Straits Echo, 7 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 34 2 3mh» o^=«^=«^==«^=»o<}==^=o^=<>^=><<h* < OF EVERY v„. >3- >\ M Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives Changkols. Wire Mails. Cat (Brand) Axes. trapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire KATZ I 9 (Incorporated pin Straits Settlements.) PENANG.
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  • 1458 3 The posthumous honours bestowed upon Mr Anthony Hope and Mr John Gals worthy are Thus had I begun when I opened another parer and learnt that Mr Galsworthy s knighthood bad been refused Ihe c interment* intended and achieved are of the usual sort Mr. Gtlswor hv
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  • 756 3 There are some people who call the ‘New Year” that is celebrated on Monday ‘‘China N a w Year” The suggestion of course is that China has one calendar and the rest of the has another. This < t course is not correct. I hina ►dopted
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 381 3 f I N E W 'll 44 U'is MS 11 Mm I Mpo^JidUr. E^niHcrHiKn"”' ■V I m HTi First-class Beverage for Tired Nerves. Try and see for yourselves 1 If Wbt, Come and consult us 3®-IW 'i I Wyf 0 "i I SOLE AGENTS: THE EASTERN TRADING Co., Penang and
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    • 132 3 London Directory. (Published Annually.) Enables traders throughout the World communicate direct with English Manufacturers Dealers in each class of goods. Besides being to C' niplete commercial guide to London ana its suburbs, the Directory contains lists of Export Merchants with the Goods they ship, and the Colonial and Foreign Markets
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  • 976 4 InTBBBSTING CORRESPONDENCE. The following interesting oorreipoadeaoa bts been sent to us for publication t Thb Order or Ft Thb British John of Jerusalem in Rkd Cr ss England S oirtt. Grand Prior Chairman ol C mnoil: H. R. H- Tne Duke of Tbe Most
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  • 231 4 Paris, February 28. Corfu i Following the elec ion of tbe Prt sident of the Chamber, the Government candidate having got a tn»j >rity which wsk cons dered as too small, the Serbian Cabinet resigned, Paris, March 1, 6,20 pm. All over France the anniversary wa& celebrated
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  • 257 4 Thursday, March 7. Meeting of Chu ch W okors' Association, St. George'* Girls’ H >oae 10 a m. St. And es’s Presbyterian Church, Annual Business Meeting. 6 pm. Friday, March 8. Town Band, Esplanade. Saturday, March 9, Town Band, Golf Club. Buhday, March 01. Fourth Sunday in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 195 4 Whlteaway, Laidlaw k Co.. LIMITED (Incorporated In England.) Complete House Furnishers. S E Mj E C T E D T I HI B K K I* L E N T 1 A T E S P K E E THE'CHORLTON” BEDROOM SUITE IN CHENCHAI PASIR POLISHED WALNUT, MAHOGANY OR NATURAL
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    • 48 4 Whj It Sella. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the largest telling ocagb medicine in the world to-day became it does exactly what a cough remedy is sapposed to do. It stops the ooagh by oanng the cold, and does it speedily aed effeotaallT. For sale by ail disp«Mriaae§d taim
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    • 534 4 GROSS HERMAN MALAQAjjBpJj 0t CU„ L„ ts kusins mtinu KIUS > .'UTS. LEMONS, UHAm > l L11K OUVB SALAD n, 1 CHICKPEAS, ASl 6il n I '*'ll NEED, Etc. «II R«HakU At*»!» waited i» Tĕl **apl< 1,1 l> 1 u%n Writ» t« nr lllutraicd C«tU,„ f( attractive agency WINES, SPIRITS
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  • 736 5  -  [By Tom Wright] L quid buoshine” is tbs pretty phrase usf-d by the Datives here to de‘oribe a peculiar rain spray which falls frequently, o*us,n < such a regular occu'reoce of rainbows that one sentimental Udy writer has dubbed this Rainbow Land.’’ I rarely mias on aay daily
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  • 265 5 Penaito Women Wokxess. Amount previously acknowledged $6,531 68 Messrs, Adamson A Gilfillans 100 00 p M 10 00 B. A. H. 10 00 D. B. L. 2 00 H. G. 8. 2 00 K A. S. I°°o Mrs. Hyme 10.00 Mrs. J. Hogtn 10.00 Mrs Jameison
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  • 606 5 [To THH Edito* of thi Strait» Tim»».] Sir, —Considering the important part plajed by malaria in tb ocuatry, the numbur of deaths for which it is directly responsible, and the large sums of money employers of labour are spending in order to reduce its severity, I need hardly
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  • 454 5 Writing to our Kuala Lumpur con ternpory and mentioning the tact that the Chairman of the Selangor branch of the F.M.S Chamber of Commaroa had recently pointed out the regrettable fact that the Iced Government did not show any great appreciation of the abilities of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 484 5 cfesfeS 4 •Si 4 NEW GOODS. JUST RECEIVED. 2% 3 m 3 i as# m i M vgsa Gillette Razors DE LUXE PATTERN. These are heavily gold plated, fitted in brown black leather or Gold Plated Cases. They are very handsome in appearance and a most acceptable gift. Complete with
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    • 474 6 [REUTER’S SERVICE.] Central Powers and Russia. Press C:mments cn Peace L mli n, Ma cn 6, 5 30 p.m, A cable fr< m Amsrnrd-m sf&tes that tbe conclusion of pnaoe wirh Runti* evoked no particular pxcitpmrnt in Berlin or elsewhere in Germany and press comments are up to
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  • 98 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT .THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local $3O pep annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Eoho) SB6. Printing Department 343. S.B. —411 bu«in«B«
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  • 1216 6 Sir Edc Geddes’ stitement on the Naval Es'imites contains some interesting and impottant information. Very properly, the First Lord pat the German raids on the Patrol aud the English coasts before his hearers in their true perspective as attempts by a blockaded force to ease
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  • 37 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $150, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $150 50, business done, (250 tons sold) and in London at £319 spot and at £316 three months, i
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  • 997 6 Mr a W C. Michel!, wife of the Resident Councillo-, and her infant soa are expected back in Penang about the 19th icst Mr. A. Christiansen is out big game shooting in Selangor. He has got a lioence to shoot two full grown elephants in the mukim
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  • 975 6 The Eurasian Soldier, Tuesday's Free Frem to b« bold 11 > to-night Dy members of the Eura,, mumty to discuss resolution t£S a 0ln ment be again fktd to consider he atl0n of a Volunteer Corps f or Eor commends the wording of the TV' 10 well a.
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  • 1726 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] doom of the u-boat. 8UKE SHIELD OF THE ALLIES. STATEMENT BY FIRST LORD. LsDdon, March 5. 6 25 p.m. Sir Erio Gedde-, First Lord of the Admiralty, intrcducing the Naval Estimate in the House of Commonp, said that generally the caral warfare proceeded
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  • 161 7 Sequel to Motor CoMiton(Prom Our Own Correspondent^) Singapore, March 7. The aotion was begun yesterday of the suit instituted by Mr, A- Sarkies, of the Riffles Hotel, against the Nestle and Aoglc-Swiss Condensed Milk Company olaiming the sum of $825 for damage done by defendant’s motor-oar to plaintiff's
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  • 617 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BIR DOUGLAS HAIG’S DESPATCH. Interesting Press Comments London, March 5. Most of the newspapers oomplain that Sir Douglas Haig's despatoh regarding the Battle of Cambrai affords insufficient material to apportion the blame; all declare that the British gains at Cambrai were greater than those
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  • 622 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Japanese Attitude London, March 5, 7 20 a.m. The Dail Mail states that the JspaneM intervention in Siberia may be expected t approach finality within the next twenty four hours. The Ambai adora in T< kio o' Great Britain, France and Italy
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Correspondent-') London, March 4. The prioea in the London Rubber Mark* to-day were: Pale Orepe 2/5$ Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/5
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  • 651 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] The Terms cf Peace. Amsterdam, Marob 5. A telegram from Sofia states that M. Ton'cheff, the Bulgarian peace delegate, who has returned from Bukhareßt for irstruotioni is regards the new questions which have arisen, stated in the Sobranja that the condicions which the
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  • 95 7 The following artiolea will be foand oi oar ontaide pagea Page». 3. —Honoara and Anthora. Old China New Tear. 4. —The Colony and the Croaa. The Week’* Events. French Consular Oablee. 5. —Malaria Carriera. F. M. 8. Civil' Service Qaeen Mary* Needle* work Guild. L qoid Saaahlne." 8. —Sunday
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  • 668 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE ARTICLES OF THE TREATY. I Ginntny’s Draconian ConditionsLooion, March 4 7*25 p.m. A nth from Amsterdam states that n I Berlin offioaal message issues the text of the treaty between Germany, AuntrisrHangary, Balgaria and Turkey on the one hand and Ratal», on the
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  • 1195 8 [Bidtu’s TunnonAJM. i Dangerous SuggestionsLjodor, M<*ich 5, 8 20 a.m. L">rd Linsiowne 1q another letter to the Daily Telegraph thinks that Count Hertling's -pnech marks a perceptible advanoa in I discussion. In contains, firstly, a distinot I expression of the wish that responsible I representatives of
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  • 244 8 The “Trail of the Shadow Opens at the “Empire.” "The Trail of the Sbadew a six aot M-t o whioh opens at the Empira to-night at 9 80 is a fine production. Sylvia Mason, (Eoarny Wehlen) who lives alone in the mountains, supports herself by making beadwork. Henry Hilliard, a
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  • 553 8 THE QIJE -"IION OP AL3ACELOBRaiNE. Important Revelations. P*ris, March 6. Forty-seven years ago to-day the deputies of the uewly annexed Als*oe-Lorraiue departments made before the National Assembly at Bordeaux th ir bistorio protest their separation from the Motherland, France. Thia anniversary was made the occasion of national celebrations
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  • 193 8 Paris, March 6, 10 5 p.m. B?ing rather doubtful about the result of his great ffdosive General von Hmdenburg is feeling" the western line through repeated reconnoitring parties. Despite the employment of powerful material aod alao of the best trocp* the resultaand information obtained are out
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  • 116 8 The undermentioned prices were realised tor rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennys A Co. at their two Auction Sales held this wjek t Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 1 s7sto 84 per pioal Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 50 72 do TTasmoked Sheet No. I 57 64 do
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  • 1375 8 (To thb Editor or thr Strait t Echo.) Doar Sir, Restriction of Output of Rubber and cundat Labour. I should lik-» to correct a mistake which appears io at least two reports 1 have read of the.meetiog of the P.A M. held ia Peoang oo Tuesday 26 h
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  • 26 8 Feb. 4By balance $420 62 Mar. 4 Teoh Chaow Cheang (monthly) 2.00 Mir. 4 By balance 422.62 Amount previously acknowledged 32.***** Total ...$32,851.85
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  • 45 8 The following are tin alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony A Co Share List to day j Diebook Dredging, N L 12«. 6d. buyers md 13«. 31 sellers; M n/lembu Lida Syndicate, 10.80 tellers; Uia Piah Co, ♦1 30 bujers and $1 50 sellers.
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  • 557 8 Biksp 14 700, Bttu Mating 15 058 Jong Linder 48 494, 34 630, P*rit Perak 10.3 10, C wjsoUdatnd 48 728, New Columbia 80,754, Ncllmsy 6,553 ibs. Assists will commence in Kuala Lumpur on Mood iy, Mtrch 11, before Mr. Jusnoe Earns haw, Tbere arasia ernes on
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  • 1088 9 of President Wilson’s state* meat of American peace aims before Congrrss minutely coincides with the Bulisb aim-i as pronounced by Mr. L'oyd George. Xu ooe important respect, bowtver, there is a d.ffereoce. Presiceut Will n declares tbat tbe United States is fighting f< r freedom of
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  • 413 9 Our Bukit Meitaj«m correspondent, writing yesterday, s»ys: At the Bukit Mertsjnu Pdioe Court before Mr. G. A. Hereford on Wednesday a Barm's-* named Jawa was brought up o’* a charge of vagrancy by wandering abroad not having any visible means of subsistence As he bad been lo:ktd
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  • 348 9 L»st year’s resu'ts of the above Company’s world-wide activities are embodied in its tbirty-fi st annual repo t a copy of which bas sent ns bv tbe local agents, M ssis Guibri- Co. L f d. This rspoit -hows a recird of greater growth than
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 276 9 a §1 ff il i 3 <*• a B 1 R j FOR EFFICIENCY. S I I SI IR.T.Reid& Co.,| I I P ENANG IB 0 »rs' <r )CD 0« D OCDC “Blue and Gold” Brand American Lager Beer Light and refreshing absolutely pure and clear. PUT UP IN TRANSPARENT
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    • 85 9 If is bat a short strp from a condi ion of the body to Pneumonia »nd unless be chill be driven off that second serious •ni dinon is reached, sooietimes in le*" than 24 boars. Acplf this warning to ycuraelf hen you feel i»ot of sorts with a cold. Take
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    • 49 9 Why It Sells. Chsmberlaio’a Cough R oardr >« largest celling oough medicice in the won to-day bfcause it dnea exactly what a cuugh remedy ia auppoaed to do. It atope tbe oongb by cubing tbe co'd, and doea it iiy and efl otually. For m 1« by allditpaoaari** and dealeia*
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    • 417 9 t JUST UNPACKED A LARGE VARIETY OF PICTURE POST CARDS NOW ON SHOW. THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. Printers, Publishers, Lithographers, Stationers, etc., me 59. BEACH STREET. PENANG. k Sandilands, Buttery Go., RENANG. ><—>rs YOU MAY REST ASSURED that Beecham's Pills will be of great service to you if your stomach
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  • 941 10 Scotland France. the auld alliance. When the Soot’s housewife orders from her butober a jigot of mutton and serves it oooked. on an “ashet, M she is unoonao'ioua of any intention to use strange words of clearly French origin. When the Scotsman takes umbrage at his neighbour and proceeds to
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  • 918 10 Through the Russt.a.n Revolution.— Notes ot an Eye Witness, from March 1J to May 30, By Claude Anet. (Hutchinson, bs. net.) At the outbreak of tha Revolution M. (JiauGe Anet was representing tbe fttit far men in Fuitugrad. His present book aOuut it is m*miy
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to preT> nt an acci deni, but it is not impossib e to be prepared tor it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is not bejond anyone's parse, and with a bottle of thu liniment jom are prepared for almost aad deaf or dispansarles
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    • 531 10 4*3 M p m p rriifrT rJL m :.iV* (7/k uord Valet on razors, strops, and blades indicates the genuine product of the AutoStrop Safely Rqzor Co., Ltd., London, Eng.) I V: !T Strops itself —Just a few strokes to and fro on the strop, and you have a new
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    • 94 10 Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy. When you bfiTß a. bad cold you want a tetnedy that wi'l not only «ive relief, but rf tret a prompt and p*imanent cure, a remrdy that is pleasant to t»kp, a remedy Ibat cor. >*ins nothin* i Cb mberiain’e Couvh Remedy meet* a 1 ib*se
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    • 678 10 Shak9 Off the Clutch" of rheumatism, the greatest enemy to peace ot man. w W You can do it. As evidence of this vou have h»t sider any one of the thousand. o f°' oQ that have effected by th use of 1 curM LITTLEB ORIENTAL Bil* Many of those
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  • 1855 11 «bile we were sitting smoking in Superstructure in the dinner-hour tbea t irtJa was mooted. Lofty, after tb lb jUh.t h. called-oar g.t.*'-U., ft*» 10 nt DAr ,g Of our engines lying at the ia >P° r !YLVdock vouchsafed bis opinion that aide of BtaQt was on
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  • 242 11 Wbat, asks The Baltimore American will be the outcome, tor tee churches, ot .11 this struggle Will they expenei.ce a renewal of inspiration an P®^ er will their sway ba shattered? The writer in this paper replies conhdently “Toe answer is to ba found ,in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 18 11 fc mo 8 ",r s -a...», i.— ■?o ,e ,o™r« “JTA M cold. T.k. dose or two of
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    • 305 11 iivce the The Allied Governments Have Bought Over K; r>- J m J M i t-W »JM. «**l« 4 v is 4 »u i oU» To Equip their New Armies “Compare the work” and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter, —the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1274 12 P. 0. —BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PA8SENGER SERVICES, PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(TJndrn .Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company’» MAIL BEK VICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent impended. Passenger» for Europe are booked via Bomba} aa opportunity offer» and as faraa accommodation
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