Straits Echo, 5 March 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1123 1 CgU r rrk V JC 1 fap r -u,/ •A'. li •i o* :>S) NATU IF YOU WANT COMFORT GO TO THE Undermentioned Garage For Brand New Cars for Lira day and night Telephone No 694. Telegraphic Address: HOKIMTEIK. (BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated In England
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    • 10 1 SC ri 1=1 i frujrj u" is mi LS--53 <U*
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  • 1646 2 What we may, without offence, describe as the professional politicians are privately much perplexed about the future. Whilst the Coalition Government has called a party j truce, and ordinary political meetings have been suspended, the party offidais realise that the men and women who
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  • 271 2 We read in a Singapore paper i The Regulations published in the Government Gazette of Jan. 25th for the formation of Cadet Corps are now being brought into operation. A platoon of sixty youths of twelve years of age and upwaids will be selected from each school in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 197 2 Whit eaway, Laidlaw kGo., LIMITED. (Incorporated in England.) Complete House Furnishers. H i; E C i: ii T ]fl II E K m V I W It E N T I A T E N P K E E THE*‘CHORLTON” BEDROOM SUITE IN CHENCHAI PASIR POLISHED WALNUT, MAHOGANY OR NATURAL
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    • 12 2 For Children’a Hacking Congh at Night Wooda’ Graat Peppammt Oara la. 6d
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    • 442 2 Shako 05 the Clutch of rheumatism, the ereate.t peace of man g te,t '""»7 to tht You can do it As evidence of this you have but* any one of the the* j to r °o’ that have effected hy th use of** f CQre< LITTLES ORIENTAL BA 1a Many
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  • 1474 3 THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE. (Fbom Thb Tinut Mobocco i COBEKSPONDENT I Except for the wrre house, half bidden < in its gardens and woods, the valley was 1 i uninhabited. True that to east atd west, on the crown of the hills, lie two Arab villages of thatch
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  • 554 3 [Probably few people in Penang know much of the verse of A. B. Banjo Paterson, an Australian poet who stands midway between Adam Lindsay Gordon aud W. H. Ogilvie. Here is a poem from his pen to which last Saturday’s polo match gives a topical interest.]
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 540 3 jjffnffTfWWTTfWWmWTWWTTWTfWfWWffjIg I EMPIRE proprietor H. J. A. HOLM. MANAGER; THOMAB BHAFTO--5 SHOWING TWO NIGHTS ONLY 3 To night and To-morrow, March sth and 6th, at 9 45. Franklyn Farnum 3 With Leah Baird in 5 acts Blue Bird special. A big story that keeps yonr eyes riv tted on the
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    • 631 3 KTOTICE 0 Mi OUR DAY ALOE STAR MARCH 30th. M ARCH 31st. AND APRIL 1st. EXTRAORD NARY ATTRACTIONS Watch'"'Details if Have you the CONSTIPATION HABIT NOTICE is hereby given th»t I have thii day rev -ked and cancelled the follow* iug Pow«rs cf Attorney: the person or persons therein named
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  • 96 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price Dally Local *BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum* Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephono Nos. (Echo) 586. Printing Department 343. fii.B. —All business communication*
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  • 1392 4 Wiitt is Aaisnc* doing to help win ihe war P Tnis is a question frequently aek:d, and as often answered by the recital of loans made to the Allies, of soldiers actually sent over to France though the number has bLoU largely iu doubt, of vtst ▼olum-a of
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  • 1661 4 Tempus Fugit. Hindenburg will have to burry up if he iB going to keep bis promise to the German editors to be “in Paris by April*” Seeing that this is the fourth year of the war and he has not yet got past Verdun the old general’s pledge
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  • 25 4 (From Our Own Correspondent London, March 1, The prices in the London blubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/5* Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/5
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  • 57 4 Latest QuotationsTin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 1148 50, buyers no sellers, in Bingapori (refined) at $149, buyers no sellers. Messrs. Boustead A Co inform us tha* the following were tbe quotations for Lubber on spot in London on the Ist u.tinno received to-day:— Plantation Ist
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  • 87 4 B*ron Kaiserling, a former n fa to the German Embassy, and an old fries» of the ex-Tsar, but who is now attached to the Naval Mission, admitted freely, in tM course of an interview, that Germany i* f* 51 ing the pinch. He added —"But nutter* art
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 556 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMANY PERTURBED. Inspired Press CommentLondon, M*rch 4, 4 15 p m. A from tho Higue sUtes that German political circles are greatly agitated at the reports regarding Japan's move in Siberia. An inspired press comment states that Germany will not fight in
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  • 605 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Huge Booty CapturedLoDdoD, Ma ch 3, 7.25 p m. A wireless Geiman cffioial message states "After hard fighting we captured Pleskar, I also Polczk, Borissoff and secured junction with the Polish divisions at Bobruisk, The Austrians and Germans entered 8hmrrinka. We have so far
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  • 2114 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE LATE >T RAIDS. Further Details London, March 4. Reutet’s correspondent at British Headquarters states that between Sr. Quentin and Polygon Wool there were six enemy raids on Friday night and also two enemy attacks. A particular feature of the raids w*b the intensity of the
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  • 693 5 FRENCH FRONT. London, March 4, 2.45 p,m. During the wiater in spite of the inclement season there was relative oalm on the f'ont. French aviation has been extremely active. Daring the period from December 1, 1917 to February 15, 1918, that is 77 days, French aeroplanes effected in
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  • 82 5 The following Articles will be fsund on oar outside pages Pages. 2. The Programme of the Labour Party. Oadet Oorps. 3. M irooco Days. The Geebung Polo Clab. 6. —Affiirs in China. The Pope and the War. Italian fcacrifiees. The Syrnbil of the Flag. Army Horses. U. 8. and
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  • 281 6 Oar Taiping correspondent writes i 1 i A gala night was observed at Taiping for OhpQob 1# b. Twenty members of the Chinese Sporting Club attired in fancy dresa went round the town in ricsbas in ■low prooesaion through tbe atreets. AI well-decorated motor bua with flag», Chinese
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  • 203 6 Our Bukit Mertaj.m correspondent writes At tbe Bukit Mertajrm Police Court before Mr. G. A Hereford yesterday a Malay named Mat Hasan bin Isahak appear ed and pleaded guilty to a charge of (1) driving his motor-car K 189 without a I licence and (2) rash driving.
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  • 50 6 At the Eastern Produce Exchange 214th Auction Sale the following prices were obtained Diamond Smoked Fair From $57 to $72 Diamond Uosmoked 47 to -W Plain Unsmoked 43 to 54 100,974 lb of mbber were put up for ■ale and 41,382 lb. were sold including private sale.
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  • 59 6 Sungei Batu (Malay») 24.500, V*1 D’or 17,400, Kurau 22 300, Malakrff 39,300, Strairs Settlements (B*rtain) 75,500, Windsor (F.M.8 81,000, Mayfield (8.S.) 25,000, Mercbiston 14,100, Foothills (Malaya) 10,000, Muds Syndicate 7,931, Kuala Sidim 19 600, Bassett 16.256, Sungei Patani 13,500, Krian 22,500, Padao? Jawa 11,368, Padang 21,750, Karan
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  • 337 6 The output of the Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging Co., N.L. for the month of February, was Output 361 piculs Hours worked 460 Tarda treated 50,000. Mr, Kbaw Joo Tok advises us that the outputs from the following three companies for February were t Daebook Dredging No Liability—Cubic yards
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  • 1060 6 Animal Sufferers From Shell Shock I Apicpos of toe Penang Puio Club’s appeal fi r tbe Croes Fund, we are pleaded to publish the following letter from au ctfioer lin the Koyai Army Mtdtcal Corps i 1 am sure you would like tne Army horsis I [in Funders.
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  • 1049 6 Opium Again. A short time ago we referred to the subj ct of opinm and then pointed out that the real end of opium aould not be exppoted until every aspect of tbe opium aud morphia traffic had been thoroughly dealt with and until tbe enactment in
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  • 737 6 Romance and Sbntimbnt That Nbtbe Die. There are some who affirm that tbe romance of war is dead. “Woere,” they aak, “is the romance in a bursting bomb, a tieDch fall of mud and slush and wooden planks P” Romance, they tell you, died with
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  • 229 6 Support »OE French Vibw, New York, Deo. 21, The New York Tribune, in a leading article to-day, expresses the conviction of the leading military and Governmental circles in this country, that the appointment of a Com-mander-in-Chief to be supremely responsible for the operations on the
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  • 641 6  -  (Bt K N. Colvile) The Prager Tigeblat (N>v*mber 25tb)| prints an article emanating from a highly esteemed quarter,” which seeks to demonstrate the unsoundness of the Cz ch demand for state independence, a demand in which all Cz ob parties ate now agreed. The argument follows
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  • 117 6 There’s one tbiag iu particular that the management of the Empire Theatre aim for and that is Variety of Entertainment for the benefit of patrons. After a most snccessfnll three nights season with Edward Warwick’s Court Cards, The Empire go back into its old stride to-night, A well-chosen
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  • 156 6 Tuesday, Maboh 5. Penang Library. Annual General Meeting Wbdnbbdat, Maboh 6, Town Band, Esplanade. Thursday, Mabch 7. Meeting of Ctauroh Workers’ Association, St. George’s Girls’ Home, 10 a m. Far day, Maboh 8. Town Band, Esplanade. Sunday, Mabch 01. Fourth Sunday in Lent. Monday, Mabch 11. Town
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  • 681 6 ww ui a A Notablh French Sermon. [To thb Editor oit thb dimes] 8ir, Mucb has been wnttm m butish papeis, Rud it may be loaccu.aceiy, on Z pe.oe pulley ot tk. Holy a 6C U(J th 0 coup of this poncy amongst it is
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  • 257 6 COOPERATION OP THB ALLIES Called Fob. Borne, December 20. In his financial statement, the Minister of the Treasury, S gnor Nitti, spoke very bluntly about the necessity for increasing production and for the most rigid economy in consumption. He stated that Italy depended largely upon her Allies for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1472 7  -  By Harry Pain. There m»y be m*ny people to-day who admire intensely the novels of Sir Walter Scott, and read them with enjoyment. There are probably more in whom admiration has survived interest, just as ritual survives religion. They consider his works should be ii
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  • 560 7 I A Faw Simple Bulbs. Indian Education publishes the following: The other day a contributor sent us an article which showed some real literary taste but was spoiled by execrable punctuation. This defect is very general, yet there is no subject so easy to teach, or so capable of.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 343 7 C=> n c Jnoc the eastern PRODUCE EXCHANGE. I 27. Beach Street, at the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Chant. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. f The 215th Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 7th March, 1918. Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a week,
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    • 176 7 FOIFt BALE. Wooden Steamer —Single Screw. Gross Tonnage 59. May ba inspected in Penang on application ti ADAMSON, GILFILLAN A Co.. Ltd. Jgantt. Cocoanut Plantation and Building Site. FOrt SALE. A VALUABLE COCOANUT PLANTATION with good road frontage in McAlister Road: almost facing the Race Course. Very suitable as a
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    • 393 7 WANTE133 EMPTY QTjA38 JAI 8 which contained Acet'o acid. Apply stating quantity tod price to Box No. 86, e/o Strait* Echo. TRANSLATION. THE UNDER8IGNED undertakes to translate any document from English into Chinese and Tice Terse. Also Gkineie accounts into English. Fees according to the following scale:—. (1) For translation
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1460 8 P. O,—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies^lncorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. > x KONINKUJKE PAEETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (EOYAL packet S.N. COMPANY.) (IwCOBPORATBD JB HoLIAND m. Nobel’s Explosives aatschappij, i —~—a Foa I»r*ND»D to Bail Stj PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) Tbs Company’s MAIL BEE VICES
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