Straits Echo, 24 January 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1239 1 4 is/SSI *ll MO J'faf IM--Of WHICH iS TMi St L Vi ;r/E>A7 111 r, s|*£cti 7* roi sC > ,*e- •t'C Hz gt£| izuc ips “-ss V <- Pn«—^ I !For Chinese NEW YEAR. Send y< ur car early to avoid (jigappointment for painting or rfttniihing. We have br
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    • 11 1 ioi** WAN r m Vvl k --5» 4 .'K-cs' '®n NATURAL
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 SXWt 1 SA’ v'v 0 V SSM it*.*; 4 v £r- &&Ĕ&&K&&4 I|M i'S ll^sy r*P%£ f i L m' w$ '< fvsr y&i GX-iCi m O >• '4 i H ?W3 iC/l W AkS tfSuVi Pkf i s 5:-» El R l r-S: 'il rr. 5*5 ►V SLTi» sJ-
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  • 1937 3 India and the Future. By William Archer. (Hutchinson. IBs. net.) In thia very striking volume Mr. William Archer has made a valuable and timely contribution to the study of the problem which is embodied in the title he has selected for it. It is none the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 199 3 passive Bedsteads at Popular Prices. MAKERS. FITTER BROS. BIRMINGHAM. Pillars highly enamelled black, la thick Three Brass Rings and four brass spindles, brass vases on top of pillars. Size 6ft 6m. by 4ft- 6in. price $45. &ft. $47. 5ift. $55. >j 6ft. i, 65. 4. ilL Side Rail with brass
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    • 40 3 Early Colds. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at onoe. Fer sale by all dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 696 3 I f TSKLt-LT-RHEUMATISM, .LUMBAGO SCIATICA. Rheumatism* Lumbago and Sciatica are three of the most common and most painful complaints and practically arise from the same cause and the names only distinguish the location of the disease. If the arms and legs are affected it is called Rheumatism; if in the
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  • 1319 4 As the war goes on, less is said about territorial changes and less is thought of them, whilst more attention is devoted to the internal transformations within the b lligerent countries. One knows that there w.ll be certiiu changes of frontiers, and one hopes that at leist the
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  • 593 4 Effect of Closing Down The r Distilleries, 3 The abnormal prices realized at a large t sale of Bcotch whisky by public auction ic i the City of London in mail week have t excited general surprise, and alarm is ex pressed in retail trade circles lest still
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 104 4 S3 i tc< fry. £3 «R 1 ESSHgaEggggiE SESKSSffiSiSEBEaM THE Leading Penang Boot Store ALL VARIETIES Of Tremendous Assortment. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd., (Incorporated In England.) M KL K) El >.5 ra e 9 £3 sa isd fj J 5S :3l «4 53 SI i E Si i Value Unepalled.
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    • 70 4 Sufferers from Iodi*» sMon will find speedy »nd pe noan nt relief by taking a coarse of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. This medicine has been proved by generations of English Colonists throughout the world to be the for family use, It is a true corrective and preventive. Millions of people
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    • 561 4 BAXTER V CoT~" BEST NAVY CANVAS S'KDILAbDS, BOTTERY 0 Penang Sades By order of the Administratrix lk Estate of Pooah An alias deceased, of Che Em Une, Peil J TO BK SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTlO N At 38, Beach Street, On Tuesday, 29th Jjnuary, I9jg AT 11 a ,M. An
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  • 1705 5 Contribu'ed I pre-ide over tne d otinies of a small rubber Estate in K.dah. B bind me snelchloog rolling downs thickly covered with lalmj, unb.oken except tor occasional signs of previous habitation and cultivamn. Here, in sheltered corners, the c-tile drover rests his herds. lam living
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  • 291 5 The Hindu festival of Taipusum will be c&hbrated in Penang on the 26:h and 27tb instant, tbe first day (Saturday) having, as usual, been proclaimed a public holiday Tbe idol Supramanian will be taken from its shrine in Penang Street to the Chetty Temple at Waterfall Koad on
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  • 43 5 The Empire Theatre’s bill of fare for to-night contains a Rsdfeather photoplay, entitled Fighting for Love” in five acts, Fatty’s Tintype Tangle”, Oh you Honeymoon” Circumstantial Guilt” and Sciappily Married”. The Voice on the Wire” will appear during the first show.
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  • 77 5 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony Co’s. Share list tod*y s Tekong (Singapore), etc. 10 pellers; Tougk«b Harbour T n Dredaickr N-L $l7 buyers and $l7 50 stilus px diT.; E istprn Smelting Co.,L v d ,O r d,57.25 buyer*, and $7 75 sellers ex
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 576 5 nrT sr 9* 9* SH* 9" f* tr 9P f9* 9“ 9* 9* 9* 9 HERE'S A PROGRAM THAT TAKES SOME BEATING Showiug four nights only Jany., 24, 25, 26, 27lh,Thurs, Fri., Sat., Sun., HS H5 empire theatre Business Manager Thomas Shafto. HS HP H¥ HP HP HP HP HP
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    • 391 5 WANTED. A pair of Brilliant E*r:ings wtight aboa 10 Carats. to 39, MiCili ter Road. WANTED. WANIED AT ONCE a Malay Doimrctor for Appiy 8‘attog «alary required and previous experienced to THE MANAGER, Ban L m Cbearg Tin Mining. BentoDg, via K»ob, Upper Perak WANTED. TWO EXPERIENCED COMPOSITORS for the
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    • 463 5 WORK REQUIRED IN LEISURE HOURS It BY BRITISHER. W-ll up in 8 ereUrial at:d Geof ial Offica work; bookkeeping, Ijd^- writing, etc., N»atrp88, Accuracy. Despatch and ABSOLUTE CON FI DEN E ASSURED Excellent credential);. Replies tc:— “GEORGE;’ c/o Strait» Echo. Penang Auction Mart DAIMLER LANDAULETTE IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION For
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price Daily Local $3O per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: “ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Echo) 586. Printing Department 343. N.h. —ail business communication»
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  • 1361 6 German propaganda takes many forms, but its methods are extraordinarily similar. Not only in military matters do they pin I their faith on the offensive defensive But in other spheres this is described as the Tu quoque" argument which the British schoolboy long ago stigmatised as “the
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  • 945 6 Mr. E. Jeff, of Serembap, Is in hospital in Singapore. H. E. the Governor will be in Penang again in the near future. Mr. E. J. Bennett, of Meaera Behr <fc Co,, ia away in the southern settlemeit for a fortnight The Hop. Mr. and Mrs. R.C.M.
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  • 988 6 A wr Labour B »fthday. With the coogrtss winch day at Nottingham the L?bour P its twenty-sixth birthday. 0 J p lao k8 p«ty. pi, 8 h( »1« formation in January, 1892 90 ‘ti control of the means of nrorw' ““‘«ml butioD, and -x.h.nge-. C bcBD adopted under
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 196 6 ***************4 4 SUN CLASSES BE GOOD TO YOUR EYES. m They are the irost sensitive orgars of the body. Don’t go out dorrs in the brilliant sunlight without Fnn Glasses We have just received new stocks in all tints and patterns. Prices from $1.00 to HO 00 MOTOB a Kaife
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  • 569 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS] ATTITUDE OF AUSTRIAN LABOUR. AUTHORITIES’ IMPORTANT CONCESSIONS The Emperor’s Earnest DesireAmsterdam, January 22. A telegram from Vienna repots that a Uhcnr delegation bad a conference with the Austrian Government at which (he Premier emphasised His Majesty’s f inest desire for a speedy,
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  • 660 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] Further Details London, January 22. The Admiralty publishes further details regarding the Qoeben ard Bretlau engagemrnt whioh show that our destroyer Lizard was patrolling the waters north-east of Imbros when she sighted the Bretlau and the Qoeben going north. The Lizard gave the alarm
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  • 624 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Enemy Balds Repulsed. London, January 22,12.35 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig repoits: “We repulsed attempted raids to the east of 1 Ypree.” Successful Patrol Encounters. London, January 23, 12.20 a.m. Sir Jouglas Haig reports the capture of two machine-guos in successful patrol encounters last eight to the
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  • 409 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE FALL OF JERUSALEM. An Event of World Importance. London, Jan. 22. Lord Bryoe, speakieg at a barquet in London, said that the taking of Jerusalem was a gre.t event in the history of the world. He congratulated the Arabs, who had been
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  • 268 7 C From Our Own Correspondent Londoo, January 22, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were; Pale Crepe 2/3J Diamond Smoked Sheet M 2/3£ Singapore, January 24. Pale Crepe 83—99 Ribbed Smoked M 78—93 Plain 65-80 To-day's Tinns, —High water 5.18 a.m. and 5.05 p.m,; Low
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  • 525 7 [Kuutuu’s Telegrams.] REASONS FOR RESIGNATION. No Difference About the War. LjDdon, Jm. 22, 7-10 a m. In view of the critical state of the Irish Convention Sir E. Carson’s resignation has not caused surprise. The terms of his exchange of letters with Mr. Lloyd
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  • 56 7 The following artioles will be foind on oar outside pages Pages. 3. —lndia and the Future. 4. —Germany To-d*y. Dear Whisky. 5. —Padi Harvesting in Kedah. Thaipusam Festival. Shares. 8. —Legislative Council, To-morrow’s Band Programme. The Week’s Events. Penang Rubber Auction. 9. —Agricultural Shows. 10. —A Week on the
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  • 55 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to«day at $137.25, business donp, in Singapore, (refined) at $137 75, buyers no sellers. Messrs. Boustead Co. inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the 22nd inst. received yesterday:— Plantation 1st latex
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  • 41 7 INTER-ALLIED CONFERENCE. Paris, January 23. M. Ciemenceau will preside at the Paris meeting of the Allied Prime Ministers and Ministers of War whioh is likely to be held next week. Mr. Lloyd George and Signor O lando will participate.
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  • 17 7 On the Versailles War Committee the Ut- ited States and Greece will be represented.
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  • 53 7 The Timet thinks that an agreement between the Entente Powers and the Netherlar ds is about to be concluded, the object of which is to place Dutch tonnage at the disposal of the Allies in exobange for foodstuffs and raw materials whioh will enable Dutch industries
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  • 610 7 List or Entriis. (From Our Own Correspondent. Kuala Lumpur, January 24. The following are the entries for the Selangor Race Meeting to be held on January 31 and February 2 FIRST DAY. 1 The Planters’ Stakes, J 3 The Planters’ Purse. 6 The Planters' Plate. Value $4OO
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  • 5684 8 THE RESTRICTION ON RUBBER LAND e*ALES. Reasons foe Amending Bill, A meeting of the L’gisl tve Couucil was held on Monday. H. E. the Governor (Bir Arthur Young, GC.M.G.), was in the chair, and the other members present were H. E. the General Officer Commanding (Maj )r*Ganeral D.
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  • 83 8 Wednesday, January 23. Town Band, Esplanade. Selangor Turf Club, Bice Entries close, Thursday, January 24. and Publio Cemetery, Public Meeting, Town Hal), 2 p m. Friday, January 25. Town Band, Esplanade, Conversion of St. Paul. Chiuese Chamber of Commerce, Adjourned General Meeting, 2 pm, Saturday, January 26.
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  • 87 8 The undermentioned prices were realised for rubber sold by Messrs. Allen Dennyi A Co. at their second Auction Sale held this week: Smoked Disagppd Sheet No.*!* sBsto 97 per picul Smoked Diamond Sheet No. 2 58 83 do Unpmokud Shpet No. 1 73 do Uosmoked Sheet No,
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  • 154 8 Tbe following programme of music wii be played at the Esplanade to-morro* at 5 p.m. 1 Selection A British Campaign 2 Waltz Woddi-g of tbe Wind» Ha l 3 Selection Pirateq of Penzance Bulli v,D 4 Polka The D*p Bua Sea Brewer 5 Maroh The Handicap Rjeey
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  • 977 9 Id oar news columns we have already chronicled the fact that a project is on foot j in Teluk Anson to hold an Agricultural Sbow in August next and that the popular District Officer of Lower Perak is report» d to ba taking the lead in the matter
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 344 9 g-g-gLAJLP-nr* %i'. :l 1 MANUFACTURED BY The Malkin Tile Works Co., Ltd.. C c ii BURSLEM, ENGLAND. WHITE GLAZED TILES. 6 inches by 6 inches by 3 8 inches FOH ALL FUR CHES Extensively ueed throughout thT Straits and F M.Ii. s e; k g ©3 grooved white GLAZED TILE5.
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    • 50 9 Why It Sells. Chamberlain's Cough Bamedy is the largest sellirg cough medicine in the wor»d to-uay because it does exactly what a cougb remedy is supposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and does it speed* ily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and dealers,
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    • 520 9 3STOTICB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th.t my interest and responsibility in the firm of C. M. Nonrdio Co. carrying on business at 89-91 K ng Street, Penang, has ceased as from to-day, Md. Kassim Mexican, Penang, 21st Janaary, 1918, NOTICE. TBE UNDERSIGNED hare mutually dissolved the partnership business Chop Chin
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    • 272 9 iti m ess Dr. Cassell’s Tablets Cure Stomach Trouble and Make You Strong. When you cannot digest your food it just lies in your stomach, as it might lie in a pit, and does you no good. That is why bad stomach makes you weak and ill. it makes your
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  • 1050 10 (Bt W. Douglabs Nrwton.) On the threshold of a fourth witter of ffcp war the Germans are again ooncentraticg efftots on manoeuvre! for peace, a German peace. Aa before they are building their hopes on plans—both military and political —to break the unity of the Coalition ranged against
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  • 962 10 A Week on the F la nders Front. (By Fuank Fox, R. p The last week of October 4L f o nt m Flanders, according fo rK 'port of the United State? fl h,t H| V*r, wag marked by substanH f»» mportant strategic value 1 fts, t driTiog into the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 88 10 Chamberlain’» Cough Remedy. When yoa hare a bad cold yon want a remedy that will not only give relief, bat effect a prompt and permanent care, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injarioas. Chamberlain’s Coagh Remedy meets all these requirements. It acta on natare’s
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    • 135 10 Ti 7 r r ..rti i» bjiouinifio [1 SI SOITOII I not tT^Hl 10 X oi trfi* O »t* A b •%bD .*i The Allied 1 Governments Have Bought Over T* I HOI »a< •ciC n no ■i 91 m •dl J* od T» Ids a i, i c »<ff
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    • 129 10 GROSS HBRMANOS, MALAGA, SPAINSHIPPERS OF HIGH CLABS PRODtJCB AND GROCERY LINKS, INCLUDING RAISINS DRIED FIGS. ALMONDS NUTS. LEMONS. GRAPES, OLIVES, PURE OLIVE SALAD OIL. WINES CHICKPEAS, ANISEED CUMIN SEED. Etc. Reliable A grata waated i. all large tawa Higkeat reference* mmd samples on applicative. Write for our Illustrated Catalotue 8
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    • 9 10 For Children’* Hacking 1 Wood*’ Oreal Pepf» r iB
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  • 1951 11 MAJOR CHARLES FOX’S ESCAPE. Exciting Narrative, Few stories of the escape of British prisoners-of-war from Germany are more enthralling than that of Major Charles Fox, of the Soots Guards. Major Fox is the well known oar of Pembroke College, Oxford, who won the Diamond Sculls in 1901
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 149 11 o* Crlu/Ml -J f5HITA0 5«WW m fL..,. ■n •BMl M E W “H “TSINGTAO BEER First-class Beverage -For Ti rod Nerves Try arid soo -For yourselves If no±, Come and consult usvwsrueeti 1 mrnma0 < 'Mi '£r. i n 'M V i' TriNCTAaBREWEPv SOLE GENTS: THE EASTERN TRADING Co., Penang
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    • 391 11 To Suffer or Not to Suffer There is only one answer. Little'8 Oriental Balm has forever banished the need to Buffer. Rheumatism, swollen, painful joints, weakened muscles, the most unbearable aches and pains disappear at the soothing touoh of this renowned remedy. Just rub in LITTLE’8 ORIENTAL BALM (applied externally)
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1405 12 p. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Em land MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hia Majesty’s Government.) The Company's Iff AIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY ere at preeent anapended. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombs} aa opportunity offers tad a* far aa
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