Straits Echo, 16 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1151 1 r rf-H* «MAI r-.-' Vsi »:v ra ifej NATUiSa IF YOU WANT COMFORT Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) GO TO TUB Under mentioned Garage I for Brand New Cara for hire day AND night I i U. CQi Telephone No. 694. Telegraphic
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    • 13 1 «S3 wihea V' au H !"^CTI 1)1" '•i 3o 3S kS: ESS “S»j*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 OF EVERY /<U 1 \!k l* Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire KATZ OTHERS (Incorporated in Strails Settlements.) PENANG. f LTD. 9
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  • 1031 3 A. Cuwo Ahd Its Bkai> us. It is hard for us to take anj book that baa become a ciaeaic quire seriously, writes a oomapendent of the Timet, and hardest of all to take the Bible ao. We oan take a book juat written aenoualy
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  • 977 3 Thu Muaraou Fuoh Thu Nobth. It is evidently quite time the rival factions dropped their rivalry and threw all their energy into preparing to meet the menaoe from the north. Daily the danger comes nearer, and so long the country remain* disunited it will be impossible to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 270 3 Weak Midneys and oaekache ir. Cassell's Tablets Strengthen Your Kidneys and Cure Backache and Urinary Trouble. You cannot l>e well when your kidaey»»«re> out of order No you must suffer, because your blood will be filled with bad matter winob your kidneys an too weak to Teinove. What you need
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    • 85 3 Chtaberlftii's Cw*fc Kwedj. When job have a bad cold you want a remedy that will not only *iw relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a y that ia pleaeant to take, a remedy that containa nothing i. juiloua. Cbambei-ama Coueh Remedy meet# alltb?ee requirement#. It acta on nature’a
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    • 375 3 Be#! A Bouquet of India’s Choicest Flowers. An entrancingly fragrant and powerful scent, yet not cloying, Phul Nana blends all the choicest scents of an Indian Garden into an unique perfume. Try it and enjoy this luxury in sweet smells. %kj) J&) Phul-Nana can also be obtained in conjunction with
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    • 49 3 Aecidenti Will Happen. It may be i(np>Mih)e ta present an aeoident, bat it it not impossible to be prepared (or it. Chamberlain’t Pain Balm it not beyond anjene’i parte and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared for almost anything. For eale by all dinpenaarfei aad dealeri.
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  • 323 4 j„,t outiida the wall* of Jerusalem, in the V.lley ot Hinnom is rooky plain known the Aceldama or Field of Blood. II ia the potter’* field, purehaaed with the thirty plaoe* of silver for which Jedas sold hia master. Here for oenturiea visitors to the Holy
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  • 300 4 To those whe look upon Japan as the Sphinx among the Great Powers, Mr. A. M. Pooley’e atudy, Japan at the Cross Roads” (Allen and Uowin, 10s. 6i net), will bring illumination, even though it m.y destroy seme cherished convictions. Editor of the Memoirs of
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  • 251 4 Fuasub A Co.’s Ciucwla.*. Messrs. Fraser A Co. in their weekly ■hare oircular, dated March 14, state More confidence has been displayed in rubber shares this week and some shares are considerably stronger but orders of any magnitude either way quickly effect the price, Mining «hares followed
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  • 377 4 TOTAL DIVIDEND 30 PEE CENT, COCOHUT CULTIVATION. The eighth report of the directors of the Malakcff Bobber Company, Limited, to the shareholder*, for the year ended 31at December, 1917, states The nett profit for the year, after making 8 (nil provision for the depreciation, and for wax tax
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  • 353 4 [To thu Editor of the J lahya Tribune Dear Sir,—l have read with no little glee the correspondence of Mr. Kboo Kim Lian as publisned in your paper of the 11th instant. Mr, Khoo Kim Lian laid stress on the Chinese paients withdrawing
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  • 156 4 Messrs. Guthrie A 00, report under dated Msroh 14 lofluenoed by early shipping opportunities for Amerios, the weekly Bobber Auction opened yesterdav with a good demand at prioes up to $9O per picul for Fine Pale Crepe and $B5 for Bibbed Smoked Sheet. Ia the latter part
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 80 4 With the diatreiafng moiat heat of thia tropioal climate one is apt to get a body ehili. alwaya moat daogeroaa b*c«uae the liver or kidneya are affected, and with either out ol order a diaeaaed condition may be aet op. WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE ia the fiat at corrective of
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    • 531 4 BEDS AND BEDDING AT WHITEAWAY’S. -s jr Jpr The Competition Bed. Iron Bedstead with 1 inch Pillars, black enamelled with fire gilt key bands, gilded head and foot rail, lath bottom Sizes 64 by 54 feet Price $B9-75 onlyPillows covered Blue and ■White striped Ticken filled with good quality Coir
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    • 12 4 For Children'* Hacking Gough at Night Wood*’* Groat Poppormiot Oort It, M
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    • 383 4 KWONC SENG 43. LEITH STREET, PEnang. FIRST CLASS TAILORS Moderate chargee and good work***, ■hip guaranteed. Cutter: AH BOON. A trial is solicited. By Order of the Custodian 0 Enemy Property. The undersigned is to eel] by PUBLIC AUCTION Ob Wednesday Thursday, the 20th and 21st March, 1918. At 11
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  • 1560 5  -  [By Wright.] Say! San Francisco is some city. It frssiles Sydney. Kipling found it hard to leave it, but I overcame this weakness, with an tffort. Like Sydni y it is set on bills, has ncble architecture, and striking skylines, It’s harbour is more like a harbour. Rio
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  • 232 5 ESTATE MANAGER HELD UP. Thrm Assists A Chinese manager named Lee Yin, of Tanab Merab Estate, S?ping, was returning from Kuala Lumpur in a motor car on March 8. with the sum of $20,000, accompanied by another Towkay, Chan Khecg, the money being intended to pay the
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  • 101 5 MARCH 17, 5th Suhdat ih Lhht. 8 00 a.m. Matins 8 80 a m. Holy Communion 10-00 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil) 5 00 p-m. Sunday School 6-00 p.m. Evensong Psalms LXXXTX Hopkins Magnificat Fogt er Nunc Dimittis Hymns 96, 200 and 382 Oh Wrdnbsdat. 10-00 a.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 412 5 1 TO-NIGHT ij r V Empire Theatre LAST 2 MIGHTS. 1 1« ULTUS The Man from the Dead tf Wf An all-British Film Production featuring ATJRELE SIDNEY. A brilliant drama possessing numerous thrilling and exciting incidents in the life of ULTUS, a complex yet interesting character who becomes a master
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    • 296 5 RETURN VISIT RETURN VISIT OP THE POPULAR BRITANNIA OPERA CO., (AN UP-TO-DATE MALAY THEATRE) Will perform at the KnaU Kaogsar Road, Theatre Hall, For a Short Season. NEW Show, Scenerj, Costumes, Songs, Dances and Musio FAMOUS ACTORS ARD ACTRESSES EVERYTHING MODERN ORIGINAL The only show carrying Rs. 15,000 worth of
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays*) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street. Penang. Price: Daily Local #BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) #lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG." Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. ■N.B. —Sll bu.inen communication*
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  • 1311 6 Mr. Lloyd George said the otfcsr dsy tbst Lord Northciffe, from the standpoint sf newa organisation, ia a genius, whioh suggests either that Mr. Lloyd George does not know what genius ia or that he is foroed to aoft-aoap Lord Northeliffa lest the Hsrmaworth papers turn and
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  • 882 6 The Rubber Duty. Nowtoat the system of collecting he F.M.B, rubber export duty has been so far reformed that, instead of the London, the Singapore prioe is benoeforth to be adopted as the basis for assessment, we ean concentrate on the other injustice, namely, the taxation of all
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  • 59 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at sls3,bayers no sellers, and at Singapore fined) at $153.50, business done. (75 tons (sold.) The Straits Independent and Penang Chronicle wa first issued twenty-nine years a-’O yesterday. Maroh 15 was also tbe anniversary of a terrible explosion that occurred at
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  • 618 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] AMERICAN ATTITUDE la the Frenoh Lines. London, March 15, 5 25 A telegram from Washington state. t L information haa been received that Germ •gents are active in Switzerland and Sweden trying to oreate an atmosphere favourable to peace ooeferenoes. Placards have bee smuggled into tbe
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 WHY NOT PLEASE YOUR BABY Baby is gr tting heavy now. Our prams are safe, oomfortable and cheap. New stock ju9t received. Price $35-50. KENC CO,, PENANG A IPOH. NEW SHIPMENT OF Tri-scooped and Round Bodied RICKSHAWS. INSPECTION INVITED AND ENQUIRIES SOLICITED Prices on Application. TEE EASTERN TRAMS CO., Telephone
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  • 612 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Meeting of Maritime Transport CouncilLondon, March 14, 12.20 a.m. Xbe Press Bureau states that for tbe pur- j of obtaining the most effective use of tonnage the Allied Mnritine Transport Council, with Lord Robert Cecil presiding, m et m London on Maroh 11 and is
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  • 46 7 Bingapcro Price Adoptedr ->m (Jur Own Correspondent p Ku»la Lampur, March 16. (bn Government Oasette notifies March 1° rUbbef export dut y ,rom 0 r ch 21 will be assessed on hit „.i P er pihul for all grades, ,theto P Singapore price.
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  • 716 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] 31 BAITS MILITARY, VOLUNTEERS AND POLICE MENTIONED r Loudon, March 13, 7,10 p.m. Among mentions for valuable war services are the names of H.H. tbe Sultan of Johore, J Major Abdul Hamid, and Capt. Haji Mohammed Sxid, both these latter of tbe Johore military forces.
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  • 588 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] BRITISH COBBE SPONDANT’3 STORY. Fritz is Sulky. London, Maroh 14, 5 p.m. Reuter's correspondent at Headquarters states i A German non-commissioned officer who was made prisoner in the recent attack north of Passchendaele says that tbe failure of the attack was largely due to inaccurate I
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  • 1372 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Tchernigoff and Baku Occupied London, March 14, 9-30. A message from Petrograd states that the 8 Germans occupied Abo on March 12 and are marching to the interior to continue opera- tions in Southern Bussia. They have occuc pied Tchernigoff, Tho Turks have occupiedthe whole
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  • 545 7 [Kkotkr’s Tblbobams.] WHAT CHINA WILL DO. Far-Eastern Powers Policy. London, Maroh 13, 7.15 p m. Under the title “What China will do" che Pall Mall Oautte publishes a long article by a Chinese writer, Mr. S. G. Cheng, He says that obviously Japanese troops cannot enter Siberia
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  • 91 7 The following articles will be found oa our outside pages "ages. 3. —On Taking The Bible Seriously. AfDi's in China. 4. —The Field of Blood. "Japan At The Cross Rends." Singapore Share Market, M.Lkoff Rubber. E location and Liberty of S r*its Chinese Women. Singapore Rubber Market. 5. —Travel
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  • 26 7 (From Our Oven Correspondent.) London, March 13, The prioes in* the London Rubber Market to«day were: Pale Crepe 2/54 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/4^
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  • 691 8 Report For 1917. The annual general meeting of the »b ve I company will be held on March 25 ia Singapore. The following is the D.reotois' report: Directors' Report tj thr Shareh ldkrs. Singapore, 12tb March, 1918. Gentlemen, Your D;rectors submit herewith a auiy audited Statement of
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  • 144 8 The o%®n in which N »i Louis, of the Krung Thep Daily Mail is being prosecuted bv tbe Krom Ay«k*m for alleged orimioal libel of Ch«o Pbya Abhai R ji Maha Yudithamathara. the Minister for Justioe, was set down for bearing in Boriapib Court No. 1, at
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  • 466 8 To the Editor of thu BtraiU Echo. i Daar Sir, I shall be very thankful if you will j kindly grant me space for the following Yesterday evening a crowded meeting of I Chinese gentlemen was held at the Mata 1 Han” Lodge to protest against
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  • 410 8 Report or the Directors, Tbe following is the report of tbe directors for tbe period 28:b July to 31st December. 1917 sThe D rectors bare pleasure in presenting their First Report and Statement of Accounts to 31st D o*mber, 1917, Capital —The authorised Capital of the
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  • 762 8 The announcement that the F.M.S. Government proposes to take further powers to regulate and control hire cars and their drivers will be received with general satisfaction. Acrimonious letters from corres- i pondents on various subjects have appeared j in our columns, but none mare bitter than those dealing
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  • 89 8 Saturday, March 16, Town Band, Golf Club. Sunday, March 17. St. Patrick. Fifth Sunday in Lent. Penang Swimming Club. Special General Meeting, 11 e,m. Monday, March 18. Town Band, Esplanade. Penang Assixas Open. Penang Rural Board Meeting, Land Office, 3 p.m. Tubsday, March 19. Singapore Assixee Open.
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  • 50 8 The following programme of mosje wiU be played at the Q-olf Club to-day at 5 45 p m i—--1 Selection San Toy Jones 2 Two Step D.xieland Hares 3 Selection Florodora Retford 4 Walti The Choristers Baoaloiai 5 Tb»G«by Glide Htreeb 6 Maroh Tier Nioholai 11 Sommere
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  • 965 8 ANOTHER CASE OF ASSAULT. i Comylainaht's Absbncb Tbe beaxiug was taken up this morning in the District Ojurt before M/. R. D. Acton of the case in which Mun, P. C. 386, and Ismail, P. 0. 648, were cbargtd with voluntarily causing hurt to one Chat, aohauffeur.
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  • 210 8 We recently asked a subscriber who «,«j to spend bis money on mixed drinks but who has (several times) gone teetotal for the duration of the war what he thought was the attitude 0 f the average European on the subject of the controlling and tbe curtailing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 418 8 Cocoanut Plantation and Building Site. FOR SATjE. A VALUABLE COCOANUT PLAN: TATION with good road frontage in MoAliater Boad: almost facing the Race Course. Very suitable as a building sito. The property has a superficial measure weak of 618,800 sq ft* and is comprised m Lots Nos. 280, 281 and
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    • 50 8 Why It bells. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy it the largest selling cough ruedioioe in the world to-day because it does ezaotly what a cough remedy ie supposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and does it speed* iiy and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 433 8 WiLUTTHD EMPTY GLA8S JAbS which contained Acetio aoid. Apply stating qssntitj ind price to Box No. 86, o/o 8trait$ Echt, NOTICE. A LIST OF APPLICATIONS for public house licences for the year 1918 to be considered at the meeting of the Board of the Licensing Justices on Wednesday toe 20th
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  • 1144 9 ISilillii SiSztliij 2~z£*z ss 5f s e55 c sfs?5?s555*?*icSs5?orS??B5o®5«s*• 5 r.r»»t. 1 1 i 5*»- i“i51 s sls*iii5s?i”ilsis5?SIssllill 1 sllsllls ri'lli'f if liiill'illiStl'illi'iilllllll '1 silllll X-.-5 i s»555*»-5 zs SssS sss ssHSsSIsssrsss? *5 IS55|||| s liiii I iilllliii II rill Hi i nmminmn nnnutj i M 5iri m% s
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 218 9 r i i i it i i B II Motor Cars Motor Cycles, (1917 MODELS) For Immediate Delivery MOTO* CARS:— Oakland, Maxwell, Brisooe, Pullman and Chevrolat. High-tension Magneto, Eleotrio light», Eleotrio Horn*, and Fi*e or Two beater, MOTOR CYCLES:- Harley Davidson”—that Uat the World’s Record.—Twin or single Cylinder, Free Engine
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  • 860 10 [To thi Editob or thb Malay Mail Bir—l have been expecting to eie an I answer to the letter of your correspondent g Cummins on the subject of Sunday I labour] but apparently your planter readers 1 think it bettur to treat it with the contempt I it
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  • 159 10 Beside this man’s ptoperty there ii a railway crossing, When a troop train passed there the day before yesterday there was an explosion like the report of a rifle. The train was immediately stopped. The offioer in command announced that civilians had fired upon his tram, and
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  • 956 10 Adtantagus aud Dwadvantaom Tha question of a g*neralU«i mo f or th Weatarn front is exciting much intact Framw and America, and th. following arthdl by a distinguished authority ia an atLm?* .umopthe.dwnUg.. dimS.itSS I soon an appointment, Tb. appointment of Oener.U„i,„ 0 idea vhiob hu been much
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 50 10 Why It Sella. Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy ia the largeat telling cough medicine in the world to-day because it doea exaotly what a cough remedy ia supposed to do. It atopa the oough by curing the cold, and doea it speed* ily and effectually. For tale by all diapenaariea and dealers.
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    • 294 10 Since the Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ROYAL RITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY S FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS AND COMPANY. i —MB—mm GROSS HRRMANOS.
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    • 50 10 Whj It Sells. Chamberlain’s Cough Eemedy is kbs Urgpgt selling oough medicine in the world to-day because it does exactly what a ooogk remedy is supposed to do. It slops the cough by ouring the oold, and dees it speed* ily and effectually. For sale by all die* psauries dealers
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  • 1219 11 L»at evening, upon a wet and lonely road, I taw approaching a figure in oilskins. Aa the figure swung paat me it aaid: Good night, Tom To which I made reply: “Good night, Jack My name ia not Tom. Ae far aa I am aware, the
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  • 643 11 A CHAPTER OF SENSATIONS. Bt Hibam Kbiobt. Nowadays it is no distinction to have flown. Some months ago a friend of mine gave me my first journey through the air; since then I have been up many times, and a night or two ago I expressed a desire
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 147 11 o* ■mm gxport J^cer BffWffl ill-*' wk ia fc. DIN •O) N E W “U “TSINGTAO BEER” First-class Bovorase ■for Tired Norvos Tr y and see for yourselves if not, Come end consult us SOLE AGENTS: THE EASTERN TRADIN6 Co., Penang end Ipoh, w D Q D 'ftwDillipponfcrewery Co-Ud- ‘3INSTAO
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    • 706 11 Knife-like Paine. Tbe «harp, «hooting paint, the intense agony of Soiatioa often make death preferable to life. The fhry darts that ran from hip to heel, the eleepleea eights tbe obeerleaa daya— why not stop all this and get back to health and comfort again P Littlb’s Obibwtal Balk ia
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1267 12 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PAS8ENGER SERVICE8. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undet Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAT are at present suspended. Passengers for Europe are hooked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as fares sodation is
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