Straits Echo, 15 January 1918

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1188 1 f s MJ Of WHICH iS TML M.* t >*■' Viimi V *'*tCTi (i, "(>■ O>L E-Jg* I|gg aannnnnnn BANKS pnnn HANTf .Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong and Shanghai Nederlandeohe Handel UUUU vllit 41 i'Jw I Australia and China. Banking Corporation. Maatsohappij. —i■ an— —wm Phone No 694, I* (Incorporated
      1,188 words
    • 19 1 t‘% MS' *4 k v%| :v 1i ;i a,. i&O-jl Z\: d-r w .y r-’,vyT"-' r <*St*^*~ tyS k.H
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  • 2123 2 War and not Peace ia the natural state of man. Set down in cold ink this thing that was a truism to some of the best thinkers among the Athenians has a hopeless and per< verted look—a hint of the epigram, which is falsehood dressed in the cloak and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 127 2 i I IWhiteaway, Laidlaw Co. Ltd., Penang.^ (IMCO3PO2ATBB IN ENGLAND) m s R 3 M fa |JDH£L VE- DAY deductions Jg [stocktaking u r is AND m WILL CONTINUE*! £*fp STARTS Monday, Jan. 7th at 9 a.m. 12 DAYS. S*lsS pg REMNANTS TO BE gj CLEARED HALF PRICE M TRAVELLERS’
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    • 90 2 Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy. When you hare a bad cold you want fccTa Ll‘L Wi not \,f that U P n? P a nd pe manent «re, remedy ain. nothin remedy that 00 nothing injurious. Chamberlain's P u .8 ‘ujuriuus. uoamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets all these requirements 3 on atßre P'«.
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    • 547 2 JXTOTICE^ 5 A MEETING WILL BE BUriEEWOKTH COBRT^f on Thursday the 17th. Jan u *l 11.30 A.M. sharp to consider !J* K should be taken TO INpru,* B^ PRODUCTION of FOOttmri 8 2 Province Wellesley Estates > that all Managers of Estates in n S Wellesley will be good enough
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  • 1175 3 I (Bt Tom Wuiohx.) I In an article quoted from the Agricultural I Bulletin {Echo, page 1880) Dr. Lucy makes I »n odd misuse of the word tabu.” As he I uses it, it defeats his intention. For pracI tical purposes,” he says, all anophelines I must be taboo,”
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  • 98 3 The first meeting of the Municipal Commission for 1918 was held in the Municipal Offices, yesterday afternoon, there being present Messrs. W. Peel (President), A. M, Goodman, Quah Beng Kee, Chee Wor Lok, with Mr. I*A,C. Biggs (Secretary) and Mr. L. M. Bell (Engineer) in attendance. Mr. Goodman
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  • 725 3 4 Waltz Aerial Spirits Heker 5 March God and oar Queen Simpson The Swiss Foreign Office gives a formal denial to rumours that Switzerland has recently been solicited to allow the passage of troops or war material across its territory The Swiss Federal Council has decreed that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 469 3 sb sbsb ‘bibsb sfeshife sb <b sb si? «b sbsbfc^ SPECIAL RACE WEEK PROGRAMME -g AT THE Premier House of Quality and Serials Electric Polyscope 4 Busings* Manager. 4 Khoo Keng Checw* 4 For today, Wednesday 8 Thursday, 15, 16, 6 17lh January, 1918, I PRETTY Mrs SMITH ij B
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    • 530 3 WANTED. d AN EXPERIENCED BILLI -/A COLLECTOR. Security 11,000, Apply to Box 586, Y e/o Straits Echo. W ANTED, XiT ANTED a Qualified Chemist fora YV Singapore Dispensary. Apply stating salary required aud previous i experiences to x” e/o Straita Echo. WANTED. AN ASSISTANT MANAGER for the Crag Hotel, with
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  • Supplement to the “Straits Echo.”
    • 175 4 [REUTER’S SERVICE,] PENANG, 15th JANUARY, 1918. Naval Air R \id. London. Jan. 14 1-15 p.m. The Admiralty reports tbat at noon, yesterday, our aircraft bomb p d Engel dump Bursts were observed among the sheds. Tber6 was a direct hit, A cloud.of smoke was reported. Ail our machines
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  • 98 4 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and pnblic holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price s Dally Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mail Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Nos. (Echo) 580. Printing Department 343. A l .a.—
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  • 1320 4 Here ia a paragraph from the financial columns of a London paper which aeema to us to strengthen the case in favour of the Rubber Lands (alienation) Ordinance: Sales to an alien of British-held securities in oil companies and in certain of the base-metal mines hare been prohibited
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  • 1091 4 H. E. the Governo» 1 accompanied by his Private Secretaiy, came from the Hill today. Captain J. S. Rose. Officer Commanding B Company, Penang Volunteers, is acting as adjutant of the Corps* The following passengers leave for Singapore this afternoon Mr. A.. M. Bi chall, Rev. Mr.
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  • 975 4 A Single ommand If we have not been told, sive in the m 0 general terms, what were the decisions 0 f th Paris Conference, there is no uncertainty to what we should desire them to have in the interests of speedy victory f or »u D Allied
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 387 4 ♦***************« 19 n FOR MINERS A ASSAYERS. rJc**T ■i L We hare a uniq' e stock of Glass and other Chemical Ware required in the Tin Industry All orders are executed by a Qualified British Chembt with first hand knowledge of ssayiDgWe have just received a shipmen* of the following
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  • 571 5 [Reuter's Telegrams.] THE BOLSHEVIK TERROR. Hawl officers Murdered Lond- 0, 14 650 n. n«« lf roa om ode th lhf ik Mile, for two d.J* butchered (fflee’. »t Sepeetopol, killing ibfm. inoludiog four «dmi-al. »nd I»i consequence of these Admiral Hametz, commanding the Rlick 8»a Fleet, has
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  • 690 5 [Reuter's Telegrams] FURTHER FIGHTING. Cossacks and BolsheviksPetrograd, January 13. A despatch from R istcff-on-the-Don states that the station of DcbiHzovo on t he Ekaterinoslav Railway thrioe changed hands. Oj Thursday night thi Cossacks, learning of the despatch from Luganskaya of e intolerable Bolshevik reinforcements with artillery, left
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  • 617 5 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] BRE3V-LITOVSK NEGOTIATIONS. Another Prussian Protest. Amsterdam, January 13, A telegram from Brest-Litovsk v Berlin states that on the I2tb instant at the plenary sitting of the peace delegations General Hoffmann again protested against the Russian wircle s propaganda because it transgressed the terms of the
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  • 356 5 [Rbutbr’s Trlforams] Sir Douglas Haig's Report. Lond n, ry 14 12 10 a.m. Sir Douglas Hfig reports lhat we repuls- 1 ed an attempted raid to the east of Moncby Our aeropUn a on Saturday bombed the i enemy’s billets and hutments and fired i several thousand
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  • 139 5 LOTTERY SELECTIONS. The following were the Lottery favourRaoi I —Bonnety Bob (160) (160), Idunno (120) (120). Bjloi II —Charles K. (240) (200). Bara (220) (200). III Gloria (390) (390). Playmate (220) (220). Bioi IV— Highgate or La George (290) (330) (340) (6 0). Black Watch (240)
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  • 96 5 The following articles will be fonnd on onr outside pages Pages. 2.—Peace. S—Adversaria. Municipal Commission, I To day’s Band Programme. 6 —Malacca Notes. Japan after the War. “Die Zukunft.” P.V.R.C. The Week’s Events. A Tragedy of Peace. 7,—Childish Germans, Voyaging Home in War Time. Things that we Like to
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  • 2160 5 SUMMER. Ft Edith Wharton. [Macmillan's Empirh Library], Tbs pablisbei’s uotica wlich goes with tbia boob bfiords ittle ind.cation of its real character. It may indeed be called the love story tf Chanty Boyall but the uo’y person who saves the bouk f ooi mediocrity is Liwyer Boyall, the
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  • 75 5 Obituary. London, January 14, The death is announced of Doctor MonUttbLd tler M 8ter f Trinity Colle e We have received from Messrs. McAlister agents of the Toyo Ki»en sha (Oriental Steamship Company), a »»H calendar for this ve*r, Ci’.cutta Racing Calendar has 0W R notioe Tb j >ckeys, F.
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  • 930 6 Wuddinos. Malacca, January 9. Cupid seems to have waged a successful campaign in Malacca during tbe past two weeks, for several persons have fallen victims to his darts. In fact Malacca has seldom had so many marriages in such rapid succession. Several weddings were oelebrated in different quarters
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  • 1090 6 A Paper With a CHiquunnn Cabbsr. It would be a laborious business («ays the Manchester Guardian to attempt to keep pace with the suppressions and reappearances of Die Zukunft The Future Maximilian Harden’s famous weekly, which, it is stated, has appeared once more in Germany after six weeks’
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  • 1048 6 (Letter from a lady—whose husband has returned home on the declaration of peace—to a spinster friend in a rural district.) My Dear Betty,—You ask me if I am not delighted at having Jack home again, and you will be horrified if I hesitate to say Yes.”
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  • 1056 6 Hbb Part in thb Nbw World. 8 The part that Japan hopes to play in the 0 now world which will be born at the end of J the war, was defined in mail week by a high t Japanese authority in an interview with a
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  • 1425 6 Ninth Annual Meeting The ninth annuil general meeting of the Penang Volunteer R.fla Club was held at the Penang Cricket Club last evening. There were present Co). A, R Adams (President) Captain C. D. D, Hogan, Captain V. G. Ezeohiel, Captain J. G- Allan. Lieutenants B,
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  • 390 6 Tuesday, January 15, Penang Races. Full Court of Appeal, Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday, Januaby 16. Town Band, Esplanade. Straits. Racing Association, General Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, Ua,m, Thursday, January 17. Penang Races. Production of Foodstuffs Meeting at Butterworth Court House, 11 30 a m. Federal Council Meeting. Church
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 41 6 Accidents Will Happen. It may be impossible to prevent an aooident, bat it ia not impoaaib'e to be prepared tor it. Cbamberlain’a Pain Balm is not beyond anyone's parse, and with a bottle of thia liniment yoa are prepared for almost
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    • 12 6 For Children’s Hacking Cough at ftight, Wood’ Groat Peppermiit Giro li, 6d.
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  • 994 7 STUNTS MASQUERADING AS SUPERMEN. By A D. McLaren. (Late prisoner of war at RuJUeben Don't you think that the Germans, with all their science and learning, are an essentially childish people How often I have been asked that question lately! It has not been the most difficult on
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  • 997 7 A Cetlon Pabsieoik’s Expbeibkcus. A Ceylon passenger on the way Home for war service writes as follows On the journey home the first part was without especial incident. After passing through the Suez Canal, now a soene of l deUiU of wbioh are omitted in
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 278 7 buhrul co/s BOILED RAW linseed oils, SNOW WHITE ZINC, PAINTS TURPENTINE. To be had Retail from all the Leading Stores. sandilands, BUTTERY &> Co. Sole Agents, Straits Settlements WONG KIM MUN, 77a, Bishop St. Penanj, manufacturer of rubber stamps, brass seal COPPER PLATES. (iSP ENGRAVER, EMBOSSING PRESS, ETC,, ETC. JOHN
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    • 657 7 Yen can do it yonrself. If you know any one wbo suffers, if you suffer yourself in the relentless grip of rheumatism, if your joints are stiff or swollen, your muscles weakened, or your limbs drawn out of shape, if you suffer from headache, neuralgia, soiatica or other bodily tortures,
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    • 37 7 KarJy Colds. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dan* geroua. A neglected cold may mean a wir-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’. Coach r.r «1, b r all di.pu.uL
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1285 8 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Enc land MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hia Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL 8ERV1CE8 EAST OF BOMBAY are at present snapended. Paeeengers for Europe are booked via Bombay Was opportunity offers end as fares accommodation is
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