Straits Echo, 11 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1200 1 J'JimwAi: iCp t A. t i- <•• ■ft fcsiljj&t) ft at uFa !|F YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO THE Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cars for Lira DAY AND NIGHT Telephone No 694. Telegraphic Address: HOKIMTEIK. Motor car importers and largest I dealers in cylinder oil, petrol motor accessories. REPAIRS
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    • 11 1 imm. r* l rt i l if" 5? 25 H B
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 31 2 sum OF EVERY £>»»*» CRIPTIOI Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire OTHERS (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. LTD
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  • 1031 3 Effect on Arabian Politics The war has drawn attention to the one long line of railway running from Damascus down through the barren wastes to the sacred area, terminating in Medina, the city of the Prophet. Why the railway was built has always been a matter of
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  • 311 3 MONEY TO BRIBE ITALY f A Humourous Interlude. i The Pioneer e Cairo correspondent con firms statements current that the ex* Khedive Abbas Hilmy Pasha took a hand in the negotiations with Italy before that power entered the European War in 1914 When the Prince was in
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  • 229 3 German Catholics Peace Proposals. Impossible Demands The Conservative Suddeuttche Zeitung, referring to the denial of the Norddtuttche Allgemeine Zeitung that Herr Ersberger (the German Catholic leader) acted, with the knowledge of the Foreign Ministry in discussing with Frenchmen the cession of parts of Alsace-Lorraine says Herr Erzberger is alleged to
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  • 226 3 Do these letters to the Editor, not the Laosdowne variety, but those which are such an ornament to the looal Malayan press, really reoeive the attention from the aaighty whioh they are intended to invoke f Echo, not the Straits one answers without hesitation. They absolutely
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 326 3 ;czmcz> jczx DC DCDE Nerves shaky? yea That is a serious condition unless you are well alon r8 It often precedes a severe nervous breakdown. The nnrraa ia a rtr\r\. 1 i I —UIBMUOffll. tonic for the nerves is a good supply 0 f rich red blood [)r. Williams’ Pink
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    • 89 3 Chamberlain's Coagh Remedy, When you have a bad oold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ii pleasant to take, a remedy that con* taina nothing iijurious. Chamberlain* Cough Remedy meets all theae requirement* It acta on
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    • 350 3 PENANG RUBBER AUCTION ROOMS. OUR 362 AUCTION SALE WILL BE HELD AT 7, UNION STREET. On Tuesday, 12th March, 1918. AT 10-30 A M. SHARP AUCTION SALES EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY—PRIVATE SALES DAILY FORWARD SALES ARRANGED Consignments of Rubber solicited. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments Prompt Settlements of Aocoant
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  • 909 4 Impoetant Amending Bill. The following bill which is about to be introduced in the Legislative Council, is orinfed in the current issue of the Oovem merit Oaseite A bill mtitled an ordinance to amend tbe Increase of Bent (War Restriction) Ordinance, 1917. It is hereby enacted bj the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 206 4 White a way, LaidlawicCo., LI mi ted. (Incorporated In England.) Complete House Furnishers. H K Mj K C T K D T I n B K K VJ *-s K I to V V N frit i; i: 4 ft. wide, strongly made, fitted with full size bevelled mirror door,
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    • 271 4 WANTED. EMPTY GLASS JAir-S which contained Acetic acid. Apply stating quantity and price to Box No. 86, e/o Strait» Echo. Cocoanut Plantation and Building Site. A VALUABLE COCOANUT PLANTATION with good road frontage in McAlister Road: almost facing the Race Coarse. Very suitable as a building site. The property has
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  • 558 5 SuCCKfEFCL I APFBCHASE, Towk*y H «ii ow.eL e t»r<*nged a very excellent pspercbase on Saturday afternoon. The coarse was about three and a half miles in length, the meet being at the junction of York Road and Scotland Road. The paper was laid by Mr. H Starr
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  • 263 5 A correspondent wiitesi At the fi r st annual general meeting of the Klang Chinese Young Man’B Society held at No. 30, Jalan Raya recently the following gentlemen were e e:ted cffice-bearers for the ensuing year:— Patrons: Rov. G. F. Pyk°tt, R*v. W E
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  • 168 5 The following programme of musio will be played at the Esplanade to-day at 5 pm i—--1 Overture Carnivalia Williams 2 Polka Ob! Honey My Honey Caryll 3 Selection The Silver Slipper Myddleton 4 Walts Fascination Marobetti 5 March Nulli Secundus Bentley Mr. John PatersoD, an exchange broker
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  • 633 5 THE PRESIDENCY. Is Li Yur»-tckq Etrokosr? Peking, F bru*ry 15. It is d fficult to tell wbat is happening id tbe northern political world, bat there •rp°ars to be a movement fo' tbe recall of Li Yuan-bung to Pekii g. General Fere bas all along been veiy
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  • 324 5 The following are the alterations In Messrs. A. A. Anthony ACo Share List to-day Aver Panas Rubber Estates *8 buyers and *9 sellers; Bokit Katil Rubber E«tat 3 s *0 70 buvers and *0.85 sellers; Jaram Kuan tan Rubber E-Utes *1 buyers ard *1 25 sellers; Lunas Rubber Estates
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  • 661 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE END OF A NATION. Turks’ Ghastly Wcrk Lord r, M rch 8, B a porta received by th- A-oilh.d lufo matiou Baresu indicate tta t tbe handing ove of Trans-Caucasia to the Tuiks will lead to farther mas-acres of the Armenians and perhaps their fiaal
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  • 481 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Steadily AdvancingLondon, Marob 8, 9,85 p-w. A Palestine official message states that between March 4 and M-trch 7 our lines as ride of Jerusalem —Nablus road steadily sdvancsd almost unopposed. Th* maximum depth attained was three miles on a front of the eigbt°en miles.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 768 5 «fc ifcjfc sh de si? th tk 4? sh sk dz akak fk *fe it J2 «fc sfcifesfc duk «Lifcjkite J I MPI PEIKTOR H. J. A. HOLM. MANAGER: THOMAS BHAFTOTHE MYSTERIOUS MRS. M. FWE TOLD YOU this was a ‘‘colossal masterpiece’ v jou Jft not believe us, so we’ll
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    • 70 5 North Kedah Red Cross Fete. March 30th 31st. April Ist Buffalo Fights. Boat Race*. Boys Sports. Tugs .of W#r. Gymkhana. Steeplechase. COCK FIGHTING Agricultural Exhibition. Arts and Crafts Exhibition. Bangsawan. Mayong Menorab. Wayang Siam. Wayang China. Wayang Kulit Main Hathrah. WHY NOT PLEASE YOUR BABY xsrtz* s s*J Baby is’getting
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  • 97 6 I PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price Daily Local #BO per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. [Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Non. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. 411 business communications
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  • 1329 6 I The references to Education in the address of the Chairman of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, at the annual general meeting of that body, have excited considerable atten* tion throughout tbe Peninsula, judging by the ccmmentsof our contemporaries. For cursalves, we were particularly interested in the
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  • 910 6 I Mr, G. Savage, of the Post Office, SiDgaI pore, is in Penang on a holiday, I Mr. J. G. Watson bagged a fine seledang I the other day in the Tembeling district. Mr. W. J. Trowell has been granted eight I months’ leave from February 27.
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  • 1025 6 The Irish Deadlok. The Irish Convention would *pp* Tf tava failed and the new deadlock muot bti n sense ot ctnuern to eviryoue who anxious for the Baf* at d rajid prog t0|| s the war. Its evil fleets me «Jivorrifiad handicaps tbe energies of statesmen home it
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 636 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A NEW experience. USUAL CONDITIONS REVERSED HAIRBREADTH escapes. London Maich 8, Itwa the first moonless aeroplane raid r -A n The guofire was beard 0 n L nd-n rro.cb.Dt? Bd 8000 there Wi8 fi0,Ce fiflDg gr tbe Metropolis which intermittPntly lor about au hour.
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  • 701 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Th« Baltio and the Eaat London, March 9. Military and political writers are now paying great attention to the new German sohemes of conquest as evidenoed by the Germaniration of the Baltic and the Baltic Provinces and also the fresh designs in the Nuar
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  • 659 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] 1 THE HIDDEN HAND IN SPAIN. diplomatic activities Fomenting Anarchy and Strikes Loidon, Much 8 The Times’ Madrid correspondent cables i El Sol publishes a facsimile letter and two flyleaves proving the German embassy’s attempts to foment a revolutionary movement through the Barcelona syndicalists. I
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  • 21 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to*dsy st $150.50, business done, in Singapore (refined) st $151, buyers no sellsrs.
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  • 1337 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SIR DOUuLA8 HAIG’S REPORT. I Flying Corps’ Splendid Achievements L luoo, M«rcL 8, 5.45 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig has congratulated the I First Brigade of the Flying Corps on their I splendid succtas in bringing down eighteen laeropiauea in ona day. Successful Bombing OperationsLondon, Marob 9,
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  • 578 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] A SIGNIFICANT CABLE. i Bolshovik Leader Resigns. London, March 9, 4 35 a.m. A cable from Petrograd states that lrotsky has resigned the Commissionerabip of Foreign Affairs. SOME ENLIGHTENMENT. Bolsheviks' Position ChallengedLondon, Match 9. Enlightenment regarding the iaternal political situation in Russia is afforded by
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  • 76 7 The following articles will be foand on oar outside pages Page*. 3-—The H>dj iK Railway. Letters to the Editor. German Catholics' Peace Proposals. An Ex-Khedive Story. 4.—R u nt Restrictions. s—Affairs in China. Shares. Penang Huot Club. The KLng Chinese Young Men’s Society. To-day’s Band Programme. Telegrams. 8 —Tf-legrams.
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  • 1874 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] debate in the chamber. Government'* Big MajsrityParis, March 8, The Chamber of Deputies has pnaed vote of cocfidenoe in the Government by 400 to 75 after discussing Government responsibilities in the 8010 affair. Premier's Tine Speech. London, March 9. A oable from Paris «ays
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  • 335 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] “TANK WEEK” IN LONDON. A Fine ContributionLondon, Ma ch 8. War Loan subscriptions in London from Monday to Thursday inclusive totalled fortysix millions sterling, Mr, Bonar Law’s Thanks. London, March 9. At the ooodwsion of “Tank Week Mr Bonar Law, Chancellor of the Exchequer, sent
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  • 389 8 The following are the agenda of the meeting of ihe Municipal Commissioners to be beid cn the 12th inst.:— 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may brirg forward. 5. Questions. 4 home bills to be passed. 5- Application
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  • 775 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] An 0ts:ure SituationLradon, Much 8. 5-40 p m. The Spanish Cabinet has lesigned. I Hitherto there is no explanation of its action but it is apparently the outcome of the I crisis which waB believed to have been settled by the 0 abinet’s acceptance
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  • 838 8 German Property in U.S. A. [Reuter’s Telegrams.] TO BE SOLD FOR WAR BONDS. Kaiser and Ex Chancellor AffectedWashiigtor, March 8. The property owned in the United 8tates by the Kaiser, Herr von BetbmannHollweg, the Junker class generally, and the German Government is to be (firstly) sold under the authority granted
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  • 323 8 CLEMENCEAU 8 TRIUMPH. All For the War. Paris, March 0 The Premh Premier, M. C.»..!'.,!. speech delivered yesterday m the Chamber of Deputies, recalled the famous words of Japanese general and declared that he whJ can reeiat the longer is T j ctcn „v,° .logw” said tbe premier.
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  • 78 8 Monday, March 11. Town Band, Esplanade Tuesday, March 12. P. V■ Battalion D.ill (Compulsory,) Jobore Planters’ Association, Annual General Meeting. Municipal Commission, 4 pm, Wednesday, March 13. Town Band, Esplanade. New Moon. Thursday, March 14. Tennis Mach.—P, R C. vt, S. X R. 0. Esplanade, Friday, March
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  • 376 8 The Mysterious Mrs. the “Empire.” R a aders are sp o cially referred to the "Empire” announcement appearing elsewhere in our advertising column*. We understand that the entertainment to-night is even better than the average, part from tbe tact that tbe programme is a long one the subjects are
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  • 1554 9 DESIRE TO HELP IN LOCAL DEFENCE. Again to Afpkoach Gjvernment. A largely attended meeting of Eurasian» was held at tbe St. Andrew’s Hall (-ays tbeSfraif# Times of Friday) to discuss tbe advisability of again appioachirg Gov* eminent with regard to the formation of a Eurasian Volunteer unit. The
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  • 472 9 A strange incident is reported to have Occurred in the cffioa premises of Mr. Eu Tong Sen in High Street, Kuala Lumpur. It is alleged that on the evening of Wednesday the staff of the office were sur-pri-ed to see crockery and glassware btiog knocked about
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 987 9 fUST UNPACKED A LARGE VARIETY OF PICTURE POST CARDS THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Printers, Publishers, Lithographers, Stationery, etc., 59, BEACH STREET, PENANG. CONSTIPATION quickly contaminates the blood, deranges the nervous system and upsets the entire health. The victim becomes drowsy, irritable, restless, has bad dreams hiicL is mentally and physically
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    • 13 9 For Children’s H .eking Congh at Mght; Wood' Great Peppermint Cere la, 6d
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    • 524 9 KTOTICB. OTICE is herfby given that I have thii ±1 day revoked and cancelled the follow* mg Powers cf Attorney; the person or person* therein named cannot aot any longer therein. 1. Powar of Attorney dated 13th day f April 1905 in favour of Kawana Sheyna Saeboo. 2. Power of
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  • 1054 10 [To thi Editob of thi 9 trait» Timet.} ft Sir, —Much baa been written about Cbineae marriage laws the necessity for wbiob there ia not the slightest doubt even among the leaa educated Cbineae. But the matter for which I crave apace in
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  • 1021 10 The time, may not be pioioil oroaoh n way, of e P pe 0 d’ 0 (s»ya the Singapore Free pi .llhough very much ha. beee doe."!, hat line during the war, blch !tlrred '>» depth, the ootemoD oalod to think of many suti ot. Z, b
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 129 10 Since the Began The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ROYAL TYPEWRITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter, —the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS: HUTTENBACH ROS I AND COMPANY.
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    • 11 10 For Children*! Hacking Cough at Ntgbt Wood!*» Great Peppermint Cure 1».
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  • 1209 11  -  Industrial RnoBaa.Nisa.Tion, By Cornstalk. It is easy to say that io the industrial reorganisation after the war there must be a radical change in the relations between employer and but it is not so easy to agree upon a common basis of adjustment. A nation, so far
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  • 837 11 By old custom in the Navy—the most powerful there of all unwritten laws dead and run men’s effects are scld by auotion on a ship’s dock. Dead carries its own explanation run means a deserter. The expression is derived from the official practice of putting a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 538 11 BURRELL 8 Co. Boiled Raw Linseed Oils, Snow White Zinc, Paints Turpentine. S GROSS HERMANOS. MALAGA, SPAIN. •HIPPUI Of HIGH CLASS PBODDOS and GROCBRT LINSg, INCLUDING I Raisins, dried figs, almonds, nuts, lemons, grapes, oliyes, PURE OLIYE SALAD OIL, WINES, CHICKPEAS, ANISEED, CUMIN SEED, Etc. ■•lUMs A|(iti wut«i im all
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    • 621 11 Knife-like Pains. The sharp, «hooting pains, the intense agony of Soiatics, often make death preferable to life The firy darts that ran frcm hip to heel, the sleeplpss nights the cheerless days—-why not btof all this and get back to health and comfort again P Littlb’s Oriental Balm is the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1535 12 Bb P im BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. MAIL (Companies Incorporated in En^landJ AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei.Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present anapanded. Ft seen gars for Europe are looked via Bomba} as opportunity offers and as fares
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