Straits Echo, 19 January 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1290 1 ®f WHICH IS THE i£>' c f'WCTI r<s rot U*® !^»S Vfitif 4 ->-"*•** *S2 r.rfafr For Chinese mi YfcAR. •< BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Nederlandsohe Handel Maatschappij. Send your car early to avoid disappointment
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    • 22 1 f 7* Vi f .4 u «3 i VifJf ftvr < It'S Z s. of» fi E I^IOT V, -*<* m .»y, 'SS'3t*M rs
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  • 1129 2 Tub Lxnbing-Ishii Agbmhuwi The Lansing-Ishii agreement oonoerning China belds great potentialities for both good and harm, in the view of Dr. Jeremiah W Jenks, research professor of government aud public administration of New York University, ohairman of the Alexander Hamilton Institute, and director of
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  • 346 2 Ftjtube Developments. At King’s College, in mail week Sir H, H. Johnston, K. C. M. G., delivered the fourth of a series of six public lectures upon The Empire and the Outer World, in which he dealt with the problem of the development of tropical Africa. The chair
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  • 422 2 A letter, received tbia weak from Amsterdam, throws some interesting sidelights on the tribulations of the Dutch. “It is very cold for the time of year,” writes our friend, but we haven’t yet dared to start fires. There is very little fuel to be got, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 108 2 ®E2H23i THE GK> oners» fiScSf&t Leading Penang Boot Store [pj i ra 0 ALL VARIETIES OF ra V El rvi FOOTWEAR Tremendous Assortment. P a SI SI 53 SI ya P 3 13 a Gtl SI ai si Efl S si SI 3 S 3 3 ra Si E E
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    • 39 2 Early Cold». Be careful of the cold* you take at this time oftbe year. They are particularly dangerou*. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Gbamberlain’e Cough Remedy at once. Per sale by all diapeoaariee and dealer*.
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    • 631 2 You caa do it yourself, If you know any one who Buffer», if 0t suffer yourBelf in the relentleii g r j p rheumatism, if your joints are itiff Q swollen, your muscles weakened, or y car limba drawn out of shape, if you i B ff tr jf" headache,
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  • 1984 3 [Bt Tom Wmigmt Having read Gilbert Cannan’s critical study of Samuel Butler it never occurred to me to wonder why Martin decker entrusted him with the writing of tbe little book on Satire,” in his excellent Art and Craft of Letters series. If any one ever I doe?
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 693 3 H» r r r r r r r r r p r r ft r r r ft t t r t <t r r t t r ft r t r r ft t r r OM«H HTTRXCT*IOJ¥ 3, l-or Friday -jd Sunday. January; 17U», 18th, 19tli anil 20th:
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    • 417 3 -a if sparkling entertainment ot everything. It s a programme for Race Week Visitors. <+tV *n. r lit T o hf*fl .vl*'** to a rji > JSu&ineaa Manager. -a 8 Shorting To-night REELS Epi de 15 Th Mystery the Bran Hoimi Cheit 2 parti 16 The fight for Paradise Vallej
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  • 98 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Snndsys and pnbllc holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 99, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Dally Local $BO per annum. Outst&tlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Addreae: PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Coho) SB6. Printing Department 343, fl.b. —All businew communications should
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  • 1339 4 There ia a very strong sentiment, and we share it to the full, that the control of the University of Singapore, which we hope to see an accomplished fact before rery long» should not be allowed to fall into the hands of any alien (or semi-alien) religioua
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  • 954 4 Mr. A, M. Forrest, of the Chartered Bank, has joined the ranks of the Benedicts, It is considered praotically certain that General Ridout will get his K.” in the next honours list. Mrs Strugnell, Head Nurse of the Penang Municipality, leaves for India shortly for eye treatment.
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  • 955 4 A Wearing Job. Cicema film inspection mast be sir work* possibly the banned Dic^ Df physically as well as morally i„i Anyhow they have had three Cinema i?* sors in three months in the Southern sw ment and one of them only stood for a couple of days.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 181 4 BE GOOD TO YOUR EYES. Thay are the most sensitive organs of the body, Den’t go out doors in the brilliant sunlight without Bnn Glasses. We have just received new stocks in all tints and patterns. Price* from $l.OO to flO 00 MOTOR GOGGLES. s© Mads in Plain White or
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  • 696 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] HEVIK3 AND THE UKRAINE. 0 delations broken off. Hostilities EsaswoaLondon, J.eo.ry 17. 3.45 pm. hie from PetmR rft 3 report, that the ‘•‘h re.ol.ed to breek off i Com*i** 1 Ukraine *nd the Raca 1 ,!0ll b e Rede's feilere to reply to
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  • 758 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] RESPONSIBLE LEADER’8 DECLARATION. No DisruptionLondon, January, 17. The Labour Minister, Mr. Roberts, speaking at a dinner given at the Eccentric Club to Admiral Sir Rosslyn Wemyss, First Sea Lord, said that he would not be a party to the disruption of the British Empire.
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  • 181 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Tho Moslem SplitLondon, January 16. Commenting on the establishment of the Moslem Association, the Timet says it ia not surprising that the more moderate Mah&medan- all over India are following the example of the Punjab and making a stand against the faction which has seized
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  • 427 5 Under the joint auspices of the Indian Moslem Association, (Bengal), the United Provinces Moslem Defence Association, the old Punjab Moslem Lesgue and the Southern India Islamic League a meeting of representative Moslem gentlemen was held in Cal- cutta in December 29. There were present leading
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  • 228 5 Oppoaitioa to Extremist Agitatioa. Madras, December 28 Tbe first Non-Brahmin Confederation under the auspices of the South Indian Liberal Federation was held to-day under the presidency of the Baja of Venkatagin. There was a large attendance, including a number of non-Brahmin ladies. Rao Bahadur P. Theagaraya Ohetty in welcoming
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  • 156 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] INTRIGUES IN SWITZERLAND. Tino as German Agent. London, Jaouaiy 17. In the House of Commons Dr. A. Lynch (Nationalist) affirmed that ex-King Constantine of Greece was the oentre of a group of pro-Germau propagandists iu Switzerland which inoluded noted enemies of the Allies, for example tbe
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  • 442 5 Amnual Gbebral Meetieg. The annual general meeting of the Church Workers’ Association was held on Tbu’sday, January 17, at the St. George’s Girls’ Home, there being present Mrs. Biggs, VicePresident, Mrs. C. G, Miy, Hon. S crelary, Mrs. C. R. Samuel, tion. Treasuier, Mrs. A, R. J.
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  • 180 5 At the annual general meeting of tbe members of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce held at the Chinese Town Hall yesterday, the following were elected office-bearers for the current year < President, Mr. Qaah Bang Kee KtcePresident, Mr. Cbee Wor Lok Honorary Treasurer, Mr. Tho
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  • 118 5 [Rbutbb’s Tbleqrams A Successful Raid. L jndoD, Jan. 17, 12 30 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports that we successfully raided to the north of St. Quentin, and that there has been enemy artillery firing in the Tpres sector. Cast Africa. Further Encounters. London, January 17. An East African
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  • 58 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.') London, January 17. The prioes in the London Rubber Market to day were: Pale Crepe 2/4| Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/4 Messrs. Boustead Co inform us that the following were the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the 17th inst. received to-day:—
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  • 660 5 Rubber goes steadily lower, says the Wettmintter Gazette of November 14 the piice shrinks by a f v :y few dry?, and the moviu,t)..l oegins to arouse little curiosity as to its real reason. There is plenty of scope for big profits even at 2s.
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  • 113 5 TO-DAY’S RACES. LOTTERY FAVOURITES. The following were the Lottery favourites i Kaon I —Bonnety Beb (180) (180) (85). Black Prince (160) (160) (HO). Rumania (150) (220) (200). Race ll —Baba Kechit and Dara (280) (240). CharUe K. (150) (150). Raoi lll —Playmate (280) (200), Tim (220) (170).
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  • 38 5 The following are our selections i—--1. Black Prince, Bonnetty Bob, Royal Plume. 2 Dara, Baba Kechit. 3. Tim Gloria. 5. Jillawara, Milky Way, 6. 8 mdy Creek Nullo. 7. Mystic, Silent Friend, 8. The Earl, Britieher.
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  • 38 5 Raoe 4 whioh has resulted in a walkover will start at 2-30 p.m. The Visitors Purse will b 3 started at 2.55 p.m. Ipoh Plate at 3.20 p m. Ipoh Purse at 3 45 p.m.
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  • 271 5 Humanu Socintt’s Award. In spite of the unfavourable weather there was a fairly large gathering at the AngloChinese School yesterday afternoon, the occasion being the presentation of the Royal Humane Society’s certificate to Soout Lim Tit Seah by the Hon. Resident Councillor. The Hon. Mr. W. C.
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  • 30 5 The following are the alterations in Messrs. A. A. Anthony A Go’s. Share list to*day i Indragiri (Sumatra) Rubber $6 40 buyers; Malayan Collieries $ll buyers and $11.50 sellers.
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  • 129 5 The following articles will be found on our outside pages Pages. 2. —China, Jtpan and U, S. A. Tropioal Africa. Tribulations of the Dutoh. 3. —New Satire. 7, —War Notes. Rubbsr and Shipping Facilities. 6. —A Grand Fleet Chaplain’s Note-Book. After the War. The Rubber Lands Bill. Tin Outputs.
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  • 533 6 Anotheb Singapore View. At the meeting of L’giSlkVlVe Council on Monday there will bo considered and passed through all stages the amending Rubber Lands (Restriction) Bill. This bill has caused a great deal of controversy and has created particular iuter£st in tbe Federated Malay States, where
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  • 423 6 Messrs Fraser and Co.’s Weillt Circular. Messrs. Fraser Co. in their weekly share circular, dated, January 17, state s Although the commodity remains quiet with an easier tendency since last week’s auctions the demand for all the leading popular issues has been active and business generally was
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  • 428 6 Rbfebshino Enemy View. We have heufd so much from -the German Press about tbe commercial gretd of the British Empire bring the cause of tbe war that it is refreshing to turn to an article in the Deuttcfie Auttenhandel, which declares that Anglo-German antagonism is by no tne-ans
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  • 79 6 Jan 20. 2nd Sunday afteb Epiphany. 800 s,m, Matins 830 a m. Holy Communion Corporate Communion for the C.W A 10 00 a.m. Holy Communion (Tamil) 5- p.m. Sunday School 600 p.m. Evensong Hymn 273 Psalms CIV Hopkins Magnificat 46 Nunc Dimittis 61 On Wednesday. 10-00
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  • 310 6 9-00 a,m. Children’s Service. 600 p m. Public Worship. Preacher i Rev. Donald J. Rosp, m.a Hymns :—632, 378, 534, 601 and 516. Choir Practice on Thursday at 7 Butterworth Service. Public worship will be oonducted in the Straits Trading Co.’s Club, Butterworth,
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  • 946 6 R «FITTING My ship and I have both been undergoing a short refit; the ship in dock and myself in hospital. It would not be difficult to draw with meticulous care a very ingenipus f compari-on between the repairs to a ship and those required
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  • 119 6 The last two nights are announced of the present strong programme at tbs Empire. In the 2od show, commencing at 915 6harp, Biue-Bird Photoplays present The Right to be Happy” a truly magnificient production based on Charles Dickens’ immortal classic, A Christmas C»rol.” Tbis feature is followed by
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  • 889 6 THE FUTURE POSITION OF WOMEN. J By Lady Randolph Churchill All people seem to take a tremendous in- terest in the fa'e of woman as a result of the war. Personally, I think that w ’men have got as much out of the war as war has
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  • 34 6 Saturday, January 19. r Pon«Dg E»C6 8. Sunday, January 20. Second after Epipbany. Monday, January 21. Town Band, Esplanade. St. Agnes. Legislative Council Meeting, Singapore. Wrdnisday/ January 23. Towp Band, Esplanade.
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  • 1801 6 An official message from Kuala Lumpur states that the export of cultivated rubber from the Federated Malay states m the month of October amounted to 7 079 tons, compared with tons in September*' atld 6 968 tons in he corresponding' month of 1916. I total export
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  • 241 6 The output of the Ktmpong Ksmoutiog Tin Dredging for the first Xortijig^ lo Jar.uar/, was j., Hours run 579; Cubic Yard» treated 73,000 Total Piculs 466 87 R»N oa sale $34,656.33. 8 ys lhe Client U btatesm'in i The Indian honours list this J« ar most hare-facedly official”
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  • 1369 7 LondoD, Nov. 14 Just now the topic of diecugsion is the Supreme Political Council of the Allies for the whole of the Western Front, and its subsidiary body, called the Central Military Committee which is to rob the Italian Army of its commander, General Cadorna; the French War
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  • 516 7 According to the India Rubber World of New York, American importers of crude rubber and exporters of manufactured rubber goo<?s fiod the present shipping outlook very heartening. In spite of German submarine activities, that Journal points out, statistics of the Eepartment of Commerce show that U.S.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 406 7 pNVA”, SO- 0. 10V-M' BSTim 8 burrell m 0i ED R AW LINSEED oils, ckjoW WHITE ZINC, paints&turpentine. be hid Retail a!l ,he leading Stores. «KPILANDS, BUTTERY Co. A„ ,Mti straits Scttlamantj LJi3 /W Jko JOHN BAZIEY WHITE BROTHERS' PORTLAND CEMENT., “LION BRAND” iiandilands, Buttery Go., AGENTS. f'cn&ng 3* F.M.S.
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    • 78 7 Occasional spells of Fever may be said to be the inheritance of all who come to the Tropics. As an easement and to quickly break them down and restore the body temperature te normal, there is nothing better than WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CUREA dose or two of this medicine will
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    • 49 7 acciAecidents Will Happea It may be impossible to prevent an dent, but it is not impossible to be prepared for it. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is not yond anyone’s pnrse, and with a bottle of this liniment yon are prepared for almost anything. For »1« by »U dupanaarto. and doalars.
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    • 485 7 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. FIRST CLASS Book keeper and Typist for Rubber Estate Free furnished quarters, good salary to the right man. Married Chinese preferred, Apply MANAGER. Trong Rubber Estates, Limited via Tailing. WANTED, WANTED a Qualified Chemist for a Singapore Dispensary. Apply stating salary required and previous experiences to "X” e/o
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1194 8 rr P. 0—BRITISH INDIA AND APGAR LINK. MAIL (Companies Incorporated in England AND PASSENGER SERVICES. «fcsr-* 1N& 1 5 c > ■S. For r. pm K0NINKL1JKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. (ROYAL PACKET S.N. COMPANY.) (Incorporated in Holland PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS. (Undei jContract with His Majesty’s Government.) Ths'Compuny’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF.
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