Straits Echo, 2 March 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1219 1 f^ivwpxn? f miji MB VM iiea fc&D NATUifii '*V' IF YOU WANT COMFORT BANKS I Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong: and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Nederlandsche Handel Maateohappij. GO TO THE ii (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) Undermentioned Garage i 1 For Braiid New Tars for Lire
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    • 14 1 XL JtIM HIU *nca r« o** «n e CTI S 3 SSr S* es
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 37 2 OF EVERY *3 Momi Cases. Acetic Acid. English Tapping Knives. Changkols. Wire Nails. Cat (Brand) Axes. Box Strapping. Sodium Bi-Sulphite. Green Mosquito Wire Gauze. KATZ BROTHERS, LTD (Incorporated in Straits Settlements.) PENANG. o'—lt n HZ \jP%Sfo ;-J
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  • 1351 3 The last week of 'he year is always important in Iudia as the time of the annual progressive as-emblies—the National Congress, the All-India Moslem League, and other organisations leas distinctively political The occasion is much more important than usual this year, because the events and decisions
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  • 315 3 The appointment of Sir Rosslyn Wemyss was as unexpected as that of any otbar fficer would have been, with the possible exception of a reca l from the Grand Fleet, which certainly would not have been popuar. The selection of Admiral Wemyss has rather amusingly stamped those
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  • 274 3 [To thi Editor op thb Straits Echo.'] Dear Sir, I do not want to appear pedantic but is a correspondent who writ 99 on the subject of Chinese marriage laws quite correct when in mentioning the matter of adopted children, he uses the phrase “if she has begotten
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 312 3 EA T r G s f Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Cure Stomach Trouble and Make You Strong. When you cannot digest your food it just lies in your stomach as it might lie in a pit, and-floes you no good. That is why bad stomach makes you weak and id. It
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    • 93 3 ChaMberUia’a Cough Remedy. Wnen you have a bad oold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but ef feet a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that i* pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain’s Cough Re me dj meets all these requirements It
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    • 394 3 VYWYCT Cross/*' i rs “Golden 'Still'’ Esau Js, W fVI wy.£ Wonderful fieah'/er-', invj~oro.\ In quality ar.d delightful odour, tins’iish this really high-class Fr.j de Cologne, which 13 undoubted the finest production of its ki it is manufactured from the pure t ingredients and blended with i: S knowledge derived
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  • 1108 4 REPORT AND ACCOUNTS FOR 1917. The following is from the report of the committee of management for 1917 i Mkmbbrs of Committum —The Hon’ble W. C. M'Obeli, (President), K-pp‘l Gamier, Ear. Doaald J. Boss, L. M. Bill, B. H. Ptnhorn, C. B. Bamuel, O. V. Thomas, and H.
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  • 222 4 We are asked (says the Euala Lumpur paper) to publish the following With reference to the announcement made by Government on the 22ad Dec. 1916 regarding the sparing of more men from the Federated Malay States to join H.s Britannic Majesty’s Forces, and to tne establishment in tne
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  • 249 4 Saturday, Maboh 2, Interport Polo, Penaog *s Selangor, Sepoy Lines. Cricket—Esplanade. Sunday, March 3. Third Sunday in Lent. Monday, March 4. Town Band, Esplanade. Tuesday, March 5. Penang Library, Annual General Meeting W RDNUBDAY, MARCH 6. Town Band, Esplanade. Friday, March 8. Town Band, Esplanade. Sinoe tbe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 208 4 White a wav, Laidlaw it Co., limited (Incorporated in England-) Complete House Furnishers, H K L K C T K D T I Ifl B K H r* c. K w T n A T K N F K K K THE k ‘CHORLTON” BEDROOM SUITE IN CHENCHAI PASIR POLISHED
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    • 569 4 Fort sale. Wooden Steamer—Single Screw. Gross Tonnage 59. M*y bs inspected iu p cnt R on application tj 8 ADAMSON. GILFUMN 4 0 o„ lta Agent$. ~Cocoanut Plantation aniT Building Site. FQR SALE. A VALUABLE COCOANUT PrA* TATION with good road frontal inc a lister Road almost facing the k
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  • 1001 5  -  (By Tom Wright). President Wilson’s eiquiry—for whom were the representatives of the Central Powers speaking ?—recalls the grand old siorj of Jacob and Esau, ihe hands are the Lanas of Esau—the speakers are the accredited representatives of E,aa—but the voice is the voice ot Jacob. For whom is
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  • 278 5 Ia the Beoond Court yesterday afternoon before Mr. S H. Langston the icquirv was opened into the collapse of premises Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Victoria Btreet on February 20 as tbe result of which four women and one male child aged four years lost their
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  • 184 5 Tbe Penang Hut, No 2, moves slowly towards completion but tbe end is in sight as the small sum of $6OO would finish it off We hope our Chinese friends, whose generos ity is never at fault, will supply this small balance without delay. Their contributions to
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  • 79 5 The output of The Rahman Tin Co., Ltd., during the month of February was 407 pikuls. Mill Pis. 205.57. Tributes Pis 201.31. Mr. EhawJoo Tok advises us that tbe output from Ronpibon Extended No Liability for tbe month of February, was Cubic yards 48,000; Hours 404; Piculs 335
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  • 405 5 The following are the results of the tiea played off yesterday i Doubles A—T E Winfield and F R Sayers too. from A V Perrin and C H M«ckay. Singles C—C A Padday beat W A Fell by B—6, o—6 6—4 Ltdies Singles—Mrs Powell beat
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 431 5 E. 0. Hotel SPECIAL TIFFIN EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY. r i i i i i i i c i I i Motor Cars Motor Cycles, (1917 MODELS) For Delivery MOTOR CARS:— Oakland, Maxwell, Briscoe, Pullman and Chevrolet. Equipped with High-tension Magneto, Electno lights, Electric Horns, and Self Blatters. Five or
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    • 463 5 1 fc* 13+ HERE To-night To-ni^ht EMPIRE THEATRE PROPRIETOR H. J. A. HOLM. MANAGER: THOMAS 8HAPTO- T,- COMMENCING A T 9-15, MARCH 1st 3 Ths Empire Management ara delighted ts present to Penang Theatre Hi fr* Goers EDGAR WARWICKS clever combination of talented Artists Hi THE COURT CARDS 1 AND
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  • 103 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local $3O per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG" Telephone Nos. (Echo) 58©. Printing Department 343. I S.B. —All
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  • 19 6 Hkndurson, —Oa March 2, at 215 a Mncalister R.-ad, to Mr. and Mr. E. R Henderson, a daughtcr-
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  • 1286 6 Really it is a biased thing tbif tae»e a>e a few level-bead d oisn tue leading planters in this county to keep the others straight. At the recent meeting of the Central Pahang P. A. a Mr, Birkemose, speaking on the labour problem, suggested
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  • 1053 6 Mii b, E. Macfadyeu and T. G Treadgold have both obtained their commissions and are serving in tie same battery.— M. if. A French Consular cable states that; Gereral Dblois has baen made General in-j Chief of the Indo China troops in Hanoi to I replace General
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  • 932 6 Desolate Paris. In a dfsc iption of Paris on tht. a 1870 (the Germans had entered the dl/hi". fore), ha Journal Officiel said: p 4r has voluntarily suspended her life feels the responsibility weighing upo n in such a painful moment, that it |L n the miafortane.*
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  • 29 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted ber $147.50, no business done, in Bmgapo (rtrfiaed) at $l4B no business dosj, and in London at .£317 spot end three months,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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  • 610 7 [Reuter’ Telegrams.] CRITICISM OF THE KAISER. RUSSIA AND RUMANIA. Amsterdam, February 27. In the course of a debate in the Reichstag ■obo'dem* 00 the Majority Socialist leader, rebuked the Kaieer for saying that the of German arms must first be fictory o* ieoognised.
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  • 509 7 [Reuter’ Telegrams.] FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. JAPAN READY FOR ACTION. JOINT MILITARY OPERATIONS London, February 28. The Daily Mail oorrespondant at Tientsin •ables that there are strong reasons for eipecting an early Japanese move owing to tbe increasing menace of the Austrian and German prisoners of war
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  • 93 7 (From Our Own, Correspondent.) Singapore, March 1. At the annual meeting of the Straits Branohof the R>yal Asiatio Society an alteration was approved in the rules to enable the Society to attach to itself, and a» the same time to confer some mark of distinction upon, those
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  • 823 7 [Reuter’ Telegrams.] PASSENGERS INTERVIEWED. Unchivalrona Captor* Copenhagen, February 27. Rjuter’s cjrresj-o jehnt has interviewed wi b tha passengers on board tha Igotamendi, Raes, the mate of tho Wiruna, said that the vessal sailed on a voyage from Auckland to San Francisco and was stopped on March 81
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  • 462 7 [Reuter’ Telegrams.] Further Details Lot-dor, F bru+ry 28. Further d'Ctiis regarding the to p doing of the Olenart Cattle st-ta that tbe explosion ripped up the deck, destroyed the engines aud wireless and put out tha lights One boat pushed off at the moment the Olenart Cattle
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  • 183 7 The Allgemeine Handeltblad states that Holland and the United States have arrived at a definite agreement as regards the shipping question. Tbe owners of thirty Dntoh trawlers have declared their readiness to fish exclusively for tbe English market. It is reported from a trustworthy source that the
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  • 654 7 [Reuter’ Telegrams.] SIR DOUGLAS HAIG’3 REPORT. A SUCCESSFUL RAID. Useful Captures L melon, Februiry 28, 12.45 pm, Sir Douglas Hsig reports We succt ssfuliy raided the enemy trenobes at Greenland Hill, north cf th* Soarpe Ever, and positions in the southern portion of Houcbust, Forest, capturing twenty-four prisoners
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  • 282 7 [Rsutue’s Tbleoeams,] SHIPBUILDING ACTIVITY. An*.i-3utnnrine DivicosWashingtm, February 28. A oable from Washington states that A’lied and N eutral correspondents, w? o visited tbe engineering shipyard*, siw desroyers equipped with all kinds of nu* ievioes, being turned out faster thin Garnicy is abli to build submiriuos ani
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, February 26. Tbe prices in the London Rubber Market to-dav were: Pile Crepe 2/4 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/3J
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  • 90 7 {From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, Maroh 1; Tbe following prioes ware realised at the Singapore auction sale Smoked fine ribbed 5 78 to 83 per picul Good .67 ,77 do Plain m. 60 —-do Unsmoked fine plain 48 do Crepe fine pale thin 85 89 do Good
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  • 101 7 Tbe "Court Card-," who are old favourites m Penang, appeared at tbe Empire Theatre Uat evening bpfore a f«ir audience, They gave an excellent show, bright and pleasing from start to finish, and those of our readers who patronise their entertainment daring the n-mtioddr of their short
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  • 271 7 The following articles will be fo«nd oa oar outside pages Pag**. 3.—The Outlook in India. The Sea ATair. Terminological Exactitude. 4 P nang L’brary P. M. 8. Man* Power. Tb* Week’* E rente. s.—Wooie Voice The Viotoria Street Tragedy. Y.M.C.A. Hat Pand. POO. Tennis Tournament. Tin Outputs. B.—The F.M.S
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  • 958 8 (From Our Own Correspondent, Alor Star, March 1It may be not without inter»at to frive tew reminiscences ot Mr. W 0, Maxwell’s administration in Kedah in view of the fact that the likelihood of bis coming back as Adviser is very remote. Wnen the Dalphio oracle deolared to
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  • 622 8 [To thu Editor of thu Malay Mail Sir,— Some of your correspondents evidently wish to fce.r mo e of the actual Wuikirg of the F. M, S. Fund, and m-y oireio know what I personally, aB an outsider, have seen ot it over in England.
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  • 282 8 March 3, 3rd Sunday in Lint. 8 00 a.m. Matins i 8 30 a.m, Holy Communion 5- p.m. Children’s Service i 6- p.m. EvensoD? i Psalms XVIII Wesley and Dupins Magnificat 48 Nunc Dimitt's 60 Hymns 250 266 and 24 On Wednesday. 10*00 a.m. Matins and
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  • 982 8 M fflnee writes to the Straits Times After three and a half years of war, we are now reading of what women can do to help to wia the war and the trend of opinion is in favour of abolition of all unnecessary expense. To this end, a
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  • 935 8 Reply to BiTica. Washington, January 28. Mr Baker (Secretary for War) made a statement before the Military Committee of the Senate for the pu pose of ttf utmg charges that the War Department bad broken down. Mr. Baker did not deny that, mistakes and false starts bad betn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 535 8 THE SWASTHYA SAHAYA PILLS. Are the surest and most efficacious remedy for Nervous Debility, Bodily Weakness, Sleeplessness, Wasting Diseases, Vita Exhaustion, etc etc. Tbev are unrivalled in restoring LOST HEALTH and are A BOON for the enjoyment of HAPfY Lib E Sole Agent» Th* Pknanq Rubber Stamp Oo 40 Church
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  • 2289 9 l s Dividend. a c Nimbe *f «3 [> CL 1 h Capitol Bbar issued. 1 a s t> T» '3 Oh last financial year. far limit year. 8aai. 5 a m S 3 m 1 cr 1 i 1 KV6IIR-88LLAK SMAKK8. cts. eta iiM 12M00 «09.000 450.00« 200,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 429 9 NOTICE of sale, pehanc auction MART, ov obdeh of the mortgagee L Vi "P uhv Publ.0 Auction at the Archway for „.n’H BuiIaIidwth P-n»°g on Monday c( e 4°hVv of March 1918 at 11 th «SS& situate at Vermont in the Strict of Tulloh Ayer E*jab B n ra being
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  • 1089 10  -  (By Lieut. Victor MacClure.) At a time when the defection of Hussia from the Allied cause has the effect of freeing large number* of men for German use against the remaining Allies, and when the German military '«experts ’begin to talk of the value of Strategic
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  • 988 10 Stonb FbIO4T*S. I can no 10-ger describe mvneir p,e ct >«pi*-*'X a °bT j tbar klul to say, I Htili N*v*ir h Atter haviog spent foar ye*.* n ,h 0 n PI 0 Fleet »nd in tbe same ship »n *h n w fijd my«el£ laying
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 48 10 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent att accident, bat it is not impossible to be prepared lor it. Chamberlain's Pam Balm is net be* yond anjeoe’s parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yoa are prepared far almost •anything For sale by all ditpansarUs
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    • 79 10 Since the egan The Allied Governments Have Bought Over V <* ROYAL TYP RITERS To Equip their New Armies Compare the work and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter, —the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE H 81 SOLE IMPORTERS:
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    • 133 10 Good Returns and Save Weeding. TWO CROPS IN ONE YEAR. Fobusta Coffee Nurseries After 18 months each tree gives bearing of thousands of seeds, Liberian Coffee Nurseries After 24 months each tree gives bearing of thousands of seeds. Planting 6 feet bj 6 feet With the low price in Rubber
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  • 866 11 Thl Cambrai Victory- inro of thHßsfla of O-mbrai was A nn« captured from the enemy, intbat thp howi f r rs, 5 9’b and Raid c InJiDK a 1 ffr e»t usefulness in the late in .hi. ..o.or, The, itsg* °J almost all
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  • 838 11  -  (Br H. B. 0. Pollard). The peoples of Austria-Hungary hare endured the misery of war for over three years and are now feeling the strain. For them (the people, as apart from their governors) it has never been a popular war, and at the close of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 166 11 o* rsiH6TA0 BftWtfr W 4 1 ■mn ®6> u K* 1 t bsolgte i£i D«l Nippon Brewery Co. Lfd. -ingtaq Brewery o je iip» N E W [OB ll TSINGTAO BEER First-class Beverage -For Tired Nerves. Try end see For yourselves iF not, Come end consult us. SOLE AGENTS: THE
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    • 408 11 Zaife-liko PaintThe sharp, shooting pain*, tbs intsoss agony of Sciatica, often make death preferable to life. The finr j darts that rsa from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, the cheerless days— why not stop all this and 4*t back to health and comfort again? Little’s Oriental Balm is the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1374 12 BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies* Incorporated in Em land) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei“Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present snapended Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay as opportunity offers and as far as modation is available.
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