Straits Echo, 15 March 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1064 1 mm MU *'■‘*l3 VkJV? 1 V a**. I >-i ['WjT v»_& ‘7. r’i'St DNA t, ■•*2.. nnnnnntJdn lIF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO TH'5 Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cara for hire day and night I > 11. coi 1 Telephone No 694. Telejriphic Add.e.JHOKIMTEIK. Motor car importers and largest
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    • 12 1 ***,?rsßWh.. 1 is iHMU i V^ 1 gCT i >-*W mi o*o
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  • 885 2  -  THE DOCTOR’S CHIEF FUNCTION IN WAR By Dr. Woods Hutchinson. [Th* well known American Scientist It may be granted that the doctor is a UM fal man in time of peace but what can he do in war F He cannot prevent war, but be oan de
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  • 1499 2 Outwitting thu Enumt. London, January 2. There is in London a house within the walls of which skilled work of the highest war-interest and war-value s carried on al most wholly unsuspected by the public at large. It is a large house in a quiet street. It
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 CluuBtorlaift’B Cough Baaed j. When you have a bad cold you wank a remedy that uviil not only give relief, but effeet a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ie pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing itjurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets alltb?se requirements. It acts on nature’s
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    • 280 2 k —>~rf x 'ic 1 ~jc~~_ :';cDnci )nc )c OCDnC DCDC DC New Goods now Displayed in all Departments. New Shipment of Travelling Rugs in Large Selection. High grade travelling rugs in several plaids and tartans. Piaid colours on reverse side. SIZE 58 by 72 INCHES ASSORTED COLOURS A PRI^S
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    • 235 2 p INKETTE THE TINY LAXATIVES S prevent dysentery and all stomach troubles by cleansing the bowels of all impurities and poisonous matters Correct constipation, cure sick headaches biliousness regulate the liver, Of all chemists, 60 cents per phial or will be sent post free on receipt of price. Dr. Williams’
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  • 1752 3 Thu Fishop’s Rkjoindub To THU Editoh op thb Straits Echo, 5 Sir, My attention has been drawn to a letter appearing in your issue of March 7 on the subj-ct of Sunday labour. There are a few mistakes in the letter which 0 I should like to correct.
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  • 419 3 Our Bukit Mertajam correspondent writ a s: At the Bukit Mertajim Police Couit before Mr. G. A. Hereford, on Wednesday, a carter named Heng L e e Heng was sen* tenced to pay a fine of $10 or undergo rigor* ous imprisonment for two weeks on a
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  • 337 3 JAPAN AND SIBERIA. Agratmest with th* AlliesParis, March 13. The French paper L'Oeuere devotes an article to comments cn tha declaration of Mr, Ijuio, the Japanese Minister at Rome. It says Japanese intervention is simply direotedatainstGerman violence;it threatens no Russian liberty. On tbe oontrary, it seeks for the
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  • 254 3 [To Thu Editor of The Strait» Echo Dear Sir, I read with interest the proceedings of the meeting of the Straits Nonyas with a view to a proposed appeal to the Government to modify and adopt the English law ot marriage to the Straits-born Chinese community in
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  • 83 3 (From Our Own Correspondent Singapore, March 15; The following prices were realised at the Singapore auction sale: Smoked fine ribbed 83 to 90 per picul Good •H 70 82 do Fne plain 70 do Crepe fine pale thin 90 97 do Good 78 89 do Blanket 74
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  • 68 3 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 217th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Fair From $6O to $B2 Diamond Uosmoked 52 to 66 Plain Uosmoked 46 to 55 B own Crepe 42 Scrap Crepe Fair 26 Loose and Vi r gin Untreated Scrap 12 to
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  • 10 3 Pale Crepe $74 —95 Bibbed Smoked 65 —85
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  • 99 3 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Mission Bsoeivtd by th# Kingf London, March 13. Hia Maj sty received the Siamese Military Mission at Buckingham Palcce. H. M. Toe King to-day most oordially rro-iived the Siamese Military Misaion, the chief of wh cti was subs quently interviewed by Beater and stated
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  • 488 3 Malakoff Plantations Report. From Our Own Correspondent Sirg.p r March 14. The directors’ report of the Malakoff Rubber Plantations, Ltd., shows that the prefit for the year waa 9381 638. The directors recommend a final dividend of 15 per cent, making 30 per cent, for the year, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 458 3 f to-night Empire Theatre Proprietor, H r. a.holm. thoma. bhapto' Tho Wonder-film storj by lb, Fnmone Victory in six mighty Big Reels ULTUS Tlie Man from the Dead m* An all-British Film Production featuring ATJRELE SYDNEY. A brilliant drama possessing numerous thrilling and exciting incidents in the life of ULTUS,
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    • 227 3 Deebook Dredging No Liability, NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a DIVIDEND (tin second) at the rate of 5 per cent. Equivalent to one shilling share) has b en declared on all tbe sharps in the abovenamed Company »rd will b'come due and payable at the Office* of
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  • 97 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays,) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Pen&agPrice t Dally Local ISO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) 118 per annum. Cable Addreea: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 980. Printing Department 343. N.B.—A 11 buainsM communication*
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  • 1389 4 Tbe evidence in the 8010 case throws farther light upon the extensive ramifications of German propaganda. Abhorrent though the system of espionage and underhand working adopted by Germany may appear to the British, French and Americans, it must be recognised as a serious
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  • 1040 4 Mr W. DUNCAN'S VIEWS [To thm Editor of the Straitc Echo.] Sir, Restriction of Bobber outputs having been agreed to by the Directors of a majority of Companies represented by tLe Rubber Growers’ Assooutior, a consideration of some of the possible methods of restriction may be of
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  • 1048 4 The Antiquity of Kulim Arcl sajlogical research tends to show the* >he oountry now generally described Malaya was not unknowa to the accent' It ha. even b*n asserted that HeliogS?.' tad a pleasure-palace at Kulim nd C* unenviable reputation of the n r f nro little township in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 105 4 ARTISTIC 1 DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FREE f /1 FURNITURE MADE IN OUR OWN WORKS Furniture MAN--BHI P GDAR. ANTEED 1 ONLY U FIRST r Quality -1 L' Timber f*-" 'j USED •A--A VISIT TO OUR New Showrooms in Union Street IS INVITED. Where we are Displaying Carpets, Rugs, Pictures, Bedsteads,
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  • 762 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] atruc league of nuions Germany's false ideals. London, Match 13. Mr. Lljd George, addressing the Free Church Council at the City Temple; after referring to the present as a time of grave r tional emergency, reiterated that the tiue at state in this conflict
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  • 383 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] JAPAN, RUSSIA 8 SIBERIA. OERMAN POLICY CRITICISED. MORE HOME-TRUTHS. Amsterdam, March 12. The German Press is remarkably reticent concerning Japan. The only seriouß comments hitherto have been in the Frankfurter Zeitung and tbe Voteieche Zeitung The former emphasises Japan’s loyalty to Russia
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  • 104 5 Local Appointments His Excellenoy the Governor has reoeived a telegram from the of State for tbe Colonies to the effiot that Hia Majesty the King has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following appointments to the Most Excellent Order of the British
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  • 65 5 The following articles will be fovnd ob our outside pages P **2_l_TbA Real Enemy. The Censor’s Museum. 3, —Sunday Labour. Bukit Mertajam Cases. E*stern Produce Exchaoge. Marriage Law Reform Singapore Market, a L r cil Food Problem. To-day s Band Programme. F.M 8. Agriculture, Planting Assistants Telegrams. Vital Statistics-
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  • 33 5 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) i. q««Md here to-d.J $152.50, burer, no .eller., in S |D 9 P (rtfinod) -t 5153. bn,o,. no London X 320 .pot »d *t X 322 tbieo months.
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  • 569 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE MEN .CE TO PETROGRAD. Defence To Be Organised Petrograd, March 13 All Gjvarnmental institutions, particularly the Ojuuoll of Oommissiaries and tbe Executive of the Soviets, haviog gone to Moscow, tha special council mentioned yesterday and called the National Communist Council is charged with the
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  • 719 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE BOOM IN WAR BOND 3. Steady Million Monthly. London, March 13. Ia the House of CHamms Mr. Bonsr Lew announced that as the result of last week’s special campaign netrly one huadred and iwenty-eight millions sterling in War Bonds had been sold. Ia addition,
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  • 1279 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] SIR DOUGLAS Haig s report. Many Raids Repulsed. Londcm, March 13. 1 5 a.m. Sir Djuglas Hkig states ia bis despatch •‘The Portuguese completely repuls d a raid on a 700 yards front to the south-east of Li Yentie. The Hostile infantry caught in machine-gun fire
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  • 725 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] ADMIRALTY FIGURES. Fifteen Big Ships Lest Londong, March 13. Ths Admiralty reports that the arrivals daring the week nambsred 2.046 and the sailings 2.062 Total 4,108 Fifteen vessels over 1,600 tons and three nnder that tonnage were sank. Eight vessels were unsuccessfully attacked. One fishing
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  • 287 6 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Heroism of the CrewLondon, March 13, 5.45 a.m. A cable from Paris states that the repatriation from captivity of the second officer of the submarine Monge sunk in the Mediterranean in December 1915 reveals a most thrilling story of heroismThe M»nge bad torpedoed
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  • 266 6 S. X. R C vt P. R. C. The Liwn Tennis match betweon St Xavier’s Recreation Club and the Penang Recreation C'ub played on the Esplanade yesterday evening proved most interesting, and we hope to see many more games of this nature in future with other institutions. The
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  • 287 6 Some splendid serials that have just been secured by the management are promised at this Picture Palace very shortly, and doubtless its pitrona will roll up in full force to see them. As was anticipated, the Mystery of the Double Cross drew a good house last night, and
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  • 611 6 Thb Handling of Biob. Rice at present is one of tbe valuables for all countries, and all nations are interested in conserving it. Therefore we think there is room for some action to be taken with regard to tbe transhipment of rioe and its storage in Singapore.
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  • 337 6 The following is the health statement of the I Penang Municipality for the week ending r February 16,1918 [Male 36) > 62 Female 26 Death rate 30-28 per mille per annum compared with 32.24 in the preceding week and with 41.82 in the corresponding week of last year.
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  • 1092 6 [To Tub Editor or thb Malay Mail Sir, —I see in your leading article ot March 6 that tbe P. A. M. consider $2OO a fair salary to bring a man out from Home. Will any of the members try, as an experiment, living on $2OO P As
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  • 740 6 Mnrmro o» Advisjbt Ccmmittih. The Ipoh paper has received the following details of am etiog of the Advisory Committee of the Department of Agriculture which was held in Kuala Lumpur on January 30. Mr. B. J. Eaton occupied the chair and there was a fair ittendaAoe of The
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  • 239 6 The following progr«mme of musio will be played at the Esplanade to-day at 5 pm 1 Selection Anna Bolena Donizetti 2 Lancers Somebody's Luggage Coote 3 Selection From Opera Nadgy Godfrey 4 Walti Kate Kearney Coote 5 March Niagaga Haddock Hongkong's health trouble at present is oerebro-spinal
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  • 459 6 Accused Committed foe Teial loth, SrCODd Court b>!or« Mr a H, J..t-rd.y r 000 a UmlD.ry inquiry idto the cm. Cb,.„, Who ob.rged With th, VbrtJ' bis mistress, was held. uer of Assistant-Surgeon K. Mohamad a tba Oeunl deceased woman had three ,t,b wound, below the right
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  • 250 6 Paris, March 7. The clauses of the peaoe treaty signed between the ('entral Powers and Bumania state that Rumania is to give up the Dobrudji as far as the Danube; she will demobilise eight divisions, and evacuate the occupied territories of Austria-Hungary. She engages herself to help
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  • 180 6 At Thi Empirk To-wigutt. A film of remarkable interest entitled U 'us,” the firat act of which commenced at 9 30 last night attracted big crowds to the Empire.” This six-reel film masterpiece is au All-British production depicting numerous thrilling and exciting incidents in the life of Ultue”; tbe
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  • 903 7  -  [By Harold Cox] PACIFIST CATCHWORDS. The Union of Democratic Control, a body organised and governed by Mr. E. D. Morel if 4 L 0n80nby Mr. Ramsay Macdonald,’ Mr. Philip fc-nowden, Mr Charles Trerel yan and ether pacifists of their type, is circulating widely a leaflet called How to
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  • 838 7 Tasjoito RambUtah's Fxpbribnobs. It wab liiek more than anything else, that prevented a bit? death roll at Tanjong Rimbutan yesterday afternoon, when Poliee onstable >O3l, Juala Singh, got a sudden temporary fit of insanity and ran amok with a police rifle in bis hands, says the Ipoh
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  • 100 7 In the market-place of Gemblovx a Belgian despatch-rider saw the body of a woman pinned to the door of a bouse by a aword driven through her cheat. The body waa naked, and the breaata had been oat off —Report of the Brjoe Committee on Bel* gian
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 446 7 n c PCDCZZ -JCZDPCDdCDC DC PCD A TONiC NEEDED No particular but your ijstom lacks tone. Your work Ord.r, ary tasks become hard. Y„u find yourself tired low-spirted, unable to keep your mind on a .ythino-, nft hU Brt .ound .k,p at night. Dabilitj U robbing >ou pow.n Dr. Williams’
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    • 51 7 Whj It Sell?. Chaniberliin’s Cough R m?dy is the ’argest selling cough medicine in the world tc-Jay because it does exactly what a cough remedy is supposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and dees it speedily and eff dually. For sale by all dispensaries and
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    • 775 7 Znifo-liko Pains. The sharp, shooting pains, the intense sgony of Sciatica often make death preI ferable to life The fi ry darts that ran from hip to heel, the sleepless nights the cheerless days—why not stop all this and gfct back to bealtb and comfort ag&iL P Little's Oeikktal Balm
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    • 314 7 W-aJSTTBD. i0 5” GLA->8 JAKS which contained Acetio acid* Apply stating quantity ie and price to d Box No. 86, it c/o Strait* Ech wanted. 'T> ELIABLE EURASIAN NURSE 8 It immediately; must ba good needlewor man,cut eut, etc, charge child 31 yens r outitation. Apply 3 Z c/o Strait*
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    • 13 7 P*r Children's Hacking Covgh at ftight, w #d Qrmt Peppernual Owe la, U,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1417 8 P. O,— BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASBENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Puiengtn for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far ae modation
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