Straits Echo, 14 January 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1257 1 3?« £*< R M Of WHICH IS THE tS use ml tSlg.T*- 1 a J* r«H*r GOOD CHANS (BANKS. j Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. 'Phone No 694, OR STOP ON YOUR WAY HOME (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter.) FOE MICHELIN TYRES
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    • 16 1 f:l-. !:i V%t\n !U ft /g%/ ..'.rt fcvja vr t Sfe*: •VJ —rW L« PSt> NATOS!
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  • 1523 3 Thb Evolution or Politics iic Qkmani. Bt G. 8. i If Parliamentarism were established in the German Empire and in Prussia to I morrow, it would be rash to build upon it t any hopes with regard to a change in c authoritative German foreign policy or in
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  • 346 3 Saxs a writer in a Home paper “If men and jinn should combine together to bring the like of this Qur-an sai 1 the Prophet, they could not bring the like of it, though some of them were aiders of others.” I must confess that, without going
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 294 3 o; DCCZ) IT S GOOD TO FEEL TIRED ;i ffer healthy exercise but if that tred fueling does not disa, pear.i ,ftpr a night's slfl«p it's abnoimal It rneaus that you are anasmic ,!r debilitated, that you need a toni to build up your thin blori 0r, Willianas’ Pin< fills
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    • 56 3 ~inn r Every Day «tntfirar 4 PlNKETTtS, n 1} |hc tiny laxative» that correct constipa ion, cure sick head- |i 0 aches, stimulate a sluggish liver and keep one lit always i j 1 so cent* D«r Shis! at rout dr*S»«»t*« direct hr mail an racaipt ol >»)•« H I
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    • 589 3 RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO SCIATICA. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica are three of the most common and most painful complaints and practically arise from the same cause and the names f Only distinguish the location of the disease. If the arms and legs are affected it is Called Rheumatism; if in the Loins,
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  • 1035 4 The complain* baa often been made (says the Malay Mail in the conrae of a leading article) mat puolic spirit ia practicallv nonexistent in tbe Federated Mlay S atea. One reaaon for this ia that ao many of our moat prominent citizens, with tbe except:on of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 930 4 IS BaEBaraiaaHHBa WKH a fLr /”*>. flftS fc5£ta*U& i r 1 IWhiteaway, Laidlaw Co. Ltd., Penang. ra Gil a a 01 SWEEPING f Ed 0 Ed 0 (INCOHPOSATSD IN EN3LAND) ra E TWELVE-DAYi™»! I HbblL If fl I g E E K a k 53 STOCKTAKING SALE S| 1| STARTS
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  • 1280 5 De Souza— Dk Cruz, The Church of th 9 Assumption was oo Saturday morning the soeue of a pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Mr. L uis Philip de Suuzr, of Messrs. Pritchard Co., and Miss Eugenie Adeline da Cruz, eldest daughter of Mr. Ted de Cruz, Superintendent,
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  • 212 5 The first shoot of the new Season took place yesterday morning at 7 a.m. in dull weather, there being a moderate attendance. The conditions were a sigbter and 7 counting shots each at 200, 300 and 500 yards at N. R. A, targets. The sLoot resulted
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  • 461 5 The following programme of music will be played at the Esplanade to-day at 5 p.m,:— 1 Fantasia The Broken Chain Oayne 2 Serenade La Paloma Vradier 3 Selection Madame Sherry Felix 4 Waltz Bright Angel Pecorini 5 March Merrie Merrie England Carter The current Bulletin of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 526 5 HAROLD LOCKWOOD AND jr- iH tf"* rfar* SH 2* ar* ir* dr* i*- >f* >r* jr* jr* sf* 4T* arJp* sr* ar* er* ar* 3T* 4P* •r* #r* ap* «P* ar* Sr* ir* jr* if* ar* Sr* if* *r* if* sr* tf* ar sr* Sf ar ar if* an 8H
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    • 679 5 WANTED. TWO EXPERIENCED COMPO SITORS for the Newspaper Department. Good salary to competent men. Apply to FOREMAN. 10. e/o Straiti Echo. WANTED. N EXPERIENCED BILL- COLLECTOR. Security »1,000. Apply to Box 586, c/o Strait* Echo. WANTED. WANTED a Qualified Chemist for a Singapore Dispensary. Apply stating salary required and previous
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  • 96 6 PUBLISHED DAIIsY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price Daily Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Address: ECHO PENANG.” Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 586. Printing Department 343. N.H. —ail basmeaa communications
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  • 54 6 DM Fouza— db Cruz. Oi the 12th Jacui'v, 1918, at the Church of the Assuro prion, by the R-v. L. M. Duvellp, L n uis Philip de Sons», of Messrs. Pritchard A C >., Ltd, to E igenie Adeline, eldest d«ugkt a r of Mr. and Mrs. Ted da
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  • 1214 6 At a first glance the latest Admiralty changes seem to promise well, and they may make for greater efficiency. It is, at any rate, something to be grateful for that mere seniority has not been the only I test. Yet we confess that we do not greatly like
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  • 56 6 Latest Quotations. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 1133, hiiy«rs no Singapore (refined) at $133.50, buyers no s ller», M*ftsrs. Boustead A Co inform us ih*t the following w»re the quotations for Rubber on spot in London on the 12th inst. received today:— Plantation Ist
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  • 37 6 (From Char Oim Cor respondent.') London, January 11. The prices in the London Rubbor Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/4 J Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/4$ London, January 12, Pale Crepe 2/$ Diamond Smoked 2/4$
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  • 889 6 M r P. W Mager goes to Pahang to act aa State Eogineer. The death in action ia reported of Mr G. H. Liwrie, the aon of Captain Lawrie, of the Kinta m Mr. J. E. Jick'oo haa befn appointed >o act aa Srate Eogineer, Perak, vice
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  • 963 6 The Gift of Tongues. Writing on the recent CoDf 3reß(V> Paris correspondent dwells with 0 sistence on the necessity for British n 1 men and diplomatists to extend linguistic attainments, wbiob in man th seem to bs very limited. It g rf y C4 that tbe one serious
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 NEWEST SUITINGS FOR FASHIONABLE ATTIRE A NEW RANGE JUST RECEIVED. Clothing made to order in any style. FEPFECT CUT, STYLE AND FINISHED GUARANTEED. Wh’te Drill LouDge Suit, $6-50. Khaki Drill $7-50. Sporting Jacket made from Fancy Tweed $13. Lounge Suit in Blrck Tweed, 135Black Tweed, best quality, 56 ins. wide>
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  • 645 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] An Unbridgeable Abyss. Ltndoo, January 11. Mr< Winston Churchill, Minister of Muni- .neech at the Amerioan luncheon tiOD?, 1° a P W q.vov Hotel said that the abyss and Fr,„i.', .mbi- 1 tween our war tionl is unbridgeable at present. Germany lt
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  • 598 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams] mm THE BREST-L1T0VSK NEGOTIATIONS. Resumption of Hostilities Threatened London, January 12 The position as regards the BrestLitovsk negotiations now is that the Allies not having responded to the proposal of the Central Powers for a general peace, the Central Powers now propose that pourparlers should
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  • 601 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] DEBATE IN TBE CHAMBER Bocialht* and the GovernmentParis, J*nuary 12. The Frerch Chamber by 397 to 145 votes passed a vote of confidence in the Government following a debate regarding the diplomatic conduct of the war in which M. PichoD, Foreign Minister,
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  • 546 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] SIR DOUGLAS HAIG’S RETORT. Raiders Repulsed London, Jan. 12, 12-55 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports i—- We repulsed a raid to south of Armentieres and dispersed working parties to tbe south-east of Mooohy le Preux, Hostile artillery was more active to the north-east of Ypree. Our
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  • 743 7 [Keutek’s Telegrams New MembersL -ndon, January 12. The Board of Admiralty baa been reconstituted. The new members are Bear* Admiral Sydney Fremantle and Captain George P, W. Hope and the civilian member Mr. Arthur Pease. Acting Vice-Admiral Sir Henry Oliver and Commodore Godfrey Paine will retire. f ondon,
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  • 137 7 The following articles will be fomnd on our outside pages Pages. 3.—“ The Holy Qur-an.” Rudimentary Parliamentarism. 4 —Public Spirit in Malty*. Publio Feelin* and the Nary. 5 Local Weddiog. P. V. R C. Race Attraction. To-day’s Band Programme. 8. —Landlord and Tenant. The Week’s Events. Penang Turf Club
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  • 771 7 Chinese Dbfbat Bolsheviks. Tientsin, December 26. Telegrams from Harbin bring new* that the Bolshevik troops there have been disarmed by the Chinese troops, both sides sustaining casualties Ruettio, the extremist leader, escaped. The Chinese authorities have taken possession and order has been restored, Harbin, December 26. The
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  • 165 7 Pkbshntation to Mb Pbwwt, The staff of the Eastern Smelting Co-, Ltd., to-day made a pres°ntation of a handsome silver rose-bowl to Mr. F. George Penny in commemoration of his association with tbom and as a memento of their appreciation of what he has done for the
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  • 240 8 Penamg, January 14. 8. P. Tapioca $lO.BO s I'ws. M. P. Tapioca 11.25 tellers Gold leaf 72 Pepper (W.Coast 3 lb. 5 oz) $l6 1/2 buyers Black Pepper 25.00 buyers White Pupper 40 nominal Trang Pepper ...|32 season oyer Mace $llO Qom. Mace Pickings 48 sellers Gloves season over
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  • 687 8 Interesting Decision or Singapore Appeal Court. The judgment of the Court of Appeal on an important issue between lan lio d and tenant was delivered this morning, says the Strait» Timet of Saturday. The appeal was mat of the Saltan of Siak and Lim Nee cloon against
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  • 147 8 Monday, January 14. Town Band, Esplanade, P. V- R. C Annual General Meeting, Penang Cricket Ciub, 7 p.m, P C C. Tennis Tournament Entries close Municipal Commission, 4 p.m. Tuesday, January 15, P.-n'rng Rices. Full Court of Anpeal, Kuala Lumpur. Wednesday, January 16. Town Bind, Esplanade. Straits
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  • 1018 8 Splendid Financial Position, The report of the directors of Wearne Bros., L d for the year ended October 31 last, says The profit for the period,after making full allowance for depreciation on stock, buildmgp, furnPure, garage fquipmiut, etc., but subj ct to directors’ fees, amounts to $640,132
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  • 268 8 Officers and N.C.O’s P.V. vt The Rest of Penang. After a long rest cricket is being revived in Peuang. The first game of the season took place on the Esplanade on Sa urday afternoon when the ifficers and N.C.O’s of the Pecaog Volunteers met The Rest of PcoaDg. The
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  • 15 8 Serendah 34,572, K*masan 16,413, Bukit Kepong 9,320, Utan S mpan 12,800 lb.
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  • 546 8 Empire Theatre, The Masked Rider a sensational five part Metro Quality production with Harold Lockwood and May Allison in the stellar roles, will be the feature attraction at the Empire Theatre to-night, tc-morrcw night and Wednesday commencing at 10.15. This wonderplay is brimful cf thrills. Mr. Lcbwood and
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  • 682 8 JANUARY MEETING. FIRST DAY’S PROGRAMME TUESDAY 15th JANUARY 1918 1 The George Town Plate —3 P m* Value S400- A Handicap for all Ponies tha 1 have not won a raee other than a pony rao w since 1st January, 1917. Entrance Fee, $20Distance, six furlongsMr. J.
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  • 77 8 nil 16 fullowi °g »re our selections for tomorrow; Racb I— (1) Royal Plume (2) Bonnety Bob (3) Oh La La. Racb II.—(1) Charles K. (2) Farisha. Race 111 —(1) Gloria. (2) Midas. t i (8) Playmate, Race IV—(1) Jillawara. (2) Highgate. (3) Black Watch Race V—(1)
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  • 935 8 Coroner's Enquiry, In the Third Coart, to-day, Mr S Langston, in the oapaoity of Coroner tor PeoaDg Island, held an enquiry j,. the circumstances attending the de» of a Chinese goldsmith, named Kim, as the result of injuries received f r( ms coolie named Ah RwDg on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 297 8 NOTICE SUNGEI GETTAH ESTAIE, V.c-ncy tilled. Applicant)* thanked. MANAGER PUBLIC AUCTION OF THREE WOODEN LIGHTERS Nop. 62, 81 and 82, property of »h< PENANG HARBOUR BOARD The undersigned are instructed to sell tbe abnVH on THURSDAY, 17th JANUARY, 1918 At Jvluto.g at Si* Tat Lee'» Y*rd AT 11 A,M. SHARP
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    • 52 8 Accidents Will Happen. It nny be irrp issible to prevent an accin u*, but it is not impossible to be prepar-d f >r it Chamberlain's Pain Balm is not bajond anyone’s purse, and with a bottle of this liniment you are prepared for almost nnythiDg. For sale by all dispensaries
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  • 1207 9 [To th« Editor or thr Timer < 8ir, —The vehement snd, indeed, bitter criticism wbicb, now for a long time, has been frequently ottered concerning oor j naval posit oo is directed not solely or even principally against tbe Admiralty it is direct'd chit fly
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 751 9 NOTICE. vrvFTlNG WILL PE HELD AT mti'I EEWOBTH COURT H USE y th« 17 b. January, 1918... A*- > fhH 17.h. January, lyio, a» onTh rM Nba pto cnnaiHe* what STEPS 11,30 A M. 8bB ,P n rk WPR E! A SUl V-,, M he t.k n TO INCREASE the
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    • 505 9 Old-age Coughs. Wheezing. and Difficult Breathing Cured by VCNO’S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE There ia real relief for the bronchial troubles of old folks in Yeno’s Lightning Cough Cure. Qaickly it frees the choked up tubes and air passages, loosens the tough phlegm and soothes the trying cough Old age need
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    • 1305 9 PENANG AUCTION MART. BY ORDER OF THE Receivers appointed by the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG. IN SUIT 1913 No. 389. BETWEEN QUAH ENG HEOH and KHOO SIT CHEANG Plaintiffs AND! TAN SIEW KIM, the Administratrix of the Estate of KHOO SIT HOE, deceased, KHOO CHOON
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  • 1094 10 The easiest mouthful of political words used sinoe Athens firrt got a notion of democracy has always been one which con- 1 tained some idea related to citizenship; yet free oitiamsbip of any effective sort h«s been about the hardest of all thing a to realise. The
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  • 871 10 It baa been whispered that the Kaiser ii suffering from a dread disease, And that this disease has attacked his throat and tongue. At one time it was quite fashionable to oirculate reports of this kind. Not to be able to quote a relative who bad a
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 MAN do you know the datger of noglect’ng a chill P Chii'g lead to pneumonia and a score of o din«e'cus dii* oiders. Be p sod the first si gD or a chill take a dose or two of WOODS’ GREAT PEPPERMINT CURE the mrdicine *bat should never be absent
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    • 130 10 i(ew*3 'S8 5? 88 LARGE QUANTITIES OF m fl Mm %J( XL vf U Jill Ci 3 V ‘‘°D 33>l?u°H ‘qouiguay j [state Requisites Supplies 0 8 33S ON If TTUD 3SU31d HV3M <S3iaVl V N3H3HN3Q HOi ahtvoi£> xsaNia 1? a^iiiNao (iitLSii jsvasi sms aaoNudi a3AI303&I ±snr 0 A 1
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  • 1158 11 »n »b»enoe of lome years I returned Afte L.kf d9li«bta of Chinatown, only to Pi b r»it theold lorewM *<me. Lim.hou.. fiD< 1 i. Without salt or savour flat and toto. hi- and of all that it* name con- BDpr fi f old!in my mind, of colour and
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  • 432 11 Ever since tbe sinking of the Monte Prmtegido Aire. ba. demonstrated” in the pi* it. and before the Casa Roaada; it ba. burnt up German business house, and newspaper offices, and formed in tbe face of tbe Hun, and it has only been restrained from lynching
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  • 335 11 China is a lend of am* sing contrast*. She still sometimes sews her malefactors up io raw hides and minoes them slowly into a thousand pieoes. or makes witnesses kneel upon chains to stimulate tbeir memory. But tbe other side of the picture was seen tbe
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 86 11 Chamberlain’s Co»gh Remedy. rem^ 91 l7 OU ftYO a °°ld y° n *ant fat y l at wi| l nok only gir« relief, but efthi» a °d permanent eure, a remedy Uim *l* ®*f ant to take, a remedy that conC inoK u ot j* injariom. Cbsmberlain'e It dy mpmB
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    • 10 11 For Childrtn’a Hacking Comgh at Night Wooda’ Ghrtal Ptpftmi»* <Hn
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    • 486 11 ESTABLISHED 1874. THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Company, Ltd. Incorporate ia India. BRANCH OFFICE, SINGAPORE J. R MAoreimaoH, Secretary 8.8. <fe F M.8. Funds exceed $80,500,000.00 Claims Paid $26,000,000 00 LOW PATES LIBERAL CONMTIONS Apply for Prospectus etc. to Lim Eu Toh, Merchant, 168, Beach or 86, Beach Street.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1507 12 P. 0.—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Em land MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The'Company’s MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at present supended. Paneogers for Europe are hooked via Bombay .|aa opportunity offers sad as fares ■ssodation is available.
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