Straits Echo, 13 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1122 1 j*i V > T V. d natuM -U irt [|F YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO TH3 Undermentioned Garage j for Brand New Cara for Lira day and night j Telephone No. 694. Telegraphic Addre.i: HOKIMTE1K. Motor car importers and large at I dealers in cylinder oil, patrol i motor accessories.
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    • 10 1 MILKJ3 »tioi tv im s I'» e CIJ UtC •Si
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 31 2 OF EVERY SCRIPT OH Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. BROTHERS, LTD., (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1992 3 The new volume of Georgian Poetry makes something of a break in the con- j tinuitv of the series and it should effectually dispel an idea whi h is still preva'ent in some quarters, that it is no more than the expression of a single school or group
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 616 3 BAD THE TONGUE IS THE INDEX. Your breath is foul. You do not perceive it yourself. L Mi 7 L A coaled tone* indicates a foul breath You are like a person who is always among the oils and varnishes —you get used to what is to many people a
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    • 462 3 rr-v a fc *V Christopher Columbus. A Great Explorer And A Great Tonic Iron Jelloids. Strength of wm, indomitable Courage, carried Christopher Columbus to the New World. All vigour has its physical counterpart —all vigour depends upon the red corpuscles of the blood. Maintain the number of your red corpuscles,
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  • 541 4 An Exrosuuu in thb Tablet." VlhITul“n fiSSh AS That tone of the Italian flairrant and perand policy have «revoked rebuke ■istent that aT e proved j fr D ,h. TM« J* “I ,h P .n bT bid«d, The GMU article eppearea A Mischievous
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  • 116 4 SulBOUIFTIONS TO 28th I EBBUART .918. No. of Applioa- Amount, tions. November 1916 237 427,760 D«o»mb»r 192 243,870 January 2 04 331,990 February 3 22 246,770 ar 0 142 314,560 *P rU 114 264,220 ay 74 159,440 111 152,470 117 133,340 134 201,790 October
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  • 790 4 Thu Uhhainb and itu Pboflb. War (says a mail paper) is supposed to g remind us of the geography we learnt at B school, but eves Macaulay’s s hoolboy may well have been at a loss this week when j called on to identify the people and
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  • 143 4 AtWsvre, “Fifty-eight houses were burnt and a Belgian despatch rider, who traversed the town after the German had passed, saw the body of a girl lying on the pavement. It was nsked, and had been ripped open." At Trnmilly, A lady complained to a colonel of a
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  • 209 4 Punanu, Makoh 13 Gold leaf «1«. is r c r ,ib so,) i vr^ Traog Pepper ...M2 «U0 Picking, 4 Cloves Nutmegs 110s 44.611.7 C Ho. 1 112 sa'et Sugar < No. 2 102 CBasket si* bt Copr 8 ;S. z:r" sZ d s VRambong No, 40 Smoked Sheet
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  • 294 4 PuuA*e, Misii 13, 1913. Beef— Soup per catty 20 Roast 28 20 Pteaks 28—30 Stew or Curry Meat n 20 Rump Steak 2ft—30 Ox Tail eaoh 85 -4° Tongas Feet I» Heart i0 5 J Liver P« r catt 7 40 Fillet of Beef 04-7 J Pom pork
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 463 5 The January issue of tbe above Bulletin arrived from Euala Lumpur this morning and among other items containa some remarks by Mr. W. N. C. Belgrave and Mr, P. W, South on brown bast,” one of the minor diseases that hevea ia heir to, which has been
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  • 440 5 PROFITEERING SUGGESTED. [To Tub Editor ov the Straits Echo.] Dear Sir, Locally made rioe. that is to say boiled as well as white costs about $25 per hundred gantangs, the price of paddy remaining at $2,60 a picul. whiob|is the largest paddy supplying distriot nearest to
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  • 979 5 Aeeual G enseal Meeting. The annual meeting of the above O’ub, known more sffeotionately as the Spotted Dog/’ was held on Saturday last under the presidency of the Hon. Mr. B. G. Broadrick when there were about seventy present. Introducing the acoounts. the Chairman said that they had
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 626 5 KM •M KM E MPIRE THEATR Proprietor H. J. a.holm. Manager: thomab shafto. E To-night and To-morrow fright Last Nights of a really exce’lent programme 5 IU v*t s 'JIIRS. M. KM A •M CO •N AT 10 30. Two Small Town Romeos (Comd.) AT 11PM. enniP DAI n I®
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    • 698 5 Cocoanut Plantation and Building Site. A VALUABLE COCOANUT PLANTATION with good road frontage in McAlister Road almost facing the Race Course. Very suitable as a building site The property has a superficial measurement of 618,800 sq ft- and is comprised in Lots Nos. 280, 281 and 264, Town Sub. section
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Snndiys and public holiday*.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local 180 per annum. Outstatlon Poatage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $18 per annum* Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.’’ Telephone Nos. (Eoho) 888. Printing Department 343. M.B. —411 business communication*
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  • 1196 6 President Wilson in bis war aims hoped (or the establishment of a League of Nations on the declaration of peace, and that his hopes are shared cot only by Radicals of the Arnold Bennett type bat by other lees advanced but not less important sections cf
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  • 913 6 Mr. C. W. Harris >n has arrived in Kuala Lumpur to act as Collector of Lind Re* venue. Mr. B W. Ellis succeedi him at Seremban. Mr. E. C. H. Wolff, assistant Colonial Secretary, and Mrs. Wolff are taking a three months' holiday in Japan, Mr, D.
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  • 962 6 The Price ol Rice. Wben are iU various pa rti0a Pn Cdr.oed 8° 1D K *<> g,ve p talfcl writing minutes about the measur» >u Dd contemplate taking to beep prices of i foodstuffs at a reasonable level taple do something The garde the relative priaes of rice
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 1 1 ARTISTIC DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FREE FURNITURE MADE IN OUR OWN WORKS Furniture ONLY WORK A MAN FIRST 1 SHIP Quality V n •c GUAR Timber AN h*-> USED TEED A VISIT TO OUR New Showrooms in Union Street IS INVITED. Where we are Displaying Carpet*, Rugs, Pictures, Bedsteads,
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  • 598 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] AMERICAN 8YMPATHT Striking Message from the Pr‘ London, Maroh 12, j that A cable from Washington to the President Wilson has feletr aOW8 l American Consul in Moscow*. xhe meet- May I not take advantav ie sincere ing of Soviets to expn,, the United sympathy
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  • 577 7 JAPAN, RUSSIA SIBERIA. [Reuter's Telegrams.] QUESTIONS IN TOKIO, Statement in Parliament. Tokio, March 9. In the House of Representatives, when asked whether a request had been received from the Allies to send troops to Siberia, the Foreign Minister replied in the negative He stated that an exchange of views was
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  • 557 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Aerial Activity Lindon, M*rcb 11, 11 15 p.m, Sir Douglas Haig in his despatch on aviation states i "The haze interfered with airwork on Sunday but nevertheless 400 bombs were dropped on Mmin, Roulera, Ledeghem Cambrai and Solesmes railway stations and other targets. "We destroyed three
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  • 738 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] Several Points BombedLoudon, March 12, 2 40 a.m. i A Paris offioial announcement states that seven enemy aeroplane squadrons attacked i Paris at ten on Monday evening, Bombs i were dropped on several points causing casualties and damage. Another Gotha Downed. London, Maroh 12,
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  • 516 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] PREMIER'S EXPLANATION. Statement in the Commons London, March 11. In the Hous9 of Commons, replying to Mr Austen Chamberlain, the Premier disagreed with the contention that owners and directors of newspapers should not hold ministerial officer- Lord Northoliffe held no ministerial office while
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  • 69 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted h°te to-day at *****.50, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $151 50, buyers no sellers and in Loadon at £320 spot and at J6317 three months. Messrs. Boustead A Co inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber
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  • 58 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, March 11, The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Orepe 2/54 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/4| Telegram from G. P. O. London, —M*ils E of 13tb» F of 17th and G of 19;b December last despatched from Penang to London
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  • 469 7 AMERIOA AND THE WAR. Serbian Minister’s View. Paris, March 12. A representative of the Petit rarisun ad an interview with M. Veatnitcb, the ininant Minister of Serbia in Paris, who h .s just returned from a mission in America, a id who speaks with enthusiasm of what In
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  • 181 7 The following are the latest quotations ia Messrs, A, A. Anthony and Company’s share list i Monday. To-day. Rubber. <2 a ►«a a 0 *3 W co M m Alor Gajah 3.00 350 3.25 3.75 Ayer Molek 160 1.90 1.90 220 Balgownie 4.50 5.25 4.50 5.50 Changkat
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  • 88 7 The following articlea will be found on o»r cutaide pages Pages. 3, Georgian Poetry. 4, The Italian Catholic Press and the Allies. The Newest Republic. War Loans Investment Trust of Malaya. Lest we Forget. 5, Selangor Club. The Agricultural Bulletin.” The Price of Rice, B.—British Polioy. German Gold. The
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  • 2682 8 Thu Judgmxnt. The following is the text, of the judgment delivered yesterday by Mr. Justice L M. Woodward, Suuior Puisne Judge. Penang, in the suit Probate 1916, No. 443, Estate > of Cbooi g Cheng Ke»n, deceased, Ltm Gaik Teen Neon, p’amtiff, versus L’m Gaik KeC, Choong
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  • 533 8 Appalling Conditions, Mr. William Simms, the Parie-oerrespond-ent of the United Press, after a thorough and lengthy investigations of actusl conditions in the Central Empires, cables from Zurich i Ominous unrest is growiog in Austria and Germany. The people must bava peace or go under. If the Allies
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  • 436 8 Ex-MiiriiTift’s Criticism. London, Feb. 13. Io the House of Commons Mr. Herbert Samuel (fi-Home Secretary) criticised the Government*! domestic policy, and deolared that they bad failed to deliver the goods, bad waited eight mdbthe over national ser* vice, and brought the aubjeot to confuaion, and had increased the
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  • 405 8 i FOB LENIN AND TBOTSKYi Sensational Disolosuku. London, Feb 11« The Petit Parieien publishes documents I showing that Germany subsidised the Bol- sbevik movement. Lirge suras were paid to Lenin and Trotsky. Money was also provided to i publish Maximalist leaflets, and 120.000 marks were plaoed at Gorki’s
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  • 141 8 Itl Govmhmmt’s Cbitics. Senaoorted from Wisbmgton that by Moboock oharaoteriaed the forecast there wer (8ior*tary for W*r), that France B 500,000 American soldiers in Mr. Dipring aa preposterous, ed to Sen'Seoretary of the N*vy)repli. United Stitcbcock. He stated that the port all t« Boffioient ships to
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  • 130 8 Qm«u Botha’s Du o Capetow* r Speaking to a general recr?®* ferenoe here, General Botha (p re T n the Government would do its J Mi(i assist recruiting and prevent t# African Brigade being disbanded oBth the circumstances of the country coni m was utterly impossible. He
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  • 406 8 Wsdhisdai, Maui 13. Town Band, Esplanade. New Moon. Thursday, March 14. Tennis M*tch,— P, R. C. vs, 8. XB 0 Esplanade, Friday, March 15. Town Band, Esplanade. Ministering Children’s League Meeting! Town Hall, 4-30 p m, Saturday, March 14, Town Band, Golf Club. Suit day, March 17.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 585 8 WANTED. EMPTY OLA88 JAh8 which oontained Acetio acid. Applj atatiog quantity and price to Box No. 86, e/o Slraiit Ech s. WANTED. Reliable Eurasian nurse immediately; must be good needlewoman, oat eat, eta., charge child 3$ yeara outatation. Apply k 2 101 c/o Straits Ech*. NOTICE. WATER anpply from Bukit
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    • 51 8 Wh j it »ell«. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedj ii the largest selling ooagb medicine in tbe world to-day because it does exactly what a ooagb remedy is supposed to do. It stops tbe oeagb by oaring tbe oold, and does it speed' ily and afeotaally. For sale by all dispessaries and
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  • 910 9 ThbiUUV® Advewtuebb. London, Feb. 5. The Press Bureau narrates lome remat kfchle adventures of British naval men en‘wed in combating German mine-laying «Derations in the Arctio Seas, and in clear|D„ mines away from ice-bound porta When a merchantman, expected at one of ♦We Dorta, did not
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  • 900 9 Th* rolics Rkfokt. The following la the report furnished bj the Hoogkong Police of the catastrophe which took place on Tuesday afternoon Feb. 26 on the Rtceoourie at Happy Valley:— Between 2 55 and 3. p.m. on the 26ih of February, ju>t as the fifth race was about
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 255 9 I Motor Cars Motor Cycles. (1917 MODELS) Poi" Immediate Delivet*y MOTO< CARS:— I h°‘ k d u S"*””' PidlmM Mid CbjTOht Eqjnp^wiUi I Starters. MOTOR CYCLES:— a I rv,; Har i!* y D Tid9 °a”—that beat the World’s Reeord.-Twin or single Tr k 'r'"’ Fr»© Engine Side Car with Hood
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    • 404 9 c ia R3d m <*> 0 /T. «±5Wr Wincarnis will give you the New Health you need when you are Weak. Aramic. "Nervy'” Run-down. Think what new health means to you who are Weak, or Anaemic, or Nervy,” or Run-down. Think how splendid it would be to be free from
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  • 849 10 MORE MEN WANIED. Fbbmihb’s Stiff Ufpbb Lip. Paris. Upon his accession to office, M. Clemenoear told the nation that be would make it his duty to take the bull by the borne,” and hide nothing from a long-nursed-up publio. That he has so far kept his word,
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  • 871 10 10s. 6d. net.) (U& P mati and H JJ count he wiT the i& 't to. perations in this war M r 8 D mil '‘»ry city of the Russian rn a l "'ba Woapa. «old bj re h tb„ .he E.stera front ‘“wk l.S'“? he portant railway
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 MAN do yon know the danger of npg. looting a chill Chilli lead to pnpunoonia and a aoore of other dangerous disorders. Be prudent, and at the first sign of a ohill take a dose or two of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE the medwine tnat should n- ver be absent
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    • 323 10 ■magBMEManwai The Allied Governments Have Bought Over TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter,—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY S FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: HWTTENBACH BROS AND COMPANY. Si-aj OKS 11 PATTON quickly
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    • 49 10 Accidents Will Hippen. It may be impossible to preyent an tu#i* but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm ii net Wyond anyane’s parse, and with a bettla o this liniment yoa are prepared far anything. For sale by all disp#oa* r < a«d dealers.
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  • 1470 11 Tu Outlook worn, Religion. Bishop Gore gave a vigorous address on Religion in Publio 8chools” at 8t- Mar-tin’s-in-the-Fields, and it is published in full in the Church Time* Our inmost hearts glow with a sense of pride and thankfulness as we contemplate the
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  • 572 11 Favourite Authors." A man I saw this week (says Solomon j Eagle in the New Staieemau) asked me with medissval blUDtnees, who were my favourite authors. Ob,” I said, Homer, Dante, Ac.” This did not satisfy him ‘•Well,” I said, what do you mean by favourites P lam very fond
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 233 11 TRY IT IN YOUR ■V APPOINTMENT TO H.M. THE KINO. BATH U SCRUB B’S ttorov A&1 A t M MARVELLOUS PREPARATION iTiH invaluable for T oilet and Domestic Purposes. Softens Hard Wate;‘. Splend id Cleansing Preparation for the Hair. THB Allays the Irritation caused by Mosquito Biies. Tgp Cleans Plate,
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    • 630 11 Znifc-like Fains. The sharp, «booting puns, the intense .gony of Ssiatica often make death pre* ferable to life The firy darts that ran from bip to heel, the sleepless nights the cheerleaa days—why not stop all thie and get back to health and comfort again f Littlb’s Obibutal Balm ia
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1211 12 P. 0,-BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. MAIL (Companies Incorporated in England AND PASSENGERi SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under“Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Pameog-era for Europe are booked via Bomb*} as opportunity offers and as fares aeeommodation is availableThe Company’s
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