde calendar, four of wbioh are for murder. Dindinos Assault Cash. The first case called was that
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  • 608 6 First Quarterly Mbitiio. A meeting of the Pdnang Rural Board I was held at the Land Office yesterday atternoon. There were present Messrs, A. I Cavendish- (Caairmao), C. G. May, G C. g! I Muiler, Caeah Seng Yean and Chee Kok I Fee (Secretary). The miuutes of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1853 7 When yon want to talk seriously on some matter re-1 y political (not the avarice or fears or theatrical ambition* of the politician*) yon most leek the judgment of the Peinunent Official*. You mast find oat wbat they are thinkiog and why they are thinking it.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 208 7 r LARGE QUANTITIES OF 7 Estate Requisites Supplies f FOR PRICES PLEASE APPLY TO HAN TONG Co., ESTATE SUPPLIERS A COMMISSION AGENTS. 249, Beach Street, Penang. Telephone 743. Borden’s Eagle Brand Condensed Milk has no Equal. i^ONDEN m a ‘•i BN*?*® ■iHv** tl :r, -i—rrTT.K^ HsCO*** 1 K .U.S-A^ LARGE
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    • 51 7 Why It Sells. ObamberUio'a Cough Remedy ia tbe ’argent selling cough medicine in tbe world to*day because it doea exactly wbat a cough remedy ia auppoaed to do. It atopa tbe oough by curing tbe oold, and doea it speed ily and effeotually. For Bale by all dia penaariea and
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    • 882 7 Do you Suffer 'With Rheumatism? Hm this terrible, nerve-rack 017, painful ailment fastened itself upon youP Djn’t lose bnp». Here’s surcour fir you. Little Oeiental Balm has curf d thou ■and* of inveterate ohromo cases of Rheumatism—among them bundreda of oasea that were pronounced hopeless by doctors. Through thia wonderful
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1283 8 r. O.— BRITISH IHDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England Mail and passenger services. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undoi Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’* MAIL BERVICEB EAST OF BOMBAY are at present impended. PiwnpiT for Europe ere booked via Bomb*} *a opportunity offer! and as farm modatioQ ii
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