Straits Echo, 28 January 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1312 1 i x iw,_. '“JOfvj.x'usriiLuu ?<UL&X$*t jgfl U I m t\ Tl f!s%OH uS *jm*, nap n E3 Li £3 E d For Chinese (BANKS. f Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation h£V, YfeAR. I <lnc,,r, ora,ed 10 Englandjiy Ro,«l Charter., j Ho»«o»..) Send your
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    • 5 1 #•s! 'vtw r A\ iu;i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 104 2 mm Wm fzn Or $""rY*T} i S a; -j»uKW ok 30 0 >4 wn m VV*’ m m m ■H MM m wm r.>a W& m tew.** *,»s.y '-.1 EiSafvO' H r 1H i pip rt J '-S *ir »u|«3& £1 r E3& H i ipti R -y.i > v<
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  • 1137 3 The Harper of Chao The singers have hushed their notes of j clear song: 1 he red sleeves of the dancers are motionless. Hugging his lute, the old harper of Chao Rocks and sways as he touches the five chords. The loud notes swell and scatter
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  • 472 3 The other day Mr. David Fraser, the Timet correspondent in Peking, asked: When is a Government not a Government and forthwith he handed oat the answer, M Come to China and the answer will be apparent.” For some weeks or more *a have been regaled with reports
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 563 3 rn ntjnnnnnnnaaannatmcraanDtmtmartK a K\uhiymede Hotel, Penang (SEA-SIDE) Every Wednesday and Saturday Musical Selections DURING DINMEH, EtjGngflPnpppggpnttngtrptrtJDdnaDu n a a n u. r-i D T T r NEW ESTABLISHMENT. I We beg to announce to the public that we have started a Motor Servioe between “BAGAN TUAN KECHIL (Butterworth) and ALOR
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    • 231 3 vwww ™Tnnnnrinr isirc uc DC ■Di-iC^DUC dc; Is.Your Child Pale? U v A heU K, a ild fo u tri ht ™d active loses colour, suffer, from headache, bleeding at the no.o, finds play an effort and prefers to sit still and re,,on,o pro ,bai tte ••*»«>«„_ a?, fr *sr
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  • 328 4 A. E- Pattinson was yesterday up in the Third Police Court, says the Free Prest of Saturday, to answer to another charge of extortion alleged to have been committed on or about Nov. 30 last, by putting Toh Tong in fear of having bis chandu licence can
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  • 256 4 Mr, Vancouver Patterson, formerly of the Borneo Co., Singapore, was gazetted second lieut. in the R. G. A. on Nov 18. By this he is at the Front in a siege battery. From what he says commissions are not now going straight to men goiDg Home.
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  • 394 4 Paris, January 23, 6,35 p m, Rubber is quoted 2.3|, M. Sehramecfe, prefect of the Bouches du Rhone, has been appointed Governor of Madagascar. The daily ration of bread in Paris and suburbs from January 29 will be 300 grammes per person, This measure will take effect
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 142 4 SI 53 m rajsyrr «sag,! SsSEss&r SBSg THE h!f ■r* li Leading Penang Boot Store i is ts fci ALL VARIETIES OF a 9 SI K? ES m r ESI E m BE m FOOTWEAR jm m rM M -J I wJ>< nV 1 ;v.j Tremendous Assortment. ft» Ml Value
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    • 1156 4 Penang Sales Room, By order of the Administratrix of the Estate of Pooah An ali*» Puah An, deceased, of Che Em Lane, Penang, TO B 1 SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION At 33, Beach Street. On Tuesday, 29th January, 1918, AT 11 AM. An indenture dated 16lh September, 1851, Registered No.
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  • 355 5 The Fortnightly Shoot took place on HS Sunday morning the conditions beina sigbter and 7 counting shots each at 200, J 300 and 500 yards at N. R. A. targets 3 H P. 8 105. The reeuit was as follows i w-th h'cap. m^de. Pta R
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  • 313 5 Carnavon Street Tragedy, The enquiry into the circumstances attending fbe d«*th of L’ Si Kim, who is alleged to been attacked and killed by one of Ota servants named Ng Thye was cocclud-d before Mr, L*Dgston f Coroner, iti the Taird Court to-day, accused being present. Thß
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  • 71 5 The Penang Hut Committee gratefully acknow edge the following subscriptions The Penarg Turf Club (for one entire Hut) $5,200 W. 8. Gibsoa 60 A. B. Voules 100 C. T. Johnson 50 Lt-Col A. R. Adams 250 F. Daxbury ]5O A- F. Goodrich 100 W. Peel 40 Wm Dunoen
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  • 60 5 The following are tbe agenda for tbe meet ing of tbe Municipal Commissioners to be held on January 29, 1918 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business tbe President may bring forward, 3. Questions. 4. borne bills to be passed5. Agreement
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  • 44 5 The following programme of will be played at the Esplanade to-diy at 5 p.m.:— 1 Selection Babylonia El’ict 2 U:3* Polk* HiHmujn 3 Selection Robbie Burns Willi uus 4 Waltz Roses Red and White Meissler 5 March Tzar Niobolai II Bomrner
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  • 160 5 I A g®Geral meeting of the Malacca ChinesI Volunteers was held at Mr. T*n Soo Hock’* I reader ce recently and was atteuded by 26 I volunteers, A report by the organisation I committee on the question of forming a lc!ub for the Malacca Chinese YolunI wa9
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  • 821 5 For th8 period from Fibrunry 1 to 7* 1918, incltrtfive, the val m at the bigbeB! grirde of rubber is- fix’d at tworehillings itr-d.three pence three Lr.hints per lb., and •oe du y cucu’ti-aftd rubber on which xooi t duly is leviable on an ad valorem
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  • 279 5 fluctuations since the war. An Interesting Table The following- statement, compiled from Jb9 rffijitl list. „a. pr oesoftbe pyDcipxl local fo'dstuff* for ib.< y SJr 1912, 1913 1914 1915**9’6*1 bo ImsS.*"** Sr, ud ulTe r ,9 7 «i 1917. Present Aeticl l 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915.
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  • 738 5 The foilowiug si-e the alterations in Mesfere. A. A Aothony Co’s. Share lisi to day Aljr G*jih Rubber Estate §4 25 sellers; B-t'gownia Rubber Est»? e §6.65 sellers; Bukit Jnluioug Rubber Estates 0.80 buyers *ud 0.90 sellers Bubit K*til Rubber E rat’s $1 sellers; Haytor Rubb;- E §9 75
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 565 5 yc :tC. Stfr- 9tgH -Bt*• 9t- sfrs*- 3e s*r ifr- w* 6- S*- <r 9r r* 9r Sf- ST* ST st- SH> st(t- it* ir»K Ir. Jhc Fir I ?how for Love" and in the Second Show o. o C MEDI c»S. AD C SCOOP OF FU N Y COMEDIANS
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    • 298 5 TYPIST WANTED. A E w^ BER COMp ANY in Province WVI ealey requires the services of an typist, with a good knowledge cf Eaglisb. Salary ecsording to qualifications. Address app’hatiocs to Rubber Estate c/o 8 ait» Echo. WA.XTBD. AN EXPERINCED Good salary to start with. Capable men only need apply.
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  • 99 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local $3O per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) SB6. Printing Department 343. M.B. —all business
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  • 1364 6 What is it,’’ we have been asked that prevents peace by agreement P Is it the wide difference of interests between the Entente and the Central Powers That is certainly one reason and a strong one But mere difference.of interest is not an unbridgeable gulf, given that
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  • 23 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $137.65, basiopss done, in Singapore, (refined) at $138.40, business done, (175 tons sold).
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  • 820 6 Mrs. Buchanan, of Tronob, is seriously ill in Batu Gajah Hospital. H. E. the Governor is again staying at Bel Retiro Penang Hill. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Henderson are going very shortly on a trip to New Zealand, Mr. W. H. Threlfall, Assistant Postmaster*General, is going
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  • 1010 6 Dean Hensley Henson. loe tact that Hensley u once more the centre of a v j 0 i‘7 H90 »on i, will trouble him vary little A J°^ r °»«n* there is still something of th/h fifty,,0 and though it is doubtful if h* u S 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 250 6 You can’t afford to pass prices like these, A LARGE AND UNIQUE SELECTION OF UP-TO-DATE GOODS FOR CHINESE NEW YEAR. FOOTWEAR. Children’s Strap Shoes, from $l-76 Bojs’ Leather Boots, 6-25 pair. Girls’ Shoes, $4-25 Men’s Boots and Shoes from 6-90. Patent Leather Pumps 5-50. Ladies’ one-bar Shoes, 5-75. HATS Children’s
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  • 2829 7 [Reuter's Telegrams.] CHANCELLOR’S c TRUCULENT «not a step NEARER PEACE." president Wilson's Points RejectedAmsterdam, January 24. Count Hertling, the Imperial Chancellor, king > n the Main the hl t,g «tated that negotiations were ,i 0 wly progressing at Brest-Litovsk. They r0 extraordinarily difficult. The strange r |(M?e which
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  • 565 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SPEECH BY COUNT CZERNIN, Austria’s Moderate Tone. London, January 25, 7.15 a.m, Count CzBrnin, the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister, speaking in the Reichsrath said that be had no intention of demanding from Russia a single square i metre of territory or a single centime
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  • 82 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3, Poems by Po Chu-I. China and Peace. 4, —Singapore Extortion Charge. More About Straits Men. French Consular Telegrams. 5 —Malacca Chinese Volunteers. The Week’s Events. F.M.S. Rubber Export Duty. P, V, R. C. The Coroner’s Court. Y.
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  • 58 7 (From Our Oton Corretpondent') London, January 26, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/8* Ribbed Smoked 2/3* Messrs. Boustead Co inform us that the following were the qu stations for Rubber on spot in London on tha 26th inst. received yesterday t
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  • 607 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Sir Donglas Haig’s ReportLondon, January 24, 11.20 p.m, Sir Donglas Haig teports hostile artillery fire to the south of the Scarpa and near I Passchendaele, i 0 Qr aeroplanes bombed the aerodromes near Conrtrai and Ghent,- the latter being used by the enemy night fliers. We
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  • 1605 8 [Reuter's Telegrams.] FURTHER FIGHTING. A Ccngres3 of SovietsLiodoo, January 25, 12.10 a.m. A cable from Petrograd states that the opening of the Congress of the Soviets at the Taurida Palace ia fixed to take place to-night. More Plots and (Conspiracies. Petrograd, January 24, 7 a 45 p.m.
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  • 886 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Many Centres EcmbedLjndon, J&nu-ry 26, 1-45 a.m. S r Douglas Haig in his despatch oo sv ation woi k states: There was great activity on the northern front Ws dropped over 300 bombs on Courtrai, Lfedegtaeoa end Douai r«i w*y stations, an aerodrome at Courtrai
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  • 880 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] STATEMENT bY LORD RHONDDA. No Likelihood of Famine. Lougoe, JjkDU rj 24, 10 30 pm. Tbe Pres-. Bureau states that a deputation of Manchester engineers aud munition woikers waits on Lord Rhondda, tb f Food Controller, and asked for a definite assurance that steps were
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  • 890 8 THE ITALIAN FRONT. AUSTRIAN' WITHDRAWAL. France's Service to Her AllyParis, January 25. Oa the Italian front, the evacuation of (he Mount Tomba sector by the Austrians w a consequence of the brilliant victory lately won by French troops which rendered the enemy's positions too precari us. A telegram
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  • 606 8 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] GERMANY’S FIRM ATTIiUDE Position of the Ukraine A cable from “.utlTJ. tbe Ku, s o deleg.te,, the Gar man delegates to specify the condf crons r: girdi jg occupied territories, Gene I Hcffmann spread out his war drew *wit h his finger a line from
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  • 936 9 I Ukraine, or Malorussis (Little Russia) which has recently been declared a republic, 4 with the ancient city of K:eff as its capital, and which seems destined to administer I a rude shock to the Petrogiad prophets of (Bolshevism, originally consisted of three provinces on the left side of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 277 9 «2 l Q K' >‘*' p t. 1 a T. >^-• «s -VU >«S iSKai r, v-^-V ££s a i i a i I a a e a FOR EFFICIENCY. iR.T.Reid Co., a M t I PENANG I a n e >5551* < twafi£ll moocooooocooooccoocooooooo* S/VEI/I/ MOTOR CARS. o ACTUALLY
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    • 49 9 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an accident, but it ia not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is not beyond anyone’s parse, and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared for almost anything. For sale by all dispensaries and dealer*.
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    • 1394 9 BRONCHITIC, ASTHMA and Stubborn Coughs Cured by 0 VENO’S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE c. d, .Veno’s Lightning Cough Cure as speedily sr relieves and as readily cures these more 3 f serious Bronchial Troubles as the everyday -6 cough or cold. Cures as surely as water r, quenches fire. Veno’s is
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  • 430 10 Fimt Dat'c Handicaps Cfhm Our Own Correspondent,') Kuala Lumpur, January 26. The following are the handicaps for the first day of the Selangor Race meetirg to be held cn the Slat instant. 1 Thu Plant bus’ Stax ns. Yalue $4OO with 15 per cent, of the C»st
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  • 390 10 Amended Propoeal (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 24. The following cable addressed to tbt P. A. M. has been received from the Rubber Growers’ Association in London: Circular dated December 20th has me! with an encouraging response. On further consideration the Council have unanimous!} agreed
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  • 610 10 Eepokt FOB 1917, The number ot aUira bjcks at Slat December w,iUo p »ed with 161 at 31st DecelV 1 60 Cb corresponding figures for IJ. l9l %rt 93 and 84, e ttbet| B nd h 8 r ®gal»r golf usaillj held, no events of anv in/”
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  • 178 10 BIG CHOPS CHARGED Some Heavy Penalti* ii-'rom O'er Own Corr&potd&ld Koala Lumpu'. Mr. A. W. Just, Magistrate, in tba Lumpur Police Court, delivered J® 8 yesterday in the case »K a ns o- fit > Chai of Chop Kwong Teo Sang. 1 Hai and Kee Chib Km
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 219 10 Since the The Allied Governments Have Bought Over ROYAL TYPEWRITER To Equip their New Armies “Compare the work” and you too will choose the ROYAL Typewriter—the machine that makes big organizations complete. STOCKED IN BRIEF, POLICY 8 FOOLSCAP SIZES BY THE SOLE IMPORTERS HUTTENBACH ROS. AND COMPANY. ■HOOI LARGE QUANTITIES
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  • 986 11 A TbAVIL SUBSTITUTB. (Frum A "Timet" Corretpondent time when frailer spirits used to 11 while at home few of us Jit 40 b h ,nes «bout scouring the country, a**Chance offered, in search of sport or TJittum» B l ow h T0,C9 “'w i. heard in the
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  • 1135 11 SuPER-DrBADNOUOHTS OR SUBMARINE Hunters Lon lon, DecemVer 6Tko shipbuilding items of treat and somewhat contrasting; interest hare been made public during the last few dajs he first, which takes the form of an official American statement, is to the effect that the sum of three hundred and fifty
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 12 11 fe" Uk t lb Th“l r d J0 thi. ss«rw £k~?'» SSi'&SCKS.M
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    • 180 11 E. O. Hotel. -:o:SPECIAL TIFFIN F.VFRY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY THE SWASTHYA SAHAYA PILLS. Are the surest and most efficacious remedy for Nervous Debility, Bodily Weakness, Sleeplessness, Wasting Diseases, Vital Exhaustion, etc. etc. They are unrivalled in restoring LOST HEALTH and are A BOON for the enjoyment of HAPPY LIFE. Sole Agentt.
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    • 471 11 To Suffer or Net to Suffer TherP is only one answer. Little’S Oriental Balm has forever binished the need to suffer. Rheumatism, swollen, painful joints, weakened muscles, the most unbearable aches and pains disappear at the soothing touch of this renowned remedy. Just rub in LITTLE’S ORIENTAL BALM (applied externally)
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1312 12 p BRITISH IRDIA AND APCAR LINE (Companies Ineorpsrsfed la England MAIL AND PABSENCIR SERVICES. y -*r v** !> LK. P. M KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET S.N. COMPANY.) IWQOBPOBATSD 1M HoLLAN Fok Intbhdbd to Bail Stbambr “Stela TYRES PENINSULAR AMD ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contrast with Hi» Majesty’s Government.) Th« Company's MAIL
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