Straits Echo, 18 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1211 1 r -rn iupaij A>m W' H! 1 .fc&L NATUSSi IJ IF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO TH3 U&Jti mentioned Garage jr er Brand New Cars for hire day and night I ‘i BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Nederlandsohe Handel Iflaatsohappij. (Incorporated in
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    • 21 1 ;£jaisx&2 Ss 1 1, ’un^ap r v.--' l /X ?4 IjjF kmmm 4 W m J?T ĕ I mk. <<f _1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 °^=»«o^^=>O^=>O^=>Oo= »O^=>Oo=O^J=> H^°^»3^==» o^=>o^==»o^=>o^=> o <J^>t<}=»o<)=» o <J=<)<} =>o^}= > o<J= > <r J>: TE SUPPLIE OF EVERY SGIIPTIM Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. KATZ BROTHERS, LTO (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1010 3 The heralded Gtrm*n iff-nsive to break through on the road to P«ri§ and decide 'he war in one irresistible onslaught must have been in Mr. Winston Ctiurctailfs 'hcughts when he oalled upon the United States to send over its fighting men we k by we» k,
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  • 519 3 CURIOUS WAR TAXATION. Tin Industry. The position of the rubber industry is, on the whole, satifactory, but the restrictions on j freight are, rf course, very serious.” This was the conclusion pronounoed to an Australian paper by Mr. Huson, of Perak, Federated Malay States, who is on a
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  • 405 3 Pesaimiam is catching (sayg Truth of January 23) and when there ia no fighting to attract attention the critica get their chance. Some of them are now at wotk in i spirit of captioua impatience which will not help to win the war. Thia remark ia applicable to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 350 3 JCDU n A tonic needed No particular diraat®, but jour tjatom lacks tone. Your work Arast- Ordinary tasks become bard. You find your-elf tired, unable to low spirted* unable to keep jour mind on anything, pet sound sleep at night. Debility is robbing you of your power. Dr. Williams’ Pink
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    • 301 3 mnrvvvYv FOR A4.L KINDS OF MACHINERY. FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES APPLY TO HAW BEM Q A Co., 129, BEACH STREET. —r OR ASIATIC Co, (S 3.) Ltd., 1, WLID QLAV, PF.NaKG saw; t 5sT, x s THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE' ASSURANCE Co., Ltdlead Office;— SINQAPORE. A Marriage License and an
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    • 51 3 Whj It {fella. ChamborUin’a Cough Bemedy i« the largest sellmg cough medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a cough remedy is supposed to do. It atopa the oeugh by ouring the oold, and does it speed* ily and effectually. For sale by all dil* p-maanas and
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  • 2339 4 CFrom. Our Own Correspondent Increasing Officke’b Pat. London. January 17* The increased rates of pay just granted to naval and military officers are to date from the Ist October, 19.7, and are for the duration of the war only. At present the pay of a second
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 539 4 BEDS AND BEDDING AT WHITE AW AY’S. r The Competition Bed. Iron Bedstead with 1 inch Pillars, black enamelled with fire gilt key bands, gilded head and foot rail, lath .ottom. Sizes 6J by 5$ feet Price 5*39.75 only. Pillows covered Blue and White striped Ticken filled with good quality
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    • 242 4 p IN KETTE THE TINY LAXATIVES prevent dysentery and all stomach troubles by cleansing the bowels of all impurities and poisonous matters Correct constipation, cure s ck headaches biliousness regulate the liver. Of all chemists, 60 oeats per phial or will be sent post free on receipt of pries. Dr.
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  • 660 5 2 [To thu Editor of thu Straile Echo. 2 Deagßfc. i I=4 j 2 h*ve read with much interest Ohayah Dolan a article in yonr Saturday’s issue con- earning a meeting to protest against the 2 ■o* c *lled marriage law reform moYement in j Penang.”
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  • 126 5 Mr. Khaw Joo Tok informs us that the output of the Tougkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co. for one week from 10th to the 16th instant was sixteen tons. The output of the Kampong Eamuoting Tin Dredging, Ltd. for the first fortnight of March, were Honrs run 522; Cubic
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  • 120 5 Ghangu To-night, Patrons of the "Empire” will gladly welcome the re-appearance of the popular favourite Myrtle Gonsalei who was recently featured in a vary attractive production entitled The Girl of Loat Lake," the pioture that was ao favourably commented on by both the press and public. Myrtle Gonaales
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  • 341 5 I (From Our Oien Correspondent.') Loudon, Maroh 15, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/6 Diamond Smoked Bheet 2/5} Bubber Rising London, Maroh 16, I Pale Crape 2/6 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/5} j The followings are the Market Reports of I Messrs.
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  • 49 5 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-day at 5 p.m i— 1 Selection Carmen up to Date Luti 2 Two Step The Teddy Bears’ Picnic Saddler 3 Selection Aroldo Verdi 4 Walts la Old Madrid Meiasler 5 Maroh Boom Ta-Ra Williams
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  • 483 5 Serendah 30,622, Kamasan 18,330, Bukit Kepong 8.740, Utan S.mpan 10,070, Didsbury 9,230 lb. The Straits Benevolent Association Singapore, ia declared dissolved. Registrations notified under the Societies’ Ordinance are the Straits Asiatio Football Clnb, Singapore; the Malayalee Association, Singapore and the Y«n Thin Wui Koan, Singapore. Noting a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 565 5 SOMETHING GOOD HERE 1 SOMETHING GOOD HERE l TO-NIGHT F t JH Empire Theatre Proprietor; h j. a. holm. Manager: thoma»bhafto Appetrin a/ 9. IS, Myrtle Gonzalez and George HerEatidez F In their Powerful 5 act Drama H iv ram a “COD’S CRUCIBLE The Strry 'of a Man Without a
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    • 1114 5 NOTICE. WAWTBD. et Sale under order of the Supreme Court Penang, Suit 1918 No. 8, In the matter of the Estate and Will of Kader Mydin, deceased, bitwiin MAH OHEE bint KADER MYDIN, Plaintiff AWD 8HAIK ISMAIL LEBBY PA WAN CHEE. Defendant TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Monday,
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $3O per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Addreae: ECHO PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. N.B. 411 buaineM communications
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  • 601 6 Thera is much io the attitude of various at Home just now to make the Briton overseas feel rather unoomfortable and doubtful as to whether the war i« really bringing about that moral transformation and national regeneration whose prospects seemed so bright in the earlier stages
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  • 864 6 SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS. Lhadinc Towkay Charged. As a sequel to the outbreak of fire at the Khie Heng Bee Biee and Oil Mills which entailed considerable loss of property and in connection with whioh Karim, a Bengali, and Koh Sin Ho, a Chinese, have been obarged
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  • 931 6 Mr. Justice P. J. Bproule reported his return from leave on March 5. Mr. E. C. H, Wolff, F.M.S- Civil Service, is granted three months’ privilege leave from March 9. Mr. D. Beatty is appointed to act as assistant colonial secretary and clerk of councils from March
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  • 992 6 Honours." Perhaps the bast that can h. recent honours iBt for th J of the ments is that ,fc might easil? l' Settle longer. eaB,l J have been We venture to predict that in on time democracy will have y e *ru* relic, of a barbaro., «>«.. sensible
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 100 6 ARTISTIC DESIGNS AND 3 ESTIMATES FREE FURNITURE MADE IN OUR OWN WORKS Furniture ONLY WORKMAN FIRST r IS n. SHIP GUAR -7 5* 1 Quality I' Timber TEED USED A VISIT TO OUR New Showrooms in Union Street IS INVITED. Where we are Displaying Carpets, Rugs, Pictures, Bedsteads, Lamps and
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  • 682 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] GERMANY AND NEUTRALS. Campaign of Threats. London, March 15, 3,35 p.m Light is thrown on the Allied action with rega r d to Dutch shipping by a s’a’ament of the United States War Trade Boud that tbe cumulative evidence shows that Germany is now using
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  • 577 7 [RlUTBs’s TuLtOEXlfs] THE BRE3T-LITOVSK PEACE. Mr Asquith’s View London, March 15. i Mr. A'quith, in a speech at the f Women’s Liberal Federation, said that the j sieged Russo-German ppace was an objecti l® 880 of the kind of peaoe Germany would seek to impose on the Allies.
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  • 53 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (...refined) u q«?ted here lo-da?»t |149, business done, Singapore $149.59, b0 i 9 e r 0 T/eVeed Co. inform n. that the following were the quotation, for Eubtar on spot in London on the 15th inst. received yesterday Plantation 1st latex crepe 2/6 Smoked
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  • 658 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SIR DOUGLAS HAIG'S REPORT. Beciprooal Artillery Activity. London, March 15, 11 35 s.m. Sir Douglas Haig in his despatch states t J "We entered the en°my’s lines to the > west of Villersguislain and brought back r prisoners, We repulsed raids in the neigbbourhoeds of Passchendaele
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  • 660 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE COMING OFFENSIVE. Obscure Esemy Intentions London, March 15, 4-15 p.m. Reuter’s correspondent at the French Headquarters says 11 Although the enemy does not give any sign as to when the long promised offensive will break he is still accumulating men and material on our front
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  • 622 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] CHINESE ENTRENCHING. Japanese Intentions. London, March 16, 6 15 a.m, The Tientsin correspondent of the Daily Mail telegraphs that the Japanese Embassy at Peking has been informed that three J .pa1 nese were killed and seven wounded while defending their property agaiast Bjlsheviks in Blagovestchensk
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  • 576 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] Sweden and the Aaland Islands. London, March 15 A message from Stockholm says it officially stated thit the Swedish detai ment despatched to superintend t Russian evacuation of the Aaland Islands t begun to withdraw, but the withdrawal nowise prejudices the Swedish position r garding
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  • 79 7 The following article* will be found oa oar outside pagea Pages. 3. The Coming German Offensive, Misinformed Criticism. Malar States. 3 4. —War News and Gossip, 5—London Rubber Market. Chinese Marriage Law Reforms To-night’a Baud Programme. Tin Outputs 8. —Telegrams. The 8bara Market. A Week’s Warring. A Home from
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  • 501 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] GERMAN MACHINATIONS. Inquiry ProceedingLondon, Maroh 16, 5 a.m. Reuter’s New York correspondent states that the authorities have bagun an investigation to determine whether oertain woollen merchants have been trying to corner the wool and cotton supplies of the world for the benefit
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  • 100 8 Thu following are the latest quotations in Messrs. A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list i Saturday. To-day. Rubber. J J a C a m 4 w d§ Ayer Molek 200 2.20 1.85 210 Ayer Penas 7.75 8.50 7.75 8.25 BukitKatil 0.70 085 0.70 0.80 Ghaagkat Serdang
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  • 684 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] i 9 I i French Socialist’s Impressions. London, Maroh 14. r T M. Albert Thomas, writing to the Daily I Chronicle regarding the impressions of his I visit to Great Britain, states that he was overjoyed to witness the strength and I greatness of industrial
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  • 455 8 AUSTRIA'S INTERNAL SITUATION-1 VEHEMENCE IN THE CHAMBER. A Scheme of PartitionParis, Maroh 15. A telegram from Zurich states that tnmnl-1 Ituous scenes occurred last Wednesday in the I Austrian Chamber on the occasion of a dis- I loubsioq on the food situation. Never bave snob scenea been witnessed,
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  • 420 8 Showing Thru Powerful Bunix.Lt The Coliseum present at their grand change of programme to-night three of the I most expensive serials evsr put on thasoreen. I Episode 1 and 2 of The Grip of Evil a I master serial in 28 parts depists humanity tin the clutches of war
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  • 356 8 It is a magnifioent picture and one of the beat ever produced. To the world it will I give a batter conception cf the stirring I j deeds, valour, hardships and vicissitudes of the Veertrekkers, being a film ef tense dramatic interest and fine historical accuracy and
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  • 674 8 The following tiea have been fixed for Wednesday, the 20th Maroh t Mixed Doubles —Miss Hooker and O H Mackay v Mr and Mrs J Orabb-Watt (6). Final A Doubles —E H Everest and H Waugh v T E Winfield and F R Sayers (4). B Doubles
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  • 1608 8 UNOFFICIAL REVIEW. J i The following oablee were oommunioated to the Bangkok papers by the British Legation. OrnnATioxs von thb Wbuk. London; Maroh 8. Operations for the week ending Maroh 7 1 —The comparative quiet of a fortI night past was encoeeded by a week of intense
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  • 323 8 A correspondent writes to the 8, T, to remurk that the “Burlington” which is evidently a hotel or oaravanserai of some notoriety has lately been letting some of its godowns where rats have been breeding well, for the bousing of a menagerie. la this home from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 965 9 (V om the Malay Mail Sir, —I can on’y v,.r.cterise your letter of 6th instant m S b g'‘d., Ltbour" being »U»ted with .«Ifisbresi and voicing the sentiments ot a n who ia looking forward to retiring 'hortly Inn hia labours
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  • 406 9 Moeb Expert” Viaws, The Malayan Tin and Rubber Journal in its issue dated March 15 gives the gist of a conversation that one of its represents* tive has been having with M\ A. B- Milne. The latter is reported as saying that the country was very short
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  • 504 9 Monday, March 18. Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Assizes Open. Peoang Rural Board Meeting, Land Office, 3 p.m. Tuesday, March 19. Singapore Assizrs Open. PenaDg Marine Insurance Agents Association, Special General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 3 p.m. Kuala Sidim Rubber Go. Ltd, General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 11.30
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  • 639 9 I Important Features op Last Tear's Wore. The annual general meeting of the SiogaI pore Diocesan Association was held on I Friday in the Hall of Bt. Andrew’s School, Singapore, The business before the meeting was the passing of the reports and accounts and bilance sheet for 1917,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 48 9 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impoaaible to prevent an aociJent, but it ia not impoasible to be prepared t° r H. Chamberlain’ a Pain Balm ie net bejoad anyane'a parae, and with a bottle of liniment yen are prepared for almost tanhino For tala by all diepenearlee
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    • 706 9 jtJms v tm m r 1 }i iIHI j& r.- >- ».<■ u /■V* B FOR EFFICIENCY. I R,T.Reid& Co., PENANG. »m ik>2* I 9 WRITE TO-DAY to MASTERS, RYE, for LIST GOOD ENGLISH IBct. GOLD 6EM RINGS e*> Luminous Wrist Watches Silver, 40/Oold, *3 »0 £lO So. 25 Three
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    • 408 9 'X.c'?Weakness Every movement of the body uses up a definite amount of vitality. That is why you feel tired at the end of tne day. When you overtax yourself, on when your vitality is undermined by illness, your whole system becomes tooexhausted to recover its lost vitality without assistance. Your
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    • 242 9 Chest, Threat And Lung Troubles, The Safest and Surest Remedy is VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE. Veno’a L’ghtning Cough Care is not s mere cough reliefer, bat a proved remedy, a genuine cu e (or every bind of cough or brnrcbial trouble in old or young. Merit ban made it the
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  • 1021 10  -  By Major G. W. Redway. Unity of command, unity of direction, undy of thought, will, and aim—this is the Obiener'» Christmas message to its readers 1 a the middle of the fourth year of this most tremendous war.” And a very proper message tco, though there is nothing
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 618 10 Penang Sales Room. By order of the Custodian of Enemy Property TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION. At 49, Noriham Road, On Pri. 8 Satar., 5th 8 6th April, 191#. AT 11 A.M. BACH DAT High Ola» Household Furniture, Hon* and Traps, COMPEISIHO Drawing Boom Suita, 8ingle and Double Iron
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    • 356 10 ■1 The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and youj too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter, —the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY S FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: AND COMPANY. I KWONG SENG 43, LEITH
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  • 2577 11  -  By Nicholes Lenine. WHAT THEY WANT AND WHAT THEY 0PP03E, Russia’s primary and only real problfm is the viotory of the Bolshevik element over the opposing elements which represent, in nndilnted form, Olasa, Capitalism, Imperialism and Exploitation of the People. Even RnsiUns—those who do not see the trend
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  • 82 11 Kultur does not exclude a blood savagery it sublimises that which is devilish,— Herr T. Mann, 1914, It was with my consent that the whole town and its environs were burnt to the ground and that about a hundred persona were shot.—Von Biilow, Commanding 2nd Army Corps,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 279 11 NOTICE. The intermit and responsibility of Sbayna gatwab Mencan in the business of Gurry Stuff Shop Keepers at No. 51, Market Street, Penang oeased tbia day. Tbe said baaineaa shall be carried on by Nawana Peeana Pear Mahomed in bia own name, «bo will be reaponsible for all the debta
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    • 97 11 Chamberlain's Con;h Hemedj. When yon b*Te a bad oold you want a remedy th*t will not only kita relief, bu» *f. feot a prompt and p-rmaneot cur«, a remedy that ia pleasant to t*k«\ remedy tb.t coo. tama n< thing i ju 1 >o«. Cb mKr an.’a Oou.b R‘*in-rly ir
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1180 12 F. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAF (CoBD&niM Incorporated in England > MAIL AND PA88ENQER 8ERVIOES. <♦ f hi*so K. I* M. 10NINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S.N. COMPANY.) (IyomPonATBP »n Holland PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company's MAIL BEE VICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at
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