Straits Echo, 23 January 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1266 1 it I «..f'ftgMr I 3 Cf WHICH IS THt U- .o«** r f.s roil USK ,/W- a—«w "t §fe 1 js3|JJ£tt £SS i N»nWf C 4.., ai.>viM«c For Chinese •C BANKS T ChartGr ed Bank of India, Hongkong and Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. NEW YEAR» T ’lncorporated in
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    • 9 1 v fey ''ltto-fiZ /83 iff .'i v--1 m 5D
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 198 2 r* SEY •P'A r Z'( *»>:s< u rft 5V c fears ifcv.S* -fft ffc:»:a* v m^yss 9W o\ (Qi: 50 ra y?: 15« fi R is m >•' A V jjr/1 ute* 4 -••>- 3 5* >% rv i a VAl m v 1 -i ■■i t* 3j UkJKl.l I
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  • 1638 3 Throughout the war it has b°en my erd'nviur to oider myself lowly and reverently to all my betters, and to avoid the popular method of assutirg tba engine of war b> dropping grit in the works. But we have just been lostiuc ed by the
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  • 366 3 THE NATIONAL CONG RE 38. British Pkiss Comments. Madras, January 10. A Madras Mail special cable, dated London, January 7, states All comment on the Congress meeting is decidedly acid. Under the title "The White Race” the Globe refers to Mrs. Besant’s highly imaginative address pointing
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 605 3 municipal notice. be obtained from A t t TBRSONS chimin* refund of s in cf owt-llir* «riot »or aDj portions of th* halfb°U' ending Sl»t D omb j r, 1917, are TP,r b jo D inded (bat sued claim must be bere the Commissioner* on or before Ssw” .JofJ.n-.ry. 1918.
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    • 67 3 Suffarers from Indigestion will finds peedy and permanent relief by taking a course of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. This medicine has been proved by genera•ions of Eoglisb Colonists throughout tbe vnrld to be the for family use, It is a tru9 corrective and preventive. Millions of people rely upon it
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    • 750 3 A Great: Meal BMmtMMM, K»J V -hnr And A. Caveat 1 onic Iron Jelloids. A Great Ideal is placed before the world by Bert holdi’s Colossal Statue of Liberty, which greets the traveller entering New York Harbour To a robust constitution alone is possible the fulfil merit of great ideals.
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  • 2146 4 The Cambrai Setback. iFrvm Our Own CorrvspovxleniO London, December 6 The grandiose bulletins of enemy success at Cambrai —issued from the Potsdam Bureau of lie* and exaggeration*—hare fizzled out considerably, and the local ■uccesses achieved have been more than compensated for. The greater part of the
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  • 277 4 Penang, Januaet 23, 1918. Bbb eli. Soup per catty 14-I5 Roast 26-27 Fteaks 26-27 Stew or Curry Msat 18—20 Rump Steak 26 Ox Tail each 30—35 Tongue 50-55 Feet each Heart 35—40 Liver per catty 40 Fillet of Beef gg POEK Pork per catty 50—60 with fat 38-40
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 106 4 r 'k^ B r^i r>iV« *1 THE K E Leading Penang Boot Store El IS 61 W> ALL VARIETIES OF m m E£ 5] p ia Bi Kj M I Tremendous Assortment. GENTLEMEN'S FOOTWEAR. rg 0 ea Ed 03 M iS' P s £1 a 3 Value Unequalled. Whiteaway, Laidlaw
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    • 72 4 NOTICE (KWONGTUNC AND TENCCHAD PUBLIC CEMETERY). A PUBLIC MEETING will bi t! d the Toh Pdk Kong Temple, iv B Street, on Thursday, the 24‘h instant, p.m. sharp. Brawns. 1, To receive accounts and report* the previous years. 2, To elect office bearers tor ensuing year, 3. Genera). QOH TAIK
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  • 452 5 bagochabpeb A Pretty FunctzonTbe marriage oi Mr- Edmund Bagot and Mt.s £a« H»ip r took pLo* on S*iurd *y, January 19, =»t Of. Ma-y’s Church, Ku»l» Lumpur, by tbe B v. A. B. Cn»mpiun. M A., «lieu very large congiegatiun w»8 prtseut. Ike Cbuicu wai bd*u-.itully deoorattrd,
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  • 261 5 A meeting waa held in the Stadt House MaUccs, on Siturdsy, to coosid .r m«ans for boldmg a Eubb j r Exhibition an IFe e, »h--proceeds to b* fqu«lly divided between tbe S»ar and Garter Fu d and St. Duastan’s Fuad, writes a Straits Timet correspondent. Ttn
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  • 201 5 [To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune J Sir, Many of your readers will not forget the Cdinree bigamy case in Bex, on the projection of Lim Cbei g H»i, versus Cb w Chiat Kye and once a litigant asked bow and why an enactment regardiog tbe Begistration
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  • 444 5 EATTAN FOR JUVENILE THIEF. Ng, a 13 yeir-oli Ooinise boy, wig ordnred four strokes wi'h a rattan by Mr. S. H. Ling-don for the theft of a qumtity of B<ko from a tongkang on the night of the 21-st inst. The tongkang, loaded wto sago, was
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  • 493 5 (By H.B.O. Pollard) The requisitioning of forced labour in occupied territories is now so much part and p<*rcrl cf the German system that new methods of compulsion and fresh evasions of tho letter and the spirit of the Laws of Warfare, arouse no surprise. Ia view
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 451 5 1= To-Night To-night DRURY LANE iSjednedday, 23rd January, 191S. well selected Programme specially for this occasion: PATHE *RESENlS llOLTiY KINO, LI-ON BAKY AND GLADDEN J M E3 IN Mystery of the Double Cross 30 p^ts 'j he Greatest Mystery -Serial which caused a sensation on the continent. Episode The Ctrl
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    • 626 5 tffit— fit— aEmpire theatre Business Manager Thomas Shafto. aA PROGRAM RICH AND RARE/ YOU CANNOT RAVE BETIER THAN THE BEST, From standpoint of sensationalism. From the standpoint of Punch. fiH 8H aFrom the standpoint of suspense and Holding—Power. YOU MUST SEE THESE NEW REELS UNIVERSAL'S GREAT DETECTIVE SERIAL ftl THE
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  • 99 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Daily Local S3O per annum. Outstation Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: *mTcHO PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 586. Printing Department 343. fl.h.—A It bum
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  • 1426 6 Were Great Britain in a position to satisfy her own requirements in respect to food, the problem would be a compaiatively simple one. But when it is remembered that four-fifths of her food su} plies are drawn from oversea sources—many of them thousands of miles distant, and
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  • 1036 6 Mr. R. G. W*tso f C.M.G., has gone on a ten days’ tcur in Uppar Berak. Mr. W. Linehjn has baen appointed an assistant collector of land revenue f Rmta. Mr. B. E. D’Ararjo, who was on a short holiday herp, returned to Kusla Lumpur testerday afternoon.
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  • 1085 6 The P T.C. and the Y.M C A E «r Since the ou uf the c 01 flict the Penang Tu-f Club h%* 0 a generous supporter of the va-i-o, Ua rais-d locally in connection wuh charitiPB, I'o-day, we learf, the com h*ve decided to donate our of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 202 6 NEW CARS IN STOCK. A LONDON BUILT LIGHT CAR OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. patvenger latent Moiel, fitted wiTi Magaeto ign tion and Electric light* PETROL CONSUMPTION 28/30 MILES PER GALLONPULLMA N. 11*. imt ik.1 ka« >iw> ys oo<J *.d Hard. ir-d.y for ela»»»e«l quality* r passenger latest Mod»*l, fitted with
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  • 636 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.] important nfws FKOiI 1 bUDAPEST. Militarism Still Firm in Germany. L lidoo, J »r. 21, 2-15 pm. Acibe from Amsteidam states that the of Doctor too V.lectine, Ohio» f ,b e K.inei’u Oil Cabini-t and only C)[ d:o importance to the Chancellor
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  • 617 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS] negotiations resumed. Little Progress Made. Loudon, January 21, 6 p.m. A cable from Amsterdam states that the Brest-Litov-k deliberations were returned on January 18. M. Trofzky reiterated the demand for a referendum of the peoples of the occupied territories on the question of their destiny. Biron
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  • 643 7 [REUTER'S TELEGRAMS] THE BOLSHEVIK TERROR. Ex-Ministers Murdered. London, January 21, 9 45 p m. A telegram from Petrograd, dated JanI uary 20, states that twelve armed persons I forced their way into a hospital seeking for M. Sbiagari -ff, ex-Minister of Finance, and M. Kokoshkin, ex-S ’.ate
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  • 68 7 Tttrf Club’s Gbkbkous Donation. [To th* Editob of thi Straits Echo Dear Sir, I am directed to inform you that my Committee have decided to defray tbe total cost of a Y.M.C.A. R*d Triangle Hut. A cheque for $5 200 is being forwa f
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  • 599 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] An Unlucky Sortie. L mdoo, January 21. The Admiralty ttates that the Gosben I and the Breslau emerg d from the Darda- I Ini lies early on the morning of Sunday and attacked our forces to the north of Imbros I with the result
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  • 26 7 ([Front Out Own Correspondent London, January 21, The prioes in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/4J Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/3J
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  • 854 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams Patrol Encounters. LondoD, January 21, 12 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig in his despatch states that we captured a few prisoners as the I result of patrol encounters. Carrying On. London, Jan. 22, 12 20 a.m. Sir Douglas H«ig reports that there was enemy artillery fire to
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  • 189 7 FRENCH PREMIER AT THE FfiONr. Visit to the Trencher Paris, January 22. M. Clemeuoeau has two days visiting two sectors of the French front. On Saturday he visited the first-line tranches where he was visibly impressed by the bieh spirits of the troops. The Premier also visited a
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  • 81 7 Amount previously acknowledge 0 cd 1180,868.97 Collecting Card 77 Penang Hindu Stbha 4.00 Additional amount received c/a j iodiDgB oar 97.80 Additional amount received o/a Dmdings Oar Day 4Q 45 Interest on *2 700 SB. Government 6JO War Loan Bonds refuuded 7 gg
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  • 289 7 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at $137.25, buyers no sellers, in Singapore (refined) at $138, business done, (200 tons sold) sod io London at .£299 10s. spot and a* -£296 10three months. Messrs. Boustead Co inform us that the following were the quotations for
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  • 97 7 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 3 —Home Rule for India. War A me and Blank Cheques, 4. —War News and Gossip. 5. —K. L. Wadding. Malacca Robber Exhibition. Polios Court News. Marriage Laws, Forced Labour in Belgium. 8-—The Germans in China. One of
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  • 234 8 Pbnamo, January 23. 8. P. Tapioca 910 60 a%!e*. M P. Tapioca 10.90 sale* Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Coaat 3 lb. 5 0z).916 1/2 buyers Black Pepper 25 OO buyers White Pepper 40 nominal Trang Pepper ...982«eason over Mace 1110 nom. Mace Picking* 48 sellers Olovea season over Hat
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  • 614 8 Several times within the last few months ♦he British communique has contained the htatement Last uignt a German raiding party attacked one of our small posts. One of our men is missing.” To the unsophisticated resder there is something pnzz in?, almost c yp'ic,
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  • 339 8 Wbdnksday, January 23. Town Bind, E-plarade. Selangor Turf Club, R<ce Entries close, Thursday, January 24Kwongluog aod Tenwcbua Public Cemetery, Pub ia Meeting, Town Hall, 2pm Friday, January 25. Town Band, Esp an*de, Conversion of St. PauI. Coiaese Chamber of Commerce, Adjourned Genp*al g. 2 pm. Saturdat, January
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  • 1028 8 The striking letter which appeared in Tuesday's is-ue has naturally provoked a voed deal of comment in the Settlement. It is scarcely necessary to add that it n fl cte ibe views ot a Dumber of B:»tiehers of men who are convinced that strong action is
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  • 1055 8 Crublty to Native Backs. DiJ-uisiug *ba re-aoot» wby tbe Germans ct.lon’PS 8 h n’d not bo restored to tbf m, the Morning Post r*js: We have discovered in (b« con tto of cur campaigns ia Atric* that tba O rm*D treatment of ibe At'icau na 1 ive
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  • 771 8 (From th* notk-Book of an English LIAISON OFFICBR). It seem a but yeattrd »_>— y-t, auch is tbe flight of time, it is now uj my oioodb ago co*t the old world ci yof S»louika saw yet j aiothf-r coatiibutioQ to the A’mits o' R-)d~inption form up
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  • 270 8 The programme at the Empire last night attracted atcowtad'house, m»ny patrena in the auditoriums being unable to secure a «eat. The programme is a strong one and was muoh er j red by the largp audienee "Ghariie Chap ia” in “The P*operty Man” and ‘Pass the Prunes”, a
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  • 480 8 Doomed Hun Pir ATKB Are the Kaiser’s U beats hk H u the example of some of h a land °M°W <»g the recent figbtiDgM’d '.T' l owelve« P v °luutarily This, says a special Daily Express, iu a letter f ro !o *2 was me
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  • 143 8 Residents of Ipoh will have boon delight* ed to read therannounodment made in our columns yesterday, says the local paper, that Messrs. Huttenbach B os, have decided to sell ice by retail at half a cant p°r pound. It ia, of course, well known that ioe
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 a □□□nano □□□□DDCa □□□□□a SEEDS INDIGO *IO per lb. Apply to: fCycle Carriage COMPANY. BEACH STREET, a a a >□□□□□□□ol >■□□□□□□ JONG-KEENA SPECIAL NOTICE TO DENTAL SURGEONS AND DENTISTS. Mr. Y. Tan has proved by experience and can confidently recommend the use of his Jonk-keena in dentistry cases. A small
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    • 41 8 Early Colds. Bfl careful of the colds you take at tfc s time ofthe year. They are particularly dangerous. A neglected cold may mean a win» ter-lonf? cold. Take Chamberlain’s Couch Remedy at onoe. For sale by all dispensaries and dsalors.
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    • 79 8 Stff *rer»if<otn I dip a* ionr willfiid sp*. dy %ndfi»“ man nt relief by 'nlrin* a cnnrsn c f WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE. This medtcioe ba? proved by »i ms of English 0 donists th ough jut tb« w >rld to be the b *»t for family u>e. It is
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    • 184 8 CHINESE CHATOEB OP COlffE® The adjourned G°neral Meetioß wi!l tx held at the Chinese Town Hdl on Frid»Ji 25th January, 1918, at 2 p m. sharp. Business: 1. To consider new system in iinwf Delivery O ders for Grods ordww and Receipts for pivments ntf® 2. To consider the Rubber
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  • 2308 9 i 0 •j Dividend e.2 N w f CL Capital Kkiir issued 1 1 s last loanfar «arrant j Vaae s 1 l M 08 aeial jaar. yaar. 6* 1 9 f eta f eta 18» t 1 '«,000 1 '40,000 1 i 60 Alar Gajah Bab¥ar Estata, Ltd.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 258 9 THE eastern produce exchange. 27. Beach Street,'*! the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Chant. CAPITAL $120,000. Auctioneers Brokers. The 203rd Auction Sale of Rubber WILL BE HELD On Thursday, the 24th January, 1918. Auction Sales of Rubber held twice a week, on every Monday and Thursday. Sale of
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  • 559 10 (Bt i Military Corrkspondunt.) There baa been a good deal of iloose talk daring the week about the Prime Minister’* Pari* speech, says a m»il p-per. There i* no doubt the Prime Minister bit the right nail on the head when he pounoed on strategical disunity
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  • 330 10 An Arab correspondent of The Timet, writing from Jeddah, shows how the King of the Hedjiz has reformed the abuses of the Turkish regime. Pilgrims now pay no more than 365. a day for the first three days’ lodging in Jeddah and afterwards 18s., as compared with
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  • 396 10 It is interesting to obsfrve that the Chinese Minister in the middle »f bis reoent sp eeb at the Lyceum Club, London, HHid he regarded the entry of China ioto thwar as one of the vreatest events of the long history of that country. For a
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  • 592 10 1 With the continued political complications the Cbioese Government gets small 1 opportunity for turning its attention to many matters where reforms would do much to improve the relations between Chinese and foreigners and promote trade. The judiciary is a case in point. In recent years successive
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 88 10 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When you hare a bad oold you want a remedy that will not only gire relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that ia pleasant to take, a remedy that contains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s
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    • 75 10 6 t. 1 hi LA »■5 B t»' y ft I FOR EFFICIENCY, iR.T.Reid&Co. s PENANG re NS f «dT X JEFFREY'S BEER Cn 1 f y>J? r ,r W /g£§& y/ <y < -v imsM 'l .y w T /2L j isSBBi i \'jsi*J i ;3 H l W
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    • 592 10 oc DC DocDncr IT’S GOOD TO FEEL TIREn after healthy exercise but if that tred feeling does not disa after a night’s it’s abnoimal It means that you are in**** or debilitated, that you need a toni to build up your thin bio > j naiailc JDr. Williams’ Pink Pilid
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  • 2607 11 HOW IT WAS SUPPRESSED. Phots From :bk Fort. The New Sun recently received through ‘he International News Bureau of boston an eye-witness’s j accouut of a German naval mutiny at Will elm shaven on July 30. It was, wrote! the Daily Mml New York correspondent, a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 485 11 < mt Co- N l of DividendtmdttPTOßS have declared §d T OE Sr,d of l/-(one ebHliog) per Icier® D X»t tb" 0. E^ietered ,ffp, 13-b Frbraary. P*yment wnl tiha;f-bo!deiß fr< m tb* l ‘!=.ip" f li»t of regir.ered B, uM®M |dfrs SjdD,y BOUSTEAD A C 0„ Agent» 220 d Ju.omjl*'®m
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    • 90 11 BAXTER Co 's BEST NAVY CANVAS. SAHIUMS, BUTTEKY S Co. Good Returns and Save Weeding. TWO CROPS IV ONE YEAR. Kobusta Coffee Nurseries After 18 months each tree gives bearing of thousands of seeds Liberian Coffee Nurseries After 24 months each t ee gives bearing of thousand* of seeds Planting
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    • 562 11 To Suffrr or Not to Suffer T h 1 n on. answer. Little 9 Orleniai Ifalm has forever banisued the need s o suffer Rbeumrtism, swoUtn, painful J )intB, wfabtned muscl b, the most UDbear*',k.*ohf* nd P a,DB disappear a t the soothing touch of this renowned remedy. Just rub
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1417 12 P. 0, —BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. Psssenffers for Europe are booked via Bombej as opportunity offers and as fares eeeommodation is
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