Straits Echo, 17 January 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1166 1 5» jj Of which is rtic a l a fJ* 1 »ttCT,Tf.. °*l i&L X-„ B s fe m iSgpS. css |p>: w r****** ■> (For Chinese YEAR. Send your car early to avoid aiiappointment for painting or varniiljing. We have brought out speciali ties from Hongkong for our Painting
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    • 15 1 ?Wz Ifc* i T\ .»1 fk U m "v r 3 R&f Mi 3 ~.-h*.«whs.
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  • 1243 2 Ax ExplanationEveryone knows that a merchant vessel, when she sights a submarine should at once proceed to steer a zigzag course. So much the daily press have taught us. But most of us do not know exactly how the zigzag is effective, except that it bewilders
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  • 780 2 Views of Pbofkssob. L. T. Hobhouse. Professor L. T. Hobhouse, ic au address in the Milton Hall, Manchester, recently, on IhTrade after the War,” condemned the Paris resolution?. Professor Hobhouse said that if at the end of the war there was established a permanent system
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 152 2 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co. Ltd., Lt rv dj S a 0 a u g a (INC0SP0SAT2D IN ENGLAND) r 0 I sweeping ;TWELVE-DAY JR?. n REDUCTIONS Ir? s, M STOCKTAKING t.*. ■>.1 fL M s<a El-a ral aj STARTS SI/* tpjsej3<$3ejs tjSrjT ejs^ vp ejsejscjpejsep‘F^PPPI 5 g Monday, Jan. 7th at
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    • 89 2 Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy. When yon have a bad cold yon want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effeet a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that eontains nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature’s
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    • 590 2 BAXTER &> Co.'s BEST NAVY CANVAS, SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 8 Co. NOTICE. A MEETING WILL BE HELD at BUi IEEWOKTH COURT Humi on Thursday tbe 17ib. Jauuary, I9jg E 11.30 A.M. sharp to consider wbat STEPS should be t*ken TO INCREASE tu PRODUCTION of FOOD3TUFFB on Province Weilesley Estates. 'lt is
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  • 915 3  -  [By Tom Weight.] A novel about Paisley aud Glasgow people, by a new and to me unknown authot, whose name I have forgotten, seems to me w °5*by of at least a passing note. Its title was Barnacles,” the nickname given to the bero because his face was covered
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  • 120 3 Tbe particulars of the outputs from the following companies, for the half month of January, were: Kamunticg Tin Dredging Ltd —Piculs 360; Hours run 310. Chenderiang Tia Dredging Ltd,, Dredge Pi?u's 150 Hours run 312. Tribat ots —Piculs 56. Captain Long, acting chief officsr to the North Eastern
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  • 1018 3 r An interesting opinion on rubber price prospects comes from a New York firm. I Borne time ago the American Congress pro- posed a new duty on the importation of crude 1 rubber of ten cents (gold) per lb. The large manufacturers in the United States immediately ordered
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 592 3 n-jfffrrTwmwwT mmmmmmmmmm r- MTTKitCTldl? 3 For Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January, 17th, 18th, 19th atid 20th. Every film a f 6#lture in this 3,1 Star Race progrim HS hs HB HS dr■J if if if if if Sr" 8r#r‘ cf r r nr empire L Business Manager THEATH Thomas
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    • 560 3 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. FIR3T. GLASS Book keeper and Typist for Rubber Estate. Free furnished quarters, good salary to the right man, Married Chinese preferred, Apply MANAGER, Trong Rubber Estates, Limited via Tailing, WANTED. SMART ENERGETIC CHINESE MANAGER of good standing and address. Liberal salary to good man. a Apply HORACE W.
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  • 98 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price Dally Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: "ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Echo) 586. Printing Department 343. Al. ft. —All business
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  • 23 4 Augustus. —the 10th January, 1918 the wife of J M Augustus Dove Cote, Tsipinp, of a daughter. Madras pipers please c pv.
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  • 1501 4 It is extraordinary how few people there are outside newspaper offices who realise how difficult a job it is to tell the truth- Not merely the absolute editorial truth, but the every-day truth that we can see with our eyes, smell with our noses and touch
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  • 894 4 Mr W. F. Nutt has opened the Red Triangle Hut Fund with a donation of *lOO. Mr. G P. Owen, Secretary of the Singapire Sporting Club, returns to the Southern Settlement this afternoon. Mr. R G. A Kerr, assistant, Sungei Chinoh Estate, Trolak, Perak, has left for
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  • 1028 4 That Extra “L." Curio.. Ui. how people f.H into things. A lady asked ns m all serion.* last night, “why are they raising Mr. H.llrf.i F" So we »wl something about a fire aDd did not to undeceive her. ‘“P I The Prime Miniater. Mr. Lloyd George completes
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 349 4 CHEW APPMAH. FOR MINERS ASSAYERS. r—sm. J We have a unique stock of Glass and other Chemical Ware required in the Tin Industry All orders are executed by a Qualified British Chemist with first hand knowledge of AssayingWe have just received a shipment of the following k I 1 ■<BU
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  • 480 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams] SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS. Weary DemocratsAmsterdam, January 15. Yfbilittbe Pan-Germans continue their campaign. the following “jj.rt.tMtily to tbo presence Mother of opinions in Qormsnj. Fonr thousand Independent Social J**. -bo ,m ,er h Ta ot permitted to bold meetings, attended of the Fatherland Party in Jena *d
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  • 22 5 Correspondent prioei in .L Lo do U. Wr, I,0nd0,lE>bbor Crepe 2/4 1 Pali Creoe Janoar 7 16. «tr
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  • 653 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Army’s Sorry Plight. Lmdon, January 16, 4 25. I A Russian wireless appeal to all” ssys r I that immediate help is necessary. The J army is perishing of famine, provisioning hasoeased, several regiments are without bread, horses are without fodder. Every I oitisen of
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  • 686 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] satisfactory news. Good Work in the Air- London, January 15. 5 I A British-Italian official message states I that our aeroplanes during the past week I destroyed six enemy machines and drove I down others in an uncontrollable condition. I The Italians operated successfully yesterday fat
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  • 937 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Charges Against M Caillaux. Rome,«ry 16. The newspapers allege tbe discovery of I documents ptoving that M. Caillaux plotted I with Almerryda, 8010 and Cavallini and proI posed a plan for estranging France and I Italy from Great Britain and also sought to
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  • 994 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Great Britain’s Attitude, L udoo, J«nu try 15, f la the House of G mmooi Mr. A. J, Btlfoar, Secretary of Brate for Fjreigo Affairs, stated that Great Britain was awaiting an expression of opinion from the Russian people before reoognising the Finnish Repnblio. He
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  • 259 5 [Rbftek’s Telegrams LABOUR VIEW*. A Message to Russia. London, Jan. 16. The Parliamentary Committee of the Trade Uaion Congress and the National I Executive of the L.bour Party in the oourse I of a message to the Russian people declare I f h*t the British people accept
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  • 41 5 scratching;. The following are the soratchiogs for to-day: Race ll The Earl, Ampang and Paul, Race lll— Gloria. Raci IV —Black Watch and Grand Cordon. Race V —Merthyr Boy, Race Vl— Mi'ky Way. Race Vll —ldunno and Rovuma
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  • 89 5 The following were the Lottery favourites i Race I— (200) (190), Dura (120) (24^*). Race ll— l'o'ar st tr (280) (330). Britisher (240) (180). Race lII M>d>s (280) (200). Mystic (180) (180). Rach IV— Hi'fhiate. La George and Jilliicara (330) (300) (690). Prttty Hoy (160) (170) (300). Raou
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  • 43 5 We append our selections Race I— Dara. Ma Belle. Raou TL—faUo%s l^.nd. Britisher. Race lll —Tim Midis, Raou IV— Xu Georoe or Highgate, Race Y—Baba Kechit Quern Beth. Face Vl— Bindy Creek. Nullo Raci VII- Oh La La. Royal Plume.
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  • 118 5 The following articles will be found on our ontaide pages Pagsi. 2. —The E?onomio Weapon Against Gar* many. The Theory of Zigzagging: 3. Birnaolpi.” Malayan Matters. Tin Outputs. 6. —Rubber Crop Restriction. The Alleged Misuse of Hospital Ships, F«Ue R-porta. China and the War, Empire Theatre. Taiping Oases. Living
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  • 343 6 RESTRICTION PROPOSALS. Unofficial»’ Cable, A meeting to consider the Rubber Linds (Restriction) Enactment was held in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, Jan. 12, the following representatives b*dng present The Hon. Mr. R. C. M. Kindersley, Mr. L. Mooijaart, Mr. C. Ritchie and Mr. J. D. McCulloch for the Planters’
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  • 540 6 JIWBLLBBT IN DISPUTE. The second of a number of suits in connection with the inheritance of the property of the late Nonia Phuah Kim Hoo, a wealthy lady who died at her residence, No. 140, Carnarvon Street, in March last, has been disposed of by Mr. Justice L,
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  • 985 6 Ah Ipoh Opinion. It ie not often that Reuter’s Agency, which derives a fairly large revenue annually from the newspapers of Malaya, condescends to keep us abreast of the times in mattets of local interest developing at Homo, eo that we are duly grateful for the cablegram
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  • 908 6 There has been in oertain quarters a good deal of criticism of China's alleged apathy with regard to tha war. It is said that China has done nothing since she declared war except look for various kinds of financial relief from the Allies. Those who know
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  • 101 6 Determined to keep ahead of the time* the management of the Empire are showiag an all feature programme which is free from padding. The show begins with four reels of the Vohe on the Wire at 8 p.m. At 9.15 a five reel Bluebj'd Photoplay entitled The Hgtit
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  • 486 6 CFrom Owr Own Corespondent.) Taiping, January 15. An Unsuccessful Appeal. The report made at thß Station regarding the Tamil, Ammasen, who was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to five other Tamils (as reported previously) having been read by the Sergeant His Ljrdsbip conaidered there were sufficient grounds to
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  • 324 6 Pururo, January 16. 8. P. Tapioca $10.60 sellers, M. P. Tapioca 11. sellers Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Coast 3 lb. 50z).516 1/2 buyers. Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pepper 40 nominal Trang Pepper ...$32 season over Mace $llO nom. Mace Pickings 48 sellers Cloves season over Nutmegs 110 s
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  • 1091 6 Admiralty Reply. Papers laid fcefore Parliament containing correspondence with the German Government regarding the alleged misuse of British boep t*l ships include the reply of the British Admiralty (Hr. Balfour being then First Lord), dated October 5 to the German allegations. This is as
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  • 232 6 Nothing (says a Peking Exch» could be better than the reports tbit» received from time to time of the work tlm the Chinese labour battalions are doing m Europe. From the very beginning the have done good .work and have shown the usual Chinese amenability to
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  • 150 6 Mr. Wba D. Tait of Bagan D*foh leati the following to our Ipoh contemporary: Absolute knowledge I have none, But my aunt’s washerwoman’s sister's ion Heard a policeman on his beat Say to a labourer on the street, Who had a letter just last week, Written in the
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  • 63 6 Thursday, January 17. Penang Baces. Production of Foodstuffs Meeting it Butterworth Court House, 1130 i.m, Federal Counoil Meeting. Church Workers’ Association, General Meeting, Bt. George’s Girls’ Hsmii 10 a,m. Friday, January 18, Town Band, Esplanade, Saturday, January 19. Penang Baces. Sunday; January 20. Second after Epiphany. Monday,
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  • 44 6 The following programme of muiio be played at the Esplanade to-morrsw 5 p.m, i—--1 Fantasia Bouvenir Meverb*2 Poppies Japanese Eomanze More* 3 Selection The Orchid 4 Walta Fidelity True ti'l Death ha aom 5 Mar oh The Boy 4 Arthur K»J
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  • 98 6 Mr. Chen Yi, Chinese Resident-G** in Urga, has telegraphed to the Government stating that there serious financial difficulties with the lian Government, and reque*t' D B order to maintain the money Urga, a sum of 11,000,000 ba S ra br ojh Living Buddha as a loan
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 1077 7  -  CO-OPERATION OP FRANCE AND BRITAIN. Ftjtubr of West Africa- (By Philippe Millet.) Paris, November 8 There hai been, I believe, since the outset of the war a common feeling in tLe United Kingdom and in France that the two countries ought to avail themselves of the present opportunity
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  • 925 7 By a British Contributor. The reeent changes at the British Admiralty were not unexpected by those who were in the know, though they caused genuine surprise to the general public. But for some months past it has been thought that the direction of affairs from the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 252 7 an ESTflBLl 3H 1872. D K8~ 3 Bh* S£— by royalty rfl patronized 8H •“tf 3— r* atSECURE STJCCE.S AND SATISFACTION IN THIS mew year B7 BUYING JEWELLSEY FROM r* hI rft •■fi rfl Ht r« H6 H8 B P. DE SILVA, TIME.-HO NO URED JEWELLER AND DIAMOND MERCHANT 1,
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    • 12 7 For Children’s Hacking Cough at Night Woods’ Groat Peppermint Cure 1« 6d,
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    • 537 7 You can do it yourself. If you know any one wbo suffers, if yon suffer yourself in the relentless grip 0 f rheumatism, if your joints are stiff or swollen, your muscles weakened, or your limbs drawn out of shape, if you suffer from headache, neuralgia, saiatica or other bodily
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1671 8 P. 0,—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Under Contract with His Majesty’s Government.) The Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present .«ponded. Passengers for Europe are booked via Bombay;, as opportunity offer* and aa far as modation iaavailable.
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