Straits Echo, 12 January 1918

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 \f} .’i aw:^^ £j~<\'?.-' i r y 7 1 1 AA»! UC1S «TV^ 't .Ar^. LA)it^ a m rm. m m (§8$) §S ar V,n) Ijk m K:*J I W': y./rf V</ T-:-f Vi > i -j V. <" i ..?*> i; r ,V>,-?- >i ‘f m./f>* —o\ vS/yvr^s.'^ m
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  • 2043 3 New Battles ik old Oui°e. (From a lint*s Oc rrespondent Y-»rs «g*. wbei* I was a small boy, I came to breck-t 8 v John Froissart 1 W'tb Tacitus, personages wbo recorded dull bitr torical facts in needl sslv diffi mil language. Of the two, I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1304 3 PENANG AUCTION MART. BY ORDER OF THE Receive*» appointed by the Supreme Court of she Ssra ts Settlements. SETTLEMENT OF PENANG IN E.UIT 1913 No. 389. BETWEEN qUAH ENG HBOH and KHOO SIT CHEANG Plaintiffs AND TAN SIBW KIM, tho Administratrix of the Estate of KHOO SIT HOE, deceased, KHOO
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    • 89 3 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. When yon have a bad oold you want a remedy that will not only give relief, but effect a prompt and permanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that contain* nothing injurious. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all these requirements, [t acts on nature’s
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    • 12 3 For Children's Ehcekmg Oongh *t flight Wood' Qml Peppermint Cire It, 6d
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    • 590 3 m This Gent's Very Handsome 3-Day “Calendar /a e 1 no v onlv tells the lime bnt it also t wcTdaSfhancu autoniatfcaUv move%nth k r ry twer.ty-four hrmrs at midnight the niiea'pd thavfir? u® 1c:cr da >'- Tiie mechanism is no more com ?'S-^m^t?„fi r^ ar Q !„r o atClL
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  • 1753 4 For tome reason or other the very important and interesting speech delivered by fne Hon, Mr. W. F. Nutt at the farewell dinner in his honour at Kuala Lumpur has been passed over in silence by the newspapers of the country, even in the Federal Capital. In any
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 I 'g IWhiteaway, Laidlaw Co. Ltd., Penang. S3j aWCOPPOPATEfI IN ENSLAND SP2I o REDUCTIONS |g m ra m M ra STOCKTAKING r„j A v II A Jvs sksfesksfcsfetfciifesfeskiiiifet Monday, Jan. 7th at 9 a.m. STARTS AND |*K WILL CONTINUE»® 12 DAYS. gg s-ls g I fui at a a.m. 14
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    • 615 4 Penang Turf Club. NEW YEAR MEETINC 1918. Grand Stand Admission to Tickets only. Tickets for Grand Bfand can be at the Secretary’s Offioe, at the g»te° These Ticket«_ are only sold subj^ retara ,1? right of the Committee to assigning aDy reason, and to forthwith quire him to leave the
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  • 1059 5 (Bt Tom Wrioht.) These Americans cell a pedestrian a biker.” On a comparatively small island, one who hikes so enthusiastically as I do is not long in coming to an Alexandrian state of mind, and sigbioir'for mere trails to conquer. The other day I got oat my
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  • 373 5 Übbvxtl Morniso’s Work. Taking advantage of the last opportunity of witnessing fast work, a good mary members turned oat early this morning 1 1 get hr r with a few ladies at d watched the training of the hors ain prepaiation for arx r week’s races. S n
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  • 164 5 Sir Wd'.Mtn Taylor, K C.M G„ writing fro tn th« Mtlay Sratrs Development Agency, on r 16, has seat the following letter to Mr. H. T. Ciark, Inspector cf Schools, Penan? Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 22ad
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  • 142 5 (Frorr, Our Own Correspondent.') T.tiping, January 11, On the 9 h ins*, fiva Chinese were present d by Mr. A. B. Jordan, the P o'fcctur of Chinese, for having been members cf a Secret or Triad Society and for as-iatieg ia it* mvnagem *nt. Several documents
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  • 219 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Singapore, January 11. The fallowing were the prices realis* d in the Singapore Rubber Auction to day Smoked fine ribbed 98 to $lO5 per picul G iod ribbed 75 97 do Bibbed unsmoked M 73 75 do Piain unsmoked 77 do Crepe fiae
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 549 5 jttTTfWffWNWIWfWWWWWWTOWfNTWTWMI w* SH SH tfIfr* dH SH $H 0H 3H sH ji—3*- COMING s*8H ar* 8H *r* Br--I** a**r* Sr* 4F* Special Attraction Program MONDAY COMING Kmpire Theatre “The Masked Rider” IT’S A "METRO 9 9 Sr* Sr* Stair* sr* aSr* a- star* ttr* ir* ar* aSr* d*sr* aProgram for
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    • 692 5 WA.NTED. TWO EXPERIENCED COMPO SITOR8 for tbe NrW*p»|;S' Department Good 8e*l*ry to competent men, Apply lo FOREMAN. 10. c/s Strait» Echo, WANTED. N EXPERIENCED BILL- COLLECTOR. S=curi’y 81,000. App’y to Box 586, c/o Strait» Echo. WANTED. WANTED a Qualified Chemist for a Singapore Dispensary. Apply stating salary required aud previous
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  • 97 6 PUBLISHED DAILY (Except Sundays and public holidays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LIMITED, 59, Beach Street, Penang. Price: Daily Local $BO per annum. Outstatlon Postage Extra. Mall Edition (Post Free) $lB per annum. Cable Addreas: ECHO PENANG Telephone Noe. (Eoho) 880. Printing Department 303. N. H. —ail business
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  • 1069 6 In the Houae of Commons the ether d*y a Welsh member suggested that Britain should propose to the Allies a treaty for the total exclusion of all commeroe, shipping and trade with the Central Towers until they abandoned all occupied territories and made complete reparation for crimes
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  • 136 6 {From O'er Chen Cot respondent') London, January 10, The prices in the London Rubber Market to-day were: Pale Crepe 2/44 Diamond Smoked Sheet 2/4$ [Messrs. Barlow and Co report under Wednesday’s date.—Over 1,000 tons were catalogued for this week’s auotion. There was a slightly weaker tendency in
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  • 69 6 Latest Quotations Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 9134.25 business done, in Singapore (r* fined) at 9135, business done, (250 tons sold) and in Lindou at .£298 spot and at £292 three months. Messrs. Bonstead A Co inform ns th°t tbe followiog were tbe quotations for
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  • 79 6 A. Successful Teas. The local brsocb of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation baa received telegraphic advioe from the Head Office in Hongktng to the tffect that, subject to audit, the final dividend for the year will probably be £2 3/- per share and bonus
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  • 909 6 The Rav. Mother of the Taiping Convent returned from Penang on tfca 10th instant, The Hon. Mr. Eu Tong Sen and Mr. Chung Tbye Pbin bare returned to Ipoh from tbtir trip to China. Mr. D. A. Mortimer, of Messrs. Harriaona and Croaield, Ltd ,ia having for
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  • 1003 6 Quick Travelling, Says the Malay Mail of Thursday, Mr 0, Venning Thomas is Dow Busrah. w Then he must have n turned on one 0 i magic carpets for which those re g i oc h famous for he was seen in p en n lr< night. I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 FOR MINERS ASSAYERS. We havn a uniqce stock of Glass and other Chemical Ware required in the in Industry. All orders are executed by a Qualified British Chemist with first hand knowledge of ssaybg. We have just received a «hipmen* of the following k Kipp's Gerer. tors. Fetcrls. Betkers. Glass
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  • 636 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE PREMIER’S SPEEOH. Fteling in Canada Ottawa, January 10. The Duke of Devonshire, GovernorGeneral of Canada, has sent the following cable to Mr. Walter Long Becretary ,f State for the Colonies, "My MiDiaters havo r. n ad with much gratification the re P ort
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  • 610 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THE BREST-LITOVSK NEGOTIATIONS. Another Hitch I Amsterdam, January 10. I At the plenary sitting of the German r I Austrian and Russian peace delegations lat Brest-Litovsk on January 1 Baron von Kuehlmann, German Foreign Mioister reviewed the whole course of the negotiate ns land said
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  • 572 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] THREE SUCCESSFUL RAIDS. Renewed Aerial Activity. London, January 11, 1.20 a.m. Sir Donglas Haig reports that tbe Loudon and R fl? regiments successfully raided three points in the trenches to the south-east of Tpres, ufleting many casualties and making a few prisoners. Hostile artillery was active
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  • 322 7 [Reuter’s Telegrams.] Stories of Heroism London, J ia. 11 305 p.m. The London Gazette announces the award of eighteen Yiotoria C'ossea, including seven Canadians, New Zealanders, land Indians. Four of the recipients were I killed. The following are among the most striking I stories t Second Lieutenant,
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  • 110 7 It is notified in the latest FJf 8. Government Gazette that for the period from the 18 h to the 24:h January, 1918, inclusive, the value of the highest grade of rubber is fixed at two shillings and five pence halfpenny per lb., and the
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  • 47 7 (.From Chur Chon Correspondent Singapore, January 11. Mesara. Wearne Bros’ report shows a profit of $640,132. A final dividend of 80 per oent is recommended, making 50 per osnt. for the year and also the payment of a bonus dividend of 50 per oent,
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  • 238 7 The following articles will be found on o«r outside pages Pages. 3. —A Reading of Froissart. 4. —United Malaya. 6.—A Blind Pig. Training Notes. Sticks for Wounded Soldiers. Triad Case at Taiping. B.—War News and Gossip. The Week’s Events. Land Acquisition Case. Germany’s New Weapon. Churoh Services. Vital Statistics,
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  • 1327 7 The author of this book opera with a quotation frcm Walter Bigehot It’s Uwful to read on the currency.” Moat students of the subj ct hare had occasion Ito echo Bagehot’s groana. An expert I knowledge of exchange problems and banking methods does not generally
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  • 697 7 Official Visit to Ipoh. His Highness the Suitan of Perak paid a short visit to Ipoh yesterday morning, at the commencement of a tour whioh he is making during the next three days in the Kinta and Batang Padang districts. His Highness the Sultan, accompanied by
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  • 945 8 ADVENT OF THE SUBMARINE CRUISER. Bt Hector C. Btwatbr. As Sir Eric Gaddes mentioned in hia recent speech, the Admiralty have information tbat Germany it now completing for sea submarines of greatly increased sis upeod and power. When the first news of these formidable und«r-water raiders came
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  • 1328 8 To-day’e Pbocebdihos. The bearing was resumed in the Supreme Court, this morning, before Mr Justice L-M Woodward, Senior Pusine Jud;e, aittmg with two assessors, Mr Allen D nnys (lor the Penang Harbour B ard) and Mr. Cheab Kee Ei (for Mr. Oji Sean Swee, the Claimant) of
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  • 69 8 Jan 13 Ist Sunday Epiphany, 800 a.m. Matins 830 a m. Holy Communion 10-00 a.m. Holy Communion (Chinese) 5- p.m. Sunday Bchool 6- p.m. Evensong Hymn 79 Psalms LXTX Battishill LXX Barn by Magnificat 46 Nunc Dimittis 61 Hymns 220, 266 and 177 On Wednesday. 6-00
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  • 28 8 900 a.m. Children’s Service, 600 p m. Public Worship. Preacher R*-v. Donald J. Ross, m.a. Hymns —647, 256, 500, 440 and 616.
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  • 404 8 The following is the health statement of t be Penang M nnicipality for the weak ending' December 29, 1917 [Male 51) > 72 Female 21 Death rate 35-42 per mille per annum compared with 30.99 in the preceding week and with 29.32 in the corresponding week of last
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  • 2538 8 the single front. (Iron Over Oun Correspondent.) London, November 15. Although there has been a great change of Dolicy on the Western front, necessitated by Dalian reverse, it must not be taken for granted that there will be any strategy. Those who have followed these Letters
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  • 96 8 The following are the agenda of the meeting of the Municipal Commissioner! to be held on the 14th inst.:— 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the Pracideat may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Some bills ito be passed. 5. Tenders
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  • 251 8 Saturday, January 12. Cricket.—P. V. Officers aud N. C 0. "The R»st, M E planade. Football.—Kennedy Co. vt. IndiM Recreation Club, S. X I. ground. Bunday, January 13. New Moon. First after Epiphany. P. V, R. C. Shoot, 7 a m. Monday, January 14. Town Band, Esplanade.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 41 8 Early Golds. Be careful of the colds you take at this time of the year. They are particularly dan* gerous. A neglected cold may mean a win-ter-long cold. Take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy at once. For sale by all dispensaries aad dealers.
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    • 80 8 Occasional spells of Fever may be aaid to be the inheritance of all who come to the Tropica. As an easement and to quickly break them down and restore the body temperature to normal there is nothin? better than WOODS’ GREAT PETPERMINT CURE. A dose or two of this medicine
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  • 2191 9 a 0 Dividend. o o 3 Numbs ef d 1 4 1 i i t i Capital. Khar. i issued. V T3 last innfar «arrant HtB( S C s H 0 fa. 1 m m M "3 Cm cial year. jaar0 ca a GO <y KVBBEK—BOLLAR 8HAREB. 8 ets.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 495 9 LARGE QUANTITIES OF r {Estate Requisites Supplies JUM» fc St i. f if illways Stocked. LIFE WITHOUT HEALTH 18 LIVING DEATH V ETAR ZOne^ef^ This remarkable compound, the latest discovery of modern times, is without equal in all case.* of defective nerve and brain power, whether induced by worry, overwork,
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  • 1572 10 D;in«k« Sotdat Q rbre*e Sanol-*de 0-r L Igivne Af Ha-ald Nielsen. (Gyldsadalske Baghandel, Kjobenhavn.) We tm?e tead this book with unusual emotion It is a contribution to the literature of the war which is remarkable alike for its originality and for its quality of warm enthusiasm
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  • 434 10 The annual report of the Straits Chinese Literary Association states that at the beginning of tbe year there were on the roll fortyeight members. Dining tbe year there were three resignations ard two expulsions Thirty one candidates were enrolled as members aDd this raised tbe membership
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 104 10 CHEESE. i Stilton Australian Cheddar Edam Gf uycre SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE COMPANY, LIMITED, PENANG. [ocraraoEsa BLUE “MYSTO” i V v*l C!HS ANT EXTERMINATORY l AND POWDSR ENTIRELY BRITISH MAD? o u i. o CAN SOPPtY PROM STOCK McAlister <& Co., Ltd. r. rJI o J a Agents. or iQ] ..j
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    • 51 10 Why It Sells. Chamhe r lain’s Cough Remedy is the largest seilirg cough medicine id the world to-day because it does exactly what a cough remedy is supposed to do. It stops the cough by curing the cold, and does it speedily and effectually. For sale by all dispensaries and
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    • 880 10 MAITHOID ROOFING. For Dams, reservoirs, filter beds, factories, bungalows, banks, business blocks, coolie lines etc., etc. PABCO PAINT For the preseryation of Iron and Steel. enquiries to Sandilanda, Buttery 60., Penang, Sole Agents. notice. Amfeting will fe held at BUI IEKWOKTH COURI'H USE ®n Thursday toe 17 b. January, 1918.
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  • 2575 11 The Mayor had not as they say, turned np He was indisposed. As a result, a man in an oven oat. who had been sitting in a front se<t in the body of the hall, took the chair He had needed a little persuasion. At first the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 265 11 'PhCilA Bouquet of India’s Choicest Flowers. An entrancingly fragrant and powerful scent, yet not cloying, Phul Nana blends all the choicest scents of an Indian Garden into an unique perfume. Try it and enjoy this luxury in sweet smell*. Phul-Nanii can also be obtained in conjunction with a most complete
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    • 65 11 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. An ordinary meeting of tt Municipal Commissioners will he bel at the Mun c pal Off ce at 4, o M nday, the 14th lastin'. L. A COUIIER BIGGS Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. Municipal Office, George Town, Penang, 11th January, 1918. ANDREW USHER Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE
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    • 371 11 I Have yon a Bheumatio Frionl Tel] him about Little’s|*Ofiental Bairn, a s tDodern emancioator from tbe acbes aud puna of tbe human body. No mere relief, but permanent freedom from tbe tortures and deformities of rh umatiam. Tbe oure has been achieved not once, not a few time*, but
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1649 12 P. 0,—BRITISH INDIA AND APCAB LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL SAILINGS(Undei Contract with Hia llajeatj’a Government.) The Compenj'a MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY are at preeent aeepeaded. Passengers for Inrope are hooked via Bombay las opportunity offer* and as ferae accommodation ia available.
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